• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 1,021 Views, 5 Comments

Discord's Possible Change of Heart - Aklinstar

Events that take place place after Discord's second demise. Randomness pursues, Discord goes mad.

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Chapter 1: The Not So Great Start

Discord’s Possible Change Of Heart

Chapter 1: The Not So Great Start

Dear Princess Celestia,

How would you like it if I encased you in stone?

Yours truly,


It was another boring morning for Discord as he decided to mentally check off some things he had already done.

Watched the grass grow? Check. Being bored as always? Check. Tried to think of some ideas on how to break out of this encasement, and thought of what I’d do to Celestia when I break out? Check and check.

Huh, is it just me, or is the sky a little bluer than it usually is? No, I guess I’ve finally lost my mind. How, pray tell, did I last over one-thousand years of being stuck as a lawn ornament? Oh wait; last time I was in my own little world of chaos, it was a vivid dream of what I could do to Equestria, if I ruled. Unfortunately, it got boring, for it was only a fake reality. Still, it was better than being awake while being stuck as a statue. Oh yes, it was WAY better.

Let’s see, it’s only been one-week since my embarrassing demise of being bested by a group of tree hugging ponies from Tartarus. Oh well, guess I’ll just have to count to one million for the umpteenth time. One…two…three…

Fifteen thousand and eighty-one…fifteen thousand and eighty- Discord stopped abruptly, for he meet the sound of rustling coming from a nearby bush. Suddenly, a silhouette of what appeared to be shaped like a pony, stepped out. Discord took a good look at the being, (like he could do anything else anyway.) He couldn’t tell who it was, for the figure was completely cloaked. The only thing he could pick out of the stranger was the eyes, a sky bluish color.

“Hiya Dissy!” greeted the figure.

Wait a minute…I know that voice.

“It’s me, Pinkie!”

Ah, but of course, the pony who actually enjoyed some of my chaotic works, Discord would smile if he could. Even though, it was mostly the cotton candy, and chocolate rain, I created. Other than that, Discord’s mental smile contorted into a frown. This bearer of one of the elements still helped encase me back into my tomb, and for that, I despise her. But not as much as that curse-ed Twilight Sparkle.

“I’m going to break you free!” Pinkie said out of the blue.

Discord’s thoughts came to an abrupt halt; he was at a loss of words (both figuratively, and literally.) Break…me…free…? He didn’t know what to think of it.

“Of your boredom,” Pinkie said.


“I got permission from Princess Celestia to keep you entertained!” Pinkie said, with a large smile.

Discord inwardly groaned. Well, there goes my last remaining joy I had left, (if I had any left anyway.) He now had no choice but to endure the harsh punishment that was added onto an already harsh punishment! Ooh, when I get out of here, Celestia is going to suffer my wrath of having all her mane conditioners enchanted to make her mane turn into a cotton candy mixture! Discord smiled at the thought.

“But…” Pinkie whispered.

But…? Discord wanted to ask.

“I’m secretly here to break you out of your current situation of being a statue,” Pinkie started.

Discord did a double-take, but then he just mentally sighed, she was always the random one. His question would have been simple: how do you plan on doing so, dear?

Pinkie pulled out five necklaces and a tiara seemingly out of no-where.

If Discord’s jaw could have moved, it would have been dropped. How? What? Huh…? Discord mentally sputtered.

“And these six items are going to help me!” Pinkie’s smile broadened.

Discord’s thoughts became clear again. How was she going to set him free without the other five bearers of the elements? Discord then noticed that Pinkie disappeared. How did she-

“And my friends here are going to help me!” Pinkie announced as she jumped out of a bush. Then suddenly, five more figures appeared from behind her: Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity.

“Hello Discord,” Twilight greeted.


“Um, hello…”

“Sup, Discord.”

“Looks like they at least had the courtesy of keeping him polished,” observed Rarity.

They all stood before him with their physical elements already attached to them.

He couldn’t believe it; he was going to be set free! And he didn’t even have to do anything!

“Ready girls?” Twilight asked her friends.


“Um, ready…”



“Let’s do this!”

Then, suddenly, all of the bearer’s eyes turned into a pure white mixture.

Discord was mentally cheering. This was all too good to be true. Yes! YES! I’m going to be free! Take that Celestia! Ah ha! Ooh!~ I can’t wait to see the look of betrayal of the princesses faces! It’s going to be absolutely priceless!

