• Published 3rd Mar 2013
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House that Heartbreak Rebuilt - Jet_Black1980

This month Heartbreak and Rarity go head to head while trying to get her a house. A surprise visitor or two or three will show up along the way.

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Random Interventions

Chapter 28

Random Interventions

Rarity’s eyes went wide as she heard the conversation that took place between Heartbreak and - “Hot Dish darling, was that actually-”

“Oh yeah! That was the big honcho himself! The actual host of the party!” Hot Dish looked worried. “Manifest Destiny!”

“And she just told him off like that,” Rarity whimpered.

“That she did... Oh, I don’t know whether to feel sorry for him or cross my hoofs and say that it’s about time he finally got what for!” Hot Dish replied, slamming her hoof down on the table.

Rarity looked confused. “I beg your pardon?”

“It isn’t that we don’t like Manifest...” One of the mares leaned across the table.

Hot Dish nodded. “It’s just that we like him more when he’s sober... And not hanging out with the likes of Smooth Talker and the fellas. They are just a poor influence on him, don’tcha know.”

Rarity rubbed her temples. “Then, H.B. did a good thing?”

“Wellllll,” Hot Dish began rolling her eyes, “Yes, and no. See, we’ve been wanting ta tell him off for the longest time, but Manifest has powerful friends and money to boot. You know how that is, too rich and powerful to knock upside the head, let alone get them to listen to reason? I tell ya, there have been times that I just wanted to do that myself. But, wow. Your little H.B. has quite the sharp tongue! I’d hate to be on the wrong end of it!”

“Heh, yes... That she does,” Rarity replied laughing nervously and looking around. “Where’s Spike! H.B. needs to be at this party! Otherwise... Oooh, I might have to go get her myself! Though I’m not sure how I could convince her to come back to this party after that!


Welter. My father’s last name was Welter. Amazing how I remember different names and not others. I can remember his last name, but not my own. Welter. It means to, ‘Wallow.’ And if there is anything that I’m good at? It’s just that. Wallowing. Wallowing in my self pity, in my self defeat. I’m sure that if my life were a storybook? I would be sick of reading about how I’m wallowing about. I would want me to do... something.

But I don’t know what that something is most of the time. And usually that something involves making others feel bad about themselves. And I don’t want to be that way.

So don’t,” Is what the old me would say. “Be positive, smile more, try ne-” I glare at my internal voice. “Oh yeah, ‘cause it is all that easy. Just put on a smile, be positive! Next, you’ll be telling me that if I just say the right thing at the right time, everything will be magic-” I bap my head against the rail and refuse to finish that sentence. I forgot that I am in a universe full of magic talking ponies again. Saying things in just the right order can bring about magic. Wonderful, beautiful, splendid magic. The fixer of all things broken. Everything except for me it seems.

Then again, do I want my problems fixed with the flick of a horn? I’m sure that I’ve been over this before. Yeah, magic used on me would most likely backfire. But then there is the other reason.

Magic is the Deus Ex Machina way out. It’s the Mary Sue way out. It’s the easy way out. So easy that it has to be a trap. There are a billion of those easy way outs. I can think of three more possibilities that would be nothing but traps.

Sighing, I look over the, ‘Great River,’ as Rarity called it. Down by the shore I see a little sign that I can just make out.

“Whinnissipi River Boat Co.” I say out loud. Ugh! More horse puns! And this time it’s more awkward than just Whinneapolis! It doesn’t seem like it will ever end! I hit my head against the railing a few more times.

“Excuse me?” I hear a melodious female voice come from behind me. Great, I just want to be alone! Why won’t the fucking ponies give me that?! At least for one day! It’s bad enough when Pinkie shows up out of nowhere, acts all sneaky and then surprises me a random... cupcake. Well, alright, maybe that’s not as bad as I’m making it out to be. But just one day! Calm down, H.B. Just turn around and acknowledge them so that they can get on their business of going away.

“Yes, can I help you-” Turning around I see a rather big shock. “Uhm... Princess?”

It’s an alicorn.

What. The. Fuck.

No really, what the fuck? Wait, maybe she’s just a really tall unicorn. Tilting my head I spy a pair of wings. Nope, that’s an alicorn. Her coat is almost a blue-ish-purple-ish, maybe indigo... light indigo... I catch a glimpse of her cutie mark. It looks like a rainbow ribbon that’s in the shape of a figure eight. Her eyes, mane and tail are making me do a double, ‘what the fuck.’ Her eyes are violet with streaks of crimson in them. Her mane and tail on the other hand look like what would happen if you decided to blend a lava lamp and a mood ring together. It flows outward in more of what is similar to a, ‘Fluttershy,’ styling.

