• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 3,816 Views, 97 Comments

An Even Bigger Storm of Chaos - MrAnime

I woke up one day thinking that it was just another normal day. Little did I know, I just got transported to Equestria, and the first thing I see is Pinkie Pie. Turns out ... I'm the new Lord of Chaos!

  • ...

Pitch Black

I was stuck in that hospital for at least three days, and the food was horrible! I was surprised they didn't have to pump my stomach, due to it. Well at least I'm out of there. I finished checking out, and headed outside to get some fresh air.

"Ah ... fresh air ... I need something to eat ..." I started to head to the nearest market to buy some apples, but that's when I realized that I didn't have any bits! "Shit I forgot... No money..." So I just decided to go and visit Twilight, to see if she has found a counterspell. I arrived at her home, and knocked on the door, and Twilight came to answer it.

"Hi, Twilight. How are ya?" I asked her, due to me not talking to her in a while.

"Quick get in!" She said, while pulling me in her house. After she pulled me in, she slammed the door behind us.

"Well this is a fine way of saying hello..." I told her, while crossing my arms.

"Sorry, its just I found out who's causing all this to you, and he could be watching you as we speak," She said. She ran to one of her bookshelves to grab one of the many books that was on it. She came back to me opening to a certain page of the book she got, and pointed to something. "Pitch Black, He's the one who released the Paleneristicus, and cursed you with it. It says that Pitch Black practiced dark magic, and was locked up for releasing something in Equestria. The book also says that he was locked up in the the impenetrable prison of Equestria, Prison #50," She started to shiver a bit at the mention of it.

"Is it that bad?" I asked.

"Well, clearly it's that bad! And it also says that he wasn't supposed to be released in another ten years! If somepony like him, can break out of a prison like that! Then this is getting pretty serious, pretty fast,"

"Well do you have any idea where he could be right now?"

"He's probably somewhere in Ponyville, but I can't be sure ... I can sense a huge amount of power here somewhere around mid town of Ponyville, but we should stay indoors just incase,"

"Well ... what do we do for the time being?" I asked her.

"Well ..." She started.

"NO! Forget I even asked. Plus, I'm kinda in the middle of something here!" I yelled.

"Your right ... sorry," She hanged her head down.

"*sigh* It's fine, but anyway have you found a counterspell yet?" I asked hanging my own head now.

"No not yet. I might have to ask Celestia if she might have any books on counterspells for dark magic,"

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it, Twilight," I told her. I headed to door to open it.

"Wait! That surge I felt in mid town is right there behind the door!" She yelled at me.

"WHAT!?" I backed away from the door slowly, I knew Pitch Black came for me.

"Go hide somewhere Samuel," She whispered to me. I started to go up the stairs, but a dark barrier formed right in from of me. I tried going through it, but some dark pulse inside me was keeping me from going through. "Oh no ..." I turned to Twilight to see what was wrong, and I saw a dark portal forming in front of her. I started to see a couple of dark claws holding the side of it, as if he was ripping the very fabric of time and space. I started to see a head coming from the dark hole in the air. The creatures expression was some sort of evil grin, which creeped me out like hell. Then his whole body come into view.

He had gold braces on his legs that looked like they actually went inside of his legs! He also was wearing a black leather jacket with a red trim, and also had a fur scarf that was red as well. He had what seemed like bags under his