• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 1,080 Views, 56 Comments

Are changelings... Ants???? - ImClinicallyDepressed

Okay here's the rundown, me dead, me changeling queen cool powers, need make hive, annoy Celestia. You got it? Of course you do I'm talking to myself. ***DISCLAIMER! CRUDE HUMOR IN THE BEGINNING CHAPTERS!***

  • ...

8 [Part2-3]


-My heart runs cold

MUSIC: MEGALO STRIKES BACK V3 NITRO REMIX (optional if you guys like reading in silence like me)

A gust of wind went past me as a boulder was thrown at my side, barely missing me.

'What the FUCK?!' I scrambled to get on hooves as the ursa major charged at me like a bullet train.




'Oh you have to be fucking with me' I flailed my hooves around to male the screens infront me disappear, as they disappeared I saw a claw that was mere inches of from my head ready to take it off.

I quickly ducked as the ursa major missed it's attack, as it swung I bucked it's outstretched arm and it yelped in pain.


I galloped away as fast as I could as the major was still blowing at it's hand in pain.


Three slashes appeared at the bear's chest, blood spewing out of the slashed areas.


Before I could celebrate however I felt blood gushing out of my throat from the stress that my skill put on my body.

'Well that sucks,'

'Shut up Chara for a fucking second!'

'Aw, you aren't excited to meet your best friend again?'

'No! I thought I fucking got rid of you with MLP!'

'You really thought that show was gonna shut me up? I'm not a kid Rimu.'


Before Chara could retort, the bear suddenly appeared behind me and swung it's claws, hitting my back.


*Lucky escape! Damage reduced by 99.99%!*

'Holy fucking shit I'm about to die,'

'I could see that clearly,'

'Why the fuck are you so fucking calm?'

'Am I the down getting obliterated by a oversized constellation?'


'Eh, it's still funny.'


A volley of slashes cut up the ursa major, blood was pretty much just flowing out of it like a river.



'Its because, even if it's bleeding to death, your ability makes this battle act like a game battle, your damage is pitiful.'


'Dont know how to, don't care to learn how to,'

The bear charged forward at lightning speeds, barely missing it's attack as I jumped over it's claws.








I tumbled across the gigantic bear's fluffy back as I struggled to regain my footing as everything started to get blurrier and blurrier.

I snapped out of my haze and steeled myself. I chomped down on the bears back with my strangely sharp teeth and tore off a piece of it's flesh.

'Hm~ tangy with a tinge of citrus'

'You're clinically insane,'



I back flipped off the bear's back and screamed out to the bear, "HEY CHUCKLENUTS! THAT'S THE BEST YOU CAN DO-"

The bear cut me off with a sudden round house kick hitting me square in the chest.




The bear was now on top of my body, salivating heavily.

'Fortune favors the fucking bold!'




The ursa major was smacked by the rather fast blur of the boney shrine. The bear did summersaults in the air and hit it's head on the very same tree I hit a minute ago.


"■ FUGA!"


A pillar of flame erupted up from my hooves and I contorted the very flame to use as a bow and arrow. Without hesitation I shot the arrow towards the now charging ursa major.


Before I could do anymore damage I felt a sudden throbbing pain in my chest. I slowly looked at my chest with a horrified expression plastered on my face.

There was a claw in my chest.

'Well. I had a good run,'



The dark murky flowing dome finally let up as I ran towards the forest. Only one pony could do that move, and I did not like that it seemingly stopped before it disappeared.

I galloped as fast as I could as I remembered Trixie's words echo in my head,

"Trixie will go out for a walk for a bit, I feel like a have a headache."

I swear to Celestia Trixie, if you get hurt, a headache is gonna be the least of your worries.


"Help! Somepony!" A mare shouted as she carried a bear on her back, "Somepony is fighting an ursa major!"

Starlight stopped her frantic searching of Trixie as she heard the shouts, a very tired Mr. Mayor behind her, almost dying from exhaustion.

"WHO'S FIGHTING THE URSA MAJOR?" Starlight grabbed the mare and shook her with excessive force, Mr. Mayor put a hoof on her shoulder and shouted.

"MS. GLIMMER! Please stop shaking my friend," Starlight looked over to Mr. Mayor with a confused expression.

"You mean the same friend who angered the ursa major?" Starlight asked. Mr. Mayor nodded quickly.

Before any of them could say anything, a sudden gust of wind grabbed their attention. A black murky flowing dome covered a part of the forest near them.

"The same ursa major... That Trixie is currently fighting against..." Mr. Mayor nodded, a lot slower this time.

Starlight took in deep and sophisticated breathes. In and out. In and ou- Oh fuck this.

Starlight grabbed the mare again and shook her with twice more force as she did before, "WHERE IS TRIXIE?!"

