• Published 2nd Apr 2024
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MLP: One as a Family: A Golden Week in Exile - SaburoDaimando

A prologue to the upcoming Operation Daisy Joy and Beyond Saga

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15: After the Blessing of Light

After the Blessing of Light

“Wow. So all of that happened while I was asleep? Guess I missed out while I was chasing Sunstorm Demona.”

Those words came from Sunset Shimmer. No longer was she a unicorn, but now an alicorn. Sitting next to her were Wanda Young, who now had an amulet around her neck. Next to them sat Abigail Albright, Karen the Bulldog, Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace, Misty Brightdawn, Cozy Glow and Pinkie Pie. Nearby, Eleanor Young and Crystal Snow were casting magic on Waspinator, who sat up with an ice pack on his head and two volleyballs parked right next to him. Nearby, Princess Chrysalis II held her face to her hoof while Interno and Quickstrike looked down at their Predacon brother.

“After I spent that night with mommy by my side, I never saw her face again until now,” Wanda said. “She lost her mind not because she lost Aunt Woona, but also because she was worried for you. But deep on the inside, she never did give up hope, and neither did I.”

“I guess her disconnect from the outside world got to her,” Sunset Shimmer said. “And I didn’t know it wasn’t the first time she went through this. I’m just glad that she’s back.”

“At least you were able to keep Princess Celestia comfy during her first night,” Golden Lace said. “But I’m surprised that you never saw her until now.”

“It was more of an understanding why mommy was going to be broken,” Wanda replied. “And I knew I wouldn’t see her again until you woke up, sis.”

“I’ll have to be honest,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Part of this is my fault. If I knew mother was that hurt, I would have intervened as soon as possible.”

“It’s not your fault,” Wanda said, placing her hand on Sunset’s wing. “You didn’t even know that mommy was hurt. All you knew was that Gold Banks brought down you and your demon half.”

“Besides,” Cozy Glow said. “You were fighting for your own soul, and to make that demon side of yours see the error of her ways.”

“And you have a cool set of wings to boot,” Misty Brightdawn said, pointing to Sunset Shimmer’s wings.

Sunset looked down at her wings as she spread them outward. The feathers that covered her new wings shined like diamonds in the setting sun. Starlight reached out and touched them with her hoof, causing Sunset to giggle slightly.

“That tickles, Starlight,” Sunset laughed.

“Sorry,” Starlight said as she pulled her hoof away. “But I’m amazed that you became an alicorn at this age.”

“So am I,” Sunset said, folding her wing close to her and touching it with her hoof. “Sunset Demona told me that when I awoke from the Golden Magic of Light, as if it were my true form. Maybe I was intended to have been born as an alicorn, but for some reason I became a unicorn at birth.”

“Oooh, that’s a nice plot twist,” Pinkie Pie said. “Maybe I was a draconequus at birth, but I became an earth pony when I came into this world.”

Pinkie Pie’s words caused everyone to burst out into laughter.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you were masquerading as an earth pony to begin with,” Wanda laughed.

Sunset Shimmer folded her wing back into her side before turning towards her sister.

“By the way,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I also heard that you and your biological mother discovered tales about this Drakian race.”

“Not just that,” Wanda said. “For some reason, I could understand the very language that they carved on the wall.”

“Yeah,” Cozy Glow said. “Starlight, Lace, Misty and I were shocked when Wanda was able to translate the symbols of these Drakians. And she was able to learn about the four mythical beasts.”

“And to be honest, I don’t know why I can,” Wanda said, turning her eyes towards the evening sky. “I’ve never even seen that kind of language until now.”

Sunset scooted over to Wanda and said “Well there’s a lot of things we don’t know about this planet’s past at all, or even the universe.”

“That I can agree on.” Sunset and Wanda got up to see Princess Chrysalis II walk up to the group. Behind her were Inferno, Quickstrike, and a stumbling Waspinator, who had an ice pack on his forehead.

“It’s about Oblivion, right?” Wanda asked.

“Yes,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Ever since we snuck into that cave, the Predacon brothers had been fascinated with the form of Oblivion like they knew him in a previous life. Even my mother can’t seem to figure it out.”

“Do you suppose that your original incarnations were during the early age of this universe?” Cozy Glow asked the Predacons.

“No,” Inferno said. “In fact, the more we studied about this Oblivion, the more it reminded us of someone who went under the name….Megatron.”

“As in the leader of the Predacons during the Beast Wars?” Sunset asked.

