• Published 30th Dec 2011
  • 14,884 Views, 194 Comments

Avatar: The Last Alicorn. Book 1: Pegasus - Jeweled Pen

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Chapter 10: Sabotage

Twilight tugged futily on the metal bindings holding her firmly against a hard metal surface. She was tired, hungry and her body was cramping from being trapped in the same position for so long. She didn't even know how long she had been here, but she was beginning to imagine this was a minor form of torture. The position made it near impossible to get comfortable with her legs trapped to her side and forcing her to lean forward slightly with the bonds digging into her flesh. She couldn't even move her head to work out the kink in her neck.

She couldn't guess how long she had been here, but it felt like days. They had fed her a thin watery paste, making her stomach feel like a small shriveled rock. There was nothing to see here, only darkness, and the helmet she wore made her unable to form any flames on her horn. With nothing to distract her she could only think of her predicament... and her failure.

The world was doomed. She knew spells to raise or lower the sun and moon, but even in better health she couldn't do it alone. She was the only one who knew how and without them the world would burn away in the heat. It was all her fault.

Unwelcome warmth trailed down her face as tears leaked from her eyes. "I'm so sorry... Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash... every pony... if I just hadn't been so... stupid... none of this would have happened. I swear if... if I ever get free. If I see you again. I'll never run away again. I need you..." A soft sob broke from her throat as the darkness continued enveloping her, unrelenting.


Rarity panted and groaned as she collapsed under a tree. After a few moments rest she began to pull out some of their food to split between herself and her traveling companion. Even little Spike could barely stand, though he had managed to keep up with her without any complaints. They had walked for what felt like days and she was beginning to regret not leaving a note. Her aunt was probably worried sick! She knew the location was far, but she hadn't known it would take them this long to get there. The pounding rain was only making it worse and she knew she would need a long hot bath after this was finished.

She slowly lifted her head and gazed out from their resting spot. Across an empty dirt field, a moat and wooden walls formed a defensive perimeter. The moat was at least twenty feet wide and walls were about thirty five feet tall surrounding the prison. She could see a small number of guards on the walls. The two had finally arrived, which meant the small meal her and the dragon shared would likely be their last for a while. Possibly her final meal.

The fortress itself used to be a high security prison for benders, primarily earth, near the initial stages of the war. However once it had become apparent that the sun was not rising and fewer ponies were willing to face the Water Nation soldiers, the prison had fallen into disrepair as many of the prisoners were moved to prisons more easily controlled by the Water Nation. This one was in earth kingdom territory, albeit barely, but she imagined it would have all Trixie needed to keep a bender from escaping. However, it would be ill prepared for one breaking in.

Slowly the majestic unicorn walked towards a tree and gently placed a hoof on the bark as her eyes closed.

"What are you doing?" Spike asked, as he watched her with an unwavering gaze.

"..." Rarity's horn lit up as the leaves and chunks of the bark were ripped from the tree and spun around her. Within moments her appearance was changed beyond recognition as the leaves seemed to have molded across her body, covering even her tail. Over her face a mask of bark had formed, even leaving a hole for her horn which was now colored brown. "I told you I had a plan."

"How did you... Why did you..." Spike asked in disappointment. There wasn't even a smidgen of his beautiful princess that could be seen! Well, except her poise and stance and... But she looked like some kind of... tree pony!

"Design and fashion are my special talents. Mind you I would normally prefer less... homely materials, but a mare must use what she has access too. With this they shouldn't be able to realize it's me if I'm fast."

"But how are you going to get in?"

"... That, my little Spikey-wikey..." She stroked his chin as he grinned goofily at her. "is where some of the tricks my auntie taught me are going to come in.”


Trixie scowled as she walked though the halls of HER fortress. Her ponies quickly stood at attention as she passed, watching her with looks of fear and agitation. She was looking for some pony to make an example of and her soldiers were doing their best to make sure they wouldn't be chosen.

