• Member Since 26th Dec, 2022
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Captivated by the transparency of the word, the imagination becomes the jewel of eternity


While Twilight was enjoying a well-deserved vacation from her duties as a princess in the Crystal Empire and perhaps using her time to investigate an enigmatic flower, she never imagined that the discovery of something shocking would end up returning her to where it all began, literally.

Now, she intends to stop the threat posed by that being, even if it must be necessary to do it alone.

But regardless, she just wasn't ready for it.

Nopony was prepared to end up in an unknown place, no one was prepared to deal with the King of the Shadows himself, let alone none were ready to face the consequences that would bring.

After all, who would be ready to start having feelings for whom they shouldn't?


Here's the link to the story on Wattpad:

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 56 )

Alot of grammar mistakes, also you labeled the flower as a her and sometimes referred Twilight as a he and sometimes used "he" or "she" when it should be "it" or "they".

I will be waiting for future chapters, this story is interesting and I like it.

Thank you for pointing out my mistake.

"And that's exactly why I don't want you to come with us," Shining replied with another snort that irritated his sister. "Understand, Twily, you know me and you know how I am," He concluded, letting out a sigh. "Anyway I need to talk with Cadence to plan everything in more detail, so for now you'd better keep resting."

Ya... An idiot.

Twilight was the most powerful unicorn, now she is an Allicorn with more power than any unicorn can dream of, not to mention she also has earth pony magic and Pegasus magic meaning she's stronger and faster mentally and physically in every way possible.

It's always Shining Armor that pisses me off the most in almost every story because of his stupidity, I mean seriously, Twilight saved Equestria and the Crystal Empire, let alone the entire planet multiple times! What did Shining Armor do that could possibly top that? NOTHING!

It annoys me that Shining Armor just thinks that as the older brother it's his duty to look out for his sister, she is a frickin Alicorn! A powerful one at that, more powerful than Cadance and possibly more powerful than Luna. She is the element of frickin magic! AGH! It's like everything Twilight have ever done doesn't matter and that Shining Armor is the boss of everything, it was him who nearly doomed all of Equestria when it came to his own wedding because he didn't listen to her sister! Who does that!?

I really needed to get that out of my system.

Anyways I'll be waiting for the next chapter, I can already tell were getting to the interesting bits now.

The story starts off great, let's see how it goes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I have a question, is there a chance that a link to the original on Wattpad could be included ?

"Well... I just didn't mean to scare you any more than you already were," He answered her question with a slight nervous smile. "Although I have to admit that it was a bit fun. You should have seen the look on your face!" He continued this time with a laugh.

Can you blame her? How does Twilight not have PTSD or any sort of trauma or nightmares whatsoever with everything she has been through in just a couple years? Honestly I find this impossible, with Equestria being all sunshine and rainbows until Nightmare Moon showed up, you would think that the possibility of having trauma would be higher than it is in real life.

Seriously, how does Twilight sleep!?

Twilight and Spike saw nothing more as their surroundings faded into darkness that, again, seemed to claim them.

Ok so multiple things.

  1. I don't think the horn went into the cave, I think either the horn formed the cave (very likely) or Sombra went into the cave and entered a more dormant state.
  2. The flowers all around the Empire can apparently dispell the darkness that Sombra causes. (Origin not yet identified but will probably get to that)
  3. Twilight is now the princess of flowers, magic, and friendship.

I'll see if I can do it. :twilightsmile:

Do you also have an account on Ficwad.com?

Kinda funny how this could have been avoided if Shining Armor simply just let his sister travel with him.


Honestly I'm glad it came around and bought him in the flank. Twilight isn't a filly anymore who needs protection, if anything she's now the one doing the protection.

The reason why I hate an overprotective Shining Armor so much is simply because Twilight is now immortal, if Shining Armor continuesly tries protecting Twilight so much then she won't be able to protect herself when Twilight is over 100 years old.

Atleast it would be an outcome if Twilight was as dumb, naive, stubborn, and arrogant as her brother. Luckily she isn't.

I always questioned how in the world are they siblings? Twilight really doesn't fit into her family at all, she looks like Twilight Velvet but her personality is completely different.

Ugh, I really need to get Shining Armor out of my head, Author's makes almost every story featuring Shining Armor to be annoying and overprotective as possible.

I don't really have anything to say about the chapter itself, not much to comment on. Still curious about the flowers though and where Twilight and Spike are.

Two things:

I agree with you about Shining, at least in part. And as to where they are, it will be seen in the next chapters.

For now I hope you enjoy it.:twilightsmile:

"You need me anyway!" Twilight began again in an angry scream. "We deserve to know if there are more things in this place that are a potential danger or wants to see us dead."

