• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012
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"Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay!" Follow the CMC as they adjust to new expectations and find new crusading opportunities.
Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizens of Ponyville who have to deal with three ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 594 )

Insta fave. I love Discord and they are my favorite fillies.

When you have the CMC tag, you don't need the individual tags for Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Also, there's a typo int he description. You might want to fix that, as it can turn people away from your story.

i have a feeling of impending doom, and the CMC becoming alicorns doesn't help at all... :twilightoops::twilightoops::twilightoops:


Was not a typo actually. It was a truncation. Seems it says it takes 250 characters but it only shows 240. Hence I shrunk the short description a bit. Good catch.

Oh and if you search on an individual crusader, it does not pick up when you just have the three crusader tag.

Eh, I guess it just bugs me. In my mind, you should just choose one or the other. Oh well.

Ah, no, I was talking about "apirin". Don't worry, I'm just an idiot. I didn't read the description correctly, and thought you were trying to say "aspiring". Brain fart.

Never mind me, I'll just go in the corner out of shame now.


You need the good corner, not the shame corner. I did not notice the truncation and it is better fixed. Have a scootaloo... :scootangel:

I burst out laughing when I finally figured out what "Making it Bigger" was probably about, and that rarely happens to me when I'm reading fanfiction.


My inner pinkie pie :pinkiesmile: is smiling. Always good to be able to make others laugh.

wth wont sweetie fly she scared? flying is awesome!!


Sweetie Belle has been more interested in the magic end of things. She always had issues with her magic and now that it works for her, she is kind of has the magic fever. She put flight off, then had a chance only during inclement weather, and was later embarrassed. Scootaloo will NOT let her get away with neglecting her flight skills though, now that she realizes just how absent they are.

Hmm... I wonder how fast Scoots can fly now? With a little training she may be able to annoy Rainbow Dash.


She can annoy rainbow dash just by flying up to her house too early in the morning.


Glad you enjoyed it. I do have some ideas for more, but no actual sections are written. The tentative title of chapter 2 though will be "take a filly to work day."

1982854 lol i'm chock full of ideas for many stories i....just really SUCK at writing


Well, if you have ideas for segments/potential jokes/hassles/setbacks, feel free to send them as mails. I can't guarantee that I will use any idea, but if it is funny or good slice and adds to the fic, you never know. I have thought out ideas for about 8 segments currently — not all of which can be used yet because some require a little more advancement first.

the possibilties are quiet interesting. really Ive never had any problems with Discord, really his idea of chaos is more in the direction of mischief yes it would get old all to soon but no one got hurt. heck if nothing else start a snowball fight or water fight to cool him down. seriously how does anyone know what his first rule was like? all we have is Celestia and her manhandling Luna into agreeing with her and history books that were more or less supervised by who else, Celestia. to tell us what his first rule was like


History books are always written by the victors. At any rate ascending the CMC is just the kind of chaos-favoring boon Discord does.

1983559 oh so true:fluttershysad::fluttershysad: might makes right and those in the right, write the history books:pinkiesick: as to the CMC, it might suck to be Diamond Tiara and SilverSpoon all to soon but otherwise with the purety of their hearts Eques has nothing to really fear

Um......not to be a hater, but wow this is a tad sloppy.

Let me try and explain.

First off, the story moves WAAAAY too fast. I mean in the space of 5,000 words, everyponys just up and fine with the fact that the CMCs are alicorns?

Two: everypony just seems to be taking this waaay to easy. I mean seriously. I'd think Twilight or Rarity would bith have meltdowns, but nope, they just shrug and accept it. And Discord? Wouldn't it be cooler if they just woke up like this?

That being said, im still faving and liking, if only to keep track of it.

It starts quite suddenly, and is a bit fast-paced. Otherwise, this is an amazing idea. :pinkiehappy: I'm actually curious as to why I haven't seen this before.

I shall be awaiting the next installment. :twilightsmile:

1983631 I agree that it goes a bit fast, but on your point about character reactions, I gesture grandly at the comedy tag. Comedies, as a general rule, can be much more lenient in the use of strange or out of character behavior than other types of stories. :twilightsmile:

Way too fast paced, but aside from that I like it.

Rather quick, but i'll watch it. Slow it down just a tad, and i'll give you a thumbs up as well.

*Stabs silvadel's leg* There ya go, now you have ta slow down. Other then the speed the only issue I have is a criminal lack of fluttershy,:fluttershysad:
OH and the fact that there hasn't been a :pinkiegasp: "CONGRATULATIONS ON ASCENDING PARTY!" :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:

It is a bit fast paced but nothing too bad. Kinda like oh they are here and BAM here BAM here. put just a bit more detail.

She turned to the fillies. "If you remain Alicorns you will live forever. Do you really want to outlive all your family?"
While Scootaloo struggled to hold back a tear, Apple Bloom angrily responded. "How could you be so insensitive? Look at what you did to poor Scootaloo."

This part should have been at least 10 times longer. This story is extremely fast pasted. I still like it because of the idea.


