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Princess Celestia has spent 1000 years waiting for Luna's return. During the years Celestia has changed. She became depressed and sank into guilt over what she had done to her younger sister. Now that she is back she will do her best to fix things....except....Luna is different. Sure her coat is a bit different and she looks a bit younger than she was before but it's the way she acts and reacts that's so...unsettling for the older Princess. It's almost like she's a new mare.

Meanwhile, Luna is left to explore a new world while doing her best to avoid her sister and her overbearing nature, while also trying to find happiness again after someone dear was taken from her.

And then there is Twilight Sparkle, she got unintentionally dragged into the whole mess and then dragged herself even further by accident. Now she has to deal with a sad overprotective desperate version of her mentor AND a living mystery of an Alicorn who might be the definition of opportunistic and selfish....for the most part.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 36 )

Why isn’t there a Mane Six tag?

Probably not the main characters, or atleast not as much as the 4 current character tags. However is this an alternate universe? Or is this something to fill in the blanks for season 1 episode 1 and 2 between Celestia and Luna?

The mane 6 are not the main characters yes. As for this being an alternate universe? Also a yes. The past between Celestia and Luna is different and so shall be the future.

Then they all set out to search and Twilight couldn't help but think about her mentor. Before this, she was thinking about staying in Ponyville with her new friends but she wasn't so sure now. Sure the princess would be busy with her sister when they found her eventually, but it won't be fair to have the princess deal with that alone, especially with all the apparent stress that she was having at the moment. There was also the fact that she could learn so much from the other princess as well and Twilight was a suckered for knowledge.

So that's why there isn't a main 6 tag, now it all adds up. Hmmm.

I think the Chrysalis tag is also new, don't remember that being there.

Your story's idea is pretty good, I just think that it could use a little more editing. you've got some grammatical errors, mostly Capitalization and punctuation. You should read Ezn's writing guide.

Handling dangerous, aggressive creatures that feel wounded or vulnerable requires a sensitive approach.
It is better to treat them like a wounded bear. You need to make sure that they never feel cornered or trapped. Keep your distance and make sure they don't feel like you're forcing her to do anything. Make sure they have a dark, safe place to retreat to, with plenty of fruit and berries.

It seems to me that Twilight entering the cave so boldly could easily provoke a battle.

Not quite battle per say, but I can say that she will not regret her action

Sorry, but I didn’t quite understand what you said. Did they mean that “she will regret her action” or “she will not regret her action”?
that is, if the second option, then it turns out that “running thoughtlessly forward into the gap and not thinking about the consequences is a good principle of action”?

The final result will be good, but the process to get the result will have a close encounter with death. Twilight is by all means, considered an enemy by Luna at the moment.

bro we need another chapter

I will provide one soon.

we're still waiting 😰😰

An interesting development, but it seems to me that Luna believed Twilight too quickly. At least if I were Luna, I wouldn’t consider the apology sincere and would give a lecture about how a destroyed stone doesn’t care about apologies and won’t recover from the words “I’m sorry.”

Luna does not accept the apology. Not yet at least. She's an opportunistic pony and Twilight is distraught enough to give up on pleading or defending her life. Luna would consider herself a fool if she didn't use that.

Seek the signs of Luna's lack of trust in the chapter.

Well this is ridiculous, how was Twilight supposed to know!? "Oh yeah, I awaken the elements and so I totally meant to kill Nightmare Moon on purpose."

I already hate this version of Luna.

Also you made the acting of Twilight spot on, the way she just immediately accepts to becoming her loyal servant just to make up for a mistake that she didn't even mean to cause is something she would probably end up doing in the show as well if the events that lead up to this situation happened.

Thank you! Twilight was the character I was worried about not getting right the most so this means a lot to me!

As for Luna, you'll either love or hate her across this story. She is troubled yes, but she'll do inexcusable things. But for this instance, you have to remember that she is talking with one of the killers of her closest companion (if not even more) less than 3 hours after the murder.

funny first meeting. It’s interesting that Luna, in addition to the name Cadence, noted that the cutie mark corresponds to the crystal heart, provided that a lot of time still has to pass before the appearance of the Crystal Empire?