I think that's a valid quastion and reasoning. It's always good to know what dangers you are going to face and how to avoid them, don't know why Sombra is so upset.

"You were the only one who had activated her magic," He pointed simply. "My intention was to traverse its territory in complete silence to avoid its attack, something that was obviously did not end up being possible."

He should have warned her of the dangers beforehand then, maybe say "don't use magic or you will potentially die"?

"I don't think there's anyone in the room, Silver," He said as he approached with the dragon's breakfast tray neatly placed on his back. "It seems that Spike the Brave got up earlier than usual."

Do I need to clarify why and how much this angers me? Uuugh. Nevermind.

"Reporting this to a certain group of mares."

Already know who those are.

I am so glad I do not have any siblings, especially one that would be older than me.

The more and more I read stories featuring Shining Armor and Twilight, the more I'm glad I don't have a sibling.

Excited about next chapter, that is if it focuses back on Twilight. I'm more curious where the Romance tag kicks in, that will be exciting.

I have a younger brother and even though I love him, sometimes he's a total pain in the ass. :facehoof:

We won't see our protagonists until chapter nine, but I plan to publish it along with chapter eight. :twilightsmile:

And as for the Romance tag... We'll see how it goes, I don't want to give spoilers. :trollestia:

Guessing chapter 8 will be focused on the main 6?

Having a younger sibling is probably not as bad as having an older sibling, that would probably suck.

Although in the MLP universe everything is all sunshine and rainbows (mostly until Twilight decided to come along and bring all the chaos with her) so siblings are probably 1000x more overprotective there then here. Especially when that sibling was the captain of the royal guard, although Shining Armor is only prince because of Cadance and Twilight became Princess because she accended, I think that technically means she outranks him, plus he is a unicorn only good at shields when Twilight is an Alicorn and is litterly good at everything involving magic, including shields.

Actually now that I think about it, Shining Armor's cutie mark is probably his destiny for being overprotective as hell.

Yep, it will focus on them.

I guess they wanted to act out the typical stereotype of the overprotective big brother with Shining Armor. Well, at least he cares about her.

"Applejack and Rainbow Dash can join me when we have to cover the terrain of the Crystal Range, we know Twilight and Spike went there."

Oh so they get to join you, why?

Do I have to mention that Twilight is an Alicorn? Immortal, more powerful than any Unicorn, more powerful and supposedly faster then most if not all Pegasus, and Stronger than any Earth Pony? I really hope that at some point in this story, Shining Armor and Twilight has a long talk about why Twilight is more than capable of making her own decisions. And if Shining disagrees than I would love to see Shining Armor and Twilight engaging in a duel with Shining Armor losing in 10 seconds.

None of them imagined what would be waiting for them beyond.

Not even Sombra? That's new, not much information to go off with, it could either be dangerous or it could surprise them in either a bad way or a good way, or a more surprising way such as if they are in the past. I'm wondering if they traveled back in time, earlier they said ponies so if it's 1 specific type of pony instead of all 3 types of ponies living in 1 village than that would confirm they are in the past probably before Celestia and Luna was born and when all 3 pony tribes all lived separately.

Also I was not expecting 2 chapters in 1 day, that's interesting.

Hahaha, that would be fun to see.

I said I'd post it together, for more pleasure.:raritywink:

And we'll see a lot more about that later, of course.

It was Spike's sudden scream that really ended the fight. However, that wasn't the only thing that happened. As if everything was slowly passing by, Twilight turned her head to where Spike was, the sense of alarm on his face was almost palpable. As well as the infernal noise that she could suddenly hear.

Volcano? Oh you got to be kidding me.

How did they not know they were on a volcano? And why is it now deciding to become active?

It's not a volcano really.

But that will be seen later in the next chapter.

Well if it's not a volcano than I don't know what it is, unless it's a dragon.

Remember, they're not in Equestria so it can be anything.

Is it somepony, something, or someone?

It's probably a something caused by something else, after all the noise of their fight couldn't go unnoticed.

He thought about it for a long time until finally, after giving a low growl, he wrapped the small bag in his magic to attract it to him. Maybe he needed it.

Just maybe.


Also something moving in the earth? Like in the mountain? Wait, are they on a mountain or are they on someone?

They're on a mountain, but they don't necessarily have to be alone.

How many chapters are you planning for this story and there will be some kind of inadequate end to the relationship between the main characters, otherwise the romance tag clearly did not ask for it

I have approximately forty chapters planned. And as for the relationship between the main characters, I can say without many spoilers that at least it won't end badly.

That was all Twilight could mumble when she saw the sample of flattened dirt in the shape of some huge creature's four-toed leg.

