• Member Since 31st May, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I make both fanart and fanfic. I draw all my cover images myself, and I take art and writing commissions!


There once was a bittersweet mare and they called her Lemon Hearts. She was growing in my garden and I pulled her out by her mane, like a weed.

“Ow,” she said, bitterly. “What the hay are you doing?”

A comedy based on the song Lemon Boy. Entry for the QnS 'lyrics' contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

This is just such a glorious shitpost and I love it.

When I heard the playing Lemon Boy song from the other room, I knew where it must-ve come from, and I just asked "Mush or Shas?" And so of course I came running to read it hahaha.

I'm glad I did! The tone is just so wonderfully unhinged. I'm not gonna lie, I was losing it right there with Roseluck. My favorite line was the kick to the horn. It was just so blessedly evocative. And it's not like I'm biased as a Lemon Hearts enjoyer myself lmao. Never.

This was just so fantastic. Pls moar? Pls moar. Like it's okay of no more (she's done growing, after all). But I also guess this, of course, all begs the question: what *is* Lemon Hearts' mom?

Maybe I or some other enterprising soul will get to answer it in an EU one day. 👀


You can't have profanity in the titles/descriptions of a story unless it's rated M. I've removed it for you rather than changing the rating, but if you disagree, feel free to put it back in and rate the story M.

Huh. From the cadance of that opening line, I was expecting something like:

There once was a bittersweet mare,
Who would plant herself, driving me spare.
Though I'd call the mare crazy,
She grew like a daisy.
Now she dwarfs me, but not my despair.

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