• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 8,507 Views, 297 Comments

Brand New Dusk - AlphatheGriffin17

Book II. Returning once more with new determination, new goals and a new hat, Dusk is ready to see what the magic of friendship can offer... and perhaps much more.

  • ...

Best Night Ever

Dusk stood in front of a mirror in a changing room at the Carousel Boutique, buttoning up the black with blue pinstriped suit that Rarity had made him all the way back in December. He pulled up his blue tie, adjusting it so that it was straight against his white shirt. He thought the scroll on his lapel looked a little out of place, so he adjusted it. Then thought it was better where it was and adjusted it again. On second thought, it actually looked smarter before and changed it once more. Still feeling the rising nerves in the pit of his stomach, he breathed deeply and looked himself over one more time.

This was it. The big night that they'd all been waiting for. The night of the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot. The night that, hopefully, Dusk would be sharing a dance with the mare of his dreams. The girls were all getting ready in their own changing room, putting on make-up, styling their manes, washing their hair and putting on their gowns. Dusk had just come into this room, put on his suit, combed his mane and tail as best he could and put on his hat. He was as ready as he would ever be. He also had a lilac in his front pocket, which he intended to give to Twilight. Rarity told him it would be a wonderfully romantic gesture and so far she hadn't steered him wrong.

Despite his fear, Dusk couldn't help but also feel excited by the whole thing. Perhaps the girl's ecstatic attitude for the Gala was starting to rub off on him or perhaps it was to do with the fact that, until he danced with Twilight, he had absolutely no idea what he was going to do at the Gala until he got there and even then he wouldn't have a clue. Either way, he was going to make sure that he enjoyed the night and made the most of it. He certainly wouldn't be going back any day soon, so he might as well.

Just as he was making sure his hat looked alright, he jumped as there was a knock on the door. Collecting himself, but not looking away from the mirror he declared: "It's fine, come in."

He heard it open and then Twilight's voice. "We're all ready to get going Dusk. Are you set?"

"Yes, let me just…" He straightened it up one more time and nodded. "Yes, I'm ready to-" His words caught in his throat as he beheld Twilight in her gown.

This was the first time he'd seen Twilight in her dress and he was completely at a loss for words. The main flowing body of her gown was a midnight blue, decorated with bright white and aqua blue stars at the hem that twinkled in the night. The saddle that held the dress in place was also decorated in the same way, as were the ice-blue shoes that she wore on her hooves. Another of these stars was being worn in her ear, shining as brightly as her radiant purple eyes. The whole image made it seem as if she had fallen down from the night sky, a pony from the heavens; come to grace Equestria with her enchanting presence.

"Um, Dusk?" Her voice brought him back to reality, where he realised that he had been openly staring at her. She herself was now blushing from his open staring.

"I um… I… sorry Twi," he mumbled, feeling like an idiot.

"It's okay." She turned on the spot and looked shyly at him. "How do I look?"

"Well um… you…" As usual, he was embarrassed to provide comment on this kind of thing, but he still said that first thing that had come to mind. "Twilight, you look… incredible."

Her blush deepened, as did his, but she still smiled. "Thank you and you look… very handsome yourself."

"You… you think so?" He hadn't expected this at all.

"You certainly do and… well, yes," she affirmed with a nervous laugh. She seemed too embarrassed to say anymore, as was he. "So… shall we go?"

"Um yeah… good idea." Scolding himself for how stupid he had been there, but still revelling in the fact she thought he was handsome, he walked with her down the stairs. "Oh, I almost forgot… here." He pulled out the lilac and put it behind her other ear.

"Oh Dusk, it's lovely." She glanced at it and gazed at him warmly. "Thank you, I'll wear it for the whole evening."

"That means a lot to me," he said sincerely, feeling a little more confident now. "Shall we?"

"We shall," she responded smartly, giggling as they arrived at the bottom of the stairs.

They reached the main entrance of the Boutique, where the girls were all waiting and ready to go. They all looked amazing in their individually styled gowns, but in Dusk's opinion, Twilight was the best of them all, though he didn't dare say this out loud. He faced them all and bowed, doing his best to step into the role of the gentlecolt Rarity so often referred to him as. If they were going to an event in Canterlot, he may as well behave by Canterlot standards.

"Good evening ladies. May I say you are all looking quite resplendent tonight?" There was the odd murmur of thanks and Pinkie cried out, "Sure!" in her shrill voice, Twilight blushing once more. "The Gala awaits you all. If you would follow me, I shall escort you to the carriage."

Holding the door open for them, he let them step into the carriage, crossed around to the front and attached himself to the harness. He would be pulling the carriage, along with one other stallion, as the mice that Twilight had turned into 'horses' had been chased away by Rarity's cat. This was a much more practical solution anyway. Spike sat in the driver's seat, holding onto reigns and dressed in a small black tuxedo with a red bow-tie.

"Ready bro?" asked Spike.

"When you are my scaley friend." At a light tap of the reigns, Dusk and the other stallion set off towards the shining lights of Canterlot.

On the way, Spike talked about how he had planned an insider's tour of Canterlot, mentioning how he would show Applejack the golden apple tree owned by Princess Celestia, Rarity the crown jewels and Pinkie his favourite donut shop. He would have liked to spend the evening with his fellow assistant, but tonight was about what he could do at the Gala, what he would see. So when Spike asked where Dusk would like to go, he only responded with:

"Surprise me."

"Then let's get moving!" He gave a hard flick of the reigns, making a sharp pain rise in Dusk's hind quarters. "Oops, sorry…"

"It's fine," Dusk assured, his eyes watering. "Leave it, it's not worth it," he added to the other stallion, who was glaring at Spike.

"If he wasn't friends with my neighbour Rarity," he grumbled, but didn't finish.

They reached Canterlot as the stars lit up the sky, though they were drowned out from the lights of the Gala. Somehow, the royal city looked even more majestic at night, sparkling like a diamond from the bright lights that shone against the white stone. They joined the line of other carriages bearing their own guests. Once they reached the drop off point, the other stallion offered to bring around the carriage for Dusk while he went inside.

"You sure you don't need help?" offered Dusk as he released himself.

