• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 13,204 Views, 934 Comments

Dreams and Disasters - Quillery

A globe-trotting adventure gives Rainbow Dash the perfect opportunity to admit her feelings for Twilight, if not for her own ego getting in the way.

  • ...

Chapter Twenty-Five

Dreams and Disasters
by Quillery

Chapter 25

Dreams Don’t Turn to Dust

Dash ventured out into the deck of the ship. A spray of sea water drifted up from the churning waters below and grazed her cheek. She breathed the salty air deep into her lungs and released it. Her mind was frazzled, weary, and yet, calm and focused. The last few weeks had taken their toll, and yet she still stood strong. She chuckled quietly to herself, grateful that her stubbornness was good for something.

She turned towards the front of the ship and broke into a steady trot. The groaning of the metal and wood beneath her hooves, and the splashing of the water below her were her only companions. Her head was a jumble of thoughts, and she hoped that maybe soon, they would finally clear themselves, if only so she could sleep soundly again.

She left the walkway alongside the ship and entered the open space near the front. A rough wind blew across the deck, and Dash brushed her mane out of her eyes. The space was lit by bright lanterns encased in glass, cutting out silhouettes in the low light of the moon. She kept moving as she looked around.

A few steps in, her breath caught in her throat as she spotted what she was looking for. Twilight was there, sitting at the very front of the ship as she stared out over the sea. Her mane was being tossed about by the wind, but her body was a still as stone. Dash swallowed a lump as she slowly approached.

Twilight didn’t move, nor did she say anything as Dash trotted closer. It wasn’t until Dash got to Twilight’s side that she was sure she knew she was there at all. Twilight’s head turned very slightly towards her and turned back. Dash took the silence as invitation to sit, so she stepped forward and sat down beside Twilight with a few feet between them.

Twilight kept staring forward. She batted her tail back and forth, like a cat would when it was waiting, waiting for something to happen, something to change.

Dash sighed and cleared her throat. “Hey.”

Twilight let out a short breath. “Hey.”

“I… uh… got your message.”

Twilight nodded very slightly. “I assumed as much.” She glanced at Dash, and back to the water. “Did you notice the same thing I did? From the entries?”

Dash rubbed her knee. “Y-yeah… I kinda did. It’s pretty… uh—”

“Weird?” Twilight shook her head. “That’s the only word I can think of for it.”

“Y-yeah. Weird. Let’s go with that.”

Twilight tilted her head up, turning her attention to the moon. “I remember a story somepony told me once, when I was little. A bedtime story from my mother. It didn’t have a name, but it didn’t really need one. It was about a knight from ancient times, trying to earn the attention of his lady love. She set out a series of task for him to complete, in the form of riddles.”

She cleared her throat, and recited the poem. “A token of love, generously given. A mind’s true self, honestly defended. A laughter’s smile, joyously incited. A heart’s tenderness, kindly shown. And a bond, loyally protected.” She turned to Dash. “Sound familiar?”

Dash nodded.

Twilight dropped her head and sighed. When she lifted it again, Dash blinked at the sadness and confusion she saw in Twilight’s face. “I don’t know what to say, Dash. Everything has gone completely out of control, and I don’t know which way to go. I don’t understand so much.”

Dash fumbled her hooves together. “I-I get that, Twi. I could have done this so much better, but I screwed it up. It’s all my fault that you’re feeling this way.”

Twilight shook her head. “But that’s just it. It isn’t. It’s my fault. I should have never given you that necklace.”

Dash blinked. She glanced down at the scrying amulet around her neck. It glowed a warming light, despite it’s pair no longer working. She grasped it tightly in her hooves, and looked back to Twilight. “You… you think it’s because of the necklace?”

Twilight nodded. “I put the wrong idea in your head, even though I explained it.”

Dash’s body tensed, and she let out a stifled snicker. “That’s not it at all, Twi.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Then what is?”

Dash placed a hoof on the railing and looked away. “You remember that night, on my roof? When we watched the stars together?”