A rainbow formed, heading straight towards Discord; this time however, he was prepared for it. It slammed full force into his very being. A crack appeared on the left side of Discord’s face, and then two more appeared, five, twenty. Discord’s entombment started to shake, until finally, an explosion of stone came forth.

“I’m back baby!” Discord exclaimed, as he did a victory dance on his pedestal.

“Technically Discord, this isn’t really happening,” Twilight divulged.

“Woo- wait…what?” Discord asked, stopping his dance instantly. His face started to show signs of twitching.

“It’s only a figure of your imagination, it seems you’ve grown so immensely bored that you’ve finally lost your mind and have started day dreaming of what it’d be like to be free again,” Twilight said with a smug look on her face. “You didn’t really think it’d be that easy to escape again, did you?”

“This is only…part…of my imagination…?” Discord started out slowly.


“Sorry, dear.”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“Umm…yes? I think.”


“Sorry Discord,” Twilight added.



“NO! This has to be real! There’s no way it can’t be! It’s too real to not be! It’s impossible, I know this is real!”

“But Discord, it isn-“

“It is!”


“It is, and that’s final,” Discord interjected.

The six bearers looked at each other worriedly, but then shrugged, and decided to simply disappear from existence. Discord, being so sure of himself, didn’t notice their disappearance, for he was far too busy believing it was, indeed, real. That, and he had his eyes closed and his back turned in the direction facing where they were.

Discord crossed his arms. This is real, he assured himself. Then he opened his eyes. He couldn’t believe what he saw in front of him. The world was slowly, but surely, disappearing from his view. He was quickly moving away from it against his own will! He turned his head to face upward to see where he was heading to. Stars danced around his view, comets were visibly moving ahead of him. He then saw a bright light starting to grow. Discord grimaced, snapped his lion paw, and a pair of sunglasses materialized around his eyes.

Much better, Discord thought, as he continued rocketing through space itself. The white light grew all around him; it now was too bright to even have his eyes open with sunglasses on. This is ridicu- Discord’s thought came to an abrupt halt when he noticed that it suddenly became dark. He tried to take his sunglasses off, but to no avail, he couldn’t move. Light started to form into his blurry vision. He wanted to rub his eyes, but he couldn’t. Discord started to panic, but he told himself to stay calm. He could hear something, but couldn’t make out the words very well.


Then, his hearing became crystal clear, only to inwardly rage when he heard this:

“That, son, is the cancer cell of all Equestria. The demon that was rightfully petrified, for he, has done many wrong doings to this land,” the father answered.

“But, what did he do?” the colt asked innocently.

“Many foul things that I shall not name. Now come, dinner should be almost ready; we don’t want to keep your mother waiting.” The father started moving towards the entrance of the garden. “We’re leaving. Now,” the father said.

The colt hesitantly followed, only to turn his head to look at the statue one last time as he moved, and then, he and his father went out of Discord’s view.

Discord wasn’t at all pleased, not only was he not free, but was also insulted harshly by some ungrateful runt. Rightfully petrified!? All I’ve done was created a little more fun in these ponies lives! All I’ve ever wanted was to have some chaotic fun!

If Discord was out of his cage, he would have created volcanoes. The core of the world itself would be shaking. But alas, he couldn’t do anything. He was stuck. In a statue, for what could be another millennia or two. Discord mentally sighed, his rage slowly disappearing.

It felt so real, Discord thought. Was it ridiculous the way I was able to break free in what was a day dream? Yes, but it still was a possibility, even if it was very slim. I suppose I did take it too far the last time I broke free. Could I really change if I were to break free once again? Hmm, probably not, order can be so boring; I don’t know how these ponies can survive it.

Then, suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of hoof-steps, this time it was coming from the left of him. He wasn’t able to make out who it was, for his eyes were stuck facing to the right. But then, a few moments later, he was able to make out the color of the mane, and coat. It was her…

“Hello, Discord.”

Comments ( 5 )

This seems interesting so far, I wait to see what you have planned next.

at first i was like 'keepers of discord much?' then I was like 'meh'

1621341 Yeah, I tried to avoid that. At the moment, I'm not quite sure where I'll be taking this. Oh well, I'm sure I can think of something with the random tag up. :derpytongue2:

Is... Is this story dead?

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