• Published 23rd Mar 2013
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Crisis on Two Equestrias - RainbowDoubleDash

Trixie appears once more in Ponyville, babbling about how she is supposed to be the Element of Magic and how Celestia is the evil Tyrant Sun. Has she gone insane? Or is something larger happening?

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6. Could it be Magic?

Who are you?” Spike demanded from inside the bubble-shield. He had run for a moment, but Twilight had managed to get the shield around him while he was near a bookcase. His voice had a hollow, echoing quality to it to Twilight’s ears while he was inside. “What are you doing? Are you…are you Twilight’s long-lost evil twin?”

“I’m not evil!” Twilight exclaimed, stopping her search of the library for a moment and looking at Spike. “And I’m not Twilight’s twin!” She went back to searching for every book on magic she could find, putting them into a pocket in her cape that she had enchanted to shrink things down to a fraction of their normal size.

“Some kind of evil clone?”


“An evil robot?”

I’m not evil!

“But you are a robot?”

“No, I’m not! I don’t even know what that is!”

“Okay, how about…are you a changeling?”

“Changelings are just a myth!”

“Some kind of shapeshifter, then?”

Twilight paused in her search again, flipping through one spellbook. She found several spells she didn’t recognize, and so tossed the book into her pocket with the rest. “No,” she answered, looking to Spike. “How are you coming up with all of these?”

Spike was sitting down inside his temporary prison, and held up a stack of thin magazines that he’d pulled from part of the bookcase that the bubble shield encapsulated. “This is the comic section,” he noted, as he opened one. “Are you…from an evil alternate universe?”

I’m not evil!

“But you are from an alternate universe?”

Twilight sighed. “Yes.”


Yes –

And you’re just the first one through, and you plan to slowly replace all of us with our alternate selves?

Twilight closed the most recent spellbook she held, stowed it in her cape, and thought about that for a moment. “Why would I do that?” she asked. “Even if it was true, if we’re just going to move everypony from one universe to another, why not just stay in our own universe?”

“Because your universe is collapsing!”

“Okay, but if our alternate selves were going to die anyway, then why not just kill them?”

Spike let out a cry at that, eyes wide as he backed against the bookcase and away from Twilight. She herself let out a cry of panic and galloped over. “But that’s not going to happen!” she tried. “There is no invasion, Spike! There’s just me!”

“And you’re going to replace Twilight?”


Because you already have –

“No, Spike!” Twilight exclaimed. “I’m not going to! I maybe thought I could talk to her, but if Trixie is here…” she paced back and forth, shaking her head. “I…I made some mistakes in my world. Big ones. But I wasn’t even trying to flee to here! I was just trying to teleport, but my…my brother had me trapped in a shield, the most powerful shield in all of Equestria. The only way I could escape was to use this really, really powerful teleportation spell I learned from a forbidden magic tome. I think Princess Luna herself made it. It was so powerful, so efficient, that I actually based all my teleporting spells off of its spell matrices! They’re all just smaller versions of that spell!”

She began pacing back and forth. “But it wasn’t just a teleportation spell. I ended up in this world. And I can’t go home! I think I’ve figured out why, though. I think that you can’t learn one world-teleporting spell and then be able to go to any world you want. I think that you need to know a completely different spell for each world you want to go to. I needed one to get from my world to here…and I need to figure out how to make a new one to get back to my own home.”

Twilight paused, looking at Spike. “But now if what you said is right, Trixie’s here. My Trixie, the Trixie from my world. And…and I can’t…” she sat down, holding up her hooves as though trying to grasp something in them. “I…I don’t know, I was so ready to, to maybe turn myself in…but if in this world, Twilight, your Twilight, can be the Element of Magic…” she darkened. “But…but then of course she proved she was no better last week, didn’t she? I had thought that maybe in this world she was just…me, done right. But I heard about that little want-it-need-it thing…she isn’t any better.” Twilight sighed, closing her eyes. “We’re all broken.

