• Published 19th Nov 2012
  • 2,858 Views, 45 Comments

The Fantastic Adventures of Dr. Whooves: The Changeling Princess - The-Pony-Librarian

Twilight and Pinkie are in for a big adventure when a certain Timelord crashes into Sugarcube corner

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Chapter Three

Chapter three
In which some awkward conversations ensue, a bowl of pears is destroyed, and several ponies are not quite as they appear

Twilight walked purposefully down the street, eyes on the castle. She had to get to Celestia, that was all she had to do, get to Celestia. The princess would know what to do.

She heard a whirring sound from behind her and whirled around, the Doctor still had that...What had he called it? Sonic screwdriver? In his mouth, and was using it to examine a magical amulet in a shop window.

"You still have that thing?!" she asked incredulously "You can't just go around carrying it around in your mouth all the time, it's weird"

"Well where am I supposed to put it?" the Doctor grumbled in reply

"Here" Twilight said in exasperation,calling on her magic. Her light blue saddlebag appeared with a pop and, unlatching the pink star clip holding the flap down, she used her magic to stuff the sonic screwdriver inside. Twilight then plunked the saddlebags onto her back, thanking the stars she didn't have to listen to that tool's noise anymore. The Doctor had been messing around with it nearly the entire walk, and it had been driving her up the wall.

She quickly realized however that the Doctor had a much more effective weapon of distraction. Deprived of his weird flashlight thing....he was chattering almost as much as Pinkie Pie.

"So, you were able to teleport those bags right then, can all unicorns do that?"

Twilight gave a noncommittal shrug, she didn't enjoy telling other ponies about her magical talent "Most unicorns can levitate objects, as well as do spells specific to their talents....I....know a little more magic than most"

The Doctor nodded "Alright, what about the other types of ponies...I know there's unicorns like you, and ponies like me and Pinkie Pie.....but then I've also seen a handful of winged ponies flying around! Although, while I'm on the topic. They really shouldn't be able to do that, with their wingspan to body ratio....do they have air-bladders or something? Hollowed bones would help too....but then there's the issue of how these big of variations can exist between members of a single species. I mean, I'm assuming by the fact you refer to all of these variations as ponies that they're the same species...of course, 'pony' could be just an overarching classification, like 'primate', and all of you could be completely different species! Can the different types of ponies reproduce with one another?"

"We're all the same species" Twilight said tiredly,slightly peeved at being pulled from trying to gather her thoughts....again. "The larger variations are influenced by magic. In pegasai, it's expressed as wings, and gives them the ability to fly and manipulate clouds. In unicorns it's expressed through a horn, which it can be channeled directly through, and in earth ponies it is expressed through physical strength that a pony of their size normally wouldn't have, as well as the ability to sense the latent magic within plants and animals, and form a special connection with it. This is how they grow things so well, or...to an extent....communicate with animals. Occasionally these talents can be expressed in different breeds, like a unicorn with some ability to manipulate clouds, or a pegasus that can connect with animals, but it is very rare."

"Are ponies the only creatures able to use this magic then?"

Twilight blinked in surprise at the continued questions, she usually didn't get the chance to talk this much about her feild of expertise "Actually, no. It varies a lot depending on the species. Some, like cows and sheep, only have latent magic. Others, such as Diamond Dogs and Griffons have active magic, that give them the ability to do things like fly, or tunnel through large amounts of soil and rock without tiring....." as Twilight continued to elaborate, she found the corners of her lips tugging upwards slightly "You know, I don't get many questions about magic. Many ponies just aren't very interested in it, even though it's such a rich subject"

"Well, you could say I have a natural curiosity" The Doctor flashed her a grin.

Twilight was about to smile back, but quickly stifled it. She had to remember that this pony had crashed into a building, with possibly stolen technology, and was quite probably insane. She turned to look back in the direction of the castle, saying curtly "We should try to hurry"

Of course, that only lasted around half a minute.

"Twilight Amber Sparkle!" A voice called from behind her

Twilight stiffened, slowly turned around, and was engulfed by a ginormous bear-hug

"Thinking of running of without saying hello to your older brother?" Shining Armour said in mock disappointment, shaking his head before grinning "I'm surprised in you, Twiley!"

