• Published 4th May 2024
  • 183 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 1: The Day When It Happened

The High School doors burst open of Harwood County, rain splattering everybody, soaking them through their clothes as all the high schoolers scrambled to their buses or to their cars to get home and out of the rain. None of them knew it was going to be pouring like a shower unlike Noah Carver, who stepped out of the school, the strap of his bag on his shoulder.

Looking through his glasses, he saw his best friend, Jake Holling, jogging up to him with a soccer ball in his hands. His black sweatshirt is soaked right through him, but it didn't bother him at all. From the proud smile, Noah had to say something.

"Your team won again?" he assumed as his best friend dropped the ball, bouncing it up and down with his right knee.

"Yep," Jake replied, catching the ball in mid-air. "You should've been there, dude. We almost got creamed by the other team," he expressed in full delight. "I thought we won't win like last time, until I gave them one of my special soccer tricks." A grin spread over his face, feeling proud of himself. "The coach was very impressed by what I did out there, saying I should be team captain of Hardwood High!"

Noah beamed at the excitement centered around them. "That's great, dude!" he exclaimed. "Hey, I'm going to meet up with the others at the Brainfreeze." He looked at the sky, covered up in dark clouds. "I want to get out of the rain. I don't want to catch a cold."

"Is Gia there?" Knowing Jake, he couldn't help but laugh at the question. "Well, is she there?" he questioned, placing the ball underneath his arm once the geek stopped snickering.

"I did say I'll be meeting up with the others, so...yeah, she'll be there. Come on, I'll race ya. Last one to get to Ernie's gets to pay for the fro-yo."

"You're on, man." The two of them sprinted off to the Brainfreeze where the mall is at. "I'm gonna beat you!" Noah heard Jake call over to him. "Looks like you're paying for it!"

"Not a chance..." Picking up his feet, the grass made squishing sounds from showering rain, almost slipping in the process. "Ah!" he yelped when he stepped on a mud puddle, falling flat on his stomach. "Great..." Getting off the ground, he decided it was best to just walk there, even though he's going to have to pay for the treat.

By the time he reached to Ernie's Brainfreeze, he saw Jake waiting for him outside the store. "Where have you been? Playing in the rain?"

"Haha," Noah answered with an eye roll. "Looks like I'm paying for the fro-yo."

"Nope." Getting out the money, Jake patted Noah on the shoulder. "You did your best. Besides, I want to impress Gia."

"You always want to impress your crush." Grabbing the door, Noah swung it open, letting the water drip down onto the floor. "Hey guys," he waved, spotting the rest of the group at a table near the wall.

Emma Goodall was the first one to notice both him and Jake walking up to them. "Hey," she greeted back, lightly elbowing Troy Burrows, who picked his head up from a deep thought.

Gia Moran saw Jake with a ten dollar bill, smirking. "You're paying, huh?"

"Me and Noah raced here to see who gets to pay for the fro-yo for losing the race," he explained, rubbing the back of his neck. "Instead, I'll pay. Even though he didn't win."

"Hey, I did my best." Noah sat down at the table. "At least you can dance too. I'm not much of a dancer."

"Since when?" Jake tilted his head to the side and asked. "You were dancing when Tensou gave us some music for when we celebrated our Ultra Power."

"I'm not a dancer, Jake." He took off his glasses, trying to find a dry spot of his shirt, having it be near impossible. So he used one of the napkins to dry the lenses, getting all the droplets off. "Since we didn't get a call from Gosei yet, maybe we can enjoy the fro-yo for once," he hoped, placing his glasses back on his face.

"Yeah, I hadn't tasted any in weeks because of the Armada. I'll be right back." Jake walked over to the counter with Orion passing by him with a tray, placing it on a table where a couple are at.

After getting a nice thanks from them, he went over to his friends. "Jake's paying?" he said, seeing him talking to his boss. "Does he always have to pay for the fro-yo? You know we won't get to eat it."

"Maybe this time we will," the brunette girl beamed before noticing that Troy was frowning, going back in his thoughts again. "You okay, Troy?"

"I'm fine..." he told her softly. "I...just had a weird dream last night. And it wasn't about the war."

"What do you mean?" Gia furrowed her brows in confusion. "What did you dream about this time?"

Troy drummed his fingers on the table. "I dreamt that all of us were in a different place; a different world." Now the rest have baffled looks on their faces. "Come on, guys," he spoke, picking up their reactions. "I'm smart enough to know that the dream I had will not come true unlike the war ones."

