• Published 17th Jan 2013
  • 9,069 Views, 274 Comments

The Adventures of Doctor Whooves: Series 1 - Time Pony Victorious

The Doctor, fresh off his regeneration, sets off in this strange world with ponies and mythical creatures with his TARDIS onwards and upwards to see the universe.

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Doctor Who?

Ponyville, Equestria, Equis

47th of Summer, 2:30pm, 1002 C.R.

Twilight was, needless to say, a bit miffed off when she arrived at the library to find that both the Doctor and the TARDIS were gone! She was walking up and down the streets of Ponyville, trying to find that irritating Time Pony but with little avail. Spike had long given up trying to talk some sense into the unicorn and instead opted to let her have her little tantrum, it was the safest option for him.

“Where could he have gone?” Twilight asked, grumbling to herself.

Spike stifled a smile and poked Twilight’s right ear, causing it to twitch slightly but the unicorn barely noticed. “I’m not Fetlock Holmes, but if the TARDIS is gone as well, I’d say he’s probably anywhere in time and space.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. While she appreciated sarcasm this was hardly a jesting manner. “Spike, this is serious.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Spike grumbled. “You’ve been saying that for an hour now.”


“Fine, fine!” Spike threw up his claws in the air in exasperation. “What do you need?”

“The Doctor, I’ve got a few very important questions for him,” Twilight answered, levitating her new book in front of Spike. Its worn, frayed blue cover was nearly falling apart, only maintained by Twilight’s magical aura. “Princess Celestia could read the book and so could he, if it contains important information about his past and his future then we should know.”

“But, wait, doesn’t that break one of the Doctor’s rules?” Spike asked, tapping his chin in consideration. “Something about not crossing into somepony’s time stream?”

Twilight stopped, pausing for a moment, and turned her head to get a good look at Spike, her expression quizzical. “How do you know that?”

Spike shrugged. “The Doctor talks a lot. He mentions a lot of the times where he crossed into his time-stream and messed things up, even meeting a future version of himself sometimes… But thinking about that gives me a headache.”

Twilight shook her head and continued on through the town. She was walking around aimlessly, not really sure where to go, but the pacing helped her think. Twilight was considerably impressed by Spike’s retention of knowledge, but then again, after a lifetime living with her such abilities weren’t too surprising.

“This is important,” Twilight insisted. “Like really important. If three near-immortal, all-powerful creatures agree that Trenzalore is a dangerous place for the Doctor, then, call me crazy, it has to be something worth investigating.”

“But wouldn’t the most logical thing to do be to run away?” Spike asked. “Running headfirst into danger may be the Doctor’s M.O. but it doesn’t have to be yours.”

“Running isn’t an option. Running is what got the Doctor into this,” Twilight argued. “Besides, I can’t help to think that if I don’t do this, something really bad would happen.”

“How bad?”

“End of the universe bad.”

“Oh, that’s bad.”

“So, that’s why we need to get the Doctor to read this book to me because if Princess Celestia won’t then he’s the next best thing.”

“Okay, that’s the really confusing part,” Spike said, rubbing his head. “Princess Celestia said we can’t tell the Doctor about the journal because it contains his future and that’s too dangerous. But then she said Trenzalore is in his future and told you to ask about it. So, your option is to ignore her and ask about the book and Trenzalore. Like, what?”

“I can’t explain it,” Twilight answered. “There’s something in my gut saying this is the right thing. It may be dangerous but I dabble in dangerous all the time.”

“Not end-of-the-universe dangerous!”

“We have to do this, Spike,” Twilight insisted. “I will get to the bottom of this and nothing can stop me!”

With a heavy crash in a hurricane of gold and gray, Twilight was thrown across the marketplace with a mare, and a disgruntled dragon, tangled in her legs. They collided into a nearby, surprisingly sturdy, shop and splayed awkwardly across the ground.

“Okay…” Twilight groaned. “I didn’t mean that as a challenge…”

“Oh my gosh,” Ditzy said, sitting up and fixing her walleyed expression on Twilight and Spike. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what went wrong! That entrance was contradictory to my cautious and professional demeanor!”

The surprisingly eloquent mailmare helped Twilight up, apologizing profusely as she helped dust off her coat and straightening Spike’s green spines. Twilight shook her head, getting rid of the stars in her vision and tried really hard not to scowl. As silly as Ditzy could be, her crashing into them was clearly an accident and snapping on the poor pegasus wouldn’t do anything.