"Shining!" Twilight beamed, grinning at her older brother and the pink alicorn at his side. It was always nice to see her brother and sister-in-law-

"Twiley?" broke in a new voice "You can't stand 'sparky' but you're fine with that?"

......Except when she had to explain the presence of the stallion accompanying her.

"Who is this?" Shining Armour asked curiously.The purple unicorn winced. Enter Shining Armour's protective-older-brother mode. He was usually pretty laid back, but if he suspected a colt had his eyes on his little sister......

"Oh I'm the Doc-"

"His name is um... Timeturner." Twilight interrupted quickly "We're friends....Pinkie... erm.... introduced him to me"

Okay, good. Technically not lying....except maybe about the friends part.

"He just...dropped....into Ponyville a little while ago"

Ouch. Maybe a bit overly accurate there.

Shining Armour nodded slowly, still looking a bit unconvinced. Twilight turned to the Doctor "Timeturner, this is Shining Armour and Princess Cadence" she said, narrowing her eyes pointedly at the brown stallion. If looks could kill, he would be regenerating.

"Oh um yes!" the Docter said hurriedly "Lovely to meet you"

Cadence smiled warmly "It's a pleasure to meet you too! Any friend of Twilight is a friend of ours"

Shining Armour looked the Doctor up and down for a few seconds, appraising him coolly, before finally saying "Likewise" and sticking a hoof out to shake.

Twilight Sparkle groaned inwardly. There was no way this was going to end well.

The Doctor looked uncomfortably at he hoof, unsure of the logistics of shaking hands with hooves. He furrowed his brows, stymied.

The Doctor stuck it hoof out holding it first above, then to the side, then to the other side of Shining Armour's, before finally giving up, placing his hoof back on the ground, and giving the Captain of the Royal Guard an awkward laugh and a smile instead.

Shining Armour cocked his head. There was a long pause.

"Sooooooo.....What's up with you Shining?" Twilight quickly said, stepping in between the brother and the Doctor while Cadence covered her mouth with a hoof to keep from laughing.

Her brother brightened "Me and Candence are about to leave on government business to Shanghoof. Celestia's orders"

"What for?" twilight asked curiously

"Not sure. We're supposed to be briefed when we get there. Speaking of which...we really should be headed out...Nice seeing you Twilight" He hugged his little sister, before turning to the Doctor with a look of confusion, mixed with what looked like slight concern for the stallion's mental health "And um....Nice meeting you too Timeturner......?"

Twilight resisted the urge to facehoof "Bye Shiny! Good luck in Shanghoof!"

As they walked away, the Doctor muttered "Well that was awkward..."

"You seriously don't even know how to shake hooves?" Twilight deadpanned.

"Hooves are difficult!"

They walked into the castle, past the guards, and Twilight swiftly made her way towards the thrown room. Then she stopped dead, pupils shrinking.

The servant pony who had been trotting busily in front of her suddenly kneeled, as, down the hall, a dark blue figure came in their direction.

"Princess Luna" the pony intoned respectfully. She saw the Doctor's eyes next to her light up with recognition at the name, and winced. This wasn't going to go well.

"Princess Luna?" the Doctor said excitedly "Isn't that the one who wanted to see us?"

Grinning, he waved a hoof at the dark alicorn "Princess Luna! Over here! Hello!"

Twilight tried not to facehoof.

Luna walked towards them, brows furrowed "...Do I know you?" She said slowly to the Doctor.

"Me? Oh, no. Unless you do, in which case that probably hasn't happened to me yet....so try not to tell me to much" he gave her an affable smile "I'm the Doctor"

"And...What exactly do you want?"

"Oh! That! You sent for my friend Miss Sparkle!" the Doctor stepped aside to reveal Twilight, who had been doing her best to hide behind him "You sent for her!"

"Uhh...yes!" Twilight said, laughing nervously "You asked me to come see you...isn't that right?"

She placed extra emphasis on the last three words, pleading to the blue alicorn with her eyes.

"Um, yes!" Luna said, looking just as awkward as Twilight "Yes I did....Here...Come to my chambers where we can...talk...about my message"

Twilight nodded, releasing a little breath of relief. She was surprised Luna hadn't started talking in Old Canterlot like she usually did when she was startled or nervous. The princess was much better at talking in the current dialect now than she had been, but when under pressure, she still tended to revert back to referring to herself as We, adding in extraneous Thees and Thous, and shouting like she was trying to speak to a friend from across the room.