"She's at the middle of lush forest!" The mare was now drooling blood on Starlight's coat due to her shaking. Before Starlight could ask more questions a sudden paw was put on one of her hoofs.

Starlight looked towards the paw and saw a little purple, translucent bear with stars. Starlight froze for a second. And a second more. And a minute.

"And... You brought... It's... CUB?!?!?!"

"Now calm down Ms. Glimmer-" Mr. Mayor tried to say but was cut off with a glare from Starlight.

"Now how would I be calm when an ursa major is currently killing one of my friends!?" Starlight picked the mare up with her magic along with the cub and put them right in Mr. Mayor's face, "While this mare has it's CUB!"

"She- she was still alive when I last saw her-" The mare tried to say.

"WHEN YOU LAST SAW HER! THAT'S THE IMPORTANT DETAIL! WHEN. YOU. LAST. SAW. HERRRRRRR!" Starlight was now going into a panic mode that's unique to very smart people, the panic mode is nicknamed the 'Twilight mode' due to the uh... Similarities to Twilight when she panics.

Guess all smart people are the same when they panic. Ahem.

Starlight was pacing around in circles infront of the almost dead mare and muttering something about 'how to revive the dead'. Mr. Mayor could only sigh and stretched a hoof out to his friend that was now laying on her stomach with her tongue out.

"Let me help you up Health pack," Mr. Mayor said while sighing.

"Please do..." Health pack replied while closing her eyes. She grabbed onto Mr. Mayor's hoof and pulled herself up. Now opening her eyes, she looked at the flailing Starlight with a concerned expression. Starlight was shouting profanities at the stars while spinning in circles.

"Is she... Okay?" Health pack asked.

"Well... In her eyes, her friend got herself killed by an ursa major to save you and you brought it's cub, and the ursa major is gonna come here, kill of us, and her friends sacrifice will be in vain." Mr. Mayor explained while cleaning his dirty glasses. He forgot to put them on this morning.

Health pack looked on with guilt as she processed what her friend just told her, "So... She thinks her friend is dead?"

"Well, nopony ever survived an ursa major attack in one piece, so she has a right to assume that." Mr. Mayor put on his glasses and corrected it only a few moments after.

"But the last I saw of her friend, she was holding her own against the ursa major!" Health pack said with confusion.

"Even the weakest of creatures can go hoof to hoof with an ursa major even if it's only for a second,"

Health pack was holding her tears as she finally finished processing the situation. Before she could say something, a sudden pillar of flame reached out towards the heavens. The flame was from the black dome from the forest. All three of them was left in shock at the size of the pillar.

Starlight however smiled after the shock wore off and grabbed the very bored bear cub off Health pack's back and galloped off towards the pillar, "I NEED TO BORROW THIS LITTLE GUY! I'LL GIVE THEM BACK TO THE URSA MAJOR SO WE ALL DON'T DIE!" Starlight said while giggling like a maniac.

"... You think she's alright in the head?" Health pack asked the emotionless Mayor.


'So... He's dead.'

'Maybe I should've actually helped hi-'

A sudden blast was heard from behind Chara in Rimu's mindscape, she turned around to see what made the blast and she saw two figures running at full speeds towards her.

One was bipedal, had red hair and what looked like tattoos on his face, the other one was much like Rimu's pony form but without the holes and with a lot less color. Both blitzed Chara and tackled her to the 'ground'.

Hey what gives?

What gives is that you need to remove Rimu's limiters!

Or I will kill you,

I'm already dead you bafoon, Rimu is too.

Both of them wore a shocked expression on their face.

You fucking with me?

Chara only shook her head with her eyes closed.

I'm gonna do unspeakable crimes to you.

Hold on! Hold on! Chara sat back up and put one of her hands on both of their faces.

I may have a plan to revive Rimu,


You fucking with me?

Chara shook her head again.

Tell. Me. The. Plan.

Fine! Fine! Sheeesh, Chara pulled out a hologram of Rimu's unconscious body out of her pocket and put it down on the ground with a little pat.

Okay, so right now this is what Rimu looks like

Infront of them the hologram showed a very much dead and mangled corpse of Rimu, laying flat on his stomach. His stomach and other organs laid besides him on the ground.

I would say I'm gonna throw up but I've done much worse and seen much worse

I think I'm gonna be sick...

Chara pulled out a trash can out of nowhere and handed it to the stallion, the stallion happily took it and barfed rainbows into the trash can.

Dude your a tyrant how are you puking at this?

I'm not a tyrant dumbass! That's my main timeline counterpart!

Can we focus please?

Both of them stopped their argument and stated at Chara attentively.

So here's the plan.

First, we need to 'wake up' Rimu. We can do that by jolting his soul and making it where Zero can actually 'revive' him.