The others nodded, knowing he's right about it. He may be quiet, but he knows some things - like martial arts, smart enough on what moves to use against the Armada.

The dream Troy had was plain weird and strange, with nothing making any sense. All he can remember are these horse creatures he saw. He didn't understand what the dream was about, but it has to do with them and these...villains teaming up with Vekar and his army, battling each other in fight.

That wasn't the only thing weird about the dream. Another thing about the dream is that... "It's never gonna happen," he told himself, rubbing his eyes.

"What's not gonna happen?" Jake went back over to the table as Orion fetched to get the order. "Did I hear you say you had a strange dream about a different world?" he recalled from overhearing over at the counter. "Is it like the place where we got the RPM Car Zord?"

"No." He shook his head as he answered. "It was more...colorful. I remember these little horses - ponies - in the dream. They're not big ponies; little ones. About half the size of the panels at the command center," he began to remember. "We were helping them, with them doing the same in return."

"And?" Gia prompted him to say more.

"It's all I remember, Gia." He swept his hand over his slicked, brown hair, which seemed to match Emma's perfectly. "I wish I can tell you guys more, but...I can't for right now."

Everyone sat there, wanting to know more. But knowing Troy, he wanted to take things one step at a time. He's smart enough to know dreams can't really happen in real life. So they sat there, talking to each other while Jake sat down next to Gia since Troy is next to Emma. Noah wasn't by himself, being surrounded by his pals.

"Looks like you need a girlfriend." This got the nerd's attention.

"Huh?" he questioned. "Girlfriend? What do you mean, Jake?"

Jake playfully waved his hand up and down. "You know what I mean, Noah. I'm not teasing you or anything, but it seems like you spend more time on science stuff. You need to focus on something more important - Girls." Gia shook her head at his goofy gestured towards her. "From all the years being friends, I haven't seen you ask a girl out. Just because you're an egghead doesn't mean you can't date."

Noah sighed. "Maybe it's because I hadn't found my type yet. Everyone likes a certain someone. You like Gia because she's hot." Jake stifled in a giggle when he said that out loud, Gia having to elbow him as she tried not to blush. "And who knows, Troy might ask Emma out," he then grinned.

Emma grinned over at the statement, while Troy seemed to space out again as per usual.

"We can go on hiking together as our date, have a nice picnic, look for butterflies. I can teach him how to sing too. Me and him can sing my song as a duet."

"You should join the chorus at school."

"I know, Gia. But they already have enough people for it. I have a wonderful singing voice since I love nature. I got it from my mom," she said, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"I wish I get to see your mom... I only met your dad when you and me became friends," her best friend responded. "Remember the time back in first grade where the kids were stomping all over an ant hill, with you trying to stop them?"

Emma gasped. "Yes, I do," she instantly remembered. "You wanted to beat them up." Both girls laughed at the memory, recalling out funny it was to see the kids run off like cowards. "You may be a tough and strong, but you do like to go to the mall with me. Especially when we got Orion a new makeover."

"He could've borrowed clothes from me," Jake simply muttered, chewing on a straw found from the table top. "You girls don't know about guy fashion." Hearing those words from him, the tough gal punched him on the upper arm. "Ow!" he cried, the straw landing on the floor between his feet.

"We do too, know about you boys' fashion," she asserted, placing her arms on the table. "I have to admit, I'm both tough and strong, but I am a tomboy." Jake opened his mouth to say something. "And don't say I don't like to wear a dress." She smiled, watching him close his mouth ever so slowly.

"Jake did want to help Orion pick out some clothes," Noah chimed in, running his fingers through his black, curly hair, all damp now. His clothes are still wet, knowing he'll have to change out of them when he gets back home after he's done hanging out with his friends. "Me and Troy had to keep pulling him back down to the chair."

"While I was asleep," Troy recalled, giving one of his rare smiles of how serious he is most of the time, except when he wants to have some fun.

They laughed, waiting for their fro-yo to arrive at their table.

"I wish we can get rid of those pesky Rangers! They keep ruining my plans!" A trash bin was thrown, knocking down one of the x-borgs off the seat. "Every time I send down a commander, they destroy him. Twice! It's not fair! My father loved my younger brother than me, knowing how

he is."

"Don't worry, Prince Vekar, we'll get rid of those Rangers in no time."