She looks around in confusion. “I suppose so... But I was wondering if you could help me.”

I blink and my brow twists a bit. I am totally at a loss of words on how to approach this situation. Someone or some pony throw me a life preserver or a freaking bone here!

“I’ll... try?” I finally squeak out.


Rarity gave a few more uncomfortable laughs as Hot Dish explained more of the situation to her. How Manifest’s father was a big name in the city when it came to Granite, how he helped build the city. Things that Rarity already knew. “Course the big thing that most didn’t know or didn’t talk about was the fact that the two of them never really got along.”

“Oh?” Rarity asked.

“Not much is known outside Manifest’s small circle of friends there, but what I do know is that his father was always on his case and kept him on a short leash. Not really letting him grow up. I guess he was expecting great things from his son. That sort of thing can affect a pony and well-”

Just then, Rarity spotted Spike. “That was very insightful, thank you darling. But if you could excuse me for just a moment...”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Do you need to use the little fillies room and freshen up? Go right ahead, deary. The girls here know how I like to talk and talk. More than one time they’ve had to tell me to shut my yap, don’tcha know!”

Rarity nodded and held up her hooves. “Well, I wouldn’t ever be that rude, and normally I would love you to dish out more information in regards to Manifest, however-”

“Oh you go right ahead there, Rarity. I’ll be right here when you get back, still chatting up a storm. Isn’t that right, girls?”

The other mares at the table gave uncomfortable glances to Rarity with one of them almost mouthing, ‘Take me with you.’

Rarity quickly trotted over to Spike. “Spike! Where have you been?!” She shouted in a whisper.

“Why? What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? Please let me make it up to you!” Spike pleaded.

“You haven’t done anything wrong, but the situation is starting to escalate here.” Rarity took a deep breath. “Where were you?!”

“I thought I told you that I was going to the bathroom? I think I ate something on the train that didn’t agree with me,” he said rubbing his belly in discomfort.

“Oh, well... are you feeling alright now?” Rarity asked sympathetically.

“Yeah, nothing I couldn’t handle,” He looked around. “Hey, where’s H.B.?”

“That’s what I wanted to tell you. Apparently she just insulted, cut down, or said something to the host of this party to make him go running off in tears!” Rarity said panicking slightly.

Spike face palmed. “She would do that while I was in the bathroom too, wouldn’t she? Wait, who was the host again?”

“Manifest Destiny. He was the red stallion who was standing with Prince Blueblood,” Rarity explained.

“Oh! Him!? The one that smelled like horrible alcohol and was talking about... uhm... mark, tag or tail?” Spike asked.

Rarity’s eyes went wide. “Wait. He really was talking about that?” She asked in a deadpanned manner.

“Yeah. Can’t believe that he and the others were talking like that in public!” Spike retorted, crossing his arms.

“I thought they were talking about stock figures,” Rarity said distantly.

“Ah-Ha! I bet they had some sort of spell up! One that makes it so that only stallions or the like could hear what they were saying. Twilight said something-”

“Not now, Spike! We can talk about that later! Right now, we need to find a way of getting her back to the party! It is of the utmost importance!” Rarity said, her mane starting to frazzle.

“Uhm-” Spike began.

Rarity put her hooves on Spike’s shoulders as she began to look like she was cracking. “The. Utmost. Importance!”

“Are you ok?” Spike said putting his hand on her hooves. “I’ve never seen you this jarred over something like a party... Well there was that one time-”

“This is different Spike,” She looked around and pushed him to a hallway. “You see, there has been a reason that I haven’t really been myself all day.”

“You mean all month, right?” Spike asked quirking an eye.

“Commentary can wait, Spike. It’s really, really, really important that she gets back here in the next,” Rarity looked up at a clock hanging on the far side of the room. “Five to ten minutes!”

“Rarity! You’re obsessing over the time more than Twilight does! Why?!” Spike asked concernedly. “And why is it so important that H.B. be here at the party!?”

Rarity put a hoof on Spike’s mouth and then looked around to make sure no pony was in the nearby vicinity. “Right. The reason that I am in a bit of a panic and worry about all this, Spike, is because somepony of great importance is meant to be arriving... Somepony that Heartbreak looks up to. And this Somepony wants her arrival to be something of a surprise.” she said through her teeth.

“Wait, you don’t mean-”


“I am a bit lost and am looking for somepony..” She says distantly, almost as if she isn’t quite all there.

“Uhm...” Alright, I don’t feel all there either. So, let’s try to forget what just happened and try to help the mystery princess. “Well, you’ve kinda come to the wrong p-p-pony there... Princess?” I am trying to pose the whole princess part as a question so that she might actually introduce herself. Cause seriously, I have no idea who this Princess is. And that’s really troubling me.

