• Published 26th Apr 2024
  • 607 Views, 19 Comments

Equestria Girls meet Venom - Big Imagination E

The Rainbooms need to help Eddie Brock regain a new life. But first they need to stop a great evil. With some help from a race of symbiotes and the leader: Venom

  • ...

Riot Arrives and Attacks

At the Life Foundation we see Drake trying to look around making sure no one else broke inside and stole anything. But then he saw a little girl and he asked if she was okay. But that wasn't the case. The girl grabbed him by the throat and another symbiote went inside him as he screamed in pain.

Meanwhile with the gang they arrived at the hospital.

"Eddie, girls and Spike. I'm glad you came here. Listen I got bad news. I just received Eddie's labs back, and his heart has atrophied severely." Dan said.

"Can you fix it?" Twilight asked.

"No. I can't. I've never seen anything like this before. This parasite. It's eating you from the inside. We need to get you to the ICU." Dan replied.

But no matter how hard they try to reason with him they won't listen and they actived a loud sound that caused not only Venom to weaken but the other symbiotes hated that noise too. But the others tried to remain in them and Venom didn't get so lucky as he jumped out of him. And that might be a fatal mistake.

"I don't think he should have done that!! We needed Venom to stop Drake and he's letting him get the upper hand!! We're leaving this place now!!" Slasher said.

"But what about Venom?! We can't just leave him here!" Rainbow asked.

As they were arguing Venom took whatever energy he had and crawled through the vent and the gang didn't have time to fight. They needed to get to Eddie and help him. But unfortunately when Eddie got to the elevator he was shocked from Drake's goons and he landed on the ground. The girls and Spike gasped seeing that when they arrived and the thugs aimed their weapons at them.

"Alright you bratty kids. I have enough of your bullshit. You're all coming with us. Let's go!!" A thug said as he and the others forcefully grabbed them and led them out. Meanwhile a dog that has the symbiote in it spotted Anne and she knew exactly what it was doing.

At the Life Foundation we see Eddie, the girls and Spike all tied up to chairs and they struggled to get out.

"I don't know what you ruffians are doing but let us go!!!" Rarity yelled.

"I don't think so toots. But you should be glad that I'm not just gonna kill you and your friends. That wouldn't be any fun. No no no. I think what I oughta do is rip all your tongues out of your faces." Treece said.

But then he go head butted and he groaned in pain as he started bleeding a little. At that time Drake arrived and got him to stop. "Stop. You're bleeding all over my lab. Go. Go!"

Treece left and Drake stared at the group.

"Well. Nice of you girls to drop by. Anyway I'm gonna get right to the point. Where is he?" Drake asked.

"We ain't telling you shit Drake. And now that we know your secret you will be stopped. And you know what? Even if we did, we wouldn't tell you anyway. We don't trust you and your insane." Rainbow replied.

"That hurts. But I think all of you are being insane! And if you won't tell me where my Symbiote is then I'll just have to ask them. You know? Agony, Scream, Slasher, Lasher, Hybrid, Hysteria and Scorn." Drake replied.

"They are not saying anything either asshole!!" Twilight said.

But that made Drake mad as a symbiote covered him in gray goo and formed a monster. This symbiote was none other than Riot. "Where is he?! Where is Venom?!"

"Oh my god! That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen!" Eddie yelled.

Then the other symbiotes emerged from the girls shoulders and growled at him.

"Riot. You son of a bitch! I should have known that you were the one causing that trouble to begin with!" Lasher said angry.

“So this is what has become of you, huh guys,” he said, voice dripping with derision. “Helping these pathetic little girls and this weak boy. You always were weak. Too emotional, too sympathetic to lesser races. I should have known you’d betray me the second one of these creatures showed you kindness.”

"That's because these girls and Spike are more powerful with friendship than you ever will!" Hysteria said.

“Bullshit!” Riot pounded the bars, making them bow out slightly. “Now im offering you guys this! And that is that you all stop with this nonsense! You are going to let me out of here, and you are going to do your job and continue our invasion plans!”

"No. We are not letting you release those evil symbiotes and attack innocent people." Agony retorted.

