• Published 20th Apr 2013
  • 36,465 Views, 249 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

A rewrite of a few Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3 episodes I felt could've been done differently. (WARNING: the rewrite choices are my personal opinion)

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S1E15 "Feeling Pinkie Keen" (What If?)

It was a seemingly average spring day in Ponyville. Twilight was busy testing out a new spell on Spike, who had been all too eagar to volunteer when he learned what it could do.

Twilight's horn lit up and within seconds Spike was wearing a tuxedo. Spike however seemed to be distracted by something, which Twilight was quick to notice. "Hey, eyes over here Spike!" Twilight said "I told you that in order for this spell to work I need to stay focused."

"I'm trying o.k.!" Spike said "And you should be focused as well."

"Oh, right." Twilight said, and she went back to channeling her magic. She lifted up a rock and was about to turn it into a top hat when she and Spike were distracted by noises. Unfournately the lost concentration caused the spell to fail, and poor Spike was clunked on the head with a rock although he didn't seem to be hurt that badly.

The noises were coming from Pinkie Pie who was darting from rock to rock and then from building to building, all the while wearing an umbrella hat. She observed her tail which for some reason was shaking non stop. "Hm. Twitchy twitcha twitcha twitch." she muttered to herself.

"Well it looks like Pinkie is just being Pinkie." Twilight said.

"Super extra Pinkie today." Spike said.

Pinkie Pie continued to be obessed with her shaking or rather twitching tail. She was so focused on that she didn't watch where she was going and bumped straight into Twilight.

"Ow! Pinkie what's the big idea?!" Twilight snapped.

"Oh geez I'm so so so so sorry Twilight." Pinkie Pie apologized.

"That's o.k. Pinkie." Twilight said "But would you mind telling me why you're starring at your tail? It's like you expect something to happen."

"Well my tail is twitching." Pinkie Pie said.

"O.k,. so what does that have to do with anything?" Twilight asked.

"Well you're not gonna believe this but something is about to fall out of the sky." Pinkie Pie said.

"You're right I don't believe it." Twilight said "What possible proof could you have to assume something will just fall out of the sky because your tail is twitching."

"Well you see the thing is" Pinkie Pie said. But before she could finish something did indeed fact come falling out of the sky and landed on Twilight's face. Fortunately it was only a frog. "Anyway as I was saying my tail twitching is part of what I call 'The Pinkie Sense'. It allows me to predict certain events before they happen." Pinkie Pie continued "Oh and Twilight you uh kind of have something on your face there." she said teasingly.

"Gee did your 'Pinkie Sense' tell you that too?" Twilight said.

"Of course not I could just see it." Pinkie Pie said. The frog croaked "He just said nice catch in frog by the way."

Twilight sighed. Something told her this was going to be a long day.

(Title Sequence)

"Where did that frog come from?" Spike asked.

As if to answer his question Fluttershy swooped down with a cart load of frogs. "Oh my goodness. I didn't even see you there Twilight."

"What are you doing with a cart load of frogs?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Oh, well the frog population has expanded quite a bit in the past few weeks, and they're starting to cause problems for other animals at Ponyville Pond." Fluttershy explained as she helped removed the frog from Twilight's face "So I'm relocating some of them to a place in the Everfree Forest called Froggy Bottom Bog, that Zecora told me about. She said it's a very nice place, and I doubt Zecora would steer me wrong."

"But what about hydras?" Twilight asked "Don't those live at Froggy Bottom Bog?"

"Oh Twilight, you really need to get out more." Pinkie Pie said teasingly "Everyone in town knows that hydras are nothing more then urban legend. Nopony has ever seen one."

"Huh that's not what my books told me." Twilight said.

"Books can't solve all your problems Twilight." Spike said "I think Pinkie Pie's right. Besides if hydras did exist I'm sure Zecora would've warned Fluttershy about them."

"That's true." Fluttershy said "I specifically asked her if there were any monsters that lived at Froggy Bottom Bog, and she said no. And I know Zecora wouldn't lie to me. Well I'd better be off, these frogs aren't going to relocate themselves." And with that Fluttershy set off.