She jumps back a bit. “Well... perhaps I could tell you his name and you could see if you recognize him?”

Do I introduce myself or does she introduce herself or what?! Fuck, maybe actually paying attention to some of what Rarity was talking about back on the train could have been useful right about now!

“Well... It never hurts to help, right?” Uhm... Hello stupid, this is your brain speaking. Remember that whole tempting fate thing? I shake my head. Not now, brain. There’s a Princess asking you for help with something. After verbally gelding some random pony of importance who is friends with royalty, it might do you some good to actually be helpful. After all, you don’t know what the fuck Blueblood could tell Celestia that could fuck your situation up any more than it should.

She gives me a warm and friendly smile. “Right his name is -”

Suddenly her voice just kind of drops and I blink at her in confusion. “Uhm. Beg your pardon Princess? I didn’t quite hear you.”

She looks back and forth. “Oh, terribly sorry. The one that I am looking for is -” And just as she’s about to say the name, a window above me opens and blares out some music before closing again.

I sigh and she gives me a nervous laugh. “Right, uhm mind repeating that?”

She’s looking at me in a saddened frustration. “Alright, his name is -” And once again her voice drops to a whisper.

What the hell!?! Is there something wrong with my ears?! “Uhm, excuse me for a second Princess.” I lift my ankles up and rub around in my ears rapidly. Pulling them away I am left with a really unpleasant surprise. Earwax. A gob of earwax on either one of my ankles in front of a Princess. Oh, that’s got to be just charming. Fuck, what do I do with this?!

She looks at me with the expression that I expected. Repulsion.

“Uhm, you’re going to have to pardon me again, Princess... Uhm..” I look around. “Uhm... You wouldn’t happen to have a tissue would you?”

Her eyes dart back and forth. “Uhm, no.”

“Fet-” I stop myself in mid-’fetlocking’. I mean, crap, I shouldn’t swear in front of a princess, right? Even if it isn’t a real swear word. I mean it doesn’t usually matter, but princesses are all interconnected, right? This could be some newly created princess that I don’t know about and she could report directly to sunbutt! I slump and realize that I have no other choice but to humiliate myself further... I rub the wax on my side, giving a nervous laugh all the while. “Ew, ew, ew, ew gross! Way to go, H.B.! Good thing that the wax is almost the same color as your fur... Wait... Gross!

“So! Right, didn’t mean to... well... you know.”

She covers her mouth and gives a strange giggle over my situation. “It’s quite alright, shall we try again?”

Wow... This is the most forgiving that I have ever seen in any Princess or royalty. It’s downright spooky. Almost puts me on edge about this strange situation. I simply nod before noticing someone or pony or whatever in the window. It’s Blueblood. He and Manifest are standing in a window and grinning. Laughing. Suddenly it dawns on me what this actually is. She could be part of this whole game that the snooty ponies are playing!

“Right, his name is-” She begins.

“Stop. Right. There.” I interrupt. Good Gaia, I am so getting sick of being played like this. And like fuck am I going to let myself be played again!

“I-I beg your pardon?” She asks.

“I’m on to you and all the others!” I reply fighting the urge to seethe.

“I-I-I’m confused,” She says innocently.

“I see Blueblood and the other royals up there!” I walk up to her looking her square in the eyes. I am so tired of everything, everyone or everypony in this city fucking with me that my eyes feel like they are stinging. “I am not here for anyp-p-pony’s amusement or their games! You ought to think about that and remember this! It’s not nice to play with other p-p-ponies emotions!” And with that I promptly about face. Alright, that wasn’t the most cutting or intelligent thing I have said. But I am just too frustrated to think right now.

There is a moment of silence between us. Then I hear her start to whimper...

“I-I really don’t know what... you’re talking about! P-p-please... I’m just looking for somepony...” She chokes out. Fuck, hearing her voice doing that is driving me to have, ‘Fluttershy Flashbacks.’ “I need to find him... I-I lost him and I don’t know where he is... I miss him... so... much.” Her voice is practically dripping with sincerity. And I know what it’s like to want to find something or someone or anything and just be desperately looking for it. Turning my head I look into her eyes. Big mistake on my part. Did you forget the lessons of the void, H.B.? That with mere words you can devastate someone or somepony else's world? Fuck, were you not just playing with Manifest’s emotions a while back? I bow my head in shame.