"Shut up, Damaras!" Vekar snapped angrily, throwing the same trash can at his second-in-command. "My father says I'm a worthless prince unlike Vrak. I wish there some way to get rid of those stupid Rangers. Only, there's no other monsters to use against them!"

"How about I build something to get rid of the Rangers by placing them in a different world?" Levira, who's a scientist, suggested.

"That won't work..." The prince began thinking, until an idea came to his head. "I know!" he proclaimed. "Levira, build something to use against those annoying humans on earth, like something to place them in another world."

"She already said that..." Argus, Vekar's bodyguard, spoke up. "And when she's done, I'll take it down to earth," he offered, hoping it'll ease his mood.

"Whatever." Going back to his seat, he sat down, looking at the screen. "Ugh... Rain. I'm glad I live up here and not...blah."

"You mean earth?" Damaras presumed.

"No, I mean the space," the prince answered in a sarcastic manner. The warrior shut his mouth. "Levira, hurry up with whatever you're making!"

"I didn't get started on it yet, sire," she answered to his demand. "You can't rush when I create my new inventions."

"Only to have them ending up failing," he added carelessly. "I want the Rangers to be in another world where we can take over the planet full of humans, taking it at as our brand new home."

"Unless we get rid of those Rangers. They beat every commander every time with those Legendary keys and everything." Vekar casted the golden robot a nasty glare. "I'm just saying, your highness," Damaras calmly stated. "We don't have anybody else like you said. Though, I thought Pacha Chamak would've destroyed those Rangers."

Vekar turned his head away from him. "Knick Knack Paddy Whack had no attempt in getting rid of those annoying people in colored outfits. Levira, are you done now?"

Levira set down her hammer on the table next to the other tools, her expression annoyed. "Say it one more time, or else I'll let you build this thing." Getting the message, Vekar shut his mouth, the mood still in him. "I'll have this done in one hour," she told him, picking up the same hammer.

"One hour!?" he cried in alarm. "You're telling me - Prince Vekar - leader of the Armada, that whatever you're building will take one hour to finish!? Ugh!" He got up, making his way to the window, shoving an x-borg in the process. "Look at it. I want to destroy the planet it front of my eyes now..." Staring at the green and blue planet, it only made him angrier; furious. "Those Rangers ruin all of my plans, destroying the monsters, using those useless keys! It makes me..."

"Mad?" his bodyguard finished.

"How dare you complete my words, you piece of-"

"Whoa, sire! Language," the golden robot halted before the prince can finish his sentence.

Crossing his arms, Vekar muttered back the warrior. "I wasn't going to swear... I'm a good prince - for the Armada."

"With temper tantrums," Levira added from the work table, receiving a harsh look in return. "I'm just saying. Vrak never had temper tantrums when his plans fail...unlike you."

That got him ticked off even more. Stomping over to her, he shoved all the tools onto the floor, inches away from his feet, glaring at the green monster, hitting his now curled up fist on the table top. "Since when did I ever have temper tantrums? I don't have TEMPER TANTRUMS!"

"From the Rangers ruining your ideas, from them destroying the commanders you send down there, and right now," she listed the reasons on why their leader acts like a child, rather than an adult. "Vrak is much more mature than you." Gathering all the tools off the floor, she put them in her tool bag. "I'm going to work on my new invention somewhere else." With that, she headed her way out of the Command Room, the doors sliding open as she stepped out of there, closing after she left.

Vrak is much more mature than you," the prince mocked, mimicking her once she's gone. "Tch." He let out a scoff. "Vrak shouldn't even been born. He had been my father's favorite ever since he learned how to walk while I had trouble standing up on my own. Why can't my father see that I'm better than my younger brother? It's not fair for how Vrak is better than me. I'm his big brother, I should be the favorite! He has no right to be my father's favorite!" During his venting, he picked up the trash can, throwing it at Damaras. It hit him on the chest, only he didn't seem to care about it as it hit the floor, rolling away from him. "You failed me!"

Confused, Damaras replied. "I didn't do anything."

"Exactly!" The prince walked back over to the large control panel, shoving the same x-borg out of the way, knocking him back onto the floor. "You never did anything to stop the Rangers," he blamed, sitting back down in the chair.

"Hey, you're lucky that Argus is going to send the Rangers into a different world once Levira is finished with the new invention," the golden robot spoke, slightly fed up by the attitude he's getting.