She heard Twilight gasp. “Since then?” She paused. Dash turned. Twilight’s face was set in shock. She had a hoof on the tip of her lips, and her eyes were darting, searching through memory. “You put your wing over me to keep me warm. You got so close, even when you dislike ponies touching you.” She struck her hoof against the railing, which gave off a sharp metallic ring. “I’m such an idiot! You’ve had these feelings for that long?”


“But why? Why do you have these feelings for me?”

Dash reared back and tightened her legs around her chest. “There’s a lot of reasons, I guess. I could say it’s because you’re pretty, but it wouldn’t be enough. I could say it’s because you’re super smart, but it wouldn’t be enough. I could say that it’s because you’re kind, and loving, and a whole bunch of other things, and it still wouldn’t be enough.”

Dash shuddered, and brought her eyes to Twilight’s. Even in the darkness, Dash could tell she was blushing and trying to avoid eye contact. “You’re just awesome, Twi. I know I say that about a bunch of things, but when I say it about you, it means everything to me.”

Twilight turned her head away and slumped down. She rubbed the side of her leg, but didn’t say anything. Dash embraced the silence for a while, listening to the rumbling of the waves below as they crashed against the ship. She kept glancing at Twilight in the edge of her vision. She was still shaking, as if she were still reliving the events of the last two days. Dash watched in vain as Twilight tried to tense her body to keep the trembling at bay, but it never kept away for long. Dash sighed and dropped her head. “Twi?”

Twilight’s head tilted slightly towards her.

“We need to talk about what happened in Stalliongrad." Dash paused and took a slow, labored breath. "I need to know why you ran.”

Twilight turned away. Her mane flitted in the air and settled again. “I don’t know.”

Dash exhaled. “I’m sorry, Twi, but I don’t believe you.” She scooched towards Twilight and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Please, tell me.”

Twilight’s head bobbed as she choked down a quiet sob. She brought a hoof to her face and sniffled loudly. “I...I…I really don’t know why, Dash.” She lowered her head and shuddered. “I keep replaying it over in my head, what you said. I keep thinking I misheard it, or something, anything else. But as soon as I hear exactly what you—you said… I just run. It's like it was my brain's only response.”

Twilight turned her head. Her eyes were watering, and she sniffled loudly to fight them back. “I was scared, Dash. Scared and confused. Not from what you said, but from myself.”

Dash frowned and shook her head. “I don’t get it.”

Twilight wiped a hoof across her eyes. “I barely do myself. I was just so stunned, so blind by my inability to see it earlier. I was ashamed, in almost an instant, as soon as I saw all the pieces fall together. I was so angry at myself for not seeing it earlier, and I didn’t want anypony to see me like that.” She placed a hoof on Dash. “Not even you.”

She sniffed again and turned her body from Dash, trembling. "But even after I made some headway through...well, everything, I finally realized what I had done. I had broken my only way of getting back to you. I was alone. Cold. I could hear the storm coming. And then the rain..." She trembled again. "And then I saw the Rainboom. I knew you were out there, looking for me, even after what I had done. You found me." She sniffed and placed her hoof on Dash. She stared with a fond expression, wet with fresh tears. "You saved me."

Dash exhaled a slow breath and stared back out over the ocean. A breeze blew across the ship, carrying her mane in its gentle embrace. A small tug at her neck prompted her to look at her necklace which was swinging in the wind. She stared at it and squeezed it in her hooves. “ Speaking of the necklace. Why do you think this thing is still working even though you broke the other one?”

Twilight lifted her head and glanced at the gem in Dash’s hooves. She shrugged and turned back. “There’s a lot of reasons, but none of them make much sense, even to me.”

“Twilight…” Dash intoned.

She sighed. “Well, when you did the Sonic Rainboom…” She paused. “Well, a rainboom is still undocumented, since you are the only pony capable of doing it. Breaking the spectrum barrier is a feat of tremendous magic, magic that we can’t fully explain.”

Twilight’s magic came to life, gripping the necklace and sliding it over Dash’s head. She held it in front of her, turning it in air and examined it. “Scrying gem’s like this are enchanted to respond to another magical frequency. A magical frequency in a scrying gem has traces of the unicorn that made it, no matter how much you vary it. Even when I broke one, the other would try to find the trace, which was coded to me. It would have been too weak to follow it at a distance, except for a skilled unicorn to increase the power.” She turned her head to Dash and smiled weakly. “Or a desperate pegasus trying to find her friend. All I can think of is that your rainboom charged your gem so much that even my latent magical aura would have led you to me.”

