• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Quite Quiet

I don't say stuff often, but sometimes I do.


History is written in stone, or so they teach you. Mistakes done in the past can never be changed.

For Twilight Sparkle, this became possible. Following her own death Twilight finds herself in the past, forced to relive and create history as she know it. All meanwhile dodging guards, celestial dieties and herself. Troubles seem endless and it doesn't help she doesn't have her own body anymore.

Meet Trixie, formerly known as Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 130 )

You intrigue me.... :trixieshiftright:

It sound like its gonna be fun! :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:

upvote bcuz trixie is best pony, nonexistant or not

im also a master procrastinator so i understand

Trixie is best pone, therefor Twilight in Trixie's body still can pass as above-average pone.

2290642 2293311

You say that now, but I got all kinds of mind-fuck planned for this. If I do this exactly as I want it, this entire story should be possible as a different view on the canon. But for now, we'll see.


Don't matter, still Trixie :trixieshiftright:

Following this, because it has potential to be just the right amount of what-the-frick. Canter on. :moustache:

2290642 2293330 more Not-Trixie for you two, and a healthy dose of setup for all the others who apparently like this enough to wait for updates.

I'm sure some of you decide to drop this train-wreck now, before it moves to being a self-full-filling-self-insert-mind-fuck trip down author hell.

Sort of reminds me of Raistlin a bit. Being action restricted by time travel is a massive pain in the flank.

2297185 I haven't heard of this Raistlin before, and the only google search I did showed me nothing useful. As for being action restricted, reread the premise again and she will have to interfere to set things straight, if not only for the fact Trixie is in Ponyville twice but now Twilight is Trixie.


Raistlin ended up in the past in the body of someone he did not agree with the actions that that person took, BUT was essentially forced to take the same actions up until when he was free. This is the same way with Trixie. Twilight is going to be stuck being mean to her friends to re-enact the past.

2298337 Okay, I can see the parallels now. Funny how I haven't ever heard of that guy but still made a somewhat similar story then.

It is not too fast paced to me at least.

Nah, this type of story needs to have stuff happen quickly.

Its not to fast pace as it is lacking details, try to add what Trixie/twilight is thinking. there's a lot she could be dwelling on that the reader can only guess at.

i wonder if the trixie before was actually another twilight
you sir, have created a paradox

2319923 You'll see. It will be touched upon.

It took some searching from my side, but I finally found the game that inspired this story. It's a puzzle game but I won't say much more, because as it is the game itself have nothing in common with this story except the basic idea.

If you have a hour to spare, try it out: Cursor*10

Uh oh, looks like we are going into Dickens territory.

2334616 I'm sorry but I can't really see the connection. The only thing I see in common would be small segments of Oliver Twist (I haven't read that by the way)

Would you mind explaining to my illiterate mind how this is in any way related? :pinkiesad2:


Well based on being in a room with no door, taken by somepony who I assume is running an orphanage, sounds Dickensish to me.

2334730 Oh, okay I'm not sure how comfortable I am with that, but I suppose it's fine.

I originally never intended for the chapter to end here, but when they came to the house, Winter just wrote herself into this position. We'll come back to her in due time, but I hope by the end of it you'll either hate or pity her.

I am a bit more proactive. Either dump the tub or boil the water.

Why does everything have to be so intense? :moustache:

2485212 I can honestly say this chapter was one of the first chapters I planned for the entire story. I knew I was going here, I just didn't know how.

As for why it has to be intense, it doesn't.

They really need to get Trixie OUT OF THERE NOW.


She doesn't really have anything to boil the water with, I don't think. And givenn the description of it, from what I vaguely recall, boiling it, or trying to, would simply set it on fire and give you smoke inhalation to worry about.

So far? Nobody here. The childcare bunnies are particularly upset with her. And Yumi wants to kill her, but Yumi wants to kill lots of people so...

Yeah, you should take Twilight/Trixie out of there. And the rest of the foals. And get Winter some serious psychological help. On a fun note, for a given value thereof, I saw this coming! ...Doesn't mean I don't still hate Winter, but still.

