• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


pony-writer/pornographer looking for work. old stories undeleted. i'm sorry. Patreon here



A series of moments from Derpy's life, most of them less than cheerful.


Chapters (14)
Comments ( 286 )

Oh god. A sad Derpy fic.:fluttershysad:
Well, time to feel like an emotionless husk for the next few days.:fluttershbad:

Commence read.

Derpy. :fluttercry:

For around 400 words in each chapter, this was pretty damned good.


Edit: Holy fuck, may be possibly new fave fic.

Wow, this was really good.

Alt. Title: "Flowers for Derpy"

Well done.:moustache:
Commence repair on the feels:fluttershysad:

Why Derpy, Why? Dear god those feels.:fluttershyouch:

best chapter ever!

Oh god, My feels just went through a rollercoaster...

- Ditzy fic by darf: Yay!
- Sad tag: Umm, I think I can handle this.
- Gore tag: Maaaybe not..
- Praise in the comments: That's a good sign! But still...

I'll... I'll give it a shot. Something about the first and last chapter only having three words really draws me in.

Holy shit...

HOLY... that was freaking good! one of the best Stories I ever read!!!
So, so sad.

Right now i only want to hug and kiss derpy and don't want to let her ever go again... dear god... aw.. i mean; dear darf...

Dear you forgot a Tag... the ART tag... that was art and no fiction... *bows before you*

2178786 the only perfection we can reach is the perfection of the 0(zero), leaving as much things out of it, till only the necessary parts are left.

P.S. I thought "ok if Happy dies... I'm gona feel sick for the rest of the week... but it will probably be worth it..."

*clap clap clap* 10/10! Best chapter ever!

I really wish i could write half this well.

Just finished reading the story and I'm finding it hard to describe how I'm feeling right now. I didn't hate it, I didn't enjoy it, but it made me very sad but also very happy at the end. Well, as happy as the story would allow me to considering that though it was a dream, she still has to continue on with her daily problems. In every chapter there was something that made me want to reach out and just fix for her. I'll admit to this being the first Sad fic I've read since I've joined here, but that reaction isn't normal for me. Not even in other forms of media, where I actually enjoy a tragic or dark or story, has that happened. Congrats.

This hurt me, but I'm happy for that. Even though it touched me in that way, I still feel okay and happy. Which is weird, sad stories should make one sad, but I have this overwhelming emotional neutrality due to... mixed signals? Very strange. I thought it would turn out much differently, and I'm glad that it ended like it did; but it still hurts.

This was wonderful, darf. Thank you.

(P.S. Chapter 13 had some fantastic delivery.)

Fuck, man. I feel all kinds of stuff, like it can't make up its mind but it wants out anyway.

Holy Jesus.

Wow. This is wow.

I love the style of this, the way it's written, simplistic and touching.


Darf uses Sadfic!:fluttershysad:

It's super effective!:raritydespair:

ClopperNumber42 is sad!:fluttershyouch:

Welp, nothing to do now but slothly crawl into bed, curl up in a ball, and probably have a nightmare involving Derpy and the cruelty of life.

I can't even begin to explain the emotion I felt through this chapter! It was just so well written! All I could think was "OK. 'Derpy' I'm with you so far... 'wakes' hmmm... wakes? wakes what? is she waking another pony up? 'up.' OH! it all makes sense now! Derpy woke up!" I do not believe a better chapter has been written or typed by any individual. Because of that, I congratulate you on a spectacular job! If you write more like this, you're bound to win awards! :derpytongue2:

A darf fic without porn
World is ending
Oh god
Who can save us?

Is Derpy preggers?

Jesus Christ darf. That was horrifying.

And you are destined for the podium of the Sarcastic Olympics.

Allow me to suggest the motion that it ends without chapter 14. The story sort of loses it's touch if it ends with it aaaaalllll being a dream, although it's executed decently here it doesn't mean that it still isn't a bit disappointing. Although then again, it's hard to tell how exactly one would end it.

Oh, fuck it. It's darf, the man can write anything, fave, upvote, promise him your children.

This feels like abstract art. I know something is there, something meaningful, something incredibly powerful, and I can feel it, almost, it's just at the edge and I can feel some of it, but there is so much more that I know that I am missing and I can not care because it is so beautiful. Thank you.

Still shaking. That was horrifying and I don't even know what I feel right now. Really awful, mostly. I don't even know what I'm trying to say, I just
It was really beautiful. I don't know why, but it really truly was.

Oh god. Whenever something has this point of view, you know that it's going to be heartbreaking :fluttercry:

Wow...I feel...weird. It's kinda hard to describe this. Like a...cold rainy day. Hmm, I'm going to go lay down now.

Good to see you're capable of writing somerhing other than pornography.

That's a pleasant surprise, and the story was a good read, as well.

That's the closest thing to a compliment you're likely to get from me.

Treasure it.

This reminds me of "As I lay Dying". Very similar style of writing. I love it!!

Pretty sure my heart just exploded.

A very well written story, but damn it, it hurts.

I'm almost compelled to make a sequel JUST to make this less depressing. :pinkiesad2: I hope your glad that you made me sad :fluttershyouch: bastard!

Quite a chapter! Though only 3 words, it expresses such adequate emotions, which any author would explain that it's difficult to do such a feat. And plus, you have present tense! Present tense is rare. :derpytongue2:

I just...I want to go through my gif folder to find the right reaction gif to this. But I know I'll never find the right one to explain these emotions.
~Sylpheed Dashstep

Goodbye everyone, I'm going to cry in the corner for a few hours, or days, or forever.

Anyway, Bravo Zulu, you are my favorite writer. I wish I could follow you again.

Ditzy... oh God, Ditzy....

On the one hand, I feel like I have to point out that writing the story from the fragmented perspective of a clearly mentally deficient Derpy was, in the words of the Internet at large, "cruise control for sad". On the other hand, the style is unique and written with a good deal more tact and attention to detail (which I sincerely hope I picked up on as much as I'd like to believe) than is to be expected from the genre, and Chapter 13 featured some very interesting and, in my opinion, effective stylistic oddities that I'd love to get a chance to pick your brain about at some point.

So I guess what that means is that, in my own words this time, you darfed it again. You designed a fic around a trodden and cliché concept, and took a valiant and technically proficient swing at it that wasn't quite good enough to redeem the cliché entirely, but was certainly good enough to make your take on it an exception that proves the rule.

At first I was kind of mad that you made her seem like such a retard, but this is actually kind of cute...it gets worse doesn't it?

The imagery of imaginary images of


induced by calligraphic imagery alone makes this worth reading.

GAH! It does! :fluttercry:
Good job though.

this is a depressing story, I thought that Doctor Whooves would come back to her, well because of happy endings, but no, instead Derpy Kills her self (or she was dreaming the whole event) Either way you got feels outta be, and that's what matters. Well played sir, Well played :fluttercry:

I love the childish dictation. Derpy is best herple:derpytongue2:

:derpyderp1: this ....is....BRILLIANT :derpytongue2:


I... I...
My nametag, I suddenly feel very alone and sad.

Darn you for making me feel! you will rue this day RUE IT!!! :applecry:

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