“It’s fine,” Twilight said instead, rubbing her head. “I shouldn’t have challenged the universe anyways.”

Ditzy giggled, stifling the laughter as to not embarrass Twilight. “You’re pretty funny,” she decided.

“What’s got you in such a hurry anyways?” Spike asked with a frown.

Ditzy blinked, her attractive, yet inconsistent, golden eyes straying from left to right as if they had a mind of their own. Then she broke out in a grin and brandished a poster from her wings. “I’m heading to the grand opening of the Clock Emporium. We don’t have a place in Ponyville specifically designed for watches and clocks, so I wanted to check it out.”

Twilight gasped as she levitated the poster (pegasus and all) closer to her and noticed the cartoonish drawing of the Doctor underneath the title of the store. A scowl deepened in her face. “Doctor…”

“Actually, I’m not sure he’s a doctor,” confided Ditzy, still trapped in Twilight’s aura but smiling all the same. “I think he deals with clocks…”

“Ditzy, show me where this store is.”

“Okie dokie loki!”

Time Turner Clock Emporium, Ponyville, Equestria

10 minutes ago

Colgate was already beginning to hate this job. She tried for a diplomatic smile as the three fillies fixed their glares on her. She had only been on the job for, like, twenty minutes and already she had to deal with troublesome customers.

“I already told you,” Colgate said slowly, as if afraid to startle them. “Time Turner isn’t here right now, and this store only opened just now, what do you need from him?”

“The truth!” declared Scootaloo dramatically, slamming her hoof on the counter.

“What my associate is tryin’ t’ say.” Applebloom began as she pulled Scootaloo back. “Is our business wit’ Mr. Turner is between us, ma’am.”

Good cop, bad cop, Colgate decided.

“So… where did he go?” Sweetie Belle asked, glaring at Colgate.

“I don’t know,” Colgate admitted. “He hired me then left.”

“What kind of pony puts somepony else in a position of power then leaves?” Scootaloo wondered aloud.

“Then if it’s all the same t’ you, we’d like t’ investigate,” Applebloom said.

Colgate looked at the three fillies then at the shop. The shop was finally finished and Colgate had celebrated by setting up the clocks. There were dozens of clocks of all different shapes, colors, and sizes decorating the walls. They were all synced up perfectly, a job that was painstaking and tedious, so it drowned the tiny shop in a maddening symphony of tick-tocking.

These fillies were inquisitive, but Colgate sensed that they lacked control and a parental unit to look over them like a hawk. She got the feeling that if she allowed them to do what they’d like, the entire shop would be leveled.

“Um…” Colgate cleared her throat, she needed to handle this delicately. “Sure, but the upstairs part is closed off. They haven’t finished up there, so you’re only allowed here.”

The fillies narrowed their eyes and jumped back away from the counter to convene an abridged group meeting to whisper amongst themselves. Occasionally one of the fillies would poke their head from the huddle to glare at Colgate suspiciously. The meeting only lasted for a few minutes and once they were finished they approached with a sense of decorum and respect.

“That is acceptable,” Sweetie Belle announced.

Colgate nodded and the three fillies set off around the store. “Um, just don’t break anything!”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders ran around the store, searching frantically like bloodhounds for any sort of clue that could somehow prove the Mr. Turner is indeed an alien. But what could they hope to find, a great honkin’ sign that says “I’m an alien!”?

Sweetie Belle considered this as she turned over a wooden cuckoo to find it wasn’t harboring a tiny alien form bent on world domination. Though this idea seemed doable when first suggested, the actual likelihood of Mr. Turner being an honest-to-Celestia alien has exponentially decreased as time passed.

Scootaloo nonchalantly sidled up to Sweetie Belle, bumping her flank against hers, and whispered, “I don’t think there’s anything here.”

Applebloom approached from the other side, bumping into Sweetie Belle’s flank as well, sandwiching her against Scootaloo. “Ah can’t find anythin’ either. Maybe we were wrong?”

“No, Colgate seems a bit suspicious as well,” Sweetie Belle said, gesturing at the shopkeep who went back to cataloging clocks and watches.

“How?” Scootaloo asked. “She helped out in the Winter Wrap Up last year, she’s really nice too.”

“Ah dunno,” Applebloom agreed. “Scoot has a point.”