"I really should be going too Twilight." Pinkie Pie said "I've got things to do and places I need to be." And she hopped away humming a little tune to herself.

"Did you see what just happened a few minutes ago?" Spike said "Pinkie Pie actually predicted the future. She said something was going to fall and it did."

"Oh come on Spike." Twilight said "You and I both know that was just a coincidence and nothing more. If Pinkie Pie's 'Pinkie Sense' really could predict the future then I'm sure somepony would've told us by now."

All the same Twilight decided that the "Pinkie Sense" intrigued her and that she would have to set aside time later to study it. With the "Pinkie Sense" still fresh in their mind Twilight and Spike knew they wouldn't be able to focus on the new spell and decided to just head into town and see if anything exciting was happening.

They hadn't gotten too far however when Pinkie Pie showed up again. "What are you doing back here Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked.

"My tail's twitching again and that means something else is gonna fall!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"What's going to fall this time?!" Spike asked.

"I don't know!" Pinkie Pie said.

"So you don't know what's going to fall but you know something's going to fall?" Twilight said "This is starting to sound like you're making it uaaaaaaaaah!" She had been so observed with talking to Pinkie Pie that she had forgotten to watch where she was going and fell into a ditch.

"Are you alright Twilight?!" Spike asked. Twilight didn't respond, Spike started to grow worried. "Hey Pinkie is it safe to go help Twilight out of that ditch?" he asked.

"It should be." Pinkie Pie said "As soon as Twilight fell into that ditch my tail stopped twitching. Although I admit I had no idea Twilight would actually forget to watch her step."

"She does kind of have a point there Twilight." Spike said "You really should be more careful."

"Oh shut up." Twilight growled.

"Do you need any help getting out of there?" Spike asked.

"No." Twilight said "I just need to focus." And her horn began to glow.

Applejack arrived on scene just as Twilight teleported out of the ditch. Needless to say the unexpected teleport took her by surprise. "Gah! Oh it's just you Twilight." Applejack said "Don't ever do that again."

"Sorry." Twilight said "But I had to get out of that ditch."

"How the hay did you end up in that ditch in the first place?" Applejack asked.

"I fell in of course." Twilight said.

"Well actually she fell in after Pinkie's tail starting twitching." Spike explained.

At the mention of a twitchy tail Applejack dove under one of the market stands. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" she asked.

"It's o.k. Applejack." Spike said "Pinkie's tail isn't twitching anymore."

"Oh that's a relief." Applejack said "So what fell?"

"Twilight apparently." Pinkie Pie said.

"Don't tell me you believe this 'Pinkie Sense' as well?" Twilight said.

"Well I know it doesn't make much sense." Applejack said "But for those of us who've been in Ponyville for a while we've learned it's best just not to question it. If Pinkie's a-twitching then you'd better listen."

"But why?" Twilight asked "Surely you've wondered at some point how such a thing is possible?"

"Twilight trust me when I say you're just better off not questioning it. Dozens of ponies have tried and all of them have come up with the same answer." Applejack said "And that is you take the 'Pinkie Sense' seriously."

"Like right now." Pinkie Pie said "My ears are flopping."

"What does that mean?" Twilight asked.

"It means that somepony's going to need a bath. I'd better go prepare one." Pinkie Pie said and she bounced off towards Sugarcube Corner.

"Who do you suppose the unlucky pony is?" Applejack asked.

"Something tells me it's going to be Twilight." Spike said.

"Haha very funny." Twilight said "What's even more funny is that much like the 'Pinkie Sense' you appear to be making this up." Twilight had no sooner spoken those words when a hay cart came rolling by and splashed through a puddle, caking Twilight in mud. "Don't say a word." Twilight muttered and she trotted off to Sugarcube Corner where she knew a nice relaxing bath awaited her.

"Sorry that had to happen to you." Pinkie Pie said as Twilight soaked in the bathtub in Pinkie's room above Sugarcube Corner "If it makes you feel any better this isn't the first time one pony has been the target of my 'Pinkie Sense'."