Luna walked down the hallway, fidgeting her wings uncomfortably the entire way. Twilight winced in sympathy, poor Luna was probably very confused by her sudden appearance, not to mention the Doctor's quirkiness.

The dark alicorn paused in the middle of the hall, eyes flickering about.

"Your chambers are that way" Twilight pointed out helpfully.

"Oh....Yes...Of course!" Luna chuckled.

Eventually, they made it to her navy-painted doors, and she opened them up, stepping aside so they could go in. It had a similar layout to most of the quarters in the castle, entering into a sitting room with a counter and a small kitchen to one side, although it was a bit more luxurious, Luna being a princess and all. They sat at the counter, the Doctor taking several tries before finally figuring out how to sit on the stool.

"Soo...." Both Luna and Twilight said simultaneously as wearing twin nervous smiles. There was a long silence

".....uhh.....HAVE SOME FRUIT." the lunar princess said quickly, her horn lighting up with a green aura as she forcefully levitated a bowl of pears towards them.

"YES. FRUIT. I WOULD LOVE SOME FRUIT!" Twilight replied, much too loudly in her. She quickly snatched up a pear with her magic.

The Doctor just looked at the bowl with distaste. Pears...disgusting. "No than-"

He was cut off by a ferocious glare from both Twilight and the Princess. The bowl, still incased in Luna's magic, was shoved towards him.

The Doctor sighed, gritting his teeth. "I mean, of course." he eyed the pile of pale green fruits uneasily. Well...maybe they tasted better in this world.

Picking one up, the Doctor took a hesitant bite, then immediately spit it out, gagging. "Blehh! Eck! Nope! NOPE NOPE NOPE! Still bad. Still, very, very bad. Ew, ew! I can still taste it!"

Luna lost her telekinetic grip on the container of pears, as she turned in startlement to look him, eyes wide. It fell to the counter, ceramic pieces shattering all over.

The Doctor held up a hoof "If...Blegh!...If you'd just excuse me for a minute" he jumped of the stool, nearly falling over in the process, before running to the kitchen sink and rinsing out his mouth.

"I....I'll go get somepony to clean this up" Luna said quickly, as Twilight looked at her apologetically. The princess scurried out of the door, looking relieved to escape the situation. Twilight didn't blame her. As the Doctor walked back to his stool, Twilight turned on him angrily

"What the hay was that for!" She whispered harshly.

"I don't like pears" The Doctor said simply

"Oh really?" Twilight said voice dripping with sarcasm "I couldn't tell"

She ran her hooves in a frazzled manner over her hair, taking a deep breath of air and slowly blowing it out through pursed lips, ears flicking.


"What." Twilight said tiredly.

"Could I have my Sonic Screwdriver back? I like to keep it on hand...or is it hoof?"

Twilight didn't even bother arguing, simply levitating the device out of her bags and dropping in onto the counter with a clatter "You know what? Knock yourself out"

She rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hooves. How in Celestia's name had she gotten involved with this crazy stallion?

Meanwhile, in a nearby room, there was a very heated conversation

"What do you mean you found her!?" a harsh voice snapped.

"I'm sorry, I don't know, she just came up to me. With some other strange pony. She said I sent for her" a second voice whimpered in reply "I didn't know what to do! You said my job was only to walk around the castle so nopony would be suspicious of the missing moon princess!"

"Well where is she now?" the first voice hissed silkily, dangerously.

"I left her and the other pony in my chambers..."

There was a harsh crack, the sound of a hoof striking a head.

"Idiot! Do you realize that they could have already waltzed out of there?"

There was a pained little whine "Sorry, mistress"

"Shut up" dripped the first voice contemptuously, before barking "Now go! Tell them to come to the throne room...Princess Celestia would like to speak to them"

Luna walked back into her chambers, eyes uneasy and rubbing a hoof on her forehead. She looked relieved to see Twilight and the Doctor there.