Sweetie Belle cursed under her breath and shrugged. “Alright, I guess we can go—“

“Doctor?” Twilight burst into the shop, all but shouting with Spike and Ditzy Doo behind her. Colgate frowned and tilted her head and the Crusaders yelped, taking this opportunity to quickly hide in the back and spy on this conversation.

“Doctor?” Colgate repeated. “You mean Time Turner?”

Twilight flushed but regained her wits and cleared her throat. “O-of course I meant that, you don’t happen to know where he went, Colgate?”

“Wait, why is Colgate working here?” Spike asked.

“Ooh, cuckoos!” chimed Ditzy with a grin, pointing to a set of cuckoo clocks in the corner.

“Time Turner hired me,” Colgate answered with a clipped tone. “As to where he went… I don’t have a clue. He went running off to your library with Fluttershy and—“

“He took Fluttershy with him?!” Twilight interrupted, now seething as she paced around, levitating her blue journal with her.

Colgate looked at the journal and frowned, as if she recognized the book. Wincing slightly as a wave of pain pierced her mind, Colgate tapped her head a bit in a repetition of four-times, tap-tap-tap-tap, and shook her head slightly.

“Took Fluttershy where?” Colgate asked.

“Yeah, where?” Ditzy repeated now carrying five clocks in her hooves.

“That’s the thing, I don’t know,” Twilight muttered, mostly to herself.

“Either way, are you going to buy anything? Doctor Turner is still my boss and this is still my job,” Colgate remarked.

“I’ll buy these!” Ditzy proclaimed, handing Colgate five different clocks. “They’re pretty.”

“What now?” Spike whispered to Twilight. “There’s no way we can track the Doctor much less the TARDIS…”

“I’m not sure,” admitted Twilight. “But if we’re going to find anything out about Trenzalore we have to find him.”

“Trenzalore?” echoed Colgate.

Twilight looked up to answer to see that the unicorn’s face was now paler than death. Her breathing became shallow and she looked like she was going to be sick. Ditzy frowned and tilted her head, which made her eyes jump around like crazy.

“Are you okay?” Ditzy asked.

“You look like you’re going to pass out,” chimed Twilight as she stepped forward.

“It’s nothing,” Colgate said, gritting her teeth and wincing as her headache became more intense. “It’s… just a headache.”

“Are you—“

“I’m sure,” she snapped, glaring at Ditzy with a dark and scary expression that made everypony back up. Twilight swallowed nervously as she looked at Colgate’s eerily familiar expression. But the unicorn shook her head again and her scowl lessened.

“I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I’m just not feeling well.”

“It’s okay…” Twilight said.

“Is it?” Spike asked. “She looked like she was gonna kill—“

Twilight zipped Spike’s mouth shut with her magic and tried for a brave smile. “We’re gonna go now, thanks for your help, Colgate.”

She magically grabbed Ditzy’s tail and dragged her out of the shop despite her protests that she hadn’t paid for the clocks yet.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at each other in shock. Applebloom swallowed the lump in her throat. “Okay, fine… you’ve got a point, Sweetie Belle…”

“What was that for?” Ditzy asked, fixing up her magically tangled tail.

“You heard Colgate,” Twilight said, trying to keep the nervous waver out of her voice. “She’s feeling a bit sick, we should give her some space.”

“Yeah, but—“

“I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go, I’ll talk to you later!”

Twilight trotted off with Spike on her back. She tried to ignore Spike’s questions and her own fear threatening to swallow up her heart. Colgate’s dark expression… it reminded her of the Doctor’s when he was in a bad mood, so much so that she nearly called her by the Time Pony’s title.

Willow’s Pass, The Garden, Perciwing

89th of Summer, 10:55am, 4000 L.R. (The Republic of Princess Luna)

The sun beat down on the desolate plain of unrecognizable wheat and possibly barley but it hadn’t done much to weather the Doctor’s mood. He walked with stately purpose toward the TARDIS which sat parked atop an unremarkable hill. With Fluttershy behind him, he walked and cursed under his breath, muttering frantically.

Fluttershy struggled to keep up with the Doctor’s ramblings, trying to answer whenever he asked a question rhetorically, but the Time Pony was so distracted he didn’t register her answers.

“Of course, of course!” the Doctor grumbled sullenly. “I’m thick, a thicky thick thickton from Thickington! That’s the problem with getting old, Fluttershy, head’s too full of stuff!”