Hmmm, is this 4 toed leg creature in MLP? Or is it entirely made up.

Yep, but that will be seen in the next chapter. :twilightsmile:


The four claw marks were not quite aligned, only three of them were printed at the front end. The fourth was a single claw impression formed from the back end, opposite to the others. And that really was something quite surprising, and weird.

Well now I know it's not the last 2 in the image I found.

"Aren't there supposed to be more footprints, too?" asked the dragon, crossing his arms and raising an inquisitive eyebrow. "Why is there only one?"

Probably a dragon and was flying.

"You must know what it is, for after all it is also in Equestria, here it simply possesses... certain differences," he replied as he got up from the spot to approach both of them. Twilight took a step back with a suspicious expression when she noticed the look of suspicious mockery that was faintly visible on his face. "The easiest clue I can give you is the extra heads it has."


"Nopony knows, and nopony has really seen them," She shrugged as she picked up a random branch from the ground and began to draw any kind of meaningless strokes on the ground, distracted. "The only thing the accounts of that say is what they are: creatures of ghostly, icy essence, waiting for its chance to bring the cold winter to the ponies."

The windigos. So I was probably right, this does take place in the past, which also probably means Celestia and Luna either doesn't exist or are only foals, Star swirl might exist.

This also could take place in a different universe or timeline.

And it had no idea what it was.

So, Twilight is gonna have trouble?

Yep, she'll definitely have them.

So, the Hydra can sense magic? I wonder if that will be them last time we hear or see the Hydra.

The relationship between Twilight and Sombra seems to be improving.

And by improving, probably only about 5-20%, Which isn't much but it's a start.

Yeah, it's clear that it can feel it.

They're getting better little by little at least, lol.

Any other questions that you have I'll be happy to answer it. :pinkiehappy:

Ok I think there in some kind of pocket dimension or something.

I'm also curious to know what there reaction would be to seeing an Alicorn, probably not good because of the reaction they gave to Twilight and Sombra being in the village for 1 night and a Hydra coincidentally attacked the village during the same night.

They also wouldn't have a good reaction if they saw what Spike really is.

Yay new chapter

"I'm serious, too, princess." His tone became deep, and he took on his seriousness once more. "If I'd detected something odd a long time ago, I would have gone in a different direction. This system is old, maybe that's all the reason why."

Could be because Twilight is a Alicorn, she does have the abilities of all 3 pony tribes, I think being an Alicorn also increases those abilities such as having more magical power than a Unicorn or being faster than a Pegasus or even stronger than an Earth Pony, probably increase her sense of Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch. Wouldn't be surprised if it does.

Though the place there in could affect all of that.

"But in the end what we did didn't end up being in vain."

Thank goodness for that.

"I know this is not the time or place to ask you this..." She began calmly again. "But we need to know what happened when they were both taken away, do you know what or who it could have been?"

Why does Twilight keep saying "they" instead of "you"?

And without another word, Twilight turned again and quickly disappeared down the dark path beyond, leaving Sombra with a frown and a strange shudder that ran through his body. It might have been hard for him, but he soon admitted that the mare was acting in ways unknown to him.

Heh, heh heh.

Or at least that was until something else interrupted his peace.


Ok I have so many questions, the island was created by dark magic? How and why?

Sorry, my mistake at the first. Thanks for pointing it.

And with that latter, well, it will be found out later.

You were just waiting to make a joke like that weren't you?

Be prepared because unexpected things are coming after this.


Also how is the search for Twilight coming along? I'm kinda curious if time is different for where they are, like for an example if 2 days past for Twilight and Sombra, only 2 minutes has passed at the Crystal Empire.

He he, I can't say spoilers.

And with regard to the latter, it will be explained later.

There was almost not a single minute of tranquility inside the crystalline walls of the well-known palace of the Crystal Empire. And it had been more than thirty two hours since it had been like this.

Damn, this would actually be useful if I knew how much time has passed for Twilight, Spike, and Sombra.

Although I'm pretty sure over 50 hours has passed for Twilight so that would mean I was correct that time is slowed for them but I don't know by how much.

Unless the 32 hours is related to something else entirely which then the information would basically be considered useless.

"I think I can confirm that you didn't feel it."

"No, and I'm sure it's not normal for you."

I have a guess why it affects Twilight and not Sombra.

At this point I'm gonna guess everything Sombra is seeing a normal while everything is dark to Twilight and Spike and I believe the reason why is because of dark magic since he uses dark magic and Twilight doesn't and it's physically impossible for Spike to use any dark magic, unless there's something I don't know.

"This is magic... dark magic."

Ah, well my explanation was apparently not needed, but apparently it does affect Sombra as well, even if a little differently.


Well next chapter will be interesting.

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