• Published 15th Apr 2024
  • 286 Views, 27 Comments

My Little Pony with Harold and the Purple Crayon. - Big Imagination E

Harold arrives in Equestria and shows everyone what a big imagination can do in anyting in his special small crayon

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Lookout Mountain

Harold parked the boat at another dock and he saw the huge mountain Spike was talking about. And at the very top was where he wanted to watch the sunset. Eventually he allowed Spike and Fleur off the boat first and he got off next as he took off his hat. Then he followed them to the mountain and they wondered how they'll get up there. Then Harold remembered that with his crayon anything is possible to do. So he drew an elevator door and button and he took them all the way to the top of the mountain. Then Spike and Fleur sat down on the bench and watched the sun set.

"Oh Spikey. This is just simply romantic. I feel like we're really reconnecting in many ways." Fleur said.

"Me too Fleur. If only Twilight didn't make me cancel all those dates from the past. Cause then I would be making you happy and gave you the love you want." Spike replied.

"Spike? Has your sister really made you cancel a lot of dates back then?" Harold asked.

"More times than I can count Harold. And everytime she did I feel like were drifting apart instead of bonding. That really made me upset cause I feel like she was ruining my relationship." Spike admitted.

"Why exactly did she keep making you cancel all those dates?" Harold wondered.

"Because well....she wanted me to do my part of helping around with the Friendship Festival. But I choose not to go there. Reason why is because Twilight has constantly forgetting to invite me to the events I wanted to check out and even if I was invited to some it probably wasn't exciting anyway." Spike explained.

"I know how you feel. Sometimes there was events I wanted to see but my mom told me I was too young for them. Was I disappointed yes. But she still cares. I'm sure your sister cares too. There's no way that this is more important than your happiness." Harold replied.

"If only that was true. Twilight barely paid any attention to me. When it came to books and studies she listened. But when it's just me she always let's the voice go out one side and out the other. That really hurts my feelings. Maybe I should renounce the Sparkle name. Meaning we will no longer be brother and sister.” he turned away.

"Spike I don't think you wanna do that. Sure Twilight didn't pay attention to you and left you out. But telling her that you no longer want to be her brother might only make things worse. She'll get really upset and devastated and then you'll instantly regret doing that. Trust me Spike that's something you don't want happening." Harold explained.

"He's right babe. And if I know Twilight it's that she would never want anything bad happening to you. You understand right?" Fleur asked.

"Yeah. I do. Maybe your right Harold. Maybe I shouldn't do that. I was just so upset and angry at Twilight that I let my rage take over. And if I renounce the family name that would only make things worse. Maybe I should tell her that I'm sorry for yelling at her and make up." Spike admitted.

"That be the right thing to do Spikey." Fleur smiled.

"Yeah. Cause like any brother and sister you two still love each other. And I'm sure Twilight would want you to be happy with Fleur. In fact I have a way to make you happy too. How's about a song?" Harold offered.

"Sure Harold. Since you played us a song back on the boat I suppose one here on Lookout Mountain would help sweeten the mood a bit. What song did you have in mind?" Spike wondered.

"This one is a song my mom sings sometimes. It's called 'Neon Moon'. If you think that song make me smile that much I guarantee that you both will be smiling all night." Harold replied.

Then once more he took out his purple crayon and he drew himself a guitar to play and took it. Then he drew some sunglasses and a cowboy hat and got ready to sing.

"Now Spike? Fleur? Both of you hold each other." Harold replied as they did what they were told. "Good. Now once I start playing I want you two to really feel the moment and let the moon rays work it's magic and get you two closer than ever."

Then Harold started playing the guitar as the moon starting rising and Spike began singing as they started dancing.


Spike sang in the most tuneful way of this country song. Then while he and Fleur waltzed the stars began twinkling in the night sky. And after Spike sang the first set of lyrics Harold played a guitar solo which really got them in the mood. Then after that Spike sang the second verse. As he did the dance under the moon began to really take effect and draw them closer. Then when Spike sang the final words he and Fleur kissed once again and they basically heard fireworks exploding in his head. The two separated and they never took their gaze off one another.

"Darling. You were incredible. This experience on Lookout Mountain just got even more better than ever. And you really made my heart burst." Fleur replied.

"Thanks Fleur. But I can't take all the credit. You were an amazing dancer and I cannot deny that. Plus I had no idea that Harold was good at playing the guitar." Spike added.

"Like I said before Spike. My crayon is special in more ways than one. Pure imagination is my special power and talent." Harold said.

"It most certainly is. Hey Harold? You think you can take us back to Ponyville? Me and Spike wish to have some dinner at the Tasty Treat tonight." Fleur asked.

"I sure can Fleur. Since it's is dark outside we should end this with a little dinner. And I wonder if there's anyplace I can rest." Harold answered.

"Well there's always room at my house. Plus me and Spike sometimes spend the night there. So I say you can rest with us there." Fleur offered.

"Thank you Fleur. Alright you two. Let's head back to Ponyville and have us some dinner." Harold replied.

Harold placed his captain hat back on and took them down from the elevator he drew in the mountain. Then everyone got on the boat and Harold grabbed the wheel and blew the horn and began moving the ship. Thus began another boat ride for them and the last stop was Ponyville.

But back in Ponyville Twilight arranged the guards to inspect the boy once he, Spike and Fleur returned home tomorrow since he didn't come back eariler. Thus that led to Twilight cancelling The Friendship Festival and made her disappointed. Her friends were watching the whole time and they began having second thoughts about this.

"Girls. I think Twilight is taking this too far. I'm mean I don't see anything dangerous with that boy." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah. We need to get Twilight to stop this nonsense." Applejack agreed.

"But you know her Applejack. Once she makes a choice there's no turning back for her. I think we need to tell Princess Celestia about this before things take a bad turn." Rarity suggested.

"Yes. But she's sleeping right now. However we might be able to tell Luna about this so she can tell Celestia about this in the morning." Rainbow replied.

"Good thinking Rainbow. Come on. We gotta tell Luna so she can tell Celestia about this and hopefully get Twilight to stop this." Applejack said.

So the five girls all headed straight to Canterlot to reach Luna and tell her about what's going on.

Author's Note:

Well girls. I'm glad you realized that Harold isn't A bad person. But I hope that Twilight realizes that this she's doing is wrong.