• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 3,419 Views, 147 Comments

If Music Be The Food Of Love, Play On - flutterdashforever

Rainbow Dash is sent to boarding school where she meets Fluttershy. A Flutterdash fic.

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Fluttershy always sat at the back of class. Unlike Rainbow Dash, she had been home schooled her whole life and was finding the work that was expected of her to be quite challenging. This particular class was the worst. It was math and Fluttershy was feeling depressed. No matter what she did she could always tell that he teacher despaired at how little she understood. She sighed and resigned herself to bottom marks… again.

Fluttershy jumped as one of the colts who was sitting beside her kicked her leg under the table. She turned to glance at him, a hurt look in her eyes. She saw he was holding a note which he passed to her discretely before turning his attention back to the teacher.

Fluttershy unfolded the note and examined it closely. On the top, in Rainbow’s handwriting, was a short message that just said, “No, you won’t get bottom marks again." Underneath that was a list of the answers to all the questions on the blackboard and on the sheet sitting in front of her. She smiled and began copying the answers on to the sheet.

“What a day.” Said Rainbow, flopping on to her bed slightly tilting her flank so she could admire her new cutie mark.
Fluttershy timidly nodded and fell in to her own bed. She was emotionally spend and didn’t particularly feel like reviling in the day’s events. She had never had to deal with bullying before and even with Rainbow there standing up for her it was upsetting.

Rainbow, on the other hand, was ecstatic. She had earned her cutie mark and done a sonic rainboom. As far as days went it had been a pretty good one. She was so happy that she didn’t immediately notice the quite sobbing that was coming from the other side of the room. When she did she jumped out of bed and rushed over to Fluttershy. Who was crying gently in to her pillow.

“Hey Shy, what’s wrong?”

Fluttershy looked up in to the concerned eyes of Rainbow Dash. “It’s just… no one’s ever been mean to me like that before. It hurts…” the last two words came out at a whisper.

She jumped when Rainbow leaned over and hugged her tight. “I know, but you can’t let it get to you. If you do, all you’re doing is letting them win.” Fluttershy just sobbed in to Rainbow’s shoulder. “Come on Shy, you can spend the night in my bed if you like.”

Fluttershy nodded quickly and zipped across the room and settled in Rainbow’s bed. The two snuggled down and Fluttershy soon drifted off to sleep, happier than she’d been in weeks.

Flutterhsy awoke to the sound of absolutely nothing and wondered briefly why she woke up at all. This soon ceased to matter as, there, in front of her, was Rainbow Dash, her still sleeping face peaceful and adorable. She stirred in her sleep and muttered something that, were this any kind of decent narrative, would have been “Fluttershy.” Instead it sounded more like “Glimliflibble.”

Fluttershy thought for a moment, contemplating how much more romantic and sweet it would be if she chose to hear the muttered sleep talk as her name. These thoughts were cut short by the other thought that hit her like a ton of bricks. Romantic? Why would I want this to be romantic? This thought trailed off to as it was then that Rainbow Dash chose to wake up.

She looked in to the teal eyes, about three inches from her own. How could anyone think that Fluttershy's eyes were green? Was the first thought to pass through her waking mind. “Morning Shy.”

“I like that nickname. What nickname do other ponies call you?”

Rainbow grimaced. “Mostly they call me ‘Rainbow Crash.’ I’ve never had a nice nickname.”

“I think I’ll call you ‘Dashie’.” Said Fluttershy, smiling. “Good morning Dashie.”

Rainbow Dash smiled to and didn’t kiss her on the nose. That second part took more effort than one would think.

The two stayed in bed for a while, content just to rest in each other’s company. There was the distant sound of a bell ringing, signalling the start of the first class of the day.
Rainbow Dash grinned. “Race ya?”

Fluttershy grinned back. “You are so on.”

Class went well for Fluttershy that day. Thanks to Rainbow, she got good marks on the previous day’s math test.
It was only after class that things went horribly wrong. There was a group of students around the notice board. They were talking and giggling. Rainbow, unconcernedly, shoved her way through the crowd to get a better look at what was making everypony so excited. On the middle of the board was a notice that said “School dance. Sunday this week. All students expected to bring a partner.” as well as information on the place and time.

Fluttershy stared blankly at it. Partner? She thought, horrified. “Any idea who you’ll be taking Dashie?” Rainbow didn’t respond. Fluttershy turned and saw that she was already walking away, her mp3 player on and blaring.

“You can't feel the heat until you hold your hoof over the flame,
You have to cross the line just to remember where it lays,
You won't know your worth now, son, until you take a hit,
And you won’t find the beat until you lose yourself in it.
That’s why we won’t back down,
We won’t run and hide,
Yea ‘cause these are the things that we can’t deny,
I’m passing over you like a satellite, so catch me if I fall…”

Fluttershy was sitting staring out the window. She didn’t feel in the mood for music. She just sat and stared at the open blue sky and thought of Rainbow Dash. They hadn’t spoken since they had found the notice. Flutterhsy didn’t know why Rainbow had gotten so upset. She sighed and froze when she heard the sound of singing coming from outside. It was definitely Rainbow Dash although her voice was more gentle and tender than Flutterhsy would have expected. She listened closely realising that she knew this song.

“If I should be so bold, I’d ask you to hold my heart in your hoof,
Tell you from the start how I longed to be your mare,
But I never said a word, I guess I’m gonna miss my chance again.
And all I really want to do is love you, a kind much closer than friends use,
But I still can’t say it after all we’ve been through…”

Authors notes: First of all, let's have the disclaimers; the first song was "Satellite" by rise against and the second song was "If It Kills Me" by Jason Mraz. sorry for the dreadful translation from human to pony on that second song but at least it keeps Lyra away. If you spot any spelling or grammar mistakes make sure and tell me. Also, you can thank the torrential rain and lack of school today for this speedy update. Oh and sorry for the fourth wall breach. Hope you like it.