"Nah, I'm fine, you go in and have a great time with your friends," he offered, smiling as he took the carriage around the back. Nice guy, thought Dusk, turning to face the girls who had all stepped out of the carriage.

"Wow! You all look... amazing!" marvelled Spike

They, however, were all looking in the direction of the Gala, transfixed by the beauty of it. "I can't believe we're finally here. With all that we've imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this... The Best Night Ever!"

At Twilight's declaration, they all burst into song.

At the gala
At the gala

Fluttershy was the first to take up the tune.

At the gala, in the garden
I'm going to see them all.
All the creatures, I'll befriend them at the gala!

At the gala

All the birdies and the critters
They will love me, big and small
We'll become good friends forever
right here at the Gala!

All our dreams will come true, right here at the Gala! At the Gala!

As they began to march towards the Gala, Applejack took her cue.

At the gala, (it's amazing) I will sell them (that you heard of)
all my appletastic treats! (yummy yummy)
Hungry ponies (give us samples), they will buy them (we will buy them)
caramel apples, apple sweets! (Gimme some)
And I'll earn a lot of money
for the Apple Family!

All our dreams and our hopes from now until here after. All that we've been wishing for will happen at the Gala. At the Gala!

The stallion unicorns who had been singing back-up bowed so that their horns created an arch tunnel that Rarity graciously walked through.

At the gala, all the royals
they will meet fair Rarity
They will see I'm just as regal at the Gala!

At the Gala

I will find him, my prince charming
And how gallant he will be.
He will treat me like a lady, tonight at the Gala!

This is what we've been waiting for to have the best night ever. Each of us will live our dreams tonight at the Gala! At the Gala

Up overhead, Dusk heard a fanfare, a rumble like distant thunder and actually ducked as the Wonderbolts soared above, lightning streaking in their wake.

Been dreaming, I've been waiting
to fly with those great ponies.
The Wonderbolts, their daring tricks
Spinning 'round and having kicks.
Perform for crowds of thousands.
They'll shower us with diamonds!
The Wonderbolts will see me right here at the Gala~!

All we've longed, for all we've dreamed, our happy ever-after. Finally will all come true right here at the Grand Gala! At the Gala!

As ponies trailed into the Gala, one pink Earth pony bounced up and down in their midst.

I'm here at the Grand Gala, for it is the best party.
But the one thing it was missing was a pony named Pinkie.
For I am the best at parties, all the ponies will agree.
Ponies playing, ponies dancing with me at the Grand Gala!

Happiness and laughter at the Gala. At the Gala!

Now the music took up a slower, mournful tone that picked up in tempo as Dusk took up his part. His was more reserved, quieter than the others had been.

As wonderful and magical as this great night may seem
I have no secret wishes, no harboured hopes or dreams
This is the night my friends have all hoped and longed for
I just hope to share a dance with the sweet mare that I care for
As for other surprises this night has in store for me
I'll just have to wait and see.

A chance for a starlit romance at the Gala. At the Gala.

Feeling a little better, Dusk looked up to see Princess Celestia sail across the sky, Twilight watching her fly.

At the Gala, (At the Gala) with the princess (with the princess)
is where I'm going to be (She will be)
We will talk all about magic,
and what I've learned and seen. (She will see)
It is going to be so special,
as she takes time just for me!

This will be the best night EVER!

Into the Gala we must go
we're ready now, we're all a glow
Into the Gala, let's go in
and have the best night ever.
Into the Gala, now's the time, we're ready and we look divine.

Now they all marched to the Gala, taking up the chorus one at a time.

Into the Gala
Meet new friends
Into the Gala
Sell some Apples
Into the Gala
Find my prince
Prove I'm great
As a Wonderbolt is
As for me
just wait and see.

To meet
to sell
to find
to prove
to woop
to see
to talk

Into the Gala, into the Gala
And we'll have the BEST NIGHT EVER!
At the Gala!

"Yeah! This is gonna be the best night ever. You know why? Cause we're all gonna spend time at the Gala to-"

Dusk didn't hear the end of Spike's sentence, as he had dashed off in the infectious excitement of the others to see the wonders of the Gala. Later, he felt bad for leaving him behind, but decided that, for now, he would just try to enjoy the evening.

He walked into one of the sparkling hallways, packed full of upstanding, well-dressed ponies from all sects of pony society. Doing his best to remember his Canterlot standards, he walked with dignity, back straight, head held not too high and walked with the group to one of the halls. He paused at the door and held it open for two mares who were walking in behind him.

"After you," he said politely, bowing his head. The two of them seemed quite surprised at his chivalry, but smiled regardless.

"Thank you," one of them said, with a green coat of fur and matching dress. She was about to walk through, but then stopped and looked him over again. "Hey, did you go to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns?"

"Um, yes I did," he answered. "Why, did you?"

"Of course! Me and my friend both went and I thought I saw you somewhere before," she remarked, only glancing at him, then turning her eyes impatiently to the hall.

"Did you now… wait a minute…?" Thinking back now, something came to mind.

That fateful day, when the Mare in the Moon had vanished, he had been walking to the library and two mares had passed by him as he went. They'd been talking about him, the green mare considering going over to talk to him, while her friend, the dark pink one, had advised her against it. How strange fate could be.

"I know you two." They looked quite surprised at this, so he clarified. "I mean er… in passing. It was the um… the Summer Sun Celebration, when Nightmare Moon was released from imprisonment. I was… walking to the library and I heard you two talking about… me."

"What? What the hay are you-?" The pink one frowned and then realised. "Hey yeah, I remember now. You were the little lonely stallion, always drifting around the place."

"Prim! That's rude!" hissed the green one and gave him a sympathetic grimace. "Sorry, I remember too. I would've come over to say hi but… you know…"

"Think nothing of it," said Dusk, waving it away. "I hold no ill will for either of you, though I might suggest we move. We're uh… blocking the door." Sure enough, the line was starting to build behind them, so they entered the glittering hall, lined with sculptures and ribbons.

"Well, it's nice to meet you in person. You seem so… different," remarked the green mare.

"I am different, though my name is unchanged." Feeling surer of himself now they were on good terms, he bowed his head again. "Dusk Noir, at your service."