"A servant...a servant will come in a moment to tidy up the spill" she announced, a mite unsteadily

"I'm so sorry about that!" Twilight apologized swiftly "The Doctor...really doesn't like pears"

"No matter" Luna dismissed "Celestia would like to speak to you"

Twilight's eyes shrank down to pinpoints. Celestia wanted to see her...was she in trouble? Was it because the Doctor really was some escaped criminal, and now she was going to be charged for aiding him? A nervous laugh escaped the unicorn's lips "Of course!" she said, putting on an uncertain smile "Why don't we head out Doctor?"

So they went. Twilight wasn't surprised Luna wanted them out. As soon as the door shut, she walked up to the Doctor and hissed "We are going to see the Princess! It's one thing to act completely insane in front of Luna and my brother, but I swear that if you do anything like that in front of Celestia so help me I will turn you into a pear!" Her eyes narrowed as she pressed her face closer to his "Got that?"

Turning on her heel, Twilight walked down the hall and pushed open the doors to the throne room.

"Celestia?" She asked, taking a few hesitant steps in. "Hello?"

The purple unicorn tried to step further in, but was jerked violently back. Growling, she turned her head back and said "What now?" Expecting to see the Doctor behind her, pulling her back.

But he wasn't. The Doctor was behind her alright, but he was a few feet back and off to the left, with all four hooves stuck in a gross greenish substance. It was slowly spreading to cover everything but his head.

"Sparkle?" He asked "Is this normal in your culture?"

Twilight looked at her own hooves, which were similarly stuck to the marbled floor, and the green ooze that was climbing towards her face "No....no this isn't..." she said, shutting her eyes and focusing on her magic, it would be easy enough to blast away, after all. Her horn glowed and shot out beams of energy that hit the green gobbets....and did absolutely nothing.

Then Celestia's face emerged from the shadow, grinning "Gotcha!"

Twilight cocked her head "Celestia...I don't understand..."

Celestia laughed "You, you really haven't figured it out have you? That is too priceless!"

Lavender brows furrowed....Luna acting strangely, Celestia acting like...this, Pinkie not finding them by now, something was nagging at the back of Twilight's mind. The green slime! She had seen it before! The puzzle pieces clicked into place within her mind....

Not-Celestia smirked as she was engulfed in green flames, revealing the hard, black chitin underneath "Hello, faithful student"

She looked a great deal like Chrysalis, being a great deal taller than the regular changeling drones, but was not quite the same. The loose membranes running down her forehead and neck like a mane were a greener shade, hanging nearly to her hooves, her horn was shorter and straighter, and instead of the black crown worn by the queen, this changeling wore a small circlet, almost resembling the tiara worn by Luna and Celestia. Twilight opened her mouth to speak, put was cut off by the Doctor.

"Don't worry. I've got this" he said to her, before turning to the changeling and saying with authority "Name yourelf! Planet of origin, co-ordinades, and species designation according to the universal ratification of the Shadow Proclamation. I do not wish to exchange hostilities, but I need to know what you want with this planet"

The changeling cocked it's head, exchanging glances with Twilight "Do you have any idea what he's talking about?"

Twilight shook her head "Not a clue"

"You aren't Chrysalis. Who are you?"

"I, am Nympha...I see you've met my mother...but I already knew that, didn't I?" the Changeling's face contorted into a snarl "Considering you were the nosy little whelp who caused her to get flung out of Equestria by a wave of magic!"

Twilight gave a small gulp...well this was unfortunate.

"Fortunately for the changeling empire, mother left me as a backup plan. Me and the changelings designated under me were so deep undercover we were not affected by the wave.....However, because of your interference the changeling's who weren't thrown out into the Badlands are left starving in the tunnels of the hive, scrounging for what measly scraps of love they can get since the invasion of Canterlot to get essential provisions failed!" Nympha's angry shout turned soft, dangerous "So in case you were wondering, along with harvesting Canterlot of love for my changelings to feed on, my mission is also very much one of revenge."

"You aren't going to win" Twilight said firmly.

"Wait..." the Doctor said "So these changelings are native to your planet....fascinating!"

Nympha and Twilight ignored him "Do you know how many ponies live in Equestria?" Nympha spat confidently "Every. Single. One. of those ponies, worships and loves Celestia like some god. All their love, feeding me. Even if you had the elements of harmony, you couldn't stop me, and soon I will be powerful enough to kill Celestia myself, taking her power for my own"

"What have you done to her?!"