“The funny thing is,” Quickstrike said, “The more we learn about the Beast Wars, the more we begin to remember a previous life of our own. Like we knew this Megatron fella.”

“Waspinator wants to repress these memories,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator just a Predacon working for Queen Chrysalis, not Megatron.”

Pinkie Pie turned to Princess Chrysalis II and said “What’s eating him?”

“Since the revelation, Waspinator’s been getting nightmares,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “He’s been seeing visions of this Megatron character laughing in his face, while his vision changed to what appears to be an alien ship blasting him and his brothers to smithereens.”

“That is a nightmare,” Sunset Shimmer said. “But I’m surprised that Princess Luna didn’t tell me about this.”

“I think it’s because she didn’t want to worry you,” Golden Lace explained. “Even while she’s being held by my mother, Princess Luna is still aware of the dream world and the problems that lay within. But she didn’t want to put the burden upon you while you had your own problems to worry about.”

“Speaking of which,” Wanda said. “I’d like to apologize for lying to you about not knowing about Aunt Woona’s presence.”

“You don’t need to,” Sunset laughed. “In fact, deep on the inside, you didn’t have the heart to tell me that you spoke to Aunt Luna in the dream world. And that’s okay. Even I have my own concerns, not just because of Gold Banks, but also the revelation about this Oblivion that you and the others discovered.”

“You’re right on that,” Wanda said, clutching the amulet with her hand. “And it does still bug me to the fact that this….Oblivion may have been reincarnated into this Megatron character from the Beast Wars. It would have been really scary to confront him if it did happen.”

But Sunset Shimmer was quick to notice Wanda clutching her amulet tightly.

“Wanda,” Sunset said, noticing her human sister holding her amulet. “Is something wrong?”

“What do you mean?” Wanda asked.

“Well the way you hold your new amulet,” Sunset said. “You look like you’re worried.”

“Actually, I am,” Wanda said as she looked at the amulet in her hand. “I know I was given a great power from my Evevanyian mommy, and she told me to be responsible with it. But at the same time, I feel as if this power is too much for me?”

“Too much for you?” Starlight asked.

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “Sometimes, I fear that I could abuse my new power and become corrupted by them. While I do appreciate what my other mommy gave me, I feel like I would disappoint her by overusing this power.”

“I think that means you have some sort of responsibility towards that new power,” Sunset said. “Like you know that this power shouldn’t be used for personal gain.”

“But still, what if I do lose myself to this new armor?” Wanda asked. “What if I’m drawn into this power and become too used to it?”

Immediately, Princess Chrysalis II cleared her throat, catching Wanda’s attention.

“Listen kid,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Let me tell you one thing. You know what will prevent you from losing yourself to that power?”

“What’s that?” Wanda asked.

“It’s because that power is blessed with the Golden Magic of Light,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “My mother told me about it, about how it can restore and nurture far more than it can destroy, like other forms of magic. It is also said to give clarity to its wielder, allowing him or her to wield the magic properly.”

“But what about the fact that Starswirl warned my mother about the Golden Magic?” Sunset asked. “That it would poison anyone with evil in their heart?”

“That is why my mother won’t go near it,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Because the magic chooses the wielder, even though Starswirl was afraid that his own you…I mean students had some evil in their hearts despite all they’ve been through.”

“Wait,” Cozy Glow said. “What did you say?”

“Starswirl’s students,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “And the daughters of Queen Eternia.”

“Princess, I know about the truth of Starswirl the Bearded,” Sunset Shimmer said. “You didn’t need to hide what you just said.”

Nearly everyone went into shock over what Sunset Shimmer just said.

“Wait a minute,” Cozy Glow said. “No one told me that Starswirl the Bearded was the father of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“Along with the former king of Equestria,” Sunset said. “He’s gone from this world. But mother and Aunt Luna have been doing what they can to watch over the ponies of Equestria…well until now.”

Wanda just looked back down at her amulet and sighed.

“I don’t feel like listening to anything else just to know more about this amulet,” Wanda said. “I mean, as shocking as it is to know that this Starswirl was the daddy of mommy and Aunt Woona, I’m still worried about myself.”

“And that’s okay,” Sunset said. “Regardless if its the faith of your own magic, or what we’re up against, it’s okay to be worried. I’m worried as well because I don’t know if we’ll get through this nightmare.”

But in a second, Karen walked up to Wanda and licked her face once more. Wanda laughed a bit as she pushed Karen away.

“Knock it off,” Wanda giggled. “That tickles.”