Twilight returned the necklace. Dash took it in her hooves again and looked at it. “But why is it still going? Wouldn’t that power just drain away?”

Twilight shook her head. “You underestimate the power of a Sonic Rainboom.” She reached out and placed her hoof on the gem, and pressed it into Dash’s chest. “There is so much energy coursing through this gem right now, that it will outlast the both of us, and it will forever be attuned to me, and me alone.” Twilight shuddered and pulled her hoof away.

Dash’s mouth fell open. “Wow that’s… intense… Almost like…”

“Like magic has a sense of humor?”

Dash chuckled. “I wasn’t going to say that, but yeah, I guess so.”

Twilight tried to smile, but turned her head away before Dash could see it’s completion. She was quiet for a long while, staring out over the ocean as the breeze wafted over the deck. Dash took in a deep, slow breath of the salty air, and released it back into the wind. She slumped her shoulders and turned back to Twilight, clearing her throat.

“Twilight… I guess I get what you’re saying. Before this, all of this, I didn’t really notice this mushy stuff either. I was so ready to go through life never worrying about it.” She shook her head. “But, something happened. I don’t know what, but I just couldn’t help it anymore. I thought about you almost all the time. I loved spending time with you, and then I started dreaming about you. My own brain just lost control over it, and I just didn’t feel the same.

“You know that I try to never let my fears get me down. I have them, but I always try to get over them. But this… I was terrified. I was terrified of admitting it to you, and having you turn me away, or leaving my life completely. I couldn’t bear the thought of you not being a part of my life Twilight, friend or… something more.”

She let out a hollow chuckle. “And I guess, after what happened back there, I guess I got my answer, without really asking the question.”

Twilight turned, eyebrow raised. “What question?”

Dash swallowed. “The one thing I’ve been wanting to say this the whole time. From day one I just wanted to come out with it, but… I was so scared. But now, but after everything that’s happened, everything I’ve seen, and everyone I’ve spoken to, I don’t think I can get away with just saying it once.” Dash reached out and grabbed Twilight’s hooves, holding them close to her chest. She tried to look Twilight head on, but her head felt heavy and weak.

She reached into her wing and pulled out a small piece of paper with crude writing scrawled over it. “I hope you don’t mind, but I borrowed some of your dictionaries, so I could get the words right.” She took a deep breath, and finally, she spoke from her heart.

“I loved you in Buckingham.

Je t'aimais à Cheval.

Ik hield van je in Antlerdam.

Ich liebte dich in Spurlin.

Ya lyubila tebya v Sankt-Poniburge.”

Dash sighed. She discarded the scrap of paper to the wind, lifted her head and stared into Twilight’s eyes. “And I love you here and now, more than ever. And I always will. Will you be my special somepony?”

Twilight was still. Her eyes were wide, unblinking. Her face shifted from its usual color to a burning red. She moved nothing, said nothing, did nothing. She only stared straight back into Dash’s eyes. A single tear trickled down her face, and her chest heaved a single breath.

She pulled her hooves out of Dash’s grip, and turned towards the deck again. Dash tensed and backed away. She looked down and traced the ground with her hoof. “At least now I said it. You can say no if you want, I won’t blame you.” She shuddered as her eyes began to water. “But at least I said it.”

“Yes, you did. But—”

Dash’s head shot up. Twilight was still staring over the edge. Her face was set in a calm, contemplative expression. “But I’m not sure if I want to say no.”

Dash raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Twilight sighed. “I’ve never really understood love, Dash. I’ve always known it was there, Cadence made sure of that. But I never saw how it could apply to me, specifically. I was just Celestia’s student. All I did was study. I didn’t care about having friends, let alone being in love. I didn’t have the time. It took you and the girls to bring me out of that way of thinking, but love...” She looked out over the water. “I don’t know the first thing about love, Dash. Or being a special somepony to somepony else.” She looked back to Dash. “But I’m willing to learn.” She reached out for Dash’s hoof and pulled it to her chest, squeezing tightly. “I’m willing to learn for you, Dash.”