"I'm Mirror Shine," introduced the green mare. "My friend is Prim Proper." Once again, Prim only muttered her greeting.

"A pleasure meeting you both," he said regardless of her reaction to him. "Are you with anypony or is it just you?"

"We're actually off to meet our coltfriends," pointed out Prim sharply. "Come on Mirror, let's go…"

"Hey, you're not busy tonight are you? Why don't you come with us?" she offered.

"Really? I wouldn't want to impose, that's all."

"Not at all, you can come with us. Right Prim?" she asked pointedly.

She looked as if she was about to object, but sighed and shrugged. "Whatever, sure. Just don't get in our way."

"That would be the last thing I would do." Keeping a polite smile on and pleased that things seemed to be going well so far, he followed them through the hall.

They soon met up with two stallions, one a Unicorn and the other a Pegasus, who bestowed their respective marefriends with a kiss on the lips, whilst Dusk patiently waited. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for the two stallions. They had managed to capture the hearts of their mares, no doubt with the impressive muscles that they were both gifted with and probably with significantly less effort. He glanced down at his own legs and realised how thin they were. He wished that he had muscles as impressive as they did and was reminded at how much smaller he was compared to most stallions. Not by much, but enough for the two of them to look down on him. Maybe if he could just be a little taller…

After greetings were done, they introduced themselves as Jock and Muscles. Their eyes also seemed to linger at how small he was, while Dusk cringed at how tight their hoofshakes were. If they were bothered by his presence, they didn't show it.

"So what do you do Dusk?" Mirror asked kindly, Jock's foreleg around her.

"I have an occupation in Ponyville," he explained. "I-"

"A what?" asked Muscles rudely.

"It means a job," Prim said impatiently. "I don't know why you'd want to work in a little dump like that though."

"Oh, why didn't you just say?" He frowned at him. "Speak plain English dude."

"Right…" Dusk said unsurely, coughing uncomfortably. "So um… what was I saying?"

"You were telling us about your job," prompted Mirror. At least she seemed nice.

"Oh yes. Well, I work at the library there as second assistant to Twilight Sparkle." He took a sip from his drink. "I believe you know her, as she did attend the school."

"Oh yeah, unsociable Twilight Sparkle," remarked Prim. "Always studying but never making friends. I think she thought she was better than us because she's the Princess's personal student."

"Yeah, you said it babe," Muscles agreed. "I feel for ya dude, must be pretty boring working in a library all day."

"Actually, it's quite interesting." That resulted in the two of them raising their eyebrows in surprise. He saw Muscles lean and whisper something in Prim's ear, at which she giggled. Dusk didn't quite hear him, but he could make out something that sounded like 'geek'.

He remained with them as the evening passed on, passing the time with idle conversation, though Prim was still rather cold and distant with him. Sometimes he earned some admiration with a joke that he made or something that he said about his life in Ponyville, but most of the time they sniggered at how rather un-stallion like he was. One time he managed to succeed with the former was when Mirror remembered that he'd competed in the Magic Contest.

"Yeah, your performance was really good," she remarked.

"What kind of magic was that anyway?" asked Prim, her interest a little piqued.

"Mine," he replied simply, demonstrating it by making swirls of colour fly around their heads before vanishing.

"Hey, that's pretty cool," remarked Muscles, as he tried to touch it, but Dusk made it flinch like a living thing.

"How come it's not your cutie mark?" asked Jock, watching as one swirled around his legs.

"It um… it just isn't," he said feebly, cutting off the magic.

"So you got that piece of paper instead? Man that's lame," he sniggered, making Dusk flush.

As a result talking to them, Dusk was, needless to say, beginning to regret coming with them. He was only staying with them because he thought it might get better if he remained with them longer and that they'd warm to him. That didn't seem to be happening and consequently, he was losing his confidence and started to stammer and pause a little more, which wasn't helping his situation. Soon, he would have to leave and find something else that might occupy his evening.

That came when Mirror, who had been silently scolding the other three but saying nothing, asked him what he liked to do in Ponyville.

"Oh well um… reading in my home, going to the spa um… taking tea, just-"

"What?" guffawed Muscles. "Going to the spa? What do you like getting hooficures and seaweed wraps? Sad 'cause ya chipped a hoof?"

"I-I-I um… I…" Dusk stammered once more, unsure as to what to say.

"And taking tea, oh how lovely," said Jock in a mock posh voice. "You wear a frilly dress and a ribbon in your hair too?"

This made Dusk cast his head down in utter mortification. In all of this, he'd completely forgotten that the latter two activities weren't something that most stallions did in their spare time. He felt so humiliated and ashamed, the two of them laughing away, even Prim sniggering away while Mirror was in an unsure silence. Not wanting to stay any longer, he dared to glance up.

"I see… if you would excuse me, gentlemen, ladies…" Bowing his head, he fast-walked out of the hall away from them.

"Dusk, wait!" Mirror had caught up to him, her expression pitying. "I'm sorry about them they… they don't mean it. Please, come on back and I'm sure they'll apologise."

He tried his best to control the shaking in his voice. "Thank you, Miss Shine but… I would prefer some time alone, if it's all the same with you…"

She looked like she might argue, but gave him an understanding nod. "I get it… I need to get back, sorry again." But Dusk had already left, not looking back.

He stopped out in one of the hallways, which was mostly empty and rested his head on a wall.

"How could I have been so stupid?" he whispered scornfully. "This isn't what I had in mind for the Gala…"

He let a few tears trickle down his cheek, still grimacing from their hurtful words and laughter. He was meant to be having a good time here, yet all he had gained was scorn and ridicule, a reminder that he was a weak little stallion, not big and tough like the rest of them. There wasn't even any point in staying now, the girls would all be having a wonderful time. He didn't want to spoil their evening with his misery. Maybe he would just walk home, not bother them… they wouldn't want that… He'd never even got to dance with Twilight…

But something made him go against that, made him wipe away his tears and stand with a determined expression, gripping the good luck charm that was concealed beneath his shirt. Giving up like this, that was the old Dusk. Not this Dusk. This was one little slip-up, with one little group of ponies among hundreds. The evening was still young and he still had yet to dance with Twilight, possibly the only thing he did have planned. He wasn't going to let this put him down and spoil his night.