"This all feels like some kind of sick joke." Twilight said "I mean I want to believe it's true but there's literally no evidence whatsoever to support it. It's like Applejack said it doesn't make much sense."

"Well perhaps I can explain it to the best of my ability." Pinkie Pie said "The Pie family has always had a sixith sense of sort, not long after I got my cutie mark I started noticing my body acting in unusual ways right before certain events happened. Eventually I connected the dots and realized that there were certain things I could predict in advance as a result of my sixith sense which I dubbed the 'Pinkie Sense'. Whenever my back is itchy then it means it's my lucky day and when my knee gets pinchy it means something scary is going to happen."

Twilight grew worried upon hearing that statement, "Your knee isn't pinchy right now is it?" she asked.

"No but my shoulder is achy which means there's an alligator in the tub." Pinkie Pie said. She then went over and pulled out an alligator.

Twilight instantly jumped out of the tub and stood on edge. "I thought you said your knee wasn't pinchy! Not only is that scary it's downright dangerous!" she shouted.

"No it's not silly." Pinkie Pie said "This is my pet alligator Gummy. I named that because he doesn't have any teeth. See?" Gummy meanwhile began to gum at Pinkie's mane and eventually tail. "That's just his way of showing he loves me." Pinkie Pie said.

After the bath Pinkie Pie and Twilight made their way over to the library. The "Pinkie Sense" still weighed heavily on Twilight's mind. "I just don't understand it." Twilight said "How is it possible that such a thing exists? It seems like there's dozens of different little feelings that just come and go at random. There's got to be something that I'm not getting."

"Well isn't it kind of like your magic?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Not really." Twilight said "With magic it only occurs when you want it to happen. You actually have to think about it and cocentrate on it. With this 'Pinkie Sense' well there's just a bunch of random little feelings that are here one second and gone the next, there's no thought process involved to my understanding."

"Well sometimes it's not just random little feelings, sometimes there's a whole bunch of them all at once." Pinkie Pie said "I like to call em combos."

"Combos eh." Applejack said as she joined Twilight and Pinkie Pie, since she wasn't tending to her stall she didn't have to much else to do and decided to hang out with two of her friends. She knew Rarity and Rainbow Dash were busy. "You never told me about them Pinkie." Applejack said.

"I swear I did." Pinkie Pie said "But I suppose I'll list some examples. A good one would be ear-flop, then knee twitch and then eye flutter. That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow. That was the first reaction I pinned down."

"Sounds intresting." Applejack said "But I don't suppose any rainbows are going to be showing up anytime soon?''

"Nope." Pinkie Pie said.

"Well this has all been very entertaining." Twilight said "But I've got some experiments that I've been longing to try out." And with that she set off. Unfortunately she no sooner done so when Pinkie Pie got another so called "Combo".

"Ear flop, then eye flutter, and then knee twitch." Pinkie Pie said to herself, she gasped as she realized what that meant. "Twilight watch out!" she shouted.

But it was too late. Twilight just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The door to the library swung open crushing poor Twilight against it. The culprit was none other then Spike who had no idea Twilight had been approaching the door just seconds ago. He was busy moving in reverse while carrying as many books as his arms could possibly hold. What about Twilight? Well she had been pressed up against the door and squashed flat. She quickly recovered though.

"Sorry Twilight I tried to warn you." Pinkie Pie said.

Twilight mearly groaned in annoyance. Then suddenly a very creepy grin spread across her face.

"Um Twilight are you o.k.?" Applejack asked "You're uh kind of creeping me out here."

"I'm fine Applejack." Twilight said "Hey Spike."

"Uh yes Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Good news I know what experiment I want to try next. It's a brand new one that I just now came up with." Twilight said "Go down to the basement and get that special machine ready. This may just help me get two birds with one stone."

"Sure thing Twilight," Spike said and he raced downstairs as fast as his little legs could carry him.

"Say Applejack would you be willing to stick around for a little bit?" Twilight asked.

"Well sure I'd love to." Applejack said "All I wanna know is what are you going to do?"

"You'll see." Twilight said.