“I think Karen’s been trying to cheer you up,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Cheer up,” Abigail giggled.

“I know,” Wanda said, wiping the drool off her face. “But right now, I just want to let my mind drift off for the time being.”

“Understood,” Sunset replied. “Guess we all have a lot to think about for tomorrow’s fight against Gold Banks.”

But nearby, Queen Eleanor Young and Crystal Snow were watching the group from afar, when Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor with Spike the Dragon on his back, Queen Novo, Chancellor Cinch and King Sombra walked up to her from behind.

“Are you worried about Wanda?” Celestia asked.

“I am,” Eleanor said. “I gave her new armor just so she could defend herself against the evils of Equestria. But she fears that she could lose control and become corrupted by the magic itself.”

“I have my doubts on that,” Princess Celestia said. “After all, Starswirl did say that anyone with evil in their hearts will be poisoned by the magic. I think that’s what Wanda’s really afraid of.”

“No, I think it’s far worse than being poisoned by her new magic,” Eleanor said. “I think she understands the responsibility part too well, and will refrain from using it. That would put her in grave danger.”

“And I think I know why,” Queen Novo said. “She still has nightmares about the very Debt Collector grunt whose life she accidentally took. I was there when it happened.”

“It’s not the first time that she’s been in this scenario before,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Long ago, she mistook a baby bird for a Roc and nearly killed it. She was thankful that the bird did survive, but it also scarred her mind for quite some time. It was one of those cases where I took pity on her, because she and Twilight Sparkle have a fear of Rocs since the Fall Formal Festival.”

“Poor Wanda’s been through a lot since she was the first human to be admitted into the School for Gifted Unicorns,” Princess Cadance said. “I only hope she can get through this hard time.”

“I believe she will,” Celestia explained. “Luna and I knew what it was like to have lost loved ones before. And considering what Wanda’s gone through, I believe she’ll make it out, as long as we are by her side.”

“Well as much as I wish to join you on this path,” Chancellor Cinch explained, “I’m afraid I’m needed to hold down the fort in case you all fall to Gold Banks’ minions.”

“Same here,” Queen Novo said. “Besides, my daughter has become a bit secluded after we lost Mount Aris and Seaquestria. If I leave her, she’ll freak out.”

“And that’s okay,” King Sombra said. “Sometimes, we have to be by the side of our loved ones, be it our siblings, our children, or even our parents. I guess that’s why the phrase ‘As a family, we are one together,” means a whole lot.”

Spike jumped off of Shining Armor’s back before he ran up to the teen stallion’s front. Shining picked him up and held him close.

“It does mean a whole lot,” Shining Armor said as Spike giggled loudly. “I miss my mother and father. But I definitely miss Twili. And Spike here misses her as well.”

The moment Spike heard the words from Shining Armor, his ears drooped down a bit and his smile flipped into a frown. He reached out and hugged Shining Armor, crying his eyes out. Princess Cadance reached out and rubbed Spike gently on the head.

“We all miss Twilight,” Princess Cadance said as Spike’s cries turned into coos. “If only we weren’t caught in that mess by Gold Banks, we would all see each other again.”

“That’s why I’m glad you’re going with me tomorrow, Caddy,” Shining Armor said as he handed Spike to Princess Cadance. “We’re going to see my folks and Twili again, and we’ll make sure we get them and the other younglings to the Golden Land.”

“Shining,” Princess Cadance smirked. “Just tell me who’s butt I should kick and I’ll be at your command.”

With that, Shining Armor laughed as Princess Cadance rubbed Shining Armor on his hair, all while Spike cheered loudly.

“Princess,” Chancellor Cinch said with a smirk on her face. “You didn’t teach Cadenza Mi Amore that kind of language, did ya?”

“Guilty as charged,” Princess Celestia replied. “But then again, I also taught you that.”

“Oh right,” Cinch replied. “I forgot.”

Later that night, as the moon shone in the Golden Land, Starlight Glimmer walked down the hallways of the Golden Palace that led to the bedrooms, yawning widely. She looked as if she were half-asleep.

“I dunno if I am up for tomorrow,” Starlight yawned. “So much is at stake, and it’s worn me out.”

“We could say the same thing.” Starlight’s ears caught the sound of a familiar voice. She slowly turned around, half-asleep, to see Firelight and Starseeker Glimmer approach her.

“Mom? Dad?” Starlight said with a slight yawn. “What are you doing here?”