"I may not have waited and dreamed for this night, but somehow, I'm still going to try and make this… the Best Night Ever!" he declared. Then lapsed into an embarrassed silence when some nearby ponies stared at him strangely.

Walking around the halls, he debated as to what to do. He definitely wasn't going to go back into the hall where his mockers were and he wasn't sure he wanted to try his luck with anypony else. He really wanted to spend time with somepony he knew, but he wasn't prepared to disturb the girls on their special night and didn't even know where to start looking for Spike. He thought of Twilight, no doubt absorbed in conversation with Princess Celestia, waiting for the moment they would share their dance. He wished Princess Luna was around, he could at least talk to her… wait that was it! That was how he could have a good time at the Gala until he could dance with her. He resolved to find the Princess of the Night and spend some time with her. So, he set off to search for her.

He ended up running what felt like the whole of Canterlot searching for her. She wasn't greeting the guests with Celestia at the entrance (Dusk had to resist the urge to go and see Twilight), she wasn't anywhere outside near the gardens, she wasn't at the VIP section of the Gala, nor was she in the dance hall. He searched all over the Gala but could find no sign of her anywhere. He paused to think in one of the hallways. Where could she possibly be? Would it be worth asking somepony?

"Hey, you okay sir?" asked a friendly voice. He turned to see a white-coated unicorn stallion with a blue mane standing behind him. He wore the bright purple with gold finish armour only bestowed to the Captain of the Guard.

As a result, Dusk stood a little straighter out of respect for him. "I'm fine thanks Captain but…" He paused to think. Perhaps he would be willing to help. "Actually, do you know where I might find Princess Luna? I've not been able to find her around the Gala."

"Do you know her?" asked the captain, not suspiciously but still sounding concerned.

"Yes, she invited me here once and we got on quite well." He dared to make a joke. "Don't worry; I'm not… an assassin or um anything like that."

To his relief, he laughed light heartedly. "Sorry, it's always good to check. Well, from what I hear she didn't really plan on attending the Gala."

"Really? Why?"

"Don't know really," the captain shrugged. "Princess Celestia wouldn't say much, she just told me to get on with security arrangements for the Gala." He gave him a sort of admiring smile. "If you think you can help her, she's in the Star Tower on the west side of the palace."

"I know where it is," Dusk nodded, recalling where she'd had tea with him. "Thank you captain. If something is wrong, I'll see what I can do."

"I'm sure you will," he said. "I'd better get back to my post, nice meeting you."

"Likewise captain," saluted Dusk. "Maybe we'll meet again sometime in the future."

"Maybe we will." He returned the salute and marched off, while Dusk sprinted off to find Luna.

He smiled at the thought of the captain and how helpful he had been. It was strange, it felt as if he knew him somehow or if he had engendered some sort of… trust. No, he decided, he was just a helpful guy and he was grateful for his assistance. It was just a shame that he hadn't had the time to ask for his name.

He soon reached the foot of the tower, guarded by the same Shadow Guards as last time. To his relief, they even recognised him, one of them going upstairs to tell the Princess. Dusk was a little surprised at how excited he was to talk to Luna again. It was almost as if she was as much his friend as any of the girls were. If there was a problem, he hoped she was okay and that he could help somehow if she wasn't. He was then ushered up to the top and told he could just go straight in, though he still knocked on the door regardless.

"Enter!" The voice was less commanding than last time, more friendly and happy. When he did enter, Luna positively beamed at the sight of him, but collected herself and reduced her smile somewhat. Dusk couldn't help but return it.

"Good evening, Your Highness," he greeted, sinking into a low bow. "It's an honour and a pleasure to see you again."

"The feeling is mutual, young Dusk," she said happily. "Thou are looking, what is it they say… sharp this evening." He blushed at her compliment. "Tell us, why have thou chosen to seek us out tonight, rather than remain at the Gala?"

"Well, my friends are all busy tonight and I just wanted to talk to somepony that I knew so… I thought you wouldn't mind, Highness." He looked up at her. "You don't, do you?"

"We do not, in fact, we are glad of some familiar company." She gestured beside her at the balcony. "Come, let us talk. Much has happened since we spoke last."

Ecstatic that she wasn't annoyed that he had disturbed her, Dusk joined her at the balcony. As they sat there, she was perfectly content to listen about all that happened in Ponyville since the time that they had last talked, occasionally passing comment on it. She seemed quite happy in a way, hearing about all of the things that he did with his friends. It was almost as if she envied him in a way, like she too wished to share in friendship, but she kept it hidden beneath her smile… or maybe that was just Dusk thinking too much into it. She was just happy for him that was all he needed to know.

When they arrived on the subject of the Gala, Dusk found himself faltering when he recalled his tormentors, diverting his gaze away from Princess Luna. She however, sensed his distress and kindly offered to listen to whatever he had to say on the matter. So he told her, her expression becoming sterner as she listened, until she gave an angry snort. Even the steam the emerged from her nostrils glittered like starlight.

"Ruffians," she commented. "Pay no heed to their words Dusk, they are nothing."

"But, with all due respect, they're right Princess," he mumbled sadly. "I'm not like other stallions. I'm not big or strong or tough. If anything, I'm a little pathetic… I wish I was stronger, bigger…"

"Enough! We shall not listen to this," she declared firmly. "Listen well, young Dusk. Do not wish to be something thou cannot be, but instead be happy with who you are, regardless of what others might think of thee."

"But… but they… they…" She raised a hoof to silence his stammering.

"If they choose to mock and ridicule thee, let them but do not listen, for such ponies are not worth listening to. Be happy with who thou are, as your friends are… as we are," she added softly.

Dusk looked up at her in surprise. "Y-y-you are?"

"Indeed. Your humble nature, your intelligence, they are part of who you are and we like who you are."

"Oh um…" He wasn't sure what to say, apart from: "Thank you, Your Highness. That… means a lot to me."

"Good," she said simply. "Did we help to make thee feel better?"

"Very much so, thank you," he said sincerely, pushing those hurtful thoughts out of his mind.

"Shall we have these scorners of yours thrown in the dungeons for extra measure?"

"Princess! Isn't that a little-" He stopped when he saw that she was smiling. "Oh, you're joking."