For a while it looked like her rage would have to be suppressed, until she turned a corner and saw one of the Shadowbolts talking with another of her soldiers. She stopped and listened to them, the Shadowbolt's flank to her.

"Catching the Avatar was a cinch. Our commander knows just how to push a pony so they break. All it took was a few quick jabs and we had her crushed,” the pegasus bragged. “After this I have a bit of leave coming up, maybe me and you could go by the capital..." the Shadowbolt said as he grinned at the unicorn.

"Do you mean General Trixie? I heard she was pivotal in the whole engagement. Setting the trap and everything,” the mare said nervously.

"Bah! That old wind bag? She couldn't find her way out of a paper bag! The only reason we're even working for her is because Nightmare Moon has specifically ordered us too. I don't dare to question the orders of our queen, but our commander says Trixie will get her just desserts soon enough. Now that we caught the Avatar the queen no longer needs her."

"But she was the general before she was on this mission. That's why she was chosen..." The mare said as she looked nervously to the side, "and she will continue to be one after. She is... very powerful. I doubt any pony would dare to oppose her, considering her proximity to the queen." Trixie grinned, just a little bit. She tried to remember that unicorns name... What was it... Iron tail? Bronze horn? Golden flank? She knew it was a metal and then body part...

"Heh. Relax Coppereyes," Ah, that was it. "Once the commander gives her report to Nightmare Moon she won't be an issue. She may be a general, but the Shadowbolts don't operate under her. We answer only too-" Trixie had enough!

"Silence knave," Trixie yelled as she advanced on the stallion. "You dare to speak in such a manner behind my back? I should have you... you..."

The stallion turned to her and just stared. A moment ago he had seemed like just any other pony, easy to crush. To smash. With his bolstering and... but now. As he stood stock still. Watching her... his eyes seemed to pierce her, even from behind their coverings. That feeling of unease began to spread through her and she imagined more Shadowbolts were watching her. Just on the edge of her vision. Like ghosts waiting to strike.

"Yes? General?"

"You... you can't speak of the Great and Powerful Trixie in such a manner, I-" she was cut off as the stallion was suddenly in front of her, eyes inches from her own.

"We are the Shadowbolts. We take orders only from her highness, Nightmare Moon. NOT from you. We were to only follow you until the Avatar was caught. Which. She. Is."

"The Grea-"

"Is a floundering egotistical loud mouth. You may be high ranking, General. But we are hoof chosen by her highness and she is the only one we listen too. Not you."

"I... It... What is your name?"

"Shadowwing," he said before shoving past her, nearly knocking Trixie over as he began to walk away.

Trixie glared, stomping her hoof a few times in annoyance. He couldn't just talk to her like that! She was Trixie! The great and powerful! Even in her mind it wasn't being capitalized any more... Was she... Could the great and powerful Trixie be scared? NO! "I am!" Her horn glowed as water was drawn from one of the rooms nearby. She grinned wickedly as the Pegasus turned, his startled screams filling the air a moment later. "The Great and Powerful Trixie! If you do not show respect well... I have no need for one who cannot." His screams fell silent a moment later.


Rarity crept slowly towards the fort, keeping low to the ground and using the torrential downpour to help hide her movements. She kept a careful watch on the guards on the fortress walls, moving only when she was sure none of them could see her. Besides her, covered in leaves, branches and other things was Spike. As the two arrived at the edge of the moat, soaking wet and sore from having to lay so low, the princess caught a break. The guards on the wall seemed distracted, their backs to the intruders and a small number of them ran off. Soon only three guards remained that she could see and of them only one she believed would have a chance of seeing her as she put the next step of her plan into action.

"Okay... Spike. No matter what you do, do not touch the water," Rarity whispered as her horn glowed and a small bridge of ice, about two feet wide, formed on the waters surface.