She glanced back to Spike, who was staring at her still. “I…I got maybe half of that,” he said.

Twilight groaned, standing up and trotting back to the books. She selected two more, before turning back to him. “Okay, short version then,” she said. “I’m not evil, I’m not going to replace Twilight, I’m not Twilight’s evil twin or robot or clone, and no, I’m not possessing her or anything! And I’m not going to hurt you! Because…because to be honest, I met you once. Well, the other you. My universe’s version of you. And…and Spike was probably the closest thing to a friend I've ever had.

“So I’m just leaving now, I’m getting as far away from this town as possible, and you’ll never have to worry about me again, okay?”

Spike pressed his fingers together, visibly mulling over what Twilight had told him. “Okay,” he decided at length. “Good luck, I guess.”

Twilight had been in the middle of readying herself to teleport, but paused at Spike’s words, looking at him. She felt herself smiling, just a little bit, for the first time in what felt like years. “Th…thanks,” she said, closing her eyes, thinking of a spot about half a mile down the south road into Ponyville, and teleporting. Instantly she felt the chill of winter on her coat, and opened her eyes, looking back into Ponyville for several long moments.

Trixie was in there. Maybe…maybe she had accidentally ended up here, too? She doubted that Trixie had the raw power necessary to duplicate the world-hopping spell…but after her disastrous trip to Ponyville, her Ponyville, her wagon loaded with books and journals about spellcasting had been left behind. Trixie had probably found her notes on teleporting, tried to duplicate it…and somehow found a way to get enough power to change it from a teleportation spell to a world-hopping spell.

Meaning Trixie was probably stranded here, too.

Twilight almost turned around and went back to Ponyville. After several long moments, however, she decided against it – for now. If she could figure out how to get home, and if Trixie was still here, then yes. She would come back. But right now…right now she still wasn’t ready to confront her crimes.

Twilight turned around on the road – and froze when she saw six mares, about fifty feet down the road, staring at her.

“That’s not fair,” she breathed.


The ponies that Trixie had brainwashed had been escorted by the royal guard and Twilight’s friends to the Ponyville hospital. While Celestia doubted that there was any damage done to them, it couldn’t hurt to make absolutely certain. The Steward of the Sun, however, was more concerned with Trixie. It had been a very, very long time since anypony had been so utterly terrified of Celestia as Trixie seemed to be – and worse still, not terrified of anything that Trixie thought that she would do, but rather, Trixie was focused on what she thought Celestia had done.

And how had she known the name Corona? Her sister had only called her Corona once, and the circumstances around that had always been mysterious, to say the least. Celestia had all but written it off by now as a grief-induced hallucination, especially since Luna claimed to have no recollection of the event herself…

It hadn’t been very much. Celestia had been in the depths of despair, a scarce nine years after being forced to banish Nightmare Moon into the moon via the Elements of Harmony, unable to find a way to separate her sister from the dark magic that she was allowing to influence her judgment. Celestia had become…less than stable. Having failed to see the pain and darkness in her sister, she had begun to see it everywhere else.

In some circles, especially beyond Equestria, she was still considered a tyrant for her actions during that dark period. She had never fallen into true depravity…but law after law had been created and passed, restricting freedoms, yes, but making sure that everypony was safe, and secure. Individually, no one law had even been too much. And Celestia herself, she hadn’t had much time for sleep, or eating. Not when she needed to constantly move from one city to another, make sure that everypony was safe. She was an alicorn, anyway. She could go weeks without sleep or food if she wanted to without it affecting her judgment.

Of course…the weeks turned into months…and her judgments would become less sound, the laws she issued less…sensible. And certain basic rights…like privacy…had been revoked. For the good of everypony. She’d never hurt anypony, not physically, anyway. But she had failed Luna, and she would never fail anypony else, she was determined.