"Yeah, except she won't finish it within an hour! I want to know what the Rangers are doing now. Probably having a lot of fun down in the awful place they call home. They think they can win for such powers they got with those ridiculous 'Legendary keys' they use against the monsters with those 'Legendary Ranger morphs', along with those 'weapons' they use all the time. It drives me insane!"

"Sire, you need to calm down," his bodyguard advised. "Like I said earlier, I'll take it down to earth for you."

Not saying anything else, the prince sat there in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, the frustration on getting rid of the Rangers. Every time he sends someone down there, he'll end being blown up by the colorful heroes by their Ranger powers - twice.

His father has always had eyes on his younger brother, for he never fails him, like this prince. Though he never admitted, he's frankly green with envy when it comes to both of his parents talking about how great Vrak is about everything, causing him to have pity for him, knowing he should be the favorite, not his younger brother who takes all the credit.

Thinking about him made Vekar want to go find him, to give him a piece of his mind. The trouble is, he has no idea where is so call brother is at. Why can't his father see that he's doing his best with everything he's doing? It seems like he loves his little brother than him since he overheard him talking to Damaras, saying he needs to keep an eye on him so he doesn't do anything stupid. In other words, babysit him. Something he never liked.

Not only did his father tell Damaras to keep his eyes on him, but he also heard him say he's a fool and an empty headed blunder, nothing compared to his favorite. Nonetheless, Vekar is the first born, even though his dad has been favoring over for Vrak for years, having him believe his father loved his younger brother more than him for being a fool for every task he does, ending up failing at the process.

Getting fueled up by rage, he stood up, kicking the console, resulting some pain afterwards. He cried out, feeling it go up his leg while the others watched him hop up and down, holding his injured foot. "I hate those Power Rangers! By the time Levira is done with the new inventions, they'll be gone from earth, and I - Prince Vekar - will take over the puny planet, ridding all humans. Why can't my plans ever work on them? It's not fair! It'll be better for us to team up with other villains, for they can help us."

"Not a bad idea actually..." Argus stepped up. "By the time we do find villains to help us, we sure will take over the earth."

"Yeah, only here's the problem... Where are we gonna find other villains to help us?! We had Professor Cog and his henchmen work with us when the Rangers got back from this one place, hoping they'll be trapped there

"After his henchmen stopped battling our henchmen for them to work with us," Damaras recalled, remembering the time when it happened. "They ended up getting destroyed like always."

Vekar slowly turned to him. "Don't you dare say such a thing! I want to get rid of those Rangers now! And stop being taller than me!" The answer he got was a simple head shake, hearing the strongest villain mutter something. "Did you say something?" he asked paranoid.

Damaras shook his head again. "I said nothing, sire." However, Vekar can only glare at him, wanting to hear the truth. "Alright. I said you're acting like a child."

"A child?! Me?! Why would you say such a thing!?" The warrior opened his mouth, but the prince kept at it. "I'm no child, Damaras. I'm the best villain in the whole universe," he bragged, placing a hand on his chest. "I'm much better than Vrak since I'm first in line for the throne."

"But Vrak never threw fits," Argus stated, now getting a glare from the Armada leader. "It's true. Whenever something fails, you'll end up throwing a temper tantrum unlike him. Sorry to say this, sir, but Levira is right. Your younger brother is much more mature than you are."

That set him off. "Stop talking about Vrak, you imbecilic. You know better than to bring him up." An x-borg walked over to him, except he got knocked back on the floor for like the third time in a row, having him look down at the henchman. "What do you think you're doing? Sleeping? Get up!" he commanded, forcing the x-borg back on his feet by grabbing his wrist, tossing him away from him in the process. "I will get rid of those Rangers by the time the new invention is done," he vowed with a tight fist. "I will get them to another world for it is the last thing I'll do."

Yeah... the last thing he said.

The orders have arrive at Noah and his friends' table by Orion, who gave the cups out to them, also having his own all made by Ernie. It was the first time they'll ever get to eat it without any interruptions.

Jake has been enjoying his fro-yo, finally able to eat it. "Man, I'm glad I can have some of this stuff. I hate how I'll end up paying for it, only for us to leave because of you know what." He finished his before anyone else. "When will it stop raining? It's been raining ever since fall arrived."

"It'll stop raining tomorrow," Noah replied, finishing up his fro-yo as well. "Fall is more damp than the other seasons, more wet."

"I actually like the rain," Emma piped in. "It helps the trees and plants grow; the flowers blooming."