"Nothing....for now. I sent a minion disguised as you to have spike send her a letter, saying that you were in trouble. She rushed off to go help, not even bothering to bring her royal guards, and stumbled right into my trap. Luna was taken out of the way similarly. Then came the process of nabbing all your friends....oh don't look so horrified, it's more kind than anything you ponies have done to my kind"

"Celestia has tried every possible way to negotiate a treaty with your people, so you can live in harmony with Equestria and the other countries as well as keep your people from starving"

"And give up our autonomy to become part of Equestria's...pardon the irony...Hive Mind? Unlikely" She walked over to the throne and leaned against it, looking contemplatively at her forehoof "Anyhoof, I thought I might lock you up in the labyrinth with your friends....But then I thought, why risk it? So I decided to have a little fun. I might go there myself, take your form maybe, pretend I'm going to rescue them, and then kill them. That would be quite amusing don't you think? To see the looks of relief on your friend's faces turn to horror...to see them die thinking you killed them"

"You wouldn't!" the purple unicorn said, her voice becoming low and dangerous

The changeling grinned "Oh of course not, not without you watching of course, which one to kill first...maybe Pinkie. You would not believe how she talked my ears off when I brought her in, it was insufferable....it would be so amusing to see her reaction though. To see the look in her eyes as she realized what you...or rather, I was going to do to her, that betrayal...."

The room exploded in a burst of magenta magic, the brilliant center emanating from the glowing white eyes of a furious purple unicorn.

Slowly the supernova dissipated, and Nympha laughed "That was too priceless! Don't you know that the material is made to absorb any magic coming from it's captive! You really are dens.....what is he holding in his mouth?"

"Sparkle. Did I ever tell you what the sonic screwdriver can do?" The Doctor asked slowly

"No...." Twilight said slowly, shaky and confused

"Well it can do lot's of things" The Doctor said, activating it with a whir and liquefying their green prisons

"What" Nympha gasped "But..But how?"

"But it's really good at opening doors"

Every door in the throne room simultaneously exploded outward, creating a multitude of slams as they reached the extent they could open and smashed into their restraining walls.

"Run!" the Doctor said, grabbing Twilight's hoof. and pulling her towards the door. They raced out of the room, Twilight pulling together shield to repel any further attacks, as well as any changeling guards. She felt the twinge in her horn, telling her she had over exerted herself with the explosion in the throne room, but ignored it, pumping more power into the barrier. Nympha could have already pulled herself together and begun mounting an attack.

They surged into an empty corridor, throwing themselves into an empty doorway.

The royal library Twilight's mind weakly told her, but she ignored it.

"Twilight" the Doctor said, "What's the quickest way out of here"

"I...I.." Twilight stumbled over the words, head pounding from using too much magic "I don't..."

"Twilight I need you to focus" the brown stallion said, grabbing her by the shoulders, blue eyes drilling into hers "quickest way out of the castle"

Twilight shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts "We're...We're in the Library corridor" she said "Down this corridor, one right turn, through the first doorway on the left and out the other side, left turn, big doors straight ahead."

They took off running again, following Twilight's directions, pushing through the doors, and racing into a courtyard full of royal guards.

Eight pairs of hooves skidded to a halt. Twilight gritted her teeth, took down their shield, and immediately threw all that energy into a teleportation spell. A stab of pain shot through her horn and head.

Both her and the Doctor reappeared outside the palace gate, Twilight blinking away tears

"Come on we've got to go!" she said, bolting off down the street.

Wincing as they came to a thick crowd, Twilight squinted her eyes shut and focused her magic, with a blink and a flash of light, they teleported into a gap in the throng, another instant, and they were teleporting again, and then again. Zigzagging through the crowd in flashes of white and magenta light.

As they finally blinked out of the mass, Twilight stopped briefly, looking off balance, shook her head, then continued to gallop.

A flash of green magical energy came zapping after them, making the hairs on the back of Twilight's neck rise up. She hastily created another shield, head spinning. They were still too far from the TARDIS, she had to slow the guards down. Reaching out with her telekinesis, she toppled one of the roadside stands, fruit spilling everywhere as it crashed against the cobblestones.

Then, like a miracle, she saw the side alley. redoubling their speed, they skidded to a halt in front of the box as they leaped inside.