"I'm not scared of a little water," the dragon said as he rolled his eyes. He walked across the ice briskly, skidding lightly but managing to keep on. It was raining by the gallon, what could a little more water possibly do? About half way across he turned to see Rarity... Having barely made it a quarter of the way across. "Come on? What if the-Eek!" The dragon fell forward, clawing at the ice. Quickly looking behind him he saw his tail had touched the water, but the water wasn't letting go. It was coiling around the limb and trying to pull him in! He was about to scream when a hoof went over his mouth. Rarity! With the grace and poise of a true princess, she struck her hoof out and the water receded from his tail with a small splash and ripple.

"Do not. Touch. The water," she hissed as he began to cross the bridge again, this time taking much more care to avoid it.

"What was that?" he squeaked as he backed up against the towering walls of the fortress.

"We are unicorns with the ability to control water in ways that would... well, either way. You don't think we would guard our base with a little moat and leave it at that, do you?" She turned back to her ice bridge as it quickly melted under her magic. "Had I not been here, you'd be on the bottom of that moat and..." She stopped as she noticed the look of worry appear on the baby dragon's face. "There there Spiky. I wouldn't let something like that happen to you." She pat his head consolingly. "Now, come along." She led him off towards the front of the fort. There was only one way in and out of the fort, unless the invader had wings, two large wooden doors that went up to the top of the wall.

"Princess Rarity?" Spike asked softly.

"What?" she asked as she poked the door, hoping it would not be barricaded. Sadly it didn't budge.

"Couldn't a pegasi break in here easier? Why didn't you use one of your soldiers?"

"I didn't want any pony to know I was here. But yes, if I had wings this would be easier. This fort is designed with earth benders in mind. They can't bend wood and with the moat and enchanted water in the soil it makes earth bending particularly difficult for them. Not to mention if they try to go under the fort."

"Oh... So how are we going to get in?"

Rarity sighed. "Digging..." She grumbled.

"But you just said-"

"I know what I said. But not much... Just enough so I can get on the other side of the door. I could unlock the door... possibly then." She made a face. "But... I'll have to crawl in the mud..." she whined.

"Fear not my princess!" Spike said quickly as pride filled his heart. "There is no need for you to dirty your beautiful coat. Leave this to me. Digging is my specialty."

"I... don't know..."

"Trust me, your highness!" Before she could object again the purple dragon disappeared into the ground. A few moments later the door popped open. "For you, madam?" the dragon said with a bow as she entered.

"My hero," she said gently as she smiled at the dragon and, though he was covered in dirt, gently leaned down to kiss his cleaner cheek. She looked around, but the place seemed empty. The courtyard was devoid of any ponies, though she couldn't see to far ahead in the pounding rain. "Okay. Spike, I want you to wait here and keep a watch on the door... If I'm lucky it'll be fine. But if not, I'll need to be running, fast. I'll need you to get the door for me. Okay? Can you do that for me?" She dropped a small bag on him, filled with the few supplies they had left as well as her map.

"Of... of course. Anything for you Rarity..."

"Good. Don't call me Rarity now. Call me... Phantom," and with that she ran off, through the pounding rain.

Spike sighed, watching her go as his heart beat with love. "Bye my princess..." He closed the door behind him before nestling up by the wall, taking careful precautions to keep his loves supplies safe against him and safe from the pouring rain.


Trixie gently sipped from a small glass of water as she glared at the furious pegasus yelling from across her desk. She had drowned out most of it so far and was finding the entire thing tedious and boring. What did she care if one lousy pegasus would never fly again? It was his own fault. He should have known better than to cross her. Her soldiers were hopeless as well. She could see their shadows peeking under the door as they bunched up to listen to the 'fight'.