"Fine. If you refuse to help me then I will release them myself!! You have me on the run, injured, and yet you stop and beg for me to let this one, insignificant waste of flesh go. How weak.” Riot snarled.

He then sunk back into Drake and the others went in the girls and Spike. Then he left them for Treece and his men to deal with. Then the thugs took Eddie and his gang out to the forest and was ready to shoot them.

"I hope your ready to die brats. Because you all have been a real pain in my ass. Well not anymore. Now if you want to live hand over the symbiotes." Treece said.

"No. We ain't giving them to you. Ever." Twilight replied.

But before they were about to shoot them black tentacles came out and grabbed each one and killed the thugs on the spot. Then the black creature grabbed Treece and ate his head. Then the black creature did the unthinkable. She kissed him and Venom went back into Eddie.

"Venom! You're back! We're so sorry for using that noise on you." Twilight said.

"It's alright. But the one with Drake is Riot. He is the true leader of the symbiotes and he is planning to use the rocket to bring back more of my kind and invade your planet. If we all don't stop him then all of your home is gone. Even Canterlot City." Venom replied.

"Are you saying that you were gonna take the rocket and come back with an invasion force?!" Sunset asked enraged.

"That was our original idea! But we aren't doing that anymore! Ever since we bonded with all of you we changed! So we want to help you stop Riot and save your home and your planet." Hybrid said.

Applejack looking at Hybrid's eyes to see if there was any lies in there and so far there wasn't. "He's telling the truth."

"Well I'm glad you were telling the truth. But I'm coming with you guys. And I cannot believe that you girls and Spike have those too." Anne said.

"Well you better believe it. But you can't come with us. It's not safe. With Riot inside Drake he will seriously kill you. And knowing him he has an arsenal of weapons." Slasher added.

"Well what if there was a way she can help us kill Riot? You said that fire and high pitched noise were both his weaknesses right? So maybe she can use the noise frequency to bust his eardrums." Twilight thought.

"Yes. He hates both of those so we will need a machine that can make that much noise to weaken Riot. And since Lasher is bonded to Spike he can use his dragon magic to burn him in the green flames. But the question is where is Riot heading to?" Scorn asked.

"Well there's only one place in the Life Foundation he's heading to retrieve more symbiotes to invade the Earth. The spacecraft on the launch pad. If we don't destroy that rocket then all hope is lost and all of Earth will be invaded." Scream said.

"Oh that's not good. So what will we do?" Fluttershy worried.

"Oh I'll tell you what were gonna do. Were going straight to that launch pad and we are gonna destroy that rocket and Kill Drake and Riot." Scream replied.

Then all of the symbiotes covered them and Lasher led Anne to where he wanted her to go. Once all the symbiotes were at the launch pad they all saw the rocket that was getting ready to launch. Then Lasher pointed Anne in the direction where she needed to be and left the symbiotes ready to plan what their next step is.

Meanwhile in the rocket control room was a bunch of scientists getting ready to launch. But they started having second thoughts about this. Drake was not waiting any longer and decided to type in the codes for launching and it will in five minutes. One scientist tried to get the code to stop it but Drake wasn't having it. Then suddenly Riot took control and killed him on the spot and made two giant axe blades and scared everyone and they ran off. Then Riot crashed through the window and started running to the rocket while the others saw him.

"Oh Jesus!! You can all take this guy right?" Eddie asked.

"I hope you can because that is one tough symbiote!! Because we don't know how we can stop that creep!" Pinkie said.

"We can. But he has got shit you never seen before." Hysteria explained.

"What does that even mean? What are our chances?" Twilight asked.

"Hmm pretty much zero at this point. But with you I think they went to slim." Scorn answered.

"Yeah. Scorn is right. So pretty much we have a slim to little chance to stop him." Venom agreed.

"Ok fuck it. Let's all go save the planet. Symbiotic Eight. Let's go stop Riot!!" Twilight said.

So the symbiotes all ran in battle after Riot in hopes of stopping him from achieving his goals of getting more symbiotes to Earth.

Author's Note:

Looks like the girls and symbiotes all now have one goal now. Stop Riot and Drake for good. Be ready for the battle against Drake and Riot!!!