• Published 5th Feb 2013
  • 34,273 Views, 2,351 Comments

Oskar Osäker: True Omnivore - Legionary

[Prototype 2]/MLP crossover. One of Alex Mercer's Evolved gets sent to Equestria, stricken with an obsession with security, can this untrusting being ever find peace if he does not allow himself to?

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Epilogue: Astral Viewing

“Well that was certainly an interesting year wasn’t it?” Orion asked Astrid as he looked over his shoulder at her, having finally eaten his bucket of gummy bears… he still wore the other bucket on his head though.

“Yeah! I’m glad I stuck around for that!” Astrid grinned from the couch she was lounging on and then frowned. “It got kinda wordy at the end though.”

The room occupied by the Astral Lords in the Infinite Kingdom hadn’t changed in the slightest and they hadn’t really moved from their spots since watching Oskar arrive in Equestria. However, there was one rather major change to the room.

“Well we certainly got some added guests,” Orion commented with a smile as he spotted the many, many other Astral Lords occupying the room, either sharing a luxurious couch or keeping one all to themselves. All were sitting before a massive crystal ball and watching as Oskar, in an altered human form, trudged through the Forest of Everfree, looking rather dejected.

“That’s because this guy you found is actually pretty fun to watch,” Astrid said. “I figured when most of the time Oskar was just going around doing random nonsense Dust Child stuff he would be boring but nope! He actually makes that typically boring stuff fun to watch. It helps that he still gets in fights every now and then.”

“Like I said, I know how to pick ‘em,” Orion said, leaning back in his couch smugly.

A pair of double doors suddenly opened and in walked two people, along the ceiling actually. One was a little girl with fair skin wearing an elegant purple gown with white slippers, and had her blonde hair pulled into a long ponytail fastened with a large lacy purple and pink bow. The other was a fully grown woman with blonde hair pulled into a ponytail as well and blue eyes. She was wearing a full body suit that was blue and skin tight with pink symbols over her left breast and on her back. The woman had a rather long, suffering look on her face as she packed the little girl into the room along the ceiling.

“Over there Sammy!” the little girl shouted excitedly, pointing a finger. “The couch next to Orion!”

‘Sammy’ grunted a reply as she spied a couch suddenly appear next to one of the many hundreds in the room and walked towards it. As she came to a stop over it, gravity suddenly asserted itself on the two and they fell. With practiced ease, Sammy spun herself around mid-air and landed with a thump on the couch, already in a sitting position. Slouching a little into her seat on the couch, Sammy glanced over to the spot next to her and became confused when it didn’t have the little girl sitting there. With a cheer, the girl made her appearance via landing on Sammy’s stomach and making the woman wheeze out loudly. The little girl giggled happily as Sammy cursed angrily, and latched onto her to snuggle in close.

“Hello Carina,” Orion greeted with a smile “Having fun with your babysitter?”

“Tons and tons! Oh hey!” Carina replied, then pointed excitedly at the bucket on Orion’s head. “Noms~”

“Here you go Carina,” Orion said as he took the bucket off his head and ported it over to Carina. “Dig in.”

“Yay!” Carina cheered, briefly clapping her hands together quickly before willing the bucket ever-filling and eating up the gummy bears.

“What is this?” Sammy asked as she stared at the massive crystal ball in the room, still scowling a little from Carina landing on her. “Are you spying on people?”

“Yes and no,” Orion replied casually as he crossed his legs and faced Sammy. “You can consider this as our… television? Yes, our television.”

“Only it’s livid all the time!” Astrid added.

Live, Astrid,” Orion corrected.


“So you spend all your free time watching people just live their lives?” Sammy asked with a frown.

“You’ve been here forty years, I’m sure you knew that already,” Orion stated and then frowned. “At least I think you should.”

“I’ve been stuck moving between play date after play date and all these stupidly massive party rooms.” Sammy scowled before looking rather perturbed. “It’s been forty years? Already?”

“And you haven’t aged a day,” Orion stated as he spotted Sammy poke and prod at her face and willed a hand mirror into existence for her. “There are benefits to being a vassal of an Astral Lord after all, no matter how young she is.”

“I wasn’t given a choice!” Sammy replied angrily, sharply gesturing to the still eating little girl on her lap. “One of you ripped my ship open and tore me out of my suite then brought me here to take care of your omnipotent kid for who the fuck knows how long! Apparently the next thousand years, since forty felt like three in this place!”

“Yes, the laws of physics are more suggestion than unbreakable rules here,” Orion commented with a smirk. “I’m sure you have noticed.”

Scowling in response, Sammy turned back to the large crystal ball and saw that the view had changed a bit; Oskar was now walking down a long tunnel lit up with primitive looking, to her, electric lights.