"Yes, was that not clear?" He shared in a light-hearted laugh with her, before they fell into a comfortable silence. He was glad he could at least laugh with her.

When he looked back up at her, her gaze was looking past him off into the distance. He followed it to see that she was looking at the lights of the Gala, bathing the high towers of Canterlot in their glow. Her eyes were shining too, he noticed, with a kind of longing, perhaps regret. Then she noticed that he was watching her and tore her gaze away from the Gala, staring resolutely off out of the city, at the vast landscape below. That didn't stop Dusk having a sudden thought, on why she was up here on her own in the first place.

"It's quite spectacular, isn't it?" he commented casually.

"What?" she asked, though he knew full well she'd heard him. "Oh yes, the Gala… Yes, it is quite… spectacular." There was that hint of regret again.

"If I may ask, Highness," began Dusk gently, "why are you up here by yourself, rather than with your sister at the Gala?"

She appeared quite taken aback at the question and the control in her voice seemed forced. "Because we are not needed at the Gala. Our sister is quite capable of greeting the guests by herself, so why would we be needed?"

Dusk wasn't convinced. "Princess… I don't think that's it," he said simply. He didn't want to say anymore for risk of seeming imposing or rude. He just hoped that would provoke a response from her.

Her expression saddened and she looked down at him. "They would not want us at the Gala..."

"Why do you say that?"

"When we speak, they tremble in fear at us. They do not see us as they do our sister. She is more loved, more adored than we are. We know this, we have seen it." She gazed back at the Gala. "That is why we do not attend the Gala. What would be the point of our presence there, when we would merely spoil everypony's evening?" She hung her head sadly and said no more.

Dusk immediately felt overwhelming pity for her. But that wasn't all he felt for her. It was pity and empathy. This fear that she had of seeing how others may think of her, preferring to hide rather than risk the chance of being rejected, of being scorned by others because of certain qualities about herself, what she thought about herself. It reminded him of somepony that he once knew, somepony who was exactly the same.

She reminded him… of him. Of how he used to be. And he knew it was his duty to help her, as his friends had done. If he couldn't make this night special for himself, perhaps he could do it for her.

"Princess, I understand how you feel. I used to think the same way that I wasn't worth anypony's time, that there wasn't any point in me doing something when it was so obvious to me that others would just think of it as boring or stupid." She raised her head and looked back at him and knew he was making progress. "But then a friend of mine, a very good friend, gave me a piece of advice that I'll never forget."

"And… what was that?" Her voice had lost its authority and command now. She sounded more like a child, seeing help and reassurance. It almost made him cry.

"How can you know the outcome of something that you do if you don't even try?" He said no more and Luna continued to gaze at him. He could tell the words had an impact, as something changed in her eyes. Now for the final part. "If you would permit me Princess, perhaps we could both go to the Gala. Together."

She stared at him, then her eyes flickered away out of indecision, looking anywhere but at him. She started to speak a few times, but words failed her. She sighed again and looked back out across the plains below. Dusk knew her answer and felt disappointed and a little foolish for suggesting it in the first place. At least he had tried…

"Well… I suppose I'd better be getting back." He bowed again. "If you would excuse me, You Highness." Still she was silent. "Have a good night…" He turned to walk away and had just reached the door when…

"A moment, Dusk Noir." He turned back to look at her, unable to determine her expression. "We have already made our judgement on this matter. However, there is some reason to your point of view and… we concede." That was when she smiled once more. "Come then, Dusk, let us attend the Gala together. It would be improper if only one of Equestria's rulers was present."

Dusk beamed at her and bowed. "It would be my honour, Princess." So, walking side by side, Dusk Noir escorted Princess Luna to the Grand Galloping Gala.

Though he preferred to be modest, Dusk let the pride well up in his chest. This was something that Dusk could feel truly proud of. Helping somepony in need was just what friends did and he was going to do his best to make sure that Luna had a good evening that she could look back on with fond memories. Making a mental note to conduct himself with even more dignity and poise than before, he matched her stride as they walked through the streets of Canterlot. He could tell that she was nervous, but she hid it well, with a determined expression. Maybe his presence was helping her relax a little…

She stopped at the threshold that would take them into the Gala. She was unduly tense and fearful, watching it warily. Dusk noticed and nudged her gently.

"You'll be fine, I promise." She said nothing, but gave a small smile of gratitude, allowing him to lead her into the Gala.

The first pony they met, a unicorn stallion that Dusk later remembered was Fancy Pants, seemed quite shocked to see her. Luna looked as if she would turn back, but then he smiled and bowed before her.

"I say, Your Highness, how smashing that you could attend the Gala tonight. Forgive me for saying so, but I had heard that you had planned to give it a miss."

Luna turned to Dusk, who only nodded. In a confident voice, she replied: "Then thou has heard wrong, good sir, for we are here now. Let it be known that we do not shirk our responsibilities as co-ruler of Equestria. See that these rumours are quashed."

"Of course, Highness, a pleasure to see you in person." He bowed once more and set off into the Gala. Luna beamed at Dusk and he nodded once more.

"Just like I said."

"Indeed." Returning to a position of authority, she stood with more dignity than before. "Come then, Dusk, let us enter the Gala and see what the night has in store."

"Right behind you, Princess," said Dusk, following as she led the way.

As they took a route into garden, all eyes turned to watch them, guests bowing and murmuring excitedly at the sight of the Princess of the Night. She bestowed them all with smiles and the odd greeting, her originally tense stature relaxing visibly. But there was one thing that truly made Dusk's evening that little bit better.

"Dusk?" He turned to see Mirror Shine and her friends, the two stallions looking quite shame faced, but Prim just looked annoyed. Luna paused to watch, not saying anything herself.

"Oh. Good evening again," said Dusk, rather coldly. He didn't like to hold grudges, but he still wanted her to know that he'd been hurt.

She appeared taken aback at his harshness. "Dusk, I just want you to know that we are really sorry for hurting your feelings."

"It wasn't so much you," corrected Dusk, "more your… charming friends here."

"Yeah, but we're sorry too," put in Muscles suddenly. "We were just messing with you man, we didn't mean anythin'."