She kept sipping from her glass, watching the pegasus. She didn't understand why she had even been... cautioned by them before. They were a tiny bit intimidating, but they bled just like everything else. Watching the dark garbed mare scream at her with fury just made her feel all the better. They may have put up a tough act in front of the normal ponies, but they were just that. Ponies. A wicked grin flashed on her face as she watched the pony with mild amusement. Just ponies. She knew how to deal with ponies. Her horn glowed as she pulled a small wash basin from under her desk and slowly filled it with water, idly washing her hooves as the pegasus shrieked louder at the unicorn.

Outside the room Snips and Snails had their ears pressed to the door, listening to every word, or at least trying. Other guards kept pushing up into them or knocking them away as they too desperately tried to listen to the yelling. Snips let out a yelp as one of the other ponies accidentally pushed his head into the door before he turned and glared. "Okay! Every pony out! Back to your posts. Go! Now! Snails, I didn't mean you..." he grumbled with a roll of his eyes.

The guards complained quietly as they headed down the halls, away from the entertainment, to quickly disperse. None of them noticed as one of the stragglers was pulled into a small storage room, or heard his confused yelp as he was knocked unconscious from a quick strike to the back of the head. Rarity smiled down at the unconscious guard as she laid him behind some crates and then slowly crept out of the room, headed in the direction the guard had been walking.

Rarity kept her head low as she moved through the fort. Despite the metal coating her hooves, she was almost perfectly silent thanks to years of her aunt's training telling her where to step and how. She needed to remember to thank her aunt for all those strange techniques and movements she'd been forced to learn. They were useless to a water bender, but in the right circumstances... Another guard was dropped as the chain attached to her tail lashed out, striking the surprised pony in the back of the skull. She quickly performed a small search and pulled a key from him, before hiding him in another nearby room. She walked down the halls again and soon came to a large locked door... Perfect. She slid the key inside the door and turned it, letting out a soft squeal of delight as the door opened. She pushed it open firmly and gulped. Oh horse apples. she thought to herself.

Behind the door was a small chamber with a few torches and another even larger door than the one she'd just opened. With two pegasi and two unicorn guards blocking it. The good news was that they were even more shocked to see her than she was to see them. The bad news was she only had enough time to swing the chain and strike one of the unicorns under the chin, dropping him, before the others realized what was happening.

Rarity's horn glowed as the chain sprang to life, tangling around one of the pegasi as the other two guards tried to rush her. As they charged her, she turned around and bucked both her hooves out as hard as she could, slamming them into the chest of the charging pegasus guard so hard he went sailing through the air and slammed into the large door, forming a pony sized dent in it. The other unicorn ducked under her hooves and head butted her. The horn cut her skin, but she managed to move just enough so the horn slashed along her underside rather than impaling her. Unfortunately the unicorn still slammed into her and twisted, sending her crashing into the door frame.

Her vision blurred as the world spun in and out of focus. She laid there stunned, unsure of what was going on, but a follow up attack never happened. As her vision began to clear she looked around. The unicorn had moved to help the pegasus snagged in her chain and was unwrapping his last leg when she had turned to look. She wobbly got to her hooves, but before she could do anything the other unicorn's horn glowed, tugging on the chain and dragging her towards them. Oh buck me! Think Rarity! Think!

As she was tugged towards the ponies, an idea formed in her head. She looked back at them and pushed off with all four hooves. The chain attached to her tail went slack as she slammed into the surprised unicorn. She thrashed as hard as she could, striking out with her hooves and head butting the other unicorn. Their horns connected as they both tried to use a spell, the magic sparkling and sizzling as a white light formed between their horns before quickly expanding.

Light enveloped the two unicorns before flinging them back horn over hoof into the walls. Rarity groaned as she slowly opened her eyes and counted. Okay, one unicorn crumbled across the room by the wall and not moving, check. A unicorn slowly groaning, but still not awake where he had been guarding, check. A pegasus twitching by a dented door, check... Where was the last pegasus? She looked around rapidly and cringed. The door she had come through was open. She had to move fast. She limped to the closed, but dented, doorway. She managed to ignore the small trail of blood she left on the floor. She gave the pegasus by the door another firm hoof to the head before glaring at the obstacle... It had an odd lock, a small puzzle made of small movable tiles. There was only two ways in. Solve the puzzle... or this.