After that we need to take control of his body since it's so mangled. If Rimu tries to control his body like with the Hydra, he's gonna fuck up and die again.

Third, and most importantly. We need to kill the ursa major.

Good plan and all, but how can we trust you?

Yeah! Since you're the fucking one who got him killed!

Chara played with her thumbs in embarrassment.

Well I was just gonna force him to say he loves me to fuck with him and have him use my power but.....

He didn't want to?

Well more like he didn't know that he was supposed to do that.

Chara looked rather sheepish with her explanation.

So you're telling me, that you got him KILLED,

Chara nodded.

So he can confess his feelings that may or may not exist?

It was supposed to be a prank okay? His younger self would immediately say that so I figured to tease him a bit and make him say it again!

A shitty prank by the looks of it,

Oh shut it walmart kuruma,

Hey wait weren't the other's just behind us?

Chara and Cursed looked at Sombra with confusion.

Then why aren't they here?

There's fucking more of you?

Before Sombra could reply to the both of them, another sudden explosion rang out from behind the three of them.



WHERE'S THE EVIL VILLIAN? Gasp! She's right there!

Oh my mane! My beautiful mane just ruined!

Um... Excuse me...



And can I have some aspirin?


Ow! What gives?

You we're supposed to do a cool speech like us!

Oh. Ahem.



A whole herd of ponies broke through the smoke left by the explosion. Cursed and Sombra looked on with confusion while Chara looked utterly horrified.

Holy shit why is there so many of you?


Oh fuck off connor McGregor with tattoos on his face

Chara was suddenly tackled to the ground by six ponies, the other two was arguing on good speeches, and I mean argue I meant a one sided beatdown.



Dash, that ain't appropriate and mighty rude.


Still darling, we need to compose out selves,


This was gonna be loooooooooong 'day' for Chara. Man, she only wanted to fuck with Rimu, now she's getting dog piled by eight mares with powers.

Well... Time for a little more explaining.

Starlight galloped faster and faster, not letting the ache in her legs affect her running speed. The ursa cub was on her back grabbing on for dear life as she ran.

After running for what felt like years, Starlight came across a large clearing in the middle of the forest. She looked around the area with caution, as she did she suddenly felt a large gust wind above her. As she looked up, she could only look on with horror at what she saw.

Trixie's very much dead body was flying through the air as a ursa major jumped towards the body, almost treating it like a toy.

"I'm... Gonna... Be... Si-" Starlight tried to say but she stooped. Putting down the cub that she had on her back, she ran towards a nearby bush and vomited her breakfast, lunch, yesterday's dinner, you know the drill.

After a few painful moments, Starlight came back looking disheveled and grabbed the very bored ursa cub and placed them on her back without a word. Starlight looked on to the Ursa major infront of her that was currently mauling the remains of her friend.

"Well... That's... Sad." Starlight slowly backed away from the ursa major. She decided that handing over the ursa cub to the ursa major would be a bad idea. While backing up, Starlight accidentally stepped on a branch and...


The ursa major turned it's head towards Starlight, a certain glint in it's eyes.

"Oh you have to be kidding me," Starlight put up as many shields as she could as she saw the ursa major charge towards her at full speeds, she braced for the impact, but it never came. She opened her eyes and was very confused at what she saw.

She saw multiple blue pegasi holding the ursa's arm. After a closer look, she found out that none of the pegasi where real, all of them were illusions, but illusions couldn't hold back an ursa major, right?

The ursa major struggled to gain an inch of ground as the pegasi seemingly stuck to it like glue. It was growling at Starlight and the cub on her back.

"E R A S E,"

Starlight was stunned at the sudden voice behind the ursa, but she was even more stunned at what happened to said ursa major.

Half of it's body was seemingly erased, blood was nowhere to be found as she saw the innards of the ursa. In a blink of an eye, the ursa's missing half suddenly appeared.

She tried to speak but was interrupted by another voice, this time behind her.

"Don't panic! We're here to help!"

She slowly turned her head to see a cyan pegasus mare with a rainbow mane smiling at her.

"Who... Who are-"

"That's not important sugarcube," An orange earth pony mare said besides the cyan one, "Remember dash, she's ah friend of Ri- Trixie, so treat her with some respect please?"

"I am treating her with respect! She just looks like she saw a ghost!"

"She technically did," Another voice said besides them. Starlight looked towards the new voice and examined the mare. The mare was very similar to her, both had some shade of purple in their coat, both had a very dark indigo in their mane and both had blue accent to accompany the indigo. The only difference was this mare's hair is straight, while her's was curly.

"Why is she looking at me like that?" The purple mare whispered to the cyan pegasus.