“Are you scouting someone to recruit as a vassal?” Sammy asked.

“Hmm? Oh, no. Unlike some other Astral Lords, I rather dislike getting involved personally and interfering,” Orion answered and looked over his shoulder at another Astral Lord. “I know you like to do that yourself, Betelgeuse, but it just feels cheap to me.”

“Wait, what about what you did earlier?” Astrid asked. “You took Oskar from that one universe and dropped him in this one. Isn’t that interfering?”

“Well, yes, but not to the sure scale as what Betelgeuse likes to do,” Orion answered. “What I did was more of a… little push. Yes, I gave Oskar a little push in a general direction that looked interesting.”

“Oh, well what are you going to do with him now?” Astrid asked curiously. “Any fun sounding plans?”

“Do with him?” Orion replied with a rise of a brow. “I didn’t have any plans beyond take someone that could be rather interesting and place them somewhere else. Like I said, I dislike interfering so I don’t have any grand schemes beyond watching him do what he wishes, if that can be called a scheme. That said, I won’t tolerate others interfering in this either, so no Betelgeuse, you can’t go in and make things more interesting.”

“Fine, have it your way,” Betelgeuse replied in some boredom.

Sammy stared up at the crystal ball for a few moments before averting her gaze. This wasn’t someone who signed a contract to allow people to spy on them like those people on stupid reality shows; this was some girl who had no idea she was being spied on by thousands of people. Sammy couldn’t help but feel like a voyeur while watching the crystal ball, so she turned her attention to Orion instead.

During her apparently four decade long stay in the Infinite Kingdom, she didn’t really have much of a chance to get any answers. It wasn’t a matter of her being too busy with Carina, which she made sure no one would question her effort at, as Carina’s mother was rather sadistic towards Dust Children. It was simply that all the ones she had met did not want to waste time speaking with her. Sammy supposed they thought if she had questions she could see her… Lord, however the Astral Lord that was supposed to answer her questions either was too young to know or found such things too boring to bother with, leaving her in the dark for quite a few years. Until now that is…

“So, Orion…” Sammy began.

“Yes Sammy?”

“It’s Samus.” The woman scowled at the childish nickname.

“Sure it is,” Orion stated with a smirk.

“…” Sammy glared at the Astral Lord for a moment before sighing. “You call this place the Infinite Kingdom. Do you all actually control everything or is that just a grand name?”

“The Infinite Kingdom is called that because that is exactly what it is,” Orion replied. “Never let it be said that the founder was particularly creative. However, we only rule one infinity, not all of them, and one infinity in the entirety of the multiverse is fairly small.”

“Alright…” Sammy said with a nod, understanding the concept of multiple infinities easily thanks to her Chozo upbringing.

“Now, we Astral Lords control this one infinite spot of the multiverse and do not bother to expand beyond,” Orion explained. “A lot of beginners have this issue with finding yourself in command of an infinite of the multiverse, and think they are an up and coming multiversal overlord, only to start expanding and find themselves being overrun with a lot of rather peeved local ascendants.”

“Even when the scale is an entire sector of the multiverse, the concept of rallying against an utterly unknown outside force still applies,” Orion stated with a smile. “Luckily for us, this issue won’t be played against us. The sectors bordering this one are mostly overrun with warlords and independents; large powerful factions are a rarity. We only ever have to deal with singular ones blindly invading us rather than an equally large faction.”

“Really? There are no large factions in the neighbouring sectors at all?” Sammy said with a suspicious look. “How very lucky.”

“Oh yes,” Orion agreed with a sly knowing smile. “Very lucky.”

“Boring!” Astrid shouted, a statement shared by a few other Astral Lords. “Stop talking politics. I want to see what happens next!”

“Sure, sure Astrid,” Orion said with an absent wave at the Astral Lady. “I am rather interested in seeing what year two of Oskar’s escapades will be as well. Care to join us Sammy? Considering your charge happens to be preoccupied, you might as well.”

Sammy looked down and saw that Carina hadn’t slowed down in the slightest. Knowing the little omnipotent was as likely to just stay here eating for years on end without any negatives to dissuade her otherwise, Sammy just settled in. She rather wished she had something else to watch though, the feeling of dirtiness from spying on someone’s personal life bubbling up again.

“Alright everyone,” Orion began. “Here comes ‘season two.’ it’s going to be an interesting watch, I’m sure.”

Author's Note:

And a short epilogue from an unexpected POV, you all thought that scene in Chapter 1 was a one shot I bet. This is the final part of the book, now I am going back to working on my other story for a short while as well as enjoy a brief break. Be on the look out for the next Book though! See you all!


Ideas and Story Development: Gekko and Trondason

Grammar Edits: Nightmare Knight