She turned and lashed out with her back hooves. She felt the door creak and then snap as a large chunk of the already damaged door flew into the room and hit something. "OW! W-what did you do that for?" a voice said from the darkness behind the door. Rarity recognized that voice! It was her! Success!

Her horn glowed as the door chunk was shoved to the side and she almost giggled in glee at her prize! The Avatar! Helpless, her prisoner, her wait was over! She... could hear a gong. Right. Break out now. Capture later. She moved over towards the Avatar, looking over the contraption holding her in place.


Trixie gently dabbed a cloth on her hoof, watching the enraged Shadowbolt. The pegasus's face had turned slightly red, wings high in an aggressive stance. It was enjoyable watching the pegasus get angrier and angrier. To think she ever- BONG-ONG-ONG-ONG! Gah! What was that? Who was? What? She galloped to her doorway, opening it and grabbing the first pony to run by. "You! What is going on?"

"T-the Avatar! She's escaping!" the guard said fearfully, cringing before the General's gaze.

"WHAT?! Impossible! How?!"

"We don't know! The alarm went off, I'm headed there now..." Trixie shoved the pony, about to step out after him before she heard snickering behind her.

"And what is so funny?" She asked as she turned to face the three Shadowbolts.

"We capture the Avatar and only a few days go by before she escapes from your hooves. I'll gather my Shadowbolts and we'll-" the Shadowbolt was cut off as Trixie raised a hoof.

"No. You will wait here. I will capture the Avatar myself."

"What?! Why? You are-"

"The commanding officer. In case you have forgotten you answer to me! As per Nightmare Moon's orders. Unless you have any objections with the orders of our queen?!" Trixie asked, glaring at the pegasus. Like she would allow them a second chance to make her look bad and steal the glory for themselves.

"... Very well." The pegasus glared daggers at the general. “If she escapes it will be on your head, General.”

"Good. I'll be back in a few moments after I have recaptured the Avatar. We can discuss matters then." She ran out the door, slamming it shut behind her.

"Useless fool... Once Nightmare Moon hears about this she'll have the pathetic little unicorn torn limb from limb. There is no room in this empire for those who cannot pull their own weight." She didn't have to look behind herself to know her other two Shadowbolts were nodding in agreement.


Rarity held her breath as she supported Twilight's weight on her withers. The Avatar was exhausted from her ordeal and getting hit in the face by a chunk of door hadn't helped matters either. She had dragged the avatar out of the prison and hid in the nearest room, closing the door she had unlocked earlier and snapping off the key in the lock. She could hear the guards trying to break the door down, likely suspecting the Avatar was trapped behind it.

Unfortunately more guards kept arriving, running past the room they were hiding in, and the Avatar was only barely conscious. Rarity's eyes scanned the room, there had to be something they could use, something that she could use... She quickly turned her eyes back to the doorway, gulping nervously. She should have known this was a storage room. It was best she got out of here before they had a chance to use any of those... horrible instruments on her. She shook the purple mare a little bit, gesturing towards the door with her horn.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," Twilight groaned as she tried to pull off the other pony, taking a step. She stumbled just a little bit, but remained standing. "Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

Rarity remained silent, slowly opening the door. She let out a mental curse as she looked into the eyes of a Water Nation pegasus, his eyes wide with surprise at the sudden appearance of the masked mare. The weighted end of the tail snapper dropped him in a moment, but other ponies caught the motion as she shoved the door open. The two unicorns made a run for it, galloping down the hall at full pelt.

Twilight's muscles screamed as she ran and her stomach was tight. She hadn't eaten anything with substance in who knows how long and being stuck in the same position for what felt like days just made it worse. Not to mention her head was throbbing from getting hit by a big door. She could hear galloping hooves behind her, but even the fear of being captured didn't allow her to run any faster. She stopped as realization hit her. She was such an idiot.