"Yeah, what he said," added Jock, Mirror smiling proudly at him. "You know, if you're into tea and libraries and stuff, you know… that's cool."

Dusk was a little surprised at this and the bitter feelings he had for them were gone in that instant. The only one who didn't say anything was Prim, who was idly examining one of her shoes. Mirror gave her a nudge and she looked up irritated.

"What? Oh yeah… sorry, or whatever." Dusk would have just taken it at that, but Luna wasn't having it.

"Thou callest that an apology?" she boomed angrily, making her jump and cower. "Thou hast hurt the feelings of our loyal subject and thou thinks that is a sufficient apology for thy transgressions? Thou will apologise properly, so we command it!"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings, I'm sorry!" she screeched, then ran away. Muscles sprinted after her, along with Jock.

Mirror, however, lingered. "Sorry about her, she's not usually like this. I'd better go try and catch her. Have a good night Dusk, Your Highness."

"We will and… apology accepted."

She smiled warmly at him. "I wish more stallions were like you." With that sentiment, she sprinted off after her friends, Dusk blushing from the compliment.

"Well, we are glad that has been resolved. Come!" commanded Luna, as if nothing much had happened.

Dusk was still surprised that Luna had stood up for him like that. He knew that he had good relations with her, but he hadn't expected anything like that. He once again took a moment to take pride that Luna thought so highly of him, or at least liked to him to a degree that she was prepared to stand up for him.

Looking for something to do in the aftermath of that, Dusk remembered Applejack would be selling her wares in the garden and suggested to the Princess that they get something to eat. She agreed and they soon found her at her apple cart, though with no customers queuing like she'd hoped for. She saw them and perked up visibly.

"Well, good evenin' Dusk and Yer Highness," she said happily. "What can ah get ya?"

"We'll take… two candy apples please," he requested, handing over the money and passing one to Luna. "Business doesn't really seem to be booming, I take it."

"'Fraid not," she sighed. "Ah've tried every sales tactic ah know, but none-a these ponies seem interested in buyin' ma food."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Here, have this on me." He deposited a few more coins into the can.

"Thanks Dusk, ah appreciate it an' so does ma family," she said sincerely.

Luna looked into the can where she was putting her money. "Thou are raising funds for your family?"

"Yes, yer Highness," she affirmed. "Not exactly great pickins, as ya can see."

Luna seemed to consider for a few moments, then pulled out a heavy coin purse and emptied the whole contents into the jar. Applejack was astounded at this.

"P-p-princess… ya don't have ta…"

"We do not have to, but we want to, as it is for a good cause," she said firmly, but not unkindly. "Put it too good use, Miss Applejack. See it is not wasted."

"Oh, ah won't and thank ya kindly, Yer Highness, ah won' ferget this!" she called, as he and Luna left her, unable to believe her good fortune.

They were once more treated to the stares and gazes of amazed guests and Luna lent in and whispered. "Let us go to the gardens, it will be quieter there." Dusk agreed straight away.

The two of them left the bustle of the Gala and entered the quietness of the Royal Gardens. As Fluttershy had said, every flower of every kind was in full bloom and the garden radiated with a natural fragrance and beauty. He wondered if she was anywhere close by, in the presence of her new animal friends… Fireflies hovered in the night air, providing additional illumination to the night, as well as adding more to the garden's beauty. The chirps and squawks of all kinds of different animals and birds met their ears, though any they did see scurried into the bushes out of fright when they walked by.

They sat down to eat their candy apples, Dusk sinking his teeth into the sweet treat. When he looked up at Luna, he saw that she had only taken a single bite from hers and she was now just staring at it like it was the most nteresing thing in the world.

"Is something wrong Princess?"

"Not wrong no. It is just…it has been a long time since we have eaten a candy apple… not since we were a filly. Things were so much… simpler back then." She paused in this musing, then glanced at Dusk. "Have thou ever seen how ponies react to us?"

"Um… not really." In truth, he had noticed but he didn't have the heart to say.

"We spoke of this last time we met. When we speak, they tremble in fear and shake terribly. When they bow, it is in the hope that we do not single them out, keeping their heads low. They still see us as Nightmare Moon, the monster in the moon who terrorised their dreams. You know this, we know this." She sighed forlornly. "Sometimes, we wonder if we should still be imprisoned in the moon. Perhaps it would be easier than… this."

Dusk didn't know what to say to this. He watched as she shut her eyes, a tear trickling down her cheek. He had never imagined how hard this must be for her, adjusting back to life after being gone for so long, when so much had changed now. He did his best to hold back his own tears, placing a hoof gently on her shoulder.

"You know," he began quietly, "not everypony was afraid of Nightmare Moon. Like… me." She looked up at this. "Whenever I heard the story of Nightmare Moon, looking up to see you trapped up there, I was never scared. You only wanted some more recognition for your hard work and you just… made a bad choice. I know that doesn't say much but… I always felt sorry for Nightmare Moon… for you." He smiled warmly at her. "For what it's worth, Equestria wasn't the same without you."

She glanced down at the hoof on her shoulder. At first, Dusk was about to remove it for fear he was being too personal, but she didn't object. She placed her own hoof on top of his, gratitude radiating from her smile that she bestowed. He knew it wouldn't be enough to make up for all of those long years but… at least it was something.

"Thank you." It was simple, but it said so much. Then, she made a sound he'd never heard her make before, one that lit up her whole face like the brightest star.

She laughed. A giggle, yes, but still a laugh.

"What? What is it?" he asked, a smile tugging at his own mouth.

"Nothing, it is simply that..." She giggled all the more. "Thou has a spot of candy on thy nose."

"Really?" Dusk rubbed it, going red when he felt something sticky. "Is it gone?"

"No, it is still there. A little more." She giggled all the more at his attempts to remove it.

"Now has it gone?"

"Almost, a little more… there, it is removed." Luna was now behaving more like a school filly than a princess. "For one so polite, thy eating habits leave something to be admired."

"Well, look at you, your candy's started to trickle onto your shoe," noted Dusk, doing his best to restrain a chuckle.

"What? How can that be?" She looked to see that he was indeed right, her sparkling shoe now coated with red caramel. "Oh… so it has."

"Is it ruined?"

"Quite, we shall need a new set of shoes to replace these!"