You’re no pony, H.B. You’re a fucking ass. Apologize to her already.” “Look I didn’t mean to snap like that.” As I turn around, I hear the sound of a teleportation happening. That snapping twinkling magical sound. “I’m-” starts to come out of my mouth, but I’m greeted with nothing. No pony, no princess, just nothing. Fuck. “A fetting idiot!”

Great, the flashback just played itself out down to the point where the pony I snapped at, left. Fuck! Gah! What if this gets back to the Princess’s?! Looking up, I still see Blueblood and Manifest yuking it up in the window. I glare at them in a near seething rage. “Those bastards! What the fuck are they laughing at!? Did they set this up!? What is going on!?” As I glare at them, I swear they suddenly look ill and Manifest backs away from the window, glaring at Blueblood.

I look up at the sky and a growl starts to rumble from my throat. This growl turns into an outright yell.


I quickly cover my mouth as I realize how awkward it is to be shouting the question asking why I am so awkward. Sighing, I put my front hooves over the railing and dangle my back hooves through the bars. Ugh, never have I wanted to find a nice warm blanket and curl up under it so that I could pretend the rest of the world wasn’t there than at this very moment...


Manifest Destiny looked at the tan mare as she sat outside staring at the Whinnissipi river shore. Staring at buildings that his father had built with the help of countless ponies. Commoner, philanthropist, earth pony, pegasi and unicorn. They had built this city, built it on rock, steel, concrete, crystal, music and magic.

“I dare say, Blueblood,” He looked at his new glass of brandy and swirled it about, “What if she’s right?”

“Manifest,” Blueblood began. “You shouldn’t take to heart what that filthy dirt pony just said. After all, she’s nothing but a commoner.”

Manifest looked out the window at the pony named Heartbreak. “A commoner with some rather sharp and cutting points.”

“But a commoner nevertheless! She is a ruffian and ill tempered!” Blueblood humphed. “Don’t you worry, I will speak to my aunt about this, ‘Miss Heartbreak,’ on your behalf.”

Manifest looked down. A feeling was bubbling to the surface. A rather unpleasant but cutting feeling. Was it jealousy? Anger? Bile? Hate? Whatever it was, it needed out. And it needed out, now.

He quickly turned to his so called friend. “It must be nice,” he said, staring him in the eyes.

“I beg your pardon?” Prince Blueblood asked. “What must be nice, Manifest?”

“It must be nice to have a nigh-immortal relative that you can rely on for all your troubles,” Manifest replied sharply.

“Well, it does have it’s advantages. One of which being that I’m never short on funds when a wine run comes calling!” He replied in a jovial manner. Manifest’s eyes narrowed at the Prince. The Prince started to look around and then laughed nervously.

Manifest’s face cracked a smile and he started to laugh aside Blueblood. The Prince laughed in return only to have Manifest laugh even harder and in proceedingly less and less amused way.

“Ha. Ha. Ha,” He finally finished. “Yes, because when you get into trouble, you can cry to your sweet auntie for help. Your auntie that will always be there, who has all the power to protect and delegate your problems away. Leaving you to behave however you wish,” Manifest growled. “Whether it be to poke fun at the commoners, ‘macking’ on mares or using other ponies as cake shields so that you don’t get dirty! Aren't you lucky! Mean while, those of us whose relatives haven't been blessed to be alicorns must deal with the harshities of actual reality!”

“I say! That is completely uncalled for! I know you just had your ego verbally assaulted by some no-name dirt pony! But that is by no means a reason to take it out on me!”

“Hmph! She might have been a no-name, ‘dirt pony,’ Blueblood, but she has more sense about her!” Manifest said pointing at the mare on the street.

Heartbreak looked frustrated and pained over something. Just then her face turned and the mare glared at them. Her eyes were practically spinning voids of loathing and hate. Her mane and tail seemed to be curling in tight spirals. The two stallions jumped away from the window in near fright. Moments later they could hear her screaming about something.

Blueblood shuddered and then regained his composure. “Some sense!”

“Yes...” Manifest said looking at the glass. “I dare say you were right about one thing, Blueblood.”

“And what was that?”

“I’ve been drinking too much.” He set the glass on a table and turned. “I don’t feel like being at this party any more. If you want to continue on with it, you’re welcome to do so. I however feel the need to go home and think about things.”

“Manifest! You shouldn’t let her spoil your good time!” Blueblood pleaded.

“Hmph, what good time? I’ve told you. I’m no longer in the mood. So, good day to you sir.”

“B-but-” The prince started.

“I said: Good Day.” Manifest turned his head and whipped his tail at the Prince as he left the room.

Prince Blueblood stared at the mare on the street in confusion. How could she have had such an effect on another pony like that?

Author's Note:

For those who want to see the chapter art: Here