"Yep," Gia grinned, spooning another spoonful of her fro-yo. "Taking the words from Jake, I'm glad I can have some this stuff." She glanced over at Troy, who is simply stirring his own cup of fro-yo. "Is something wrong, Troy?" All she got was a shrug. "The dream is still stuck inside your head, huh?" This time she got a nod. "Don't worry about it," she assured him.

"I know." Raking his fingers through his hair, he sighed. "I want the dream to be gone," he wished. "Besides, it's a silly dream," he added with full confidence. "I'm not stupid about the dream coming true. I'm smart enough to know it'll never happen - except for the war dreams I keep having." He smiled, showing his pals not to worry about him.

"War dreams?" Orion looked at Troy, questioning him. "Is it after the weird dream you had last night?"

"No." He shook his head, answering boy's question. "It was after the war dreams. All I can remember are these ponies, helping them fight off these strange, looking creatures. I'm not sure what they are, but they're...nasty looking. But hey, it's just a weird dream I had. It'll never happen," he shrugged off.

The others agreed, knowing he's right about it. However, if it was true, than their in for a big surprise.

An hour has come up and Levira stepped into the command room with a new device in her hands. "It's done, sire," she announced.

"It's about time. Argus, go down to earth and take the thing with you," the prince ordered. "I'll send down my henchman so the Rangers won't stop you."

"Yes, sire," he obeyed, taking the object. He then got teleported to earth, along with the henchmen, arriving at a beach. Argus laughed as he set the device up. "You Rangers will be gone for good, and we'll take over this planet." He let out a laugh.

"Stop right there!" a voice commanded, halting the bodyguard.

Argus turned. "Well, well, well. It's the Power Rangers," he mused in his metal voice. "Are you here to surrender your home?"

"Not a chance!" Troy declared, stepping in front of his teammates, taking the lead. "It's Morphin Time!" he called out, bringing out his key and morpher, the others following in suit.

"Super Mega Mode!" Inserting their keys into their morphers, they began to morph.

"Super Megaforce Red!" Troy declared

"Super Megaforce Yellow!" Gia shouted.

"Super Megaforce Green!" Jake hollered.

"Super Megaforce Pink!" Emma yelled out.

"Super Megaforce Blue!" Noah chimed in.

"Super Megaforce Silver!" Orion ended.

"Earth defenders, never surrender!" they all finished together.

"Get them!" Obeying the order, all the henchmen - both x-borgs and bruisers - charged at the now morphed up Rangers, who have their Sabers and Blasters ready, while Orion pulled out his Silver Spear.

As the Rangers fought off the henchmen. Troy used his Saber to knock down some x-borgs, along with doing his martial arts skills, blasting them at the same time. Emma blasted a bruiser before turning to Gia.

"Let's double up our power." She tossed her Saber to the Yellow Ranger.

"You got it!" Doing the same thing, she threw her Blaster at her Pink Ranger friend. With two Sabers in her hands, she flicked her wrist, letting the Sabers fly every where with black cords attached to them, knocking down the x-borgs while Emma continued to blast them.

As they were doing that, Jake and Noah are working together with a couple of bruisers. "Here Noah, take my Saber." The Green Ranger dropped kicked his weapon.

"Thanks, dude." The Blue Ranger gave his Blaster in return, catching the other Saber in his other hand, continuing to slash at the large, blue henchmen as Jake kept on blasting them as they worked together.

Orion, using his Spear, twirled it around, creating blue streaks as he hit each gray guy onto the ground when he saw one getting away. Using his silver speed, he stopped it. "Super Spear Blaster!" When the Silver Spear transformed into a Blaster, he fired right away.

The fight went on when Troy pulled out another key. "Let's go Legendary!"

"Right!" they all exclaimed. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Magical Source, Mystic Force!"

"Mystic Force Red Ranger!"

"Mystic Force Yellow Ranger!"

"Mystic Force Green Ranger!"

"Mystic Force Pink Ranger!"

"Mystic Force Blue Ranger!"

"Solaris Knight!"

"We call forth of magic, together as one, united for all time. Power Rangers Mystic Force!" With their Magi Staffs, along with Laser Lamp in Orion's hand, the battle went on. Orion shot some laser blasts as Jake got his Magi Staff on Axe Mode, creating shock wave and fissures strikes on the ground, while Gia used Crossbow Mode, firing bolts of electricity at the enemies.