Twilight led Applejack and Pinkie Pie down to her basement. Sure enough Spike had kept his word and had activated this very unusual machine. Twilight then took him aside and whispered some instructions to him.

"I can do that." Spike said and he went upstairs.

"Oh Pinkie Pie can you come here please?" Twilight asked.

"Sure thing Twilight." Pinkie Pie replied "What do you want me to do?"

Twilight didn't answer. She mearly hooked Pinkie Pie up to the unusual machine. Pinkie's front hooves were secured by metallic clasps and her head was strapped to a helmet with all sorts of blinking lights.

"Is there a reason why you've got Pinkie Pie all hooked up here?" Applejack asked.

"That's a good question Applejack." Twilight said "And one that deserves a good answer. I'm doing scientific studying on Pinkie's 'Pinkie Sense' to see if I can collect any sort of data. I have a hypothesis that there's some sort of logical connection to Pinkie's sudden reactions, something that will prove this 'Pinkie Sense' is nothing more then a random coincidence."

"Well that's all fine and dandy but how exactly do you plan on prooving your hypothesis?" Applejack asked "Are you just going to wait until Pinkie Pie gets another twitch?"

"That would be stupid and pointless." Twilight said "Since I found out that Pinkie apparently gets a 'Pinkie Sense Combo' that warns her of opening doors I intend to use that to collect the data I need. Now when I give the signal Spike will open the basement door, if I'm right Pinkie Pie should get that combo she described earlier and this machine should record all sorts of scientific information. I'll look at the data and I should be able to draw a conclusion and prove my hypothesis is correct."

"Ah I see." Applejack said.

"O.k. Pinkie are you ready?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Pinkie Pie said.

"You aren't about to get any sudden twitches or combos are you?" Twilight asked.

"Nope." Pinkie Pie said.

"O.k. then." Twilight said, then she shouted "O.k. Spike we're ready!"

Spike opened the door and just as Twilight had predicted just before Spike did so Pinkie Pie got an ear flop, followed by an eye flutter, and then a knee twitch. Spike raced down to join Applejack and Twilight who was busy examing the data she collected.

"So did it work?" Spike asked.

Twilight was silent for a moment. Spike grew worried. "Come on Twilight tell me." Spike said.

Twilight sighed "I can't make heads or tails of this data. Nothing makes sense."

"How is that possible?" Pinkie Pie asked "I thought you knew what you were doing."

"I don't know!" Twilight snapped "This whole 'Pinkie Sense' thing is giving me a headache! Every time I think I understand it or know everything there is know about it it keeps getting more and more complex!"

"So does this mean the experiment is over?" Pinkie Pie asked "Cause I am getting kind of hungry."

Twilight sighed again "Yes the experiment is over." she said.

"Hey don't get so down sugarcube." Applejack said as she, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Spike made their way out of the basement "I was kind of in the same situation as you when I first discovered this 'Pinkie Sense'. I tried everything to prove Pinkie Pie was wrong but in the end I realized there were some things you just had to believe in. I sure as hay wasn't happy when I first came to that conclusion but in all honesty looking back I think it was for the best."

"I wish I could do that Applejack." Twilight said "Believe me I wish I could but there's something about this 'Pinkie Sense' that keeps bugging me. I don't know what it is though."

"Well maybe a good lunch with two of your best friends will take your mind off things." Applejack said "Now come on we don't want to be left behind now do we?"

"I guess you're right." Twilight said. Unfournately even after lunch had come and gone Twilight still couldn't stop thinking about the 'Pinkie Sense'. She tried everything she could think of to better understand it. She tried to follow Pinkie Pie wherever she went and write down notes on what she observed but it seemed like the "Pinkie Sense"' was out to get her. Everywhere she went Pinkie Pie would get some sort of reaction courtesy of the "Pinkie Sense" and then something would happen to Twilight. First she was stung by a swarm of angry wasps and Spike had to chase them off with his flame breath. Then she once again forgot to watch where she was going and fell into Applejack's new cider cellar. Finally a flower pot, an anvil, a cart of hay, and a piano all fell on her. At that point she was still only covered in bandages and had a few marks but she decided she'd taken enough punishment and gave up on trying to pursue Pinkie Pie.