And then it had happened. One day, the moon had begun to rise of its own accord, the stars following it. The Mare in the Moon remained imprinted on the lunar surface, but Celestia, sleep-deprived, probably starving, had panicked. She’d found the source of the moonrise, on the edge of the Everfree Forest, and gone there…

…and seen Luna. Not Nightmare Moon, not the twisted, corrupted mockery that her sister had become…but Luna, a little haggard, but whole and healthy. Celestia had just frozen in place, and stared, unbelieving at the sight.

Luna had looked at her. She’d looked terrified. She’d screamed a single word – Corona – and then disappeared. Try as she might, Celestia had not found her. When she had journeyed to the moon, inspected the seals and arcane marks keeping Nightmare Moon in place, she found them intact. Nightmare Moon had no idea what Celestia was getting at when Celestia had demanded to know how she had escaped. She had only threatened Celestia, promised her torment and suffering…

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked.

Celestia realized that she had been trotting with her eyes closed in thought – her other senses more than adequate to prevent her from stumbling or bumping into something – and opened them, looking down to her student, not entirely ungrateful for the interruption, as the memory was not truly a happy one, though its consequences were. “Yes, Twilight?” she asked.

“Why is Trixie still wearing the Element of Magic?”

“Because I am the Element of Magic,” Trixie insisted, glaring at Twilight. She and Trixie were following Celestia to the center of town. The blue box, now once more containing the other Elements of Harmony, was held in Celestia’s magical aura, but she had not requested the tourmaline diadem of the Element of Magic back yet, nor had Trixie volunteered it.

Twilight glared at Trixie. “No, you’re not,” she insisted. “Because first of all, that is the Element of Magic,” she pointed at the diadem, “and second, I’m the one – along with all my friends – who earned the Elements defeating Nightmare Moon and freeing Princess Luna.”

Trixie made a face like she’d just smelled something particularly vile. “This is the focus,” she said, tapping her hoof against the Element. “I’m the Element. Princess Luna said so.”

Twilight looked to Celestia for backup. The Princess stopped in her trot, considering. “Princess Luna,” she said, “has always been…artistic, and fond of metaphor. I suppose in a sense, calling the bearer of an Element the Element itself, is not incorrect.” She looked to Trixie. “However, you must understand that according to my memory, and that of Twilight, you are not the Element. Twilight is.” She turned back to Twilight. “And, to answer your original question…I do not believe allowing Trixie to wear the diadem will do any harm. Indeed, I hope that it will help assure her that our intentions towards her are pure.” Celestia looked back to Trixie hopefully.

Trixie considered. “It helps,” she said at length, “a little.”

Celestia smiled at that, nodding, and their pace continued. “If I may,” she said at length, “you believe that I am supposed to be an evil mare?”

Trixie eyed Celestia, debating a moment internally, before nodding. “Corona, the Tyrant Sun.”

“And I suppose I want to bring about eternal daylight?”

Trixie eyed Celestia strangely. “No,” she said. “That’s…that’s stupid. Everything would die. No, you want to reign over Equestria as Queen. Be unchallenged, uncompromising. Make everypony into your little puppets and just control every little detail of our lives.”

“I see,” Celestia said, pressing her lips together as she mulled over this information. It was…unsettling, to say the least. She was grateful when they finally reached their destination, on the other side of Ponyville. A small crowd had gathered, though it was being kept back by several of Ponyville’s finest. Celestia’s other pegasus guard was sitting next to a large wagon, currently unfolded into a portable stage, talking to a pony that Celestia couldn’t see clearly due to him being in the way.

She could certainly hear the pony, however.

“This is absurd!” the pony exclaimed. “Trixie has never before even seen the Elements of Harmony in real life before! And even if she had, Trixie would most certainly not steal them! What would the Great and Powerful Trixie even need with them?”