Emma channeled her Magi Staff to create wind power, blowing the x-borgs right at Troy who has Magi Staff into Sword Mode. The blade created a fiery flame, striking right at them.

"I'll take care of Argus!" Noah charged at him. "Wave Power!" With the ocean, the water rose in the air, but the robot stopped him.

"Solar Slash Energized!" With his sword, he made his move, his weapon glowing in the color of pure white. Making an X, the white beams knocked the Ranger to the ground, de-morphing him out of Legendary Mode. "Are you gonna lay there, or are you gonna fight? Come on!" Argus provoked, challenging him.

Getting back on his feet, he glanced at device on the ground. Their mentor had called them earlier for them to retrieve it so Tensou can take a look at it. So with a yell, Noah charged right back at him, his sword ready.

The two fought against each other, swords clashing together. "You'll never defeat us, Blue. Your world will be the Armada's."

Noah scoffed. "Not a chance." He swung the sword, wanting to strike him. Argus blocked the attack with ease, grabbing the other end of the Blue Ranger's Saber, bringing it down. "You'll never take over this planet," the Blue Ranger continued to vow.

Argus forced the weapon down even lower. "Oh we will..." he mused. "We have a plan in order to get rid of you and your lousy friends."

"Don't you call them lousy, metal head!" Ripping his weapon out of robot's hand, he called out his own move, similar to Argus's. "Radiant Saber!" With the Saber glowing blue, he made the same X mark, sending it at the robot.

Argus got away, the move hitting the device. The device went crazy, and Noah realize he made a big mistake. He ran to it, only to get hit by a power shock of electricity, sending him to the ground, getting him out of Ranger Mode completely.

"Noah!" he heard Emma cried out as rest came over to help him.

"No! Don't! Stay back, or else-" But the powerful strings of the electric came towards the rest of Rangers as they all fell to the ground, also getting out of Ranger Mode - both Super Mega and Legendary Mode.

The yellowish, thin beams began shocking everything, including the henchmen and Argus, the ground shaking, strong wind picking up, sending the rain water everywhere.

"What's going on!?" Emma picked her voice up over the loud wind.

"I don't know!" the Red Ranger returned. "We have to get to the Command Center. We'll get an answer from Gosei. Let's go!" Gesturing his hand, he led the Rangers to the Command Center with the bolts continuing to strike at everything.

At the Command Center, Tensou wheeled around all over the place. "Gosei, what's happening? The earth is going to explode!" he spoke frantically, the lights on the ceiling going on and off. Before he got an answer, the Rangers rushed in. Troy stepped up to their mentor.

"Do you know what's happening?" he repeated the little robot's words. A loud crash almost knocked the Rangers on the hard floor, using the panels to support themselves up.

"I'm not sure, Troy," Gosei answered loudly enough for them to hear him. "It turns out Noah's move caused the device to act up. I sense a wormhole being opened up - both here and out in space! It's strong enough to lift the Command Center, so get down and hang on!"

Doing as they're told, everyone grabbed ahold of the panels, feeling the Command Center, which is basically a cave, rise off the ground as a large hole in the sky opened up, big enough for the Command Center to fit through.

It was then when something came over to Noah. "Where do you think we'll be at?" he asked in a full voice.

"We'll have to wait and see," their mentor responded. "All you Rangers have to do is hang on," he advised. That's when the lights went off.

In the darkness, Tensou accidently rolled into a rocky wall, causing him to get knocked out, the Command Center getting sucked into the large hole in the sky.

Up in the space, all the Armada ships - the big one and the little ones - got shocked by the electric strings from the device down on earth, the large hole getting larger by the second. Vekar began to get furious. "Get Argus up here!" he bellowed at one of the x-borgs. And once he got Argus back on the ship, the prince charged at him, only for Damaras to hold him back. "You!" He pointed a finger at him. "You failed me!" he screamed, struggling against the hold as all ships began to get pulled in one at a time, the large Armada Ship being the last.

"Vekar, you need to calm down. We need to hang on," Damaras said, failing at calming down the prince.

"It's all your fault!" Vekar ignored him, sending the phrase at the white robot.

Argus was about to defend himself until they got pulled into the hole, having them all fly towards the wall. Vekar hit his head, falling to the floor, blacking out.

Both wormholes closed up, and both Rangers and the Armada are wondering where they'll be at. The dream Troy had flashed back to him, wondering if it's going to come true.

Only he has to wait and see.

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