We're still a good way before the crystal empire. Technically this is still within the first 2 episodes considering Luna wasn't revealed to the public yet.

Of course, we are far from the Crystal Empire, but Luna and Celestia were directly there when she disappeared. I think that the fact that someone has the main artifact of a country that technically has not existed for more than 1000 years drawn on their side should raise questions.

Twilight just sat there as she contemplated the answers she got. Then she remembered the matter at hoof. “But Princess. If Princess Luna thinks that she is being replaced, shouldn't you be there to comfort her? She already lost Nightmare Moon a couple of hours ago and now she thinks that she was replaced” she asked worriedly. She couldn't imagine what Luna was going through with Nightmare Moon gone, and now she thinks she was replaced by her sister.

I don't think Celestia knew this, is she not going to point this out?

Also Luna is really rude to Twilight in this chapter.

This is practically Celestia's fault as well, if Celestia just told the entire story of Nightmare Moon to Twilight and about the elements of harmony and who represents the elements of harmony, this could have been avoided, Twilight may have "killed" Nightmare Moon but Celestia is practically the mastermind behind it.

And it's also Luna's fault that Nightmare Moon is gone, maybe don't make a dramatic and scary entrance to the public claiming your going to cause eternal night? You sicko.

All the issues (except Luna being rude) can be summarized to: Things didn't go according to the plan.

“Speaking of the night,” Luna suddenly said, breaking the train of thought Celestia had, to which she was grateful. Yet, she still felt a pang in her heart as Luna dismissed what she said once again. “As we said multiple times today we will be the ones to raise the Moon and bring forth the night. I know I insisted on repeating this statement but I want to make it final,” Silence again as Luna's expression turned from thoughtful to sombre. “I'll do it the same way I did when I earned my mark. Perhaps then you'll see the extent of the folly you have done, of what you made the elements do, and their new bearers.”

“What folly? What are you talking about now?”

“The perishing of Nightmare Moon. I- No, we thought that you changed when you accepted us as one, albeit wrong it was also close. Not only have you spread lies of what my dearest is…was but you have also shown not even the slightest hint of remorse. Perhaps seeing the night without her will show you. In all honesty, I am disappointed and it seems that your day is as well.”

Atleast Luna acknowledged that it was mostly Celestia's fault that Nightmare Moon is gone and not Twilight or the other bearer's.

It's kinda stupid to blame Twilight since she was manipulated by Celestia to make friends and to use those friends to get the elements, that's what the Celestia's goal in the show was, I'm not entirely sure here though. Things seem to be different since Celestia was not banished, we also don't know what fully happened before the Summer Sun Celebration so I just been assuming that everything that happened in episode 1 season 1 has happened.

Twilight was pacing nervously in the corridor. She didn't know what to expect or what might happen. She wants to help Luna and make up for what she did but she also feels so scared and utterly terrified of the moon princess. It's clear as day that the moon princess doesn't like her, you have her behaviour at the meeting as proof. Twilight couldn't blame her though, honestly considering everything, she was lucky to be alive at the moment.

Ok now see this, she shouldn't be thinking like this, it's really annoying how she keeps blaming herself and how Luna is also blaming her.

What else was she supposed to do when someone just got unbanished after 1000 years and they declare eternal night and start attacking you and your friends? Was she supposed to run and let it happen?

I'm a little more upset at Celestia than Luna at the moment since Luna basically described since the beginning that Luna and Nightmare Moon are one in the same.

But that's the thing, at the moment. She had no idea what might happen next, maybe she'd do something wrong and the princess would hurt her or worse, hurt her new friends simply as a warning. Twilight was slightly okay with getting hurt herself but others getting hurt because of her? Oh buck no, she'll never be able to live with herself if that happened.

Wow this gets worst.

The girls were back in their town and they were safe (thank Faust for that) and they were worried about her! A pony that they just met today and almost resulted in their deaths (more than once) and almost had them executed thanks to involvement…okay maybe it was for the better that they did not know that.