“Oh, yeah, you have a point and… wait, actually, I don’t understand…” Fluttershy muttered.

“Why would a carnivorous alien species try to possess a town full of ponies instead of eating them as they should?” the Doctor asked, turning to Fluttershy. His golden eyes were fierce and his scowl was terrifying.


“To send a message!” the Doctor answered, running his hooves through his mane. “The Krynoid invaded Ponyville weeks before I arrived and only manifested into physical forms once I made my presence. They were going after me, they could’ve easily wiped out your whole town but they didn’t. They wanted to tell me something.”

Fluttershy gently fluttered along but her patience for the Doctor’s incoherent mess was wearing thin. She flew and stopped in front of the Doctor, folding her wings back nervously. “Doctor, if you could start making sense… What are the Krynoid and what do they have to do with the birds?”

The Doctor sighed in frustration of both himself and Fluttershy for not understanding what he was going on about. He was ready to berate her but reminded himself that it wasn’t her fault she wasn’t understanding.

“Before I crash-landed in the Everfree, the Krynoid arrived here before me. They are an alien species of plant that possess a host and consume and spread their roots until they conquer worlds. They had possessed everypony in Ponyville but didn’t do anything until I arrived. How could they know I was coming, I didn’t know I was coming!”

“But, I don’t understand how that affects this. Aren’t we, well, in the future and on a different planet?” Fluttershy asked.

Exactly! And yet those Cyberbirds… they were affected by the same sonic frequency that stopped the Krynoid. The possibility of two independent creatures sharing the same weakness is astronomical at best! Twelve hundred to one, I did the math myself. But it happened! Look!” The Doctor brandished his sonic screwdriver and extended it with a flourish. Inside was a dark blue crystal that glowed. The Doctor gestured to it as if it answered everything but Fluttershy still didn’t understand.

“The sonic frequency is seventy-four point two,” he said. “Which leads us to the next question… Who is behind all of this? The Krynoids told me something important… ‘You do not belong here.’ Princess Celestia told me the same thing, so did the Rainbow Phoenix… those exact words. It can’t be a coincidence, the universe is rarely so lazy.”

“A time traveler,” Fluttershy decided. “It’s the only way they would be able to send those messages.”

“Obviously,” the Doctor remarked. “But there have only been a few beings that are capable of this, one of them is me.”

“What are we doing then?” Fluttershy asked as she followed the Doctor up the hill.

“We’ll head to the TARDIS and follow this trail,” he answered.

“Wait, but what about the animals here?” Fluttershy asked. “Aren’t they still in danger?”

“This is important,” he insisted.


“This isn’t up for discussion,” he interrupted. “We have to—“

The Doctor stopped as he reached the apex of the hill. His eyes widened and a few expressions ran across his face: shock, sadness, then pure terror. Fluttershy looked at where the Doctor was looking and tilted her head. She didn’t understand what was so scary about a bit of graffiti, sure, she was confused as to what could’ve written those words on the TARDIS… and the fact that even the words POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX now read BAD WOLF in capitalized words like it was screaming at the Doctor.

“Doctor…” Fluttershy said quietly. “What’s Bad Wolf?”

The Doctor didn’t answer, he ran up to the TARDIS door and tried to push it open but it didn’t move. His hearts froze in fear, he stomped his hooves in a three-note rhythm, clip-clip-clop, but the doors remained shut. Psychic feedback brushed against the duo’s minds, Fluttershy winced as the feedback became too unbearable. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say the TARDIS was screaming.

“Doctor, what’s wrong?” she asked. “Why are the doors locked?”

But the Time Pony merely stared at the TARDIS in absolute shock. “That’s… impossible,” he mumbled, before a weak smile came to his face. “Ha… that’s new, I… don’t know what to do.”

Suddenly, the Doctor slapped himself in the face to snap into action. His posture stiffened and he adjusted his bowtie. Turning around, he faced Fluttershy with a determined expression. “Right then! Let’s go.”

He set off back down the hill, completely ignoring the TARDIS’s cries of pain and Fluttershy’s protests. She flew beside him, easily keeping up with his more casual pace. “Wait, but the TARDIS…”

“Is better off there,” he finished. “There’s nothing I can do for her now except solve this mystery.”


“There’s someone… something out there toying with me, manipulating time and space to send me a message. Something powerful enough to manipulate destiny. Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem content with me leaving just yet. As much as I hate being toyed around, we have to stay and solve whatever is going on around here.”