"Howdy there Pinkie Pie." Applejack said.

"Hey there Applejack." Pinkie Pie said "Whatcha doing?"

"Oh I'm just taking some supplies to my brand new cider cellar." Applejack replied "It's quite the storage space."

"That sounds nice." Pinkie Pie said.

"So what have you been doing? And where's Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"Oh I've been letting Twilight follow me around all this time." Pinkie Pie said.

"What?" Twilight shouted as she marched over to Pinkie Pie "So you mean to tell me that you know all this time that I was following you and yet you never said anything or did anything to help me? Why did you do that?"

"Because that would've spoiled the fun. Although I must say you seem to be having an awful lot of bad luck lately." Pinkie Pie said.

"I wish I could say you don't even know the half of it." Twilight said "But I bet you know all too well what's happened to me."

"Indeed I do unfournately." Pinkie Pie said somberly "You've been stung by wasps, fallen down a bunch of stairs into Applejack's cider cellar, and had a flower pot, an anvil, a cart of hay, and even a piano fall on you all in that order."

"Wow sounds like it's been a rough day for you hasn't it Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"Gee what gave you that idea?" Twilight said sarcastically.

"I'm really sorry Twilight." Pinkie Pie said "I know this isn't easy for you but I think it's best if you just accept the 'Pinkie Sense'."

"I want to but I can't." Twilight said "That 'Pinkie Sense' just doesn't seem to want to leave me alone! This has to be by far the worst day I've ever had!"

"Easy there Twilight no need to get so worked up." Applejack said.

"Yeah Twilight Applejack's right." Spike said "You're making too big a deal out of all of this. So calm down before you say or do something you'll regret later on."

"That's easier said then done." Twilight said "Every time I think I understand everything there is to know about this so called 'Pinkie Sense' something new comes along and makes it more complicated."

As if though it had heard her the "Pinkie Sense" flared up again. This time was a little different however as Pinkie Pie's whole body started to shake uncontrollably. She shook so much that she seemed to momentarily lift off of the ground. Then as quickly as it came the shaking stopped.

"Do I even have to ask what that was?" Twilight said "I mean it was either a twitch or a combo."

"Actually it was neither." Pinkie Pie said "I've never gotten this sort of reaction before."

"For real?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Pinkie Pie said "But whatever it was it was a doozy."

"So when is this so called 'doozy' going to happen?" Spike asked.

"I don't know when it's going to happen but I do know where it's going to happen." Pinkie Pie said.

"So where is this 'doozy' going to happen?" Twilight asked.

"It's going to happen at Froggy Bottom Bog." Pinkie Pie said.

Applejack gasped "That's where Fluttershy was headed earlier!"

"Does this mean Fluttershy's in trouble?!" Spike asked.

"I don't know." Pinkie Pie said "My 'Pinkie Sense' only told me that the doozy was going to take place at Froggy Bottom Bog. It didn't say who it would happen to or when it would happen."

"Then there's no time to lose!" Applejack shouted "We've got to get to Froggy Bottom Bog pronto!"

"I know the way!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Good, then you'll be the leader!" Spike said. Then he turned to Twilight "Are you going to come too?"

Twilight sighed "As much I'll probably regret it yes I'm coming if only so I can make sure Fluttershy is alright. And who knows maybe this might finally manage to push the 'Pinkie Sense' from my mind."

"Well then let's get going!" Applejack said "The longer we stall the greater the chances of Fluttershy getting into some sort of predicament become!" And with that Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Spike, and Twilight set off for Froggy Bottom Bog.

At Froggy Bottom Bog Fluttershy had just opened the cart and allowed the frogs to hop out. She wasn't aware of something lurking in the bog. If she had turned around perhaps she might have seen a very unusual figure appear, if only for a second.

Meanwhile with Pinkie Pie leading the way the journey to Froggy Bottom didn't take very long. But it didn't pass in complete silence.

"So uh what do you suppose might have happened to Fluttershy?" Spike asked Applejack.

"I don't know Spike and in all honesty I don't want to know." Applejack said "I'm trying my best not to think about it."