Ok now I'm more upset, I seriously doubt I could get any more upset right now, in fact I'm so upset I don't even know how to express how angry I am right now.

At this point, Twilight is going to die by the age of 30 because of overstressing herself, that is if she doesn't become an Alicorn but because of her separation of her friends I doubt that will happen.... Which also just reminded me that Equestria might be doomed when Tyrek attacks.

Now she was hesitant to speak, she was curious about what the sisters talked about for hours inside. Did Princess Luna tell Celestia about Nightmare Moon's death? What would she have said? Princess Celestia was wrong about what Nightmare Moon is…right? The emotions of the moon princess were real but was the cause real? It just…felt so overwhelming. Would Celestia kick her out if she knew what she did? No, no she wouldn't. Or would she?

Well if she did that then she would be a hypocrite and a piece of [REDACTED] considering that she was the only who was basically the mastermind behind the entire thing.

The Moon itself was alive, and its shine and power held strong and gave out its joy…but its other half? the night? The night was…dead.

And Twilight is going to be killing herself on the inside, probably.

Which is actually kinda funny when you acknowledge the double meaning.

Ya I'm a little upset, that might be an understatement.

I'm hoping that Luna and Twilight will get along in the future, atleast if Luna forgives Celestia then she will no doubt forgive Twilight. The quastion is though, when will Luna forgive Celestia? 100 years can go by in a blink of an eye for an immortal.

I feel as thought Luna should connect with Spike in some way.

She is fond of dragons, so she might.

The way Luna and Twilight feel about well Twilight can be explained easily. Both of them have no idea that it was Celestia’s plan. Luna more or less thinks that Celestia gave up out of guilt. She blames Celestia because she left the elements there, she did nothing to protect her kingdom and forced others to act for her, and Twilight was indeed manipulated into discovering the elements on her own and using them.

Neither knew that it was supposed to happen but even then, Celestia’s actual plan did not happen, she did not expect Nightmare Moon to encounter the elements so early.

As for Twilight and Luna? They will warm up to each other eventually. Currently, Luna doesn't like her but doesn't hate her. Especially because she is showing remorse, unlike Celestia.

For Twilight's situation, it can easily be explained as "I tripped on a rock while holding a knife and stabbed someone," that's basically what happened. The rock was Celestia, the knife was the elements, and the someone was Nightmare Moon.

I can't explain Celestia's situation, but if Luna and Twilight don't know that Celestia manipulated Twilight to use the elements then I wonder when they will know, or if they will know.

But if Luna does get warmed up to Twilight then I will gladly keep reading.

Pretty much yeah. Also hope you enjoy your read!

Hola quería saber cuando sale el próximo capítulo

Anger, particularly if someone died in the incident, isn't rational. It will take what you know was an accident and try to twist it into something intentionally done because it needs a target. Throw in Luna's fear of being alone again (also irrational but overpowering in it's potency), and you've got someone who won't be thinking logically or rationally for some time.

Oh, soooo what your saying is that Luna will eventually forgive Twilight and start liking her after a couple days, weeks, or months?

It's a cool chapter, but I have a question. If Luna is just now showing true night, then why didn't she do so during her first appearance as Nightmare Moon? (maybe with the living light of the stars she would have been received better.)

Now that the sisters have at least started talking to each other, I wonder how their relationship will change when Luna finds out that a history festival is dedicated to her, in which they claim that Luna eats children?

After all, they are the first people in the world that she might call a friend that isn't Shiny, Cadance, Celestia, or Spike. Huh…well that was depressing now that she thought about it. Did she really deprive herself of such comfort and joy because of her studies?

after these lines, somewhere in the world Moondenser is sad.

Nightmare Moon wasn't the one who brought up that night, Celestia did. Plus Nightmare and LuLu were busy with other stuff that to them were more important (make Celestia stop being a crying b-).

Also Luna will be livid. It was mentioned in the previous chapter how Nightmare Always wanted a foal but they couldn't just make one (foreshadowing) so imagine how she will react when she learns that they thought she eats them.

As for Moon dancer? You have no idea of what's to come :raritywink:

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