"You must be very angry about that."

"Oh yes, we are furious at this! Perhaps we should take back our charity to your farm friend for this outrage!"

"She deserves nothing less than the most severe punishment."

"We shall have her thrown in the dungeon for this!"

"I completely agree."

"Quite so!" She held her stern expression for a few more seconds. Then, the two of them just burst out laughing, relaxed. They were no longer princess and subject, but for all intents and purposes… friends.

A loud squeal broke the moment. They exchanged a confused look and went to investigate, walking into one of the glades, only to find-

"What is the meaning of this?" Luna asked, bewildered by what she saw.

"Fluttershy? What are you doing in that net?"

"Oh… hello Dusk, Princess," said an entrapped Fluttershy. "Um… no reason."

"Here, let me…" He cut her down with a spell and she stood up, her eye muscle twitching. "Are you okay?"

"Fine, fine, oh yes fine," she replied erratically, a quiver in her voice. He also noticed her dress was torn in places, her mane tattered. "Now, I need to try and catch my little friends!" With that, she darted off into the garden once more.

Dusk and Luna stood in silence, trying to make sense of what they had just witnessed. Why was Fluttershy acting so strangely? Why did she look so bedraggled? These were questions Dusk couldn't even begin to fathom the answer to.

"What… has just happened?" asked Luna.

"I'm not entirely sure, Highness," said Dusk honestly. "Perhaps it might be better if we go inside and see your sister."

"Yes, that is agreeable." She stared at the spot where Fluttershy had run off, then led the way into the entrance hall, where Princess Celestia and Twilight stood at the top of the stairs. Feeling his nerves rising once more, Dusk climbed the stairs with Luna, to what he had really been waiting for.

Twilight broke into a smile when she saw him and Celestia beamed at the sight of her younger sibling. "Luna, what a wonderful surprise!"

"Good evening, my sister," she greeted warmly. "Has your evening been pleasant?"

"Not really," she whispered conspiratorially. "But it's better now you're here. I thought you were going to sit the evening out."

"Yes well, this young stallion can be quite persuasive," she said, gesturing to Dusk, who bowed to the Princess of the Sun.

"So I can see," she said. "We were about to head into the dance hall, if you would like to join us."

"Indeed we would. Come Dusk," commanded Luna, walking beside her sister, Dusk beside Twilight.

"Hey, you're still wearing it," he indicated to the lilac in her ear.

"Just like I promised," she nodded.

"So, how's your best night ever been?"

"Let's talk about that later. Right now, we've got something else to do."

"We do?"

"I still owe you that dance," she reminded him, making his heart flutter.

The wait had been long, but it would be worth it. His stomach was now doing back-flips, he couldn't think of what to say and he hoped he wouldn't stumble too much, but the moment he'd been waiting for had arrived at last. He was about to dance with Twilight! Nothing could spoil this moment now. But then they reached the dance hall and saw a scene of complete discord.

One of the sculptures depicting Celestia had fallen off its pedestal, as had a series of pillars that looked like they had fallen in a domino fashion. At the foot of it, he saw a collapsed Prince Blueblood, covered in what looked like frosting and food, a tattered Rarity looking pretty much the same. A guilty Rainbow Dash stood in the centre, along with a dishevelled Applejack and a rather bemused Pinkie on stage. Twilight looked completely shocked and he shared her feelings, his mouth wide open, along with Princess Luna.

"Well... it can't get any worse." At Twilight's words, there was a distant rumbling and the doors burst open.

When they did, what looked like every animal from the garden stampeded inside in a panic, chased by Fluttershy, who looked quite terrifying, her eyes wide and mad, and her face contorted with rage.

"You're... going to LOVE ME!" she shrieked, just as all of the guests ran around in a panic from the complete chaos.

Dusk, like Twilight, was at a complete indecision of what to do, looking desperately around for any kind of solution. This came in the form of Princess Celestia, who whispered a single word:

"Run." She nodded to her sister and the two of them flew off, no doubt to try and restore order.

At her suggestion, Twilight whistled and Dusk made a colour shape in the sky to get their attention, one that also echoed Celestia's advice. They ran down the stairs out of the Gala, Rarity pausing to smash her glass slipper in a desperate bid so her prince wouldn't find her. Dusk looked down at his suit as they ran. It had become torn during the chaos, patched and frayed in places, some of the fabric ripped away, all of the girls in similar states with their dresses. Thankfully, his hat was unharmed by the whole thing, as was his necklace. Dusk didn't know what had happened, but it would certainly make an interesting story.

They followed Twilight until they were well away from the hall and came to a stop outside a donut shop. Knowing who they would find inside, Dusk followed the disappointed girls inside, keeping his distance from Fluttershy.

A pony behind the counter greeted them, Spike looking up from a coffee. "Twilight Sparkle! Ha, ha. Long-time no see."

He ran up to meet them. "Hey, how was the Gala? How was your best night ever?"

They sat down at a table, ordering a plate of donuts to share and Dusk proceeded to listen to their stories: Twilight had barely managed to get a word in with the Princess; Applejack hadn't managed to sell much of her apples; Rarity's prince charming had turned out to be a self-centred jerk; Fluttershy hadn't made new animal friends because they were too scared; Rainbow hadn't been able to hang with the Wonderbolts, though she had tried to get their attention and Pinkie's party expectations of the Gala weren't met. Dusk was surprised that he was the only one whose evening wasn't a total disaster… except for one thing, though he didn't mention it.

"That sounds like the worst night ever!" remarked Spike at the end of it.

"It was!" they all agreed and burst out laughing, even Dusk.

"Except for me, of course," noted Dusk.

"Yeah how about that?" mused Rainbow.

"I just hope Princess Celestia isn't upset with us for ruining the Gala," said Twilight sadly.

The bell rang as the door opened and a cheerful voice said, "That was the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!" In came Celestia, along with a rather bemused Luna.

"Pardon me, Princess," Twilight put in, "but tonight was just awful."

"Oh, Twilight. The Grand Galloping Gala is always awful."

"It is?"

"That is why I was thrilled you were all attending. I was hoping you could liven things up a bit. And while the evening may not have gone as you planned, I'm sure you'll agree that in the end it didn't turn out so bad for this group of friends."

