• Published 26th Apr 2024
  • 172 Views, 5 Comments

Just one Lonely little Changeling: Not Alone - Kentavritsa

Zhiizoo had enjoyed the new suit she had been given, even after she had realized it had been a Changeling in disguise all along. Since the suit is so comfortable, she loves it to bits.

  • ...

the Cafe: 3


“Clip clop, clip clop..” is heard, as I walk along the street, basking in the warm sun.

While it may be early in the day, but the sun is already hot.

The sounds of my hooves are strangely seductive!” I ponder; “However; this far, none has afforded me a second glance!” I conclude.

The sun is quite nice!” she concedes; “I could come to enjoy this, much more than I could have expected!” she continues.

“Not used to walking down the street in the sun, enjoying yourself?” I inquire, pretending I have a conversation over the mobile Phone.

“No, not really!” she responds; “I was stationed in the deeper chambers; until the failed mission had me misplaced, and I ended up in your room!” she responds.

“How very unfortunate, for them!” I giggle.

“I doubt they will be putting in the effort, of retracing my steps; all assuming there is anyone left, missing me!” she concedes.

“That’s horrible..” I point out; “but then, you ended up in a better place!” I continue.

“Yes, this is most certainly a better place..” she responds; “I will never go hungry!” she points out.

“Going hungry, could never be fun!” I suggest, as I continue walking down the street towards the destination. (our destination)

Thankfully, I am blissfully ignorant of how this would feel…” I ponder, stopping by the side of the road.

Once the street is clear enough, I walk over to the other side; before I continue towards my destination. I had realized; that the Asphalt is fairly similar to the stone tiles back hone, in how they feel to walk on. It isn’t just in how the sounds of my hooves, but how they feel to set hoof on.

I come across grass and gravel, along the way; the gravel is not comfortable, but I have to confess, the grass certainly is. Something I had not realized, until now; even if I may have walked barefoot on grass, before. The grass had felt good then; but it feels so much better now, than I could have been imagining. I just hope; this is not showing, on my face.

I pass a few more street crossings, before I reach the destination I had been striving towards.

While I appear to be alone, but that is quite fine by me. Not so much that I had told anyone that I was planning to go, and it isn’t as if I had been expecting to see anyone I knew, either. Why?

Either way, I step into the small lobby. The twin doors eagerly slide up before me, almost as if by Magic. However, there is a sensor, picking up when someone is in the area in front of the door; making the doors slide up, just in time to let me enter unhindered. Rather convenient, if I could say so myself.

I like frequenting this establishment; not so much for the Cafe part of the activity, but to see a few friends on and off line.

After a moment, I reach the receptionist’s desk; stopping before her; “Is there a booth available?” I inquire.

“A booth, yes; I could put you up for one, right now!” she responds, confirming my hopes.

“Thank you, Urano!” I respond; “I always prefer the privacy of a booth!” I put forth.

“Just place the palm of your hand on the Plaque..” she instructs me; “then spread your fingers wide, and you can step right in!” she concludes.

“Thank you!” I respond; placing the palm of my right hand on the black, hexagonal surface.

I feel the sleek, smooth surface under my hand as I spread my fingers wide; only to find an intimate warmth spreading, as my fingers are spreading. It had been a bit strange, the first time; now I had grown accustomed to the sensation, to the point where I barely even noticed it. Had it not been giving me the warm sensation, I would have noticing it.

On second thought, the sensation had become just a bit more acute than I wanted to remember it being. But, what the hay? It feels warm and familiar, inviting to me as it is

With my booth cleared, I continue on my way to the door out of the lobby.

I had taken the door to the left, leading me to an escalator taking me to the basement. It is the added privacy, I am after.

The escalator takes me down to the basement and I find myself stepping off and through a set of sliding twin doors to the hall. Most of the doors signs are showing the bright red for occupied.

Should I have taken the first unoccupied booth, you think? No! Why?

I continue to a specific booth. I usually frequent this particular booth. Why? Well, why not? I like it. Once I had found it, I always take this one.