As for Pinkie Pie, there are a few issues. First off, they are still fillies and these have all been school nights. Then you have the problem of the town not necessarily being interested in celebrating the prospect. She wouldn't want a "bad" party. Then you have that this is from the CMC's point of view, so they do not know what Pinkie is planning.

I am not avoiding Fluttershy per-say but the crusaders are closest to RD, Rarity, and Applejack specifically and have little choice but to interact with Twilight. It is more that they have not bumped into each other.


I will try to in future chapters, but it is likely to be more subtle a shift than some might like.


As for the way the residents took things initially, this is how one scene originally went:

Out-take below:

Twilight turned towards Scootaloo and moments later all the books fell gracelessly to the ground, followed rapidly by Twilight Sparkle herself.

Rainbow Dash flew straight to Twilight and lifted her head. Scootaloo heard her quietly say, "I must have dozed off and had a dream. Scootaloo was an..." She saw Twilight looking at her. "It wasn't a dream."

Pre-readers thought it was a bit too corny so I toned it down because I agreed Twilight could handle it better, so she just lost concentration as opposed to pulling a Rarity.

Quite an issue with Telling instead of Showing, and it was a bit of the fast side, but the idea is amusing.
You get a fave for now, but I will withhold my like until you can bump up the quality a bit.:unsuresweetie:

1984788 Well, by Twilight having a meltdown, I meant something along the lines of her thinking this is the apocalypse or something.

Which would perfectly fit the Comedy tag.

"You are just jealous that we ascended," Scootaloo retorted.


Now HERE'S a fun idea! *Chuckles to himself*

So I finally got some time to sit and read this and I only have a few nitpicks about this:
1) The pacing of this story moves rather fast, while this is only a minor in my opinion it does give the feeling of being rushed.
2) The reactions of Rarity was underplayed. She's a drama queen and would most likely go through a fainting, and glossy eyed daydream, and then priming Sweetie for "High society"
3) I can't say how AJ would react to Bloom, but all in all I would think she'd have a talk with the whole family involved.
4) I think you had Dash's reaction perfect, save for maybe a lack of dragging Scootaloo to Twilight's

:unsuresweetie: Sweetie Belle accidently read an ad for enlarging something I won't mention XD

It is a very good story, though the reactions to the CMC being alicorns are a bit... subdued. I think the Princesses would be more serious and less nonchalant.

Gonna have to tag this alternate universe now, after this morning's episode. Still, interesting idea. You do need to slow it down a bit, but I like the story.

Even when a God of Chaos is trying to be nice, he has ways of making you wish he just would leave you alone. I can see that and I've barely started reading this story yet!


Okay, having read it, here's an off-the-wall thought. Discord didn't do this. Oh, he may have accelerated the process but the fact that Twilight couldn't find any trace of his perversions on the Crusaders suggest that this would have happened anyway. He probably thought that ascending them years before they should have done so, meaning that the world has to deal with alicorn fillies, would be 'funny'. Of course, this means that, eventually, they will get their Cutie Marks and it will be in the things for which they were always destined be the goddesses.

I'll stick with that idea for now unless he turns up later and interferes more.

Scootaloo - Princess Tempestua - Goddess of the weather and of the storm
Sweetie Belle - Princess Melody - Goddess of music and song
Apple Bloom - Princess Industria - Goddess of craftsponies and the forge

Interesting.......... FOLLLOWING:rainbowlaugh:


Actually, since the discord bit was imbued at the time of 2/1 it did not know anything about a potential future release. I havent specifically given an exact time period, so essentially I just have to (at some point in the future) have the CMC go somewhere else while the episode happens(Celestia would NOT want the real discord to see the alicorn crusaders and the crusaders did NOT show up anywhere in the episode). I also figure that Discord will not be a permanent resident of Ponyville. Does this potentially give Celestia the option to have them changed back against their will? Yes. Will she do it in that manner without them doing something cosmically bad over the few months of storyline before the episode hits? Probably not.


I will try.


Glad you enjoyed it.

This feels rather rushed, especially in the first few paragraphs. You may also want to work on character interactions beyond the cmc themselves, given how blunt the exchanges seem to be at the moment.

While there is plenty of room for improvement here, there's also great potential too. I’m going to keep an eye on this for comedic value alone, though it’s still a little way off earning a thumbs up.

The start was rather weak, too much of a rush to get them to a certain point in the story. The reactions of the grownups to their alicornification is rather... blase'. I would go back and flesh it out more. I'd also be a bit more explicit about the adult's (rather shallow) motivations in trying to get them to not want to be alicorns anymore.

(I'd also leave them at normal filly size. Why? Just 'cause.)


In essence the CMC did not give much resistance to the idea of being alicorns. Offer candy to a kid and see how fast they jump.

The only pony who really tried to convince them and failed miserably in record time was Celestia. The other ponies are mostly simply apprehensive.

As for size, alicorns are bigger than ponies, but they are immature. Hence I put them at the same size as a normal pony at this point. In essence Sweetie Belle can look at Rarity eye to eye.

So awesome!:scootangel: Can't wait for next chapter!:pinkiehappy:

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon must have a death wish to mouth off to beings that will be able to turn them into dust eventually. Enjoy death bitches.

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