"Twilight, you do know you do that too right? You do the exact same thing Starlight is doing right now when you meet a new pony," Dash replied to Twilight, or she thinks so anyways, she doesn't know their names fully.

All four of them heard a growl, they turned around to the ursa major, now only a mere feet infront of them.

"Uh, Dash? I thought yah said Chara's constructs could hold 'em for a bit using your power?" The orange mare said to Dash.

"Well that's what she did say- Wait, horseapples! Applejack, we need to check up on Chara!" Dash said go Applejack. Starlight is confused, very confused right now. Who are these mare's? Who's Chara? And why do they know Trixie?

"Aw shucks! Horseapples, Twi!" Applejack shouted to Twilight.

"Yeah AJ?"

"We just left Chara all alone, with no pony to look at her!"



"Still don't know what you mean-" Twilight was cut off by sudden thump off into the distance. All of them looked over to the source of the noise and saw the ursa major laying down on it's back three miles away from them. Before any of them could say anything, a sudden fit of laughter was heard at their side.

"BWAHAHAHAHA! THIS BODY'S AWESOME! COME ON! STAND UP BEAR! FIGHT ME AGAIN!" Trixie said while holding a knife and licking it, "I need a taste of Lv after all these years!"

Trixie suddenly, without warning rushed towards the dazed bear in the distance. Twilight hung her mouth open as Dash and Applejack looked at her with a glare that says: 'Told you'.

"... Okay I get what you mean now,"

"Oh now you get it?" A stallion appeared behind them holding a plastic cup and a popcorn bag with his magic, "Should've listened to me when I asked to watch over her, but nooooo, she's good now! She won't cause trouble!"


Starlight was looking at the four of them with utter confusion. Where did that stallion come from? And why does he have a popcorn bag? Before she could ask however, the cyan pegasus spoke up.

"Okay, we need to deal with Chara now, just amazing!" Dash starts to stretch her wings and let out a slight moan as she did, "Hey Starlight?"

"I-huh-uh- yeah?"

"When this is done, take care fo Trixie, okay? She's... important to all of me... And my friends, and don't try any funny business with him okay! We will know!"

"What Rainbow here means, is that she likes Trixie so don't have sex with him. Now, tata!" The stallion started to push Rainbow dash away using his magic.

"HEY WHAT?! NO I DON'T - NO I- I DON'T LIKE HIM!" Rainbow went crimson while trying to explain herself, and also trying to fly away from the stallion's magic.

"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that Dashie, ain't gonna help your bubbling feelings for the dork,"

Rainbow dash shouted profanities at the dark stallion, the stallion using silence magic so she would shut up.

"We really need to get goin', Starlight we're sorry but yah' on yah' own for now," Applejack said while a guilty look on her face.

"Yeah, We kinda royally bucked up so see ya! Oh and Rainbow's right, Trixie's important to all of us, very important. And even more important to Rainbow, take care of him will you?" Twilight said while slowly trotting off behind Applejack. Both of them suddenly galloped as they tried to catch up to the smaller and smaller black and blue dot, who's trying to catch up to a small purple dot and an even smaller black dot.

"... What the buck just happened?"

Author's Note:

HOLY SHIT THIS ONE'S HUGE WTF? Anyways, cool facts time!

Here, Chara seems to be in control of Rimu's body instead of what happened to Cursed where he got controlled instead, not Rimu.

My explanation is that a lot of factors happened. One of them being that Rimu is fucking dead.

Another reason why this happened is actually a little more complex. Rimu's 'alive' in another part of his mindscape. The Chara here isn't exactly Chara per say. It's more like if Chara had the bombastic personality of Rimu and his absurdness to top it off too.

Also, most of you are probably wondering: wait how is Twilight, Rainbow dash, Sombra, and Applejack here with Starlight? I'll explain it in more detail next chapter but the rundown is this.

Chara, in exchange for controlling Rimu, agreed to let the four of them accompany her to the outside world. After she wakes up and get's her powers, she made four clones of Rimu, and changed those clones to fit the four of them.

While yes, they are in Rimu's body's clones, they still have the relatively same amount of magic that they had before they got transferred into Rimu's mind. Well, except for Sombra and Twilight of course. Both of them got their most of their magic locked behind the Elements skill so suck for them.

Comments ( 5 )

Because the writing is absolutely dookie lmao. I'm no way a good writer but I appreciate that you find my story funny dude! Hopefully after my planned S1 ending, I can fix up some of the early and later chapters.

HELP MY STOMACH HURTS! IM LAUGHING HARD THIS ITS VERY FUNNY. Also the writing is good.:rainbowlaugh:

Eyyyy thanks for the compliment dude! Sorry that chapter 9 is taking a while tho, IRL problems are happening. Hope you enjoy chapter 9 when it comes out tho!

That might be a typo, have to check though.

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