“Okay… Wait, no, I don’t understand,” Fluttershy said, shaking her head. “What’s Bad Wolf?”

“If I’m right, it’s the one thing we cannot leave alone. Something so dangerous and powerful it shouldn’t even be here… Bad Wolf is the end of the universe.”

The Doctor didn’t elaborate as he stormed down the hill and across the plains, heading toward the spot where they had stopped the Cyberbird tornado. There were only a few dozen Cyberbirds left, Fluttershy figured that scavengers had taken off with the carcasses, though she wasn’t eager to find out what creature would enjoy half-bird, half-robot creations.

He picked up a random bird and began scanning it, after a few moments, he put the bird down, muttering an apology, and moved on to another. He continued this pattern for ten birds and once he was satisfied he looked at his sonic and pocketed it.

“Other than the cybernetic implants there aren’t any anomalies apparent from the initial reading,” the Doctor relayed. “So not much to go on…”

“What now then?”

“I’m not sure, this doesn’t make sense!” he cursed. “If you’re trying so hard to send me a message, why not send it to Ponyville? Why send it here, even I didn’t know I’d land here!”

“Hm, how about I ask the animals?” Fluttershy suggested. The Doctor turned and looked at Fluttershy with a confused expression. “Animals are pretty smart, maybe they’ll know something.”

The Doctor ran a hoof through his mane but nodded reluctantly. “Let’s go.”

After the 40th hippo, the Doctor was ready to give up. Fluttershy approached an animal at random, politely greeted it, then asked the questions the Doctor relayed to her like an interpreter. Some of the animals weren’t intelligent enough to recognize something being wrong, the ones that were didn’t help at all. As far as they knew, everything was copacetic for years, even those birds didn’t do anything bad until today.

“This is hopeless,” the Doctor groaned. “They don’t know anything.”

“You don’t know that for sure,” Fluttershy gently chided. “Maybe we’re asking the wrong questions…”

“I suppose who is the evil, super-intelligent creature trying to destroy me wasn’t clear enough?” the Doctor said sarcastically.
Fluttershy ignored him and flew up to a tree. There she met a family of bluejays hanging out, they timidly backed away from the pegasus but she smiled warmly at them and they relaxed. “Excuse me, I don’t mean to startle you. But I have a few questions.”

The biggest bird, the mother, straightened up and calmly approached her. She chirped cautiously and Fluttershy smiled. “Thank Mrs. Bird, firstly, I’d like to know about those red birds from earlier. The ones that caused that tornado?”

Mrs. Bird tilted her head in consideration and chirped a response. Fluttershy frowned. “Yes. You wouldn’t happen to know where they came from, would you?”

She tilted her head to the south, pointing at a large mountain in the distance, and chirped. “Oh… from that big scary mountain… That’s… nice.”

Fluttershy flew down the tree and in front of the Doctor. She folded her wings back and kept her eyes on the ground, rubbing her hooves nervously. “Well?” he asked.

“She told me the birds came from that mountain,” Fluttershy relayed. “They haven’t been seen anywhere else.”

The Doctor grimaced. “Okay, well, up that mountain then.”

“But… alright,” Fluttershy relented with a sigh. “It’s going to be scary though…”

“That’s what I’m hoping for…”

That’s when they heard the growl. A sound only slightly quieter than a tank crunching debris under its treads. Slowly, the Doctor and Fluttershy turned around to find a massive bear looming over them. Fluttershy whimpered, this bear was the biggest thing she’s seen, at least ten feet tall with tons of fat and flesh rippling under their fur.

“D-Doctor…” she whimpered.

“Fluttershy…” the Doctor said quietly, backing up. “Basically… Run!”

The bear roared, parting their manes but the ponies didn’t stick around to start a conversation. They took off sprinting. The bear ran after them, on all four, and they poured on the speed. Fluttershy spared a glance over her shoulder to see the bear roar and snap at her. Unlike normal bears, his fur was platinum silver, his eyes were fiery red, even his teeth were metallic silver.

“Doctor!” Fluttershy cried. “The bear it’s—“

“Cyber! I know!” the Doctor said. “This way!”

He tackled Fluttershy to the right, into a grove right outside the forest. Fluttershy yelped as the grove suddenly opened up into a tunnel. The two awkwardly tumbled into the tunnel, falling head over hooves, the Doctor cursed every time he hit his head. Fluttershy tried to open her wings to stop their fall but she kept tumbling.