"You're right, Princess," agreed Twilight. "Friends have a way of making even the worst of times into something pretty great. "

"Yeah! Hanging out with friends!" added Rainbow

"Talking!" put in Fluttershy.

"Laughing!" said Pinkie.

"You mean doing exactly what I wanted to do the whole time?"

Twilight giggled. "Yes, Spike. You were right."

"As horrible as our night was..." started Applejack.

"...being together here has made it all better," added Rarity.

Dusk felt it was his time to add something. "In fact, one might say it's made it..."

"...the best night ever!" they all chorused to more laughter.

"We must say," remarked Luna, "the evening was certainly active by the end of it. We are… glad that we came."

"As am I," said Celestia. "It was good having you tonight my sister, it wasn't the same without you."

"So we've been told," she remarked, looking at Dusk. "Well, we had best return to the castle. We wish you all a good evening."

Dusk followed her as she stepped outside, stretching her wings to take off. "You're not going to stay a bit longer?"

"We would, but we still need to watch over the night. Duty calls, as they say." She smiled warmly at Dusk. "Thank you for persuading me to come down Dusk. Tonight was… unforgettable."

"It was my pleasure, Highness," he bowed.

"Please, we insist thou callest us… Luna." If this was a shock, she did something Dusk would never have expected: she gave him a hug, which he gently returned.

"I… I… I'm truly privileged." He bowed once more. "Goodnight… Luna."

She gave him one last smile and took off back towards one of the high towers of Canterlot. Dusk was about to head back inside the donut shop, but he didn't. Instead, he made his way back to the dance hall, which was still in a complete state. Leaves and twigs littered the floor; the food had been knocked over, as had a few more statues. The animals had been cleared out, as had the many guests and the orchestra, absent from the stage.

He gazed forlornly around the place. For how good his night had been compared to the others, he still hadn't gotten the one thing that he'd wanted, the one thing he'd planned for. Now it looked like he never would. He wasn't sad… just disappointed. Oh well, maybe Twilight was grateful, now that she wouldn't have to put up with the idea anymore.

"Dusk?" He looked around slowly to see that she had followed him back up. Even though her dress wasn't as pristine as it was before, she was still the pinnacle of beauty to Dusk.

"Hey Twi." He gave her a sad smile. "I'm sorry you never got to talk to the Princess."

"It's okay, there'll be other times." She returned his sympathetic expression. "I'm just sorry we never got to have our dance."

"Really? I thought you'd be pleased we'd missed it… no chance to step on your hooves…"

"I'm sure you would've tried your best not to. I'd read up a book on dancing before we came… I was looking forward to it really…"

"You… you were?" Without realising, he looked to see that they'd been coming closer to each other, now they were mere feet away. Dusk felt he should say something, anything, but couldn't think as to what.

He heard a noise behind him and turned to see the players of the band returning to their place on the stage, looking a little worse for wear, but otherwise unharmed. Twilight saw too and gave him a nervous smile. But how… that was when he saw Luna at the door, smiling knowingly. He returned it, as she walked off once more. She had done this for him. For them.

As they began to play once more, he bowed and offered his hoof to her, ignoring his fluttering insides. "May I have this dance, Miss Sparkle?"

"You may, Mr Noir." Gently, very gently, she took it. Dusk held her close, feeling the heat rising to his cheeks.

Slowly, he led her across the dance floor, their feet moving in perfect motion with each other. A few times they stumbled, but they didn't mind. They didn't say anything, for there was no need to. They didn't look at anywhere else, at anything else. They only had eyes for each other, gazing into the depths of each other's gaze. It was just like he'd imagined it would be, his perfect moment with Twilight Sparkle.

Just like Rarity had taught him. One, two, one, two, in time with the rhythm, keeping his right hoof in Twilight's left and his left hoof on her waist, making sure that it didn't drop any further than that. He could tell that she was also nervous, as her movements were rather stiff and rigid, like she was having trouble relaxing. It gave him a little comfort that she was just as nervous as she was, guiding her across the floor.

"You okay?" he asked her.

"Yes... better now, really... you?"

"I'm... just fine, thank you."

"Good. Good to know. You're... quite a good dancer, Dusk," she noted shyly.

"I do my best," he said modestly. "You're... not that bad... yourself..."

"Dusk, I've never danced like this in my life," she admitted. "I've only read a book, which is hardly the sa- whoa!"

She stumbled on her dress, but Dusk stopped her falling. "It's okay, I've got you."

"Yes... yes, you do." She cleared her throat and blushed even more deeply. "Thanks."

"My pleasure." Maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as he thought.

He decided to give it an added effect. Tapping into his magic, he made glittering clouds of colour swirl around them as they danced, above their heads and around their bodies, making the moment even more magical. The lights made Twilight's eyes sparkle all the more. She gazed at him and rested her head on his shoulders as they danced, sighing and trusting him to remain in control and he certainly wasn't going to betray that. He felt… complete, feeling her fur brushed against his.

This moment was perfect, nothing could spoil it...

"Ow!" He was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw he'd stood on Twilight's hoof.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" He faltered and was about to draw away, afraid he'd ruined it. "I'm so sorry, I..."

"Dusk, it's fine."

"But I-"

"It's fine." He noted that she took in a deep breath and drew him in close again. "Nopony is perfect and you were doing great."

"You... you mean that?"

"Of course." She placed his hoof back on her waist. "Let's not spoil the moment, come on."

"Okay..." He felt like he should say something more, anything. "Twilight, I..."

She placed a hoof on his lips. "Dusk... let's just dance. You don't need to say anything else."

"Okay... I just..."

"It's fine, it can wait." She rested her head on his neck again. "For now... let's just enjoy this."

"As you wish, Miss Sparkle." Breathing calmly, he ignored his nerves and resumed their dance.

"Just don't step on my hoof again, okay?" she added with a giggle.


A content smile curled on both of their mouths as they continued to dance, the colours swirling around them. It hadn't been all perfect, but for Dusk, here and now, surrounded by his magic with the mare of his dreams, this truly had been… well…

The Best Night Ever.

Author's Note:

The song played by the orchestra was Everytime We Touch, slow version mind you.