Flames glowed from the avatar's horn as she turned towards their pursuers, both hoofs spreading out as flame shot out and enveloped the wooden walls of the fort, rushing down the hallway like a hungry predator. The ponies chasing them sat down and skidded on the floor a few feet, before turning with a yelp and running from the flames. "Well, that should keep them busy for a little bit."

Rarity took the purple unicorn's hoof, dragging her along. The fire was spreading fast, swallowing dry wooden walls as the water benders struggled to put it out by bringing barrels of water forward. A few tried to stop the fleeing arsonist's, but the masked princess quickly dispatched them with a swift blow to the head. She couldn't believe how well this was going! Soon the two burst out of the building and all that stood between them and freedom was the outer wall of the fort! They were going to escape! They were going to get out of here!

The air was knocked out of her as something black slammed into her side, sending her skidding across the ground at least four feet. She looked up and cringed at the sight. The Shadowbolts had arrived and, at least a dozen of them, circled them like vultures. Ponies were also filing out of the fort behind them and on the walls. Rarity got to her hooves and began spinning her tail snapper as the ponies charged!

"FREEZE!" A voice boomed out as the ponies on the ground stopped and the pegasi pulled out of their dives. Trixie slowly walked out from the fort, her head held high as she grinned at the two. "I don't know who you are behind that silly mask. But you've made a foalish mistake coming here. For you dared to try and interfere with the Great and hrkl!" Trixie's eyes bulged as the blunt end of the tail snapper slammed into the side of her skull, making her stumble to the side a few steps. "You... You think that's going to-" The second blow came crashing down and slammed her head into the ground. She didn't get back up. Silence reigned as the Water Nation soldiers and the Shadowbolts stared in shock, the only sound coming from Rarity's panting and the pegasi's wings.

The masked princess had to resist squealing like a filly. That alone made this entire trip worth while! Heck she was tempted to do it again, just for good measure! Oh. Right. Other ponies. She backed up to Twilight's side and prepared. The guards charged at them. Rarity turned and bucked out with both hoofs, catching one of them in the chest and sending him hurtling back into a small crowd. She lashed out with her hoof and tail, but it was a hopeless fight and she knew it. A blow to her back dropped her to the ground as one of the Shadowbolts slammed into her as other ponies joined in. Within moments she was pinned down. She'd lost... Again. She struggled to move but the tail snapper was torn from her body, taking a few tail hairs with it, and her legs pinned.

"You... You liddle battard!" a voice howled as the soldiers parted. Trixie slowly advanced towards them, her hat gone and her jaw puffing up from where her face had slammed into the ground. "When I ged my hooff awound your froat I'm gonna mag you wegwet eva opposhing dah Gweat and Powaful Twikshy!" She stood over the princess, raising her hoof to slam into her face.

"STOP!" Twilight's voice burst out like an explosion as the guards holding her down were sent flying backwards. Her eyes glowed white as massive white wings made of light sprouted from her side. "You will not hurt my friend!" With a single flap of her incorporeal wings a whirlwind circled around Rarity, picking up the guards and Trixie before sending them flying back into the fort. The wings on her back began to flap rapidly as a massive tornado formed above her and began to pluck the Shadowbolts and Water Nation pegasi soldiers from the sky, as well as sucking in the thick rain clouds above into a massive swirling dark spiral of pegasi and cloud.

Twilight then reared onto her back legs and held one hoof out to each side. Flame shot out at her right hood and exploded into the wall of the fortress, destroying a good half of the wall in a heat filled explosion. The earth itself struck out on her left side, forming massive battering rams, that blew a second massive hole through the left wall. The tornado above died down, making the pegasi crash down around them like hail, slamming into the grounded and unfortunate Water Nation troops. The fortress walls were vacant of ponies, many of the soldiers having taken cover from the Avatar's might.

Twilight's hooves gathered together as the moat rose up and flowed through the massive holes in the walls before gathering over her head. She brought both hooves crashing into the ground as the water shot out, slamming into the front wall of the fortress and, with the sound of shattering wood, exploding it outward into the now mostly empty pit. The Water Nation ponies stared in shock as the remains of what used to be an indestructible wall. Now it was nothing but burnt, splintered, or soggy scraps of wood surrounding a burning fortress.

A little scaled head popped out of the rubble, coughing and sputtering. "What's going on? I was relaxing behind the... Oh... Wow..." His eyes bulged out a little as he looked at the destruction, his mouth agape. He eeked as the ground erupted under him, sending him flying in the air to land at Twilight's hooves, only barely managing to hold onto his princess's bag. "Oww... No need to be so ro-EEK!" The ground underneath them them lifted up, encircling the two ponies and tiny dragon in a sphere of rock, before disappearing into the ground.

"Afta them!" Trixie yelled as she struggled to dislodge herself from the pile of soldiers. "GO!" But they only looked away. None of them were able to chase the avatar, nor did they particularly feel like fighting her after that. "Fine. You are all useless!" she yelled as she stomped into the fortress, the door falling off the hinges a moment after she slammed it. She stormed to her office and was greeted by a less than enjoyable sight. The three Shadowbolts were till standing there, watching her as she entered. "Whadda ya wan?" she grumbled as she went behind her desk. She pulled out another small cloth and dipped it in the water basin before she started wiping away the dirt and cleaning her cuts and bruises. Her jaw felt three times its normal size.

"I take it by the pathetic excuse for a pony you make right now the avatar has escaped," the leader said with a confident sneer. "Something that would not have happened if not for your pathetic leadership."

"Siwence," Trixie grumbled through her sore jaw. She was not in the mood for this.

"I will not. We captured the Avatar and then you allowed her to slip through your hooves like a brain addled juggler. When Nightmare Moon hears of this you will be stripped of your rank and likely of your nationality, you cowering, sniveling, useless-"

"ENOUGH!" Trixie yelled, slamming a hoof down. "I still out r-Eek!" she gasped as the Shadowbolt was suddenly inches from her face.

"No, general. You have failed. You have allowed our hard work to become useless. You have hurt one of my men. So here is what's going to happen. You're going to sit down and shut up. I'm going to send a letter to her highness detailing exactly what has happened here. Perhaps if you are lucky you will get away with just losing your rank and not your life. Is that understood. Pathetic and Weak Trixie?" the mare sneered.

Trixie slowly nodded, looking away from the mare.

"Good," she snapped as she turned from the general, jumping off the desk and landing between her two fellow Shadowbolts. “Come. We have an avatar to recapture.”

"..." Trixie watched them leave, her hooves digging into the wood of her desk. How dare those... mere ponies speak to her in such a way. They were... they were just ponies. She knew how to deal with ponies. She slowly leaned forward. Her horn glowed as she thrust the water basin forward, the water turning to ice as it streaked at the three pegasi.


Rarity gasped for breath as the dome of rock broke through the earth, releasing the three into the open air. She looked around frantically, but the fortress was nowhere in sight. She then looked to the avatar, who's eyes had stopped glowing.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked as she dropped to her knees. Rarity nodded, watching the purple mare intently. "That's... that's good... Thank you for saving me... I..." the next words were lost as the exhausted mare fell over onto her side, her eyes closing.

The masked princess stared in shock. She... she had the Avatar! She'd done it! She couldn't contain her glee as she hopped up and down a few times, tossing the mask away and with a glow of her horn the leaves fell from her body! "I've done it! Finally! Avatar, you are mine! Bwa ha ha... ha?" She stopped as Spike gave her a confused look.

"What's so funny? What are you talking about, Rarity?" he mumbled something after that that sounded oddly similar to 'my darling'.