2494287 When did I say there were any other foals? :pinkiecrazy:

This next scene is going to be utterly heartbreaking for Twixie.

I can't wait for the next update. If she's Trixie now, and has to relive all the big moments of when they met, this should make things interesting between her, Trixie, the Mane 6 and Celestia.

Assuming anyone remembers, they all survive, she did start of being drowned. (I hope you address that at some point).

Good story.

2601459 The drowning will be addressed, that's partly the point.

And just to clarify, 'Trixie' as the show canon show her doesn't exist. Only the copy that is Twilight. As for the rest we'll see. :scootangel:

So Twilight was reincarnated as Trixie from the very start of Trixie's life with no "gap", and only regained her memories of being Twilight from the Sonic Rainboom...?


Thanks I wasn't sure there. Not used to daywalker hours yet...:twilightsheepish:

Anyhow, I can't wait to see more of this.

2609122 I don't know, did she? Or was the Trixie here created on the spot without existing before just to house Twilight's memories as she moved into the past? :pinkiecrazy:

I do enjoy time travel scenes like this, where the traveler has to stage manage events to be just as they remember them..

2633888 To be fair, I hadn't heard of any stories of this nature before I started writing the story. The idea spawned from a bunch of 'what if's and an old browser game called Cursor*10.

And now is where the interesting part of this fic is to start! :>

Well, this is going to be awkward :twilightsheepish:

Great chapter, I really liked it

2657811 Fugitive for a decade, related to a highly magical event and just wrecked a town. Who think Celestia is happy?!

The princess at this point is probably the only one she can tell the truth to. She should be able to keep the timeline straight (IE keep the secret).

If she has to replay the alicorn amulet -- now that would be scary as twi might not be able to handle that.

"Trixie" may be in trouble, but all she has to do to prove her story is to acurately predict what the next letter from "Twilight" to the princess would be, or acurately predict the return of the Crystal Kingdom, or remind her of details that only the Princess or Twilight would know.
She can then claim that her arogant atitude was just an elaborate disguise,... she was trying to be as "un-Twilight" as possible... her "plan" was to visit the Princess and tell all... but "stuff happened" and or "had to happen".

She can earn her keep by tipping off Celestia about certain events happening in the future, not to avoid things completely but to lessen the damage.
eg. If a fire is destined to destroy a warehouse reported to contain priceless works of art, switch them with fakes the night before...
I've always wondered what Luna did in the episodes, was she keeping a very close eye on Trixie?

Hey! What if Celestia and Luna are future versions of Cadance and Twilight???

The amulet story could be after Celestia trusts "Trixie", and now believes she is a continuation of Twilight,... Celestia sets it as a test to see if "Twilight" can withstand a supprise attack and fight back with cunning instead of magic, and a test to see if "Trixie" can learn self control while using intoxicating amounts of power...

2670556 This guy, this was where the story was initially going to go. Some of those things I actually wanted to happen at first, but discarded for what I hope is far more interesting. One of the things you mentioned will still happen on the spot, though not in the way you expect it to.

Also, if Twilight is Luna who is Trixie? :unsuresweetie:

Changelings. She's going after the Changelings.


Either that, or maybe she's looking for something from her second appearance in Ponyville.

2684325 She's looking for cake and Tom.


Tom's already in the garden. And cake? Now I'm just confused.

I would have thought she'd spill the beans to Celestia. Or at least point out that her student gets drowned at some point. I know I would, if only to get payback for the drowning...:trixieshiftleft:

And her being Trixie would explain why the Best Pony never got more air time. Twilight is bitterly jealous of herself.

Anyhow, great story, never saw the capture coming. I can't wait to read more.

2689037 From Celestia's point of view, all she have is an unknown unicorn 'maybe' tied to an even that happened in the past. Trixie on the other hand didn't want to meet Celestia at all. Or at least that's how I thought of it, and wrote it.

Starting in two chapters, you'll question my sanity.

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