• Published 16th Mar 2024
  • 561 Views, 4 Comments

Teaching Friendship - TheKing2001

After the friendship games, Twilight decides to give Crystal Prep a chance and learn friendship from newly appointed Principal Cadence.

  • ...

Chapter I

Twilight groaned as she rubbed her ears as she sat on the steps of Canterlot High, trying in a failed attempt to process everything that happened today.

“Lot on your mind?” Cadence asked as she sat down next to her and crossed her legs.

“Oh, you have no freaking idea,” Twilight answered as she lifted her head. “I almost killed everyone, turned into a raging demon thing and now the Friendship Games are a tie. Don’t even get me started on the whole different world out there or the magical students!” Twilight flung a hard around her as Cadence wrapped an arm around her.

“That was Cinch, that wasn’t your fault Twilight. And partially mine for not doing a better job of looking after you,” Cadence admitted as she rubbed the back of her head. “For that, I’m sorry. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s her fault as you said,” Twilight said as she glanced at Sunset talking with her friends before they all glanced at her and waved.

“I don’t suppose I can stop you from going to Everton now,” Cadence sighed and shook her head. “Not that I blame you, I’d be more than happy to transfer you if that’s what you want. Or here even. You seem to have friends here too.”

“Actually I was thinking of staying at CPA,” Twilight admitted and held up a hand as Cadence gave her a stunned look. “I know it wasn’t good to me and I love the atmosphere at Canterlot High along with the girls I became friends with today. I can still see them on the weekends and after school hopefully while learning more about friendship from them but I also wanna learn from you. You’ve always been there for me and well, I can’t think of anything else. So uh can I stay?”

“Of course you can stay,” Cadence hugged her as she smiled. “If you’re sure this is what you want, I will always support you just like I always have. Just make sure your parents are okay with it too.”

“Do we have to tell them what happened? What if they throw me out?” Twilight asked nervously as she looked up from the ground and hugged her back.

“Your parents love you Twilight. They won’t throw you out and I can leave out some bits,” Cadence said as she winked at her. “I’m not sure even I believe all that happened and I was there. Not even sure Shining would believe me.”

Twilight nodded as Cadence looked over her shoulder and let her go with a smirk before pointing behind Twilight at Sunset and the others waiting patiently.

“Looks to me your friends are waiting for you,” Cadence said with a smile. “Go talk to them while I call your mom to get you. I have to ride on the bus with the others unfortunately to make sure they don’t misbehave.”

Twilight nodded as she stood up shakily and walked over to them slowly as Fluttershy hugged her.

“Uhm hi,” Twilight said as she eyed them all nervously as she awkwardly patted Fluttershy on the back.

“Heyo,” Rainbow said as she pulled Fluttershy off of her. “Let the girl breath Flutters. Hugging the life out of someone is Pinkie’s gig.”

“Sorry,” Fluttershy said quietly and stepped back.

“So you coming here or what?” Pinkie asked as she gazed at Twilight. “We can have parties and eat cake and play games and be besties and-”

“What she means is she wants you to stay but would support your decision to stay at cpa,” Sunset interrupted as she placed a hand over Pinkie’s mouth.

“I uh I’m going back to CPA,” Twilight admitted as the others faces fell. “But I do want to spend time with you all. I don’t really know much about friendship but you all do if you don’t mind being my friend.”

“Of course we don’t mind Sugarcube,” Applejack said as she flung an arm around Twilight. “Anything ya need, we’re here for ya.”

“She’s right darling,” Rarity added with a smile. “We’re not going anywhere.”

“I don’t get why you wanna go back to that hellhole but you’re cool in my book,” Rainbow shrugged as she punched Twilight’s shoulder with a grin as Twilight winced. “Heh sorry, didn’t mean to hit you that hard. Anyway, good luck at cpa. If they give you trouble, let me know and I’ll fight em.”

Sunset rolled her eyes as Rainbow started punching the sky behind her and saying random words to herself, Sunset occasionally hearing Cinch’s name. She had to admit, she wouldn’t mind laying out Cinch right here on the concrete but she’d get suspended or worse, arrested.