The Doctor bumped hard off the ground, slamming Fluttershy up into the ceiling and she looked toward the end of the tunnel. At the speed they were going, the Doctor would be maimed by those jagged rocks. Fluttershy tucked into a ball, pushing the Doctor behind her and opened her wings to slow down.

It worked, good news, bad news, her wings were torn up. She cried out in pain as they fell through the tunnel, her wings colliding into the maw of the exit and getting shredded by the rocks. The two fell through the air briefly and crashed into the ground.

Thankfully, the Doctor moved Fluttershy so he was on the bottom but the damage had been done. She cried out in pain as the Doctor embraced her. He cursed and let her go, gently setting her down and observing her wings. “Sorry, sorry you okay?”

Fluttershy blinked the tears from her eyes and swallowed the burning hot lump in her throat. “N-no, I’m not.”

The Doctor brandished his sonic and was going to start scanning her wings but the damage was apparent. Her wings were riddled with cuts and bled, some feathers were falling out, there weren’t any breaks but her right wing was bent in a weird angle.

He scanned her wings for a more in-depth diagnosis. “Good,” he sighed. “Nothing is broken. Here, here, I think I’ve got something…”
He reached into his coat and pulled out a container with a white paste inside. “Healing paste from the Catkind. Does not go well on a sandwich but should do the trick.”

Gently, he scooped a certain amount in his hooves and slathered it on Fluttershy’s wings. She winced and bit her lips to not cry out. “Sorry, this will hurt but soon it’ll start working,” the Doctor said as he continued his impromptu first-aid.

Thankfully, he was right. Within a few minutes, the pain in her wings subsided and she could move them without it hurting so much. The Doctor then wrapped them up in bandages as best he could without fumbling with his hooves. “No more flying,” he advised. “And Fluttershy… thanks. You didn’t have to do that to help me.”

“I didn’t want you getting hurt,” Fluttershy admitted, trying really hard to keep her voice from cracking.

“Feeling’s mutual,” he grumbled sullenly.

“Doctor, where are we?” Fluttershy asked.

The Doctor pocketed his equipment and looked around the room. Well, room may have been an overstatement. It was more like a cave, just a big, dank cavern with no source of light save the bits from the tunnel. Stalactites hung from the ceiling all in a semicircle so it reminded the Doctor of standing inside a giant mouth.

“Not sure,” he admitted. “Base of the mountain which might actually be a volcano given this rock formation…”

“Oh, a volcano… that’s much better…” Fluttershy whispered.

The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver, flicked it on and a light appeared on the bulb, illuminating the cavern slightly. “Not exactly a torch but it should do.”

Fluttershy stood up, wincing slightly as waves of pain washed over her. The Doctor steadied her slightly. “Are you—“

“I’m okay,” she said as firmly as she could. “We should… Doctor, what’s that?”

Her expression went slack as she pointed at the far end of the cavern. The Doctor swung his sonic to where she was pointing and he nearly dropped it. His expression went pale, he looked much worse than he had when he saw the TARDIS.

Fluttershy only recognized the symbol because it was in the Doctor’s TARDIS. It was a circular pattern that resembled the innards of a watch with tinier circles inside. Underneath the symbol was something even more confusing. It looked like an inverted bowl with a metallic stalk fitted with a bulb at the end sticking out from the base of the bowl. It was just that, Fluttershy decided that it must’ve been a top to something and the stalk disturbingly resembled an eye.

“Doctor, what’s—“

“That’s…” he said, almost in a trance as he slowly approached it. “Impossible…”

He looked up at the impossibly perfect Gallifreyan phrase, well, it was more like a question. In Gallifreyan a simple question was asked, a single question that made the Doctor feel like his hearts were dunked in ice.

Doctor Who?

He kept himself from shivering. He bit the inside of his cheeks to stop his mouth from betraying his logician’s mind. But there it was, the impossible message… Right under the Gallifreyan was one of the worst things in the universe. It was the head of a Dalek. Just the head, right where the neck would be the metal became jagged and sharp, like it was violently sliced off.

Cautiously, the Doctor tapped the Dalek head and it fell over from the simple movement, crashing on the ground with a horrible clunk! The Doctor caught his breath as he saw what the Dalek was obscuring. Right underneath the message was a signature carved into the stone. It didn’t mean anything but the Doctor recognized it.

It was Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark.