• Published 29th Apr 2024
  • 2,616 Views, 480 Comments

Universal Language - David Silver

First Contact. It was all over the news, how could it not be? A station could be heard, if one tuned into the right AM station. It played on repeat. It came from outside this world. Was it in peace? What did it mean?

  • ...

13 - Purplesmart

"So." Applejack had a hoof by her ear. "Much as ah'm lovin' this little ball of innocent pony, ah'd still like to know where in tarnation it came from!" She was singing, her translation disabled. Her words were meant for those who already understood it. "'Cause neither Cindy or I did nothin' that shoulda had a foal! An' yet, there it is. 'Gain, love 'em, but ah need to know what happened."

Rainbow Dash sighed gently. "Look, um, I just heard about it myself. Fluttershy has no idea, so don't be mad at her."

Applejack shifted closer, dropping her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Spill."

Rainbow chewed her lip. "Look, you're one of my best friends. I can't just leave you in the dark. So. See, Twilight, you know she has big ideas, right?"

"Uh huh?" Applejack cocked a brow. "What kinda crazy idea did she come up wit' this time?" She smiled gently, recalling that a good deal of Twilight's plans and ideas were just fine. That was the whole reason they were out there.

Rainbow fidgeted. "Um. Well, she sorta—" She tugged at her mane with her hoof. "Twilight knew there wouldn't be stallions around." She tucked her head down with a wince. "Not all of us were real happy with that. Me included, really, but she wasn't wrong, and so, well." She bounced in place, floating. "Look, it was her idea, okay?"

Applejack snorted gently, rubbing at her lower jaw where one jaw met the next. "Twilight's like that. Now tell me what happened! Ahm ah just gonna start popping out little ponies all over? That'll get a bit crazy real fast." She kicked her hooves softly against the ground as she stared down at the soft grass around her. "Don't mind that they exist, but ah need to know how this works, you get me?"

"It's magic!" Rainbow waved a hoof with a pout, but she lowered it again, knowing that answer was unsatisfactory. "She said, and I quote, 'Sincere friendship with a not-pony.' I don't know how often, or how easy." She put her hooves at her hips. "Speaking of that! You're all snug as a bug. When do I get to come down? What am I waiting for?!"

Applejack pulled back from the camera, waving her hoof about as she calmed Rainbow down. "Ya gotta wait for the UN to finish their fiddlin'. Once they say it's okay, ya can come down. They'll be expectin' ya, and once they see ya ain't out to invade, that'll make it a lot less—"

"Hold on." Rainbow dash swatted with a wing. "Hello?" The response came in English, making her blush. "Oops!" She tapped at her earring to get its translation going. "Hello, Rainbow Dash speaking. How can I help?"

A voice spoke up that Rainbow didn't recognize, "Hello. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am a representative of the country of Canada. We are good friends with the nation of America, and we would like to spread out arms wide in welcome to you. We are sending some coordinates, we hope they make sense to your computer. If you'd like, please visit. You will be given a visitor's visa with no set time limit. We welcome our neighbors from another star."

Rainbow spun in place, thinking fast as she answered, her words carefully chosen. "I can't go without orders. Until the UN says it's fine, we have to stay in orbit. It's going to be a long while before I can get down there." She sighed softly. "Sounds fun, not gonna lie!"

"The UN can't tell Canada not to welcome you." The voice, male, was quite friendly. "Us coming to you would be quite expensive, but we assume you have a way of coming down here. It is entirely your choice." She could hear papers rustling. "I am permitted to offer you a stipend."

"Stipend?" Rainbow inclined her head. "Stipend of what?"

"Money. You'll get paid just for being here, so you can have a fun time, enjoying the wonders of Canada, both natural and man-made, and we have plenty!" He sounded eager, as if he was really hoping she would say yes.

Rainbow's wings fluttered with excitement. "I'd love to come down and see what's what, but, like I said, I don't want to get in trouble." She squirmed in place even as she slowly span in place, gravity having little say over her. "Are you sure it won't make other humans super mad? I'm not trying to make them mad."

"There are few things that upset our Americans more than a lack of decisiveness." He laughed at that, his tone warm and friendly. "The States have allowed you into their country. You were treated well, and now the UN is simply taking too long. Now, like I said, Canada and the States are friends, close chums! Why, you could even visit your friend down there without too much trouble."

"Yes!" Rainbow bounced in place with excitement. "If I can, I'd like to get down there as soon as possible. As I said, we're being forced to stay up here." She thought about her options for a moment. "Um, let me go talk to someone really quick. Can you hold on?"

"I'm afraid I really can't. You have our information though." He snapped his fingers. "So come on down if you like. No hard feelings if you don't, but it'd be a shame to miss out. Ask around, We Canadians are known for being a polite and welcoming bunch."

Vibrating with excitement, Rainbow propelled herself with strong grabs of things on the way and flaps of her wings. "Fluttershy!"

The soft-mannered pegasus lifted her head up from a box she had been examining, letting out a faint, adorable squeak as she nearly fell over from surprise at Rainbow's sudden appearance. "R-Rainbow? Did something happen? Do we have more visitors?"

"Nothing like that." Rainbow waved it off. "A human just sent us a message. They want us to come down. They're ready to throw parties and give us bits just for being awesome. Please say I can go, please!"

Fluttershy rolled her eyes fondly. "That sounds like fun." She dug around in the box to come out with a single earring. She got her translator into place. "You know, if we leave, the ship has to come with us. It'll never be a ship again. Are you sure?"

"Hey now, what about Twilight?" Rainbow settled on her haunches and put her hooves at her hips. "Tell me how many hours left before she thaws out."

Fluttershy scooted away from the computer so she could get it to project the answer for them both. "I, um, might have lied a little." She laughed nervously. "I can wake her up at any time, but I was told not to, until we were sure this was a world we wanted to, um, be on. If we're landing, I should wake her up."

"Alright." Rainbow folded her hooves behind her head, laying back to kick at the air. "Wake her up. Let's make this real."

"This is real," giggled Fluttershy as she set things into motion. "She should wake up soon. If she agrees with our reports, we'll all be landing." She swallowed thickly. "This world will become our home."

Rainbow rolled about in the air, getting her energy out while she waited for Twilight to wake up, excited to share the news with her friend, that their journey was nearly at an end. It'd been a long time since they left the comfort of Equestria, and the only things they had to do now were bring down the rest of their friends. "Oh, wait." She rubbed behind her head. "What about Pinkie?"

"What about Pinkie?" Fluttershy inclined her head. "She's a program, not a person. We could just turn her off."

Rainbow paled near her snout. "What?! No way! She's been a true friend! I don't wanna just turn her off 'cause we're here." She stomped a hoof in a firm declaration of her feelings on the matter, sending her sailing away from the wall she struck. "She deserves to be one of us."

Fluttershy boggled at that, ears drooping and eyes going wide as she took in that idea. "I see. Hm." She held out a hoof. "Give me your translator."

Rainbow pulled the earring out carefully and set it in Fluttershy's hoof.

Fluttershy pressed a button on it and kept it held down until it began to flash different colors. "Step one." She put it down on a tray that swallowed it up into the wall. "Computer." It chimed gently. "I'd like to transfer Pinkie Executable." She worked her hooves busily, wings helping as she worked. "No, the other one."

Rainbow hovered close, leaning in to watch everything Fluttershy was doing with interest. "Are you sure that's okay?"

"I'm transferring Pinkie into your translator." She flexed her hooves out with a heavy exhale as she finished. "It's ready. Give me your hoof."

Rainbow held out her front left hoof, and Fluttershy placed it carefully into the tray. "Now, this much information won't fit so easily. I know you preferred it as just an earring before, but that isn't—" She was interrupted by a sharp pain that lanced up through Rainbow's leg. "possible this time. You will be Pinkie's host. But you won't leave her behind."

Rainbow wanted to make a snappy comeback, but the pain went up through her leg and to her heart, and she jerked back with a scream, tumbling away as her body refused to work right, limbs going everywhere as she writhed about in the air in pure agony. Fortunately, the discomforted faded quickly, leaving her heaving for breath, looking at her hoof which appeared no different than it ever had. "Pinkie?" She rose up from where she had been laying, one eye wide with surprise.

"Yep!" A yellow earring slipped into Rainbow's ear, glowing for a moment. "Totally me! This is new. I'm in your head!"

Rainbow laughed at her internal Pinkie. "You were always in my head, Pinkie. We just made it official. We may be landing soon. Are you ready?"

"Yes!" She twirled in place, which translated to Rainbow's body twisting in the air. "It's been so long since we last met, and even longer since I've had a body! Well, more than a temporary one."

Rainbow snorted gently. "Hey, my body. You get your own."

"Fine!" Pinkie appeared, a translucent hologram. "There." She booped Rainbow with a giggle. "I'm so excited! I wanna explore this new world with you." She gazed around with her bright blue eyes, smiling at everything she saw as she stretched out, shaking out her hooves as she pulled herself to full height. "Ooh, I can't wait."

Rainbow swatted playfully at the transparent Pinkie. "I'm just glad we're not turning you off, that'd be way too sad. We have a whole new world to explore." She hugged Pinkie as best she could, not that Pinkie had any physical mass. "Come on, let's go plan." The two darted off to get their things together and plot their exploration of Earth.

Fluttershy smiled as the two fled. "Now, Twilight." She pulled up the image of the peacefully sleeping pony. "We'll be needing you soon." She started the sequence that would stir their magic pony to consciousness. "I hope the captain won't be mad at me." She sighed gently, but thought of little to turn things around. "I hope."

Author's Note:

Time for the next phase!

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