“Phone,” Sunset said as she held out a hand and Rainbow quit her fight with the air to walk over. Twilight raised an eyebrow but complied, handing Sunset her unlocked phone as Sunset typing for a few moments before handing it back. “Now you have all our phone numbers and I texted myself. I’ll add you to our group chat once I get home because my phone is dead.”

“Twilight! Your mom will be here in five minutes!” Cadence called as Sunset flinched briefly. She still was getting used to seeing Cadence of all people. She hadn’t heard that voice in forever it seems.

“Okay!” Twilight called back as she sighed. “My mom is almost here. I’ll text you all later and- oof!”

Pinkie hugged Twilight as she gave a strangled gasp, inhaling rapidly as she felt her body practically being broken in two.

“A-air!” Twilight begged as Applejack and Sunset separated the two. “Thank you. I’ll see you around I suppose?”

“You can count on it,” Sunset commented with a shrug and smirked.

“You should totally join our band, it’ll be awesome!” Rainbow suggested and Pinkie made a gasping sound that Twilight didn’t know if she was dying or what.

“That’s an awesome idea Dashie. Then she can’t avoid us.”

“I guess I’ll consider it but I don’t really know how to play an instrument other than piano,” Twilight mused as she folded her arms. “It would be exciting to learn something new.”

“Sounds like a yes to me,” Rarity said with a faint smile. “I presume that adorable little car is your moms.”

Twilight blushed as she looked at her mom waving at her from a small silver Chrysler.

“Your mom drives a PT Cruiser?” Rainbow asked with a smirk as Applejack smacked her upside the head and Twilight sighed internally.

“Yes, yes she does. I’m sorry for almost destroying the world by the way.”

“Eh we’re used to it,” Rainbow shrugged as she yawned. “It’s kinda our thing, ya know? Saving the world.”

“We will let you go,” Applejack said as she pulled Rainbow Dash back. “Ah got a game to beat Dash at. Ah’ll see ya around Twilight.”

Twilight nodded as the others followed suit or in Pinkie’s case, practically killing her by hugging as Twilight gasped for air before Pinkie released her, bouncing away with a grin.

“Don’t be afraid to reach out,” Sunset said as she squeezed her shoulder. “Trust me, I’ve been where you are. It’s a lot to handle after what you’ve been through and it’s gonna be super rough with the after math of it all but I’ll help you. I do know this area best.”

“What does that mean?” Twilight asked and Sunset grimaced before looking away.

“Story for another time. Go be with your family, I’m pretty certain they are worried about you.”

“I’m more worried about how I’m gonna explain how Spike can suddenly talk,” Twilight muttered as Sunset chuckled as the two girls looked at Spike chasing his tail nearby as the Shadowbolts got on the bus with one blue haired girl with goggles glancing back nervously at them.

“Yeah,” Sunset said and rubbed her shoulder. “Can’t really help you there on that front. Science experiment gone weirdly right maybe? You’re a smart girl, I’m certain you can figure it out.”

“Maybe,” Twilight mused as she glanced back at her mom waving her over. “I really have to go, mom seems impatient today. I’ll uh text you if that isn’t too much?”

“Text me day or night and I’ll answer,” Sunset smirked and paused. “I’ll be a bit grumpy during the night so there’s that but I’ll be there for ya.”

“Sunset! Quit your flirting and get over here! Pinkie is driving me up the wall!” Rainbow shouted as Sunset and Twilight turned bright red.

“Well, that’s my cue,” Sunset mumbled as Twilight nodded. “I’ll text you later. See ya!”

Twilight waved hesitantly Sunset ran to the pink minivan as she yanked the door open and climbed inside, Twilight making out faint arguing inside from Sunset and Rainbow as she turned to her own ride.

“Oh here we go,” Twilight muttered as she started walking to the car. “Spike! Come on!”

“Coming!” Spike called back as Twilight patiently for the dog, picking him up.

“Do me a favor, don’t talk in front of mom and dad. They will flip Spike and I want to come up with a reason why you can suddenly talk,” Twilight said as she scratched Spike’s ear.

“Uh magic?”

“They won’t believe in magic. Heck, I can still barely process it and I was there!” Twilight exclaimed as she pushed her glasses up. “I promise we will tell them soon, just need time.”

“Fine. I just hope I don’t talk in my sleep!” Spike laughed as Twilight groaned.

Internally, she hoped the same thing.