Dash looked at her hoof clutched in Twilight’s and looked back into her eyes. “What are you saying, Twi?”

Twilight sniffed, and choked out a teary laugh. She wiped the tear away and smiled. “Teach me… Teach me how I can love, Dash. Teach me how I can love you. If you give me a chance to try, to understand how we can make this work, I promise I’ll be the best student ever, for you.”

Dash went still. Her body tensed as her mouth hung open, trying to form a response. She choked on words, tears flowed from her eyes, and she started trembling as she blinked away the water to see. “You… you mean that?”

Twilight nodded with a tiny smile, rubbing away her own tears. “I’m willing to try, Dash. I can’t bear the thought of hurting you either, so… I’ll be your special somepony, if you’ll have me after all I’ve put you through. I owe you at least that chance.”

Dash reached out and brushed a hoof across Twilight’s cheek. She felt the dampness there. It felt soft and moist and… real. Her eyes widened at her touch, and further still when Twilight reached over and pulled her into a hug. The two wrapped their hooves around each other, holding tightly in the calm of the summer night. Dash breathed in the Twilight's scent, that fruity fragrance of her mane. Her fur was soft and bristled against her own. Even in the chill of night, Twilight also felt unusually warm to the touch, and Dash couldn't believe any of it.

"This is real... isn't it?" Dash said. "It's not a dream?"

Twilight giggled. "I could pinch you if you wanted. I'm having a hard time believing this myself."

"Nah. I...I think this is okay. I'm just glad to have you in my hooves." She squeezed Twilight tighter. "It feels... right."

"Hmm... you're right. It does."

Dash felt Twilight pull her head away, and lifted her own. Twilight was staring at her with a dreamy expression, and a growing blush. While still wrapped in each others embrace, Twilight’s eyes darted a moment to the side. Dash followed the glance, when Twilight leaned forward and placed a peck on Dash’s lips.

Dash tensed and shook her head. “What was that?”

Twilight shuffled her legs. Her ears folded back as her blushed deepened. “O-our first kiss? Th-that’s what special someponies do, right? I-I’m not completely unread in love.”

Dash stared for a single, dumbfounded moment, before she smiled. “Yeah, it’s what they do. But a first kiss is more like this…” She leaned forward, grabbing the back of Twilight’s head and brought her closer. Twilight let out a quiet yelp before their lips met. Twilight’s ears sprang out, as Dash held themselves together, under the stars, over the sea, miles away from home in just the perfect moment. Dash felt a spark ignite within her heart as Twilight slowly pressed back against her. A calm summer wind swirled around them on the deck of the ship, and Dash could feel the warm air rustle through her feathers and the breeze twisted their manes together in the air.

They stayed locked together, in a moment of perfect calm like the entire universe didn’t matter to them anymore, and in truth it didn’t. It was just the two of them, sharing their love, in the most pristine way possible, and nothing could ruin it now.

When they finally parted, their lungs were dry, their breaths shallow. Dash felt a warm sweat tingling her skin, and Twilight panted deeply for air. “W-wow…” she stammered. “That was...that…”

Dash smiled, and pulled Twilight back into a hug. She twisted her body so that she could drape her wing over Twilight’s back, and squeezed her tight. “Yeah…” she panted. “That was pretty awesome. It was almost like…”

Twilight smiled. “Magic?”

Dash smiled as well and tightened her grip. “Yeah, magic.”

And so, the two of them lay there on the steel vessel, laying together in their newly found emotions. They leaned against each other, tightly bound by love and so much more. Dash stared up into the sky with a great sigh of relief. The stars had finally showed themselves, as if they, too, were waiting for this moment. The past few weeks had been a toll on Dash, in more ways than one. Despite all the disasters that life had thrown at her in the pursuit of her heart, her dreams, had finally, finally, come true.

She nestled her head against Twilight’s. “Hey, Twi?”

Twilight exhaled softly, and nuzzled back. “Yes?”

“When can we do this again?”

Author's Note:

Epilogue tomorrow. The end is nigh.