"Isn't it obvious little Spiky? I've been tracking the Avatar for years. Now I finally have her!" She poked the unconscious mare with a hoof. "Now I'll take her back to my ship and back home. There will be celebrations for... months and... Spike. Stop looking at me like that."

"But... I thought you were doing this to help us. To save her. To help the world..." Spike looked down at the Avatar, his face a mixture of betrayal, confusion, and worry.

"Spiky. It's... hard to explain..." She couldn't look him in the eyes, instead gazing to the side. It was like telling a colt that hearths warming eve had been canceled. "I just... I have to take her back to the Water Nation. If I don't... I..." Oh please Spike, don't cry. That's not fair! This was her moment of triumph! She needed to just buck the dragon and take the mare! "I don't care what face you make at me, it won't change my mind." Her horn glowed as she took her supplies back from the dragon, pulling her map out as she tried to determine her location.

"But... You're so nice... and beautiful... How can you be one of the bad ponies?"

"I'm not a bad pony Spike. I just have things I have to do. You'll understand when you're older." She placed a hoof on the map... Okay, she'd just need to go east if she wanted to get back to the ship.

"But you risked her life to save her... How could you do all that just to send her back!"

"Spike... I..."

"I can't let you!" Oh he was in full on tears now and standing between her and the avatar.

"Spike! Get out of the way. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to," She growled as she glared at him.

"No! If you want to take her... You'll have to do it over my body!" He stared up at her defiantly.

Rarity glared as her horn lit up. An aura surrounded Spike... but, after a moment, it dissipated. "Fine. This one time I'll let her go. But only this once. As a thank you for helping me back there," she grumbled in frustration. Why was she letting him manipulate her? He was just a child...

"Thank you!" Spike said as he suddenly lunged forward and hugged her.

"Just... don't tell her it was me who saved her. Tell her it was Phantom," she grumbled as she turned to walk away, pushing Spike off with a hoof. "I'll give you some time, but next time we meet I won't let her go. Remember that. I'd head south. A few hours trip from here you'll come to Cadence, an Earth Kingdom city. From there you should be able to get some help," she muttered before galloping off.

Spike smiled as she left, little hearts fluttering over his head. He didn't care if she was Water Nation... Rarity was best pony. He looked at Twilight before letting out a sigh. He slowly dragged her over under a tree for shade and then started to forage for something edible. He didn't know how long he searched, but when he returned he had a handful of daisies, some moss, and four acorns. Twilight was still asleep. Fortunately he knew how to fix that. He reached out and plucked one of her eye lashes.

Twilight sat up with a yelp, blinking heavily as her eye watered. "Spike, why did you do that? Ow..." She rubbed her eyes as she tried to glare at him at the same time.

"Because you were sleeping and we need to go. I got you something to eat," he grumbled as he dropped the lack luster meal on the ground. "It's not a lot, but it's the best I could do."

"Oh... Ummm... Thanks. Hey, where did that stallion go?"

"Stallion? What stallion?"

"The one in the mask."

"... Wut?"

"He must be incredibly brave to have risked his life like that. I really would like to thank him properly... It's not every day a random stallion faces death and destruction to save me after all..." She said with a slight blush in her cheeks.

Spike rolled his eyes, though he decided to, grudgingly, go along with her thoughts. "Rar... The Phantom is gone. He told us to go south though. Said there is an Earth Kingdom city that way."

"The Phantom? So mysterious...” she said dreamily. “I guess if he said that we should go though...” Twilight slowly got to her hooves before letting her horn glow for a moment. "Okay... It's that way then." She then picked up her lunch telekinetically and began walking. "Who knows? Maybe we'll meet that stallion again. I hope so... I wonder what he looked like under that mask... I bet he was really strong to have fought through all those soldiers for me. Brave too. Strong, silent type I imagine.”

"Gaaaaaaaag," was the only response Spike gave.