"Well I'm trying too." Spike said "But I'm thinking about it anyway."

"Well I know I'm probably going to regret this but what do you think happened?" Applejack asked Spike.

"Well what if she" Spike paused for a moment, as if trying to think of something. Then he replied "Exploded!"

"Just exploded? For no reason at all?" Twilight asked, having overheard the conversation.

"Um yes." Spike said.

"Well what if she exploded and then exploded again?" Pinkie Pie asked "I mean I know doesn't make much sense but what if that's what happened?"

"Can you do that? Can you explode twice?!" Spike asked nervously.

"I don't think so." Twilight said "And I'm sure Pinkie Pie and Applejack know that too."

"Yeah I've never heard of such a thing." Applejack said. "Hey look. Unless I'm mistaken I think I see the clearing. We're almost there."

Sure enough they emerged from The Everfree Forest and found themselves at Froggy Bottom Bog. Fluttershy was still busy tending to all the frogs.

"Fluttershy you're okay." Spike said as he ran forward and wrapped his claws around her.

"Yes why wouldn't I be okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Because Pinkie's 'Pinkie Sense' predicted that there would be a doozy here at Froggy Bottom Bog." Spike explained.

"Oh my I had no idea." Fluttershy said "But I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary."

"I can't believe it." Twilight said, she was unaware that as she speaking something was rising out of the bog waters "This is probably the first time all day where the 'Pinkie Sense' has been wrong. I don't want to sound like I was right but hopefully this has taught us to be more careful about what we choose to believe in." Then she noticed the worried looks on Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.

"Don't tell me there's something really big and scary behind me?" Twilight said.

"Y-yes." Spike said.

Twilight turned around, there was no way she could've been prepared for what she saw. Looking down at her was a massive four headed creature. "It can't be." Twilight said.

"B-B-But I thought hydras were only an urban legend." Fluttershy said.

"Well this one seems real alright." Applejack said "And it doesn't look too friendly."

As if to prove Applejack's point the hydra let out a roar.

"What do we do now?" Spike asked.

"It's simple we run!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

Twilight barely managed to dodge as the hydra lunged at her. She wasted no time in running along with Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy as fast her hooves could carry her. All the while the hydra kept getting closer and closer. Time and time again Twilight would barely manage to dodge as one of the hydra's four heads lunged at her. Twice she had to stop and go back. The first time was when Spike became stuck in the bog and the other was when Pinkie Pie suddenly starting shaking and stopped moving. Eventually they all came to a ledge with a few rocky pillars. The only way to escape the hydra now was to make some desperate leaps.

Fluttershy went first. Remembering the rhyme Pinkie Pie had taught her she repeated to herself "A hop, skip, and a jump!" and she gracefully leaped across the rocky pillars to the other side.

Pinkie Pie was about to go next but she suddenly started shaking again and shook herself right off the edge. Wasting no time Applejack grabbed Pinkie Pie by the tail and pulled her back onto solid ground.

The hydra roared, despite the uphill climb it was getting closer. "He's getting too close." Twilight said "Applejack you take Spike and Pinkie Pie and leap across I'll try to buy us some time."

"Are you crazy Twilight?! You know there's no way you can beat that thing!" Applejack said.

"I know what I'm doing." Twilight said "Now go! I'll be fine trust me."

"Well if you so." Applejack said "Just don't take too long." And with that Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Spike all made their way across the pillars and joined Fluttershy.

"Well no turning back now." Twilight thought to herself as she the hydra draw closer "Oh what would a brave pony like Rainbow Dash do in this situation?" Then it dawned on her. She charged head on towards the hyrda, shouting at the top of her lungs. The hyrda had one of its four heads lunge at her but Twilight moved too fast for it, she ran straight past the hyrda and when the head followed it eventually caused its entire body to topple over.

Convinced that she had stopped it Twilight raced back up the slope. Unfournately the hydra recovered quicker than anticipated, Twilight once again barely managed to dodge as the hyrda lunged at her. But now part of the rockey ledge had been destroyed making the gap too big to jump across. Twilight knew there was no way she could teleport the long distance. She was stuck.