“Truth be told, we’re concerned for your well-being, little Glimglam,” Starseeker said. “Having to leave us again just to help liberate Ponyville.”

Starlight Glimmer barely shook her head as her pig-tails rustled a bit. She wiped her eyes and opened them widely, though a small tear formed on her left eye..

“I’ll admit,” Starlight said. “I am afraid of what may happen tomorrow. What if we fail in our mission? What if Gold BAnks’ own followers defeat us? I dunno what would happen if we lost.”

“And truth be told, we wanted to tell you not to go,” Firelight Glimmer said. “It’s because we don’t want to lose you again like how you and your friends were taken to Daisy Joy Tech. But I was also reminded of how Gold Banks tried to snatch you directly away from us.”

Those words caused Starlight’s eyes to pop up a bit. She looked at her father and her tears formed wider.

“I remember that,” Starlight said. “In fact, I don’t think that will ever get out of my mind, anytime soon.”

“And it’s not just that, my little pumpky-wumpkin,” Firelight said. “I had a nightmare one night where Gold Banks marched through a portal and took you away, just as we held onto her. The words she said to us were ‘It doesn’t matter where you take your little child. I will always find her and take her away. You don’t deserve her.’”

“She said that?” Starlight replied.

“We both had that same nightmare,” Starseeker said. “And because of that, we realize that keeping you away from her won’t work anymore. If she wants to take you away, she will do it, and I fear there may be nothing stopping her from doing so.”

Firelight placed his hoof on Starlight’s shoulder and said “I don’t want to admit it, even though you’re still a filly. But you’re growing up. You’re not the same Starlight that first came to Canterlot to attend the School for Gifted Unicorns. You have friends that stand by your side, including two princesses who Celestia has mothered well. Though you still have a lot to learn about yourself, I feel you need to step away from us and help your friends out.”

Starlight cracked a smile as she wiped the tear away from her eyes. She reached out and hugged Firelight and Starseeker Glimmer.

“Thanks you two,” Starlight cried. “I’m glad to have you as my parents.”

“And we’re glad to have you as our daughter,” Starseeker said as Starlight released her grip from her parents. “Now I believe a couple of friends of yours are calling for you.”

Starlight turned around to see Wanda Young, now wearing her pajamas, Sunset Shimmer, and Abigail Albright wave to her. Starlight ran off towards her friends while Firelight and Starseeker held hooves together.

“Let us hope she can make it through these tough times,” Starseeker said.

“She will,” Firelight said. “As long as Meteor Flare is watching over her, she will.”

Inside Celestia’s room, Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer and Abigail Albright ran towards the bed and climbed up, where a content Princess Celestia lay on top, watching the four reach the top of the bed.

“I was wondering when you would join me,” Celestia laughed.

“Sorry mommy,” Wanda said. “But we had to wait for Starlight to arrive.”

“But of course,” Celestia said before she yawned. “Tomorrow’s going to be the hardest day of your lives.”

“As is yours, mother,” Sunset said as she stretched out her wings.

“You know, it’s heartwarming to see Sunset Shimmer with wings like Princess Celestia does,” Starlight said.

“To think, I was the only one of the family who couldn’t fly, until now,” Sunset yawned. “Maybe, when this is all over, I want to just fly around Canterlot with my sister. After all, it was what I always….dreamed….of doing.”

With that, Sunset laid down and went to sleep. Wanda, Abigail and Starlight looked down at the sleeping Sunset, only for Celestia to pull the filly alicorn close to her.

“I think it’s time we all went to sleep,” Celestia said. “You need to be fully energized for tomorrow’s mission.”

“I will, mommy,” Wanda yawned. “Goodnight.”

Wanda laid right next to Sunset Shimmer before she closed her eyes and went to sleep. Starlight yawned deeply before she laid next to Wanda and closed her eyes. Abigail curled up and laid next to Starlight, all before Celestia placed her wing on top Sunset, Wanda, Starlight and Abigail.

“Rest well,” Celestia said. “For tomorrow is a big day.”

With that, Celestia lowered her head and closed her eyes before she fell asleep, just as the moon’s radiance shone down on the prime alicorn, the filly alicorn, the twin-tailed unicorn filly, the kitty cat, and the Man’s Cub.

To Be Continued in…

The Princess and the Teacher

Author's Note:

This would have been the end of the prologue, or rather the arc. But not just yet. There are still two more stories that will come up after this. One will have Wanda interact with Argyle Starshine. The other will be set in the dream realm once more.

Stay tuned for both.