I lift up my right hand, placing the palm onto the smooth black surface; only to spread my fingers wide, feeling the inherent warmth from inside as the door quietly slides up before me.

The moment the doors slide up for me, I step into the room; only for the doors to quietly slide shut behind me, just as I had cleared the threshold. The first I see, is the hexagonal table at the center of the room. The floor had been laid with a plush, deep Royal blue carpet; just the way I remember it, from the last time I had been here.

The table is crafted out of chromed Steel, just as the tables along the walls. The table-top was made out of chrystal clear glass.

The side tables has a wide screen, while the conference table in the center has a holographic monitor interface. With six chairs, I can communicate with six people; either in the room, or connected via a similar interface.

I sometimes choose to use one of the tables along the wall; but this time, I choose the central table, for the purpose of the conference mode. It isn’t as if I intend to strip nude, but I hope I can talk to my Companion: Penelope face-to-face all the same.

Even if I can not touch her, her face; I still want to see her, face-to-face. Well, why not? She is my Friend, my Companion; so naturally, I want to see her face-to-face.

Maybe I could even set up a chat, with just the two of us. On the other rubbery hoof, what if I could help her set up her own Profile? That would be awesome, wouldn’t it? At least, I think it should be

Since I already have my Profile created and attuned to me, I don’t need to lift a finger to access it; but we would need to create hers from scratch, step-by-step.

I have logged in, into the chat, the moment I opened the door. I choose to sit on the chair opposite the one with my profile, making it clear Penelope intends to create her own profile.

As I sit down, I can see a vague image of myself, just as I am looking right now. I place the palms of my hands onto the table top, accessing the features of the chat; opting to create the profile: Penelope.

The image slowly blurs, before it starts to take on definition; showing Penelope, as she chooses to show herself to the chat. Once her face is on the screen, the rest of her characteristics start to appear on the screen before me; listed one by one, from the Name, Age and so on.

“Curious..” Penelope exclaims; “if only we had had this, back then; maybe we could have been spared some of the more embarrassing setbacks we were suffering!” she puts forth.

“Yes, but maybe this would have robbed me of the experience of meeting you; just as it would have robbed you, of the experiencing to meet me and the benefits you have with me!” I suggest.

“Yes!” she concedes.

Once the Profile has recorded her appearance and statistics, she is opting to save the Profile.

With her Profile completed, she is logged in, for the first time. Hence forth, she can partake in the Chat, or chat with anyone currently connected and logged in.

For now, I am the only person on her list of friends. Not just because I was the one inviting her in, or even the only one in the room; I am the only person she knows, even if she may have seen a few people on her way over to the Cafe.

“Neat..” she exclaims; “I can see you before me; even if I can’t touch you, in here!” she puts forth.

“Yes, I guess it is..” I respond; “but we can do all the touching, back home!” I suggest; neglecting to mention how she is already touching me, right now.

Well, that is irrelevant in context.

“If you want to play a game, on line; just create a Profile for the Game, and connect it to your Main Profile you just created!” I point out.

“That could wait, couldn’t it!” she responds, snickering.

Since we are chatting with none outside the room, there is no Chat Log. Thankfully. Not that I have a problem with having a chat log of my conversation. Just that I prefer our conversation to be private and off the records.

Not as if we were talking about anything intimate, or did anything overly inappropriate. I just enjoy introducing her to this scene in private, guiding her without any outside interference.

“I guess we could explore the games, later; at which point, I would have to ask you to introduce me and offer suggestions on what I may enjoy!” she puts forth.

“We do have both On-Line and Off-Line games available, here!” I explain; some of which just may be fun and enjoyable for you!” I supply.

“You mean, we can play against, or with Players; other than the two of us, in here if we so chose?” she inquires.

“Yes, we could choose any out of a number of games; it’s the fun with these games, to make new friends and challenge yourself!” I put forth.

“I could probably stand to make a few more friends..” she concedes; “even if I do enjoy your company immensely!” she points out.

“Guess I noticed that!” I tease, giggling quietly to myself; “it isn’t, as if I could blame you; I have come to enjoy your company, quite a lot!” I conclude.

“Wait, you don’t say?” she inquires.

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