Celestia and Twilight both started slightly at the sound of the voice, but Trixie froze outright, eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. “That’s…” she said softly, “that’s…not possible…”

Celestia trotted forward, as did Twilight, cautiously. The guards and ponies of Ponyville all bowed when they saw their Princess, as did the pegasus guard once he noticed her – and his bowing revealed a blue unicorn, wearing a purple wizard’s cap and cape, both studded with stars. Her eyes widened at the sight of Celestia, and she dropped into a bow as well.

P-P-Princess Celestia!” Trixie – the Trixie in front of Celestia – exclaimed from where she stooped. After a moment’s pensiveness, she rose, taking a few steps forward. “Your Majesty…Trixie is awed and dazzled by your presence! But she nevertheless wishes to complain about the treatment she has received from your royal guards!” She jabbed an accusing hoof at the pegasus guard. “This brute has accused the Great and Powerful Trixie of stealing the Elements of Harmony, which is absurd! Trixie hasn’t even been to Canterlot in years!”

Celestia stared down at the mare before her, blinking several times. She looked, in every way, identical to the mare that was even now still standing behind her in shock. As Celestia watched, Twilight moved forward, next to this mare, and poked her a few times with one hoof.

Hey!” Trixie exclaimed at Twilight’s poking. She eyed her when she realized who it was doing the prodding. “Twilight Sparkle,” she said. “I see we meet again…why are you poking Trixie?”

Celestia considered, then stepped aside, looking behind her at the other Trixie. The two blue unicorns’ eyes met, and both gasped, stepping back. After a moment, the Trixie not wearing the Element of Magic pointed a hoof. “There’s your thief!” She exclaimed. “Look, she’s wearing the Element of Magic right now! Arrest her for theft, and for character assassination, trying to ruin the Great and Powerful Trixie’s reputation! She’s an imposter!”

The other Trixie bristled. “I am not an imposter!” she shouted. “I am Dame Trixie Lulamoon, the Element of Magic, the Apprentice of Princess Luna, the Representative of the Night Court to Ponyville! You’re the imposter, you…you overblown hack!”

“Also, she’s crazy!” The first Trixie exclaimed, leaning away from her. She looked to Twilight. “Twilight, you do believe me, yes? The Great and Apologetic Trixie? Trixie can offer any proof you wish!”

Twilight looked between the two Trixies, then up to Celestia. “This one’s the real one,” she said.

I’m the real Trixie!” the other Trixie insisted, stomping her hoof.

The Princess of the Sun could only shake her head a few times as she considered the two Trixies. “We shall go back to the library,” she said. She turned to the self-proclaimed Great and Powerful of the Trixies. “Miss Trixie, I must ask you to accompany us. There is a mystery here, and I wish to solve it.”

“Trixie is not a thief!”

“No, I do not believe you are. And you match up much more closely with my expectations, based on my student’s reports on you.” She turned and looked to the other Trixie. “Which raises the question…who are you?”

The other Trixie looked between Celestia, Twilight, and her counterpart, eyes still wide in disbelief. “I’m…I’m Trixie,” she insisted, though she paused at her own words. “…right?”


“Okay okay okay,” Trixie said, eying Corona, Twilight, and her overblown, pompous, egotistical, arrogant, nag of an imposter. “I think…I think I know what happened.”

The four were trotting to Ponyville’s library, the overblown, pompous, egotistical, arrogant nag’s wagon being carried along behind them by Corona’s magic. “I think,” she said, “that somehow, when I was struck by lightning, while in the middle of trying to teleport…somehow I was teleported to an evil alternate universe where Corona, you won a thousand years ago in the fight with Luna. But then over the past thousand years, you’ve had a chance to mellow out. Maybe.

“That’s absurd,” Twilight said as the library came into sight. “This isn’t an evil alternate universe!”

“I agree with Sparkle,” the overblown, pompous, egotistical, arrogant nag said. “Trixie is not evil.”

“Oh yeah?” Trixie asked her. “What’s this I hear about an Alicorn Amulet?