"T-T-T-T-Twilight?" Pinkie Pie called out, her whole body still shaking "This is going to sound crazy but you're going to have to jump."

"Are you crazy there's no way I'll be able to make it." Twilight called back.

"It's your only h-hope." Pinkie Pie said "You have to take the leap of faith."

"I'm telling you Pinkie there's no way this will work." Twilight said.

"Well it's either that or be stuck with the hydra." Pinkie Pie said.

Twilight gulped. Pinkie Pie had brought up a good point. There was no way she could possibly continue to dodge the hydra. Like it or not she'd have to try and jump across. She didn't have to back up so she just jumped as far as she could. Just as she feared she wasn't able to cover the gap and began to fall into the bog below. Her hooves flailed desperately in the air in an attempt to grab anything that could help her. Then just when all hope seemed lost Twilight hit a gaint bubble that had been rising up from the bog. The bubble acted like a spring and shot Twilight back into the air. She bounced onto the first rocky pillar and bounced across each of them until she was on the other side, but she didn't stop bouncing all together until she hit the side of a mountain. She was dazed but unharmed.

"Twilight you're okay." Spike said "You had me worried there for a moment."

"Is the hyrda gone?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Fluttershy said.

"Good." Twilight said. Then she turned to Pinkie Pie "That was quite the doozy there." she said "I don't know how or why but your 'Pinkie Sense' predicted there would be a doozy here at Froggy Bottom Bog and it turned out to be right. That hydra was quite the doozy."

The hydra meanwhile mearly stuck out its tounge and retreated. But then oddly enough Pinkie Pie's whole body began to shake again. "Hm looks like the hydra wasn't the doozy after all." Pinkie Pie said.

This proved to be the last straw for Twilight. She finally snapped "Huh? But I, what?!" she asked "You mean that hydra wasn't the doozy? How in Equestria could it not be the doozy?"

"I don't know." Pinkie Pie said "But whatever the doozy was it still hasn't happened yet."

Twilight got so mad that she literally burst into flames, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy watched in shock and awe as Twilight literally burned with anger. Finally after a few minutes the flames died down, parts of Twilight's mane, tail, and coat were charred black. "I give up." she said wearily "I don't know how or why but Pinkie Pie's 'Pinkie Sense' somehow just makes sense."

"So you're saying you believe it?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Well yes." Twilight said "Just don't rub it in."

As soon as Twilight spoke those words Pinkie Pie's whole body started shaking violently. After a very unusual display in which Pinkie Pie's body blew up like a balloon and then deflated Pinkie Pie stop shaking. "That's it. That's the doozy. You believing in the 'Pinkie Sense'. Oh and what a doozy of a doozy it was"

Twilight couldn't help but laugh at that statement but it was a good harty laugh, not a nasty evil laugh. And after everything she'd been through she deserved to laugh.

A little later Twilight and Pinkie Pie were hanging out at the library. When Spike came in he was surprised at what he saw.

"Ah good Spike you're here." Twilight said "Take a letter please."

Spike said nothing.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked "Never thought you'd see me wear an umbrella hat? Well Pinkie's tail is twitching what else can I do?"

"I guess that makes sense." Spike said.

Twilight began to narrate her letter

Dear Princess Celestia,

Sometimes in life you will find that your beliefs clash with the beliefs of others. In the end no matter how much you might argue you won't be able to prove one side is right and one side is wrong.

In order to maintain your friendships it is important that you learn to respect the viewpoints of other instead of simply assuming your viewpoint is correct.

Also although there's nothing wrong with questioning something sometimes it's better to not ask then to ask and potentially offend somepony.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Spike went upstairs to send the letter while Twilight and Pinkie Pie ventured outside.

"So what do you suppose is going to fall out of the sky this time?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know." Pinkie Pie said "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

Spike meanwhile was about to send the letter to Princess Celestia with his breath when before his very eyes Princess Celestia herself came down and perched on the balcony. All Spike could say was "Holy guacamole!" as Princess Celestia grabbed the letter with her magic and set off.