She bristled. “Trixie made a mistake!” she said. “Much like you did by trying to impersonate her! But Princess Celestia will correct everything!”

Trixie looked to Corona, who glanced between her and the overblown, pompous, egotistical, arrogant nag. “I believe,” Corona said, “that we all need to take a few moments to calm down and gather our thoughts. Once we reach the library, we shall brew up some tea, sit down, and try and sort things out.”

“I prefer coffee with cinnamon,” Trixie and the overblown, pompous, egotistical, arrogant nag said at the same time. Their eyes widened when they heard each other, and both leaped away, stopping their trot and glaring at each other. They were, by now, right outside the library’s front door.

Imposter!” Trixie exclaimed.

Fake!” The fake Trixie countered hypocritically. “Go buck a beehive!

Go burn in the sun!

“Trixies!” Corona interrupted, telekinesis stopping the two of them before they could leap at each other and begin trying to tear each other limb from limb. “Please, this fighting will not solve nor help to solve anything. Emotions are running high right now, and what we need most, I feel, are just a few moments of peace, and – ”

The library’s front door opened. Trixie looked, and saw a small, purple baby dragon –

Spike?” she demanded. “What is Spike doing here?”

“He’s my number-one assistant,” Twilight said, groaning as she pointed between the two Trixies. “Spike, you remember Trixie. And now there’s Trixie as well. There’s two Trixies. One of them is real. I think it’s that one.” She pointed at the imposter, who smiled and stuck her tongue out at Trixie.

Spike blinked a few times, eyeing the imposter. “You’re the one who came here a few months back with the Alicorn Amulet?” he asked. At her somewhat embarrassed nod, he looked to Trixie. “Okay, then, so you’re the one from an alternate universe.”

“That’s my theory,” Trixie said. “I think this is the evil alternate universe. It would explain a lot. Though I guess from your perspective, my universe is alternate…”

“Spike,” Corona said, “how did you come to that conclusion?”

Spike looked to Twilight, pointing at her. “Because Twilight’s alternate universe self just left a few minutes ago.”

“What?” Corona asked.

What?” Twilight demanded.

WHAT?!” Trixie exclaimed at the top of her lungs, as her head whipped around, keeping an eye open for Ursa Minors. “She’s here? How? Why?”

“That’s what she asked when I told her about you…”

“Why didn't you, I dunno, stall her and keep her here?”

Spike shrugged a little. “Not like I had much of a choice, she trapped me in a bubble.” Twilight gasped at that, putting a hoof on Spike’s shoulder, but he patted it reassuringly. “I was fine. Well, I thought at first she was a clone, or a robot maybe. But she didn’t want to hurt me. And she said that she was from another world.” He looked to Twilight. “She, um…she took a bunch of spellbooks, then teleported away. I don’t know which ones yet…”

“That’s okay, Spike, as long as you’re fine,” Twilight said, patting him on the head. She looked to Corona. “What do we do?”

Corona’s head was tilted in thought. “Get inside and out of the cold,” she said, trotting forward. The other mares and one baby dragon followed her inside, Spike closing the door behind him. “And then brew up some tea, and try to sort things out, as before. If this other Twilight has teleported away already, there is not much we can do – oh, what now?

Trixie blinked. It was the first time she had seen Corona actually, truly lose her control, only in this case it seemed to be more in exasperation than ire or madness, like she had been expecting since this whole ordeal had begun. Corona had turned around, trotting back to the door and opening it, looking outside. Whether by chance or design, the library’s front door happened to face east, the direction of the rising celestial bodies. With the sun already in the sky, the horizon should have been empty but for a few stray wisps of cloud.

It was not. In the far distance, the Moon was beginning to rise, at a speed that Trixie had never seen it do before. Following the moon into the sky, from horizon to horizon, were the stars and the dark of the night. It looked like nothing so much as a giant tidal wave, growing ever larger and ready to fall upon Ponyville and wash it away with the power of the Night.

Trixie felt relief for the first time in hours, as a broad smile split her features. “I know what’s happening,” she said, dashing past Celestia and out into Ponyville. “I know who’s doing this!”

Corona followed Trixie quickly, as did Twilight, the imposter Trixie, and Spike. Corona glanced up, at the Sun. Its position had been unchanged in the sky, but Trixie saw it beginning to move, making way for the oncoming, unexpected Night even as the citizens of this alien Ponyville were panicking.

“Princess!” Twilight cried. “What’s going on? Why’s the night starting already? It isn’t…it isn’t Nightmare Moon, is it?”

Trixie shook her head, looking around. “No,” she said. “It’s not. It’s – ”

She stopped talking, then because she saw them. Rounding a corner in Ponyville, five mares galloped as fast as their hooves could carry them, while a sixth was limiting herself severely in order to make sure she didn’t race ahead of the rest. They all slowed, and then stopped, when they saw Trixie.

Trixie felt tears in her eyes and did nothing to hide them when she saw Lyra, Carrot Top, Cheerilee, Raindrops, and Ditzy, all of whom were panting from their run, all of whom broke out into wide, relieved smiles at the sight of Trixie.

Trixie actually started running, though, only when she locked eyes with the sixth pony – tall, regal, not out of breath in the slightest after her run, with a coat of dark blue, and a cutie mark of a black nebula with a white moon sitting inside of it. She had wings, broad and strong, and a horn, tall and pointed. Her mane and tail were made of animate magic, flowing like water catching the reflection of the night sky.

Trixie didn’t check her speed at all as she barreled into the alicorn, throwing her hooves around her and squeezing as tight as she could, knowing that she would do no harm to her even if she wanted to. The alicorn’s own hooves and wings closed tightly around Trixie as she returned the hug whole-heartedly.

“Trixie,” Luna breathed softly. “Trixie, you’re safe, thank goodness…when I realized what had become of you, I…”

Luna gasped. Trixie felt herself being moved, suddenly, placed protectively behind Luna. Her friends closing in a tight circle around her as Luna spread her wings wide and head stooped low, eyes narrow, horn glowing brightly as she stared down Corona. The white alicorn’s own wings were spread protectively to shield Twilight, the imposter Trixie, and Spike. Far from looking like she intended to challenge Luna, however, her face contained little but confusion, though the confusion swiftly gave way to a look of enlightenment, like she had just finally solved a puzzle.

“It was you,” she said. “A thousand years ago…it wasn’t my Luna that I saw. It was you.”

Luna shifted slightly. “I did come here a thousand years ago, yes,” she said warily. “My reasons for why…are my own, Corona.

Corona lowered her wings slowly, staring at Luna for some time, before finally closing her eyes. “I mean neither you, nor your student, any harm,” she said. “You may leave, Princess Luna. I wish you well. And…thank-you. I know you do not know what for…but thank-you.”

Luna blinked a few times at that. She stood a little straighter. “You’re not mad,” she said. “You’re not…you’re not Corona, are you? You never were.”

“No.” Celestia stood up somewhat straighter.

Luna stood still for a moment more, before taking a single, faltering step forward. After another second, she moved, suddenly – fast enough that Trixie couldn’t track the movement, though her destination was near – Princess Celestia, who suddenly found herself with Luna nearly on top of her, nuzzling her, hooves around her, wings folded around Celestia’s body. It was enough to actually unbalance the sun princess, and the two tumbled to the ground. Luna didn’t loosen her grip on Celestia at all.

Celestia looked uncomfortable as she managed to get herself into a sitting position. “Princess Luna,” she said. “I am not your sister.”

“I know…” Luna breathed, not moving. “I know, but please, just for a moment…let me pretend…”

Celestia didn’t hesitate. Her own wings unfurled, wrapping around Luna as she held the other princess close. Luna all but burst into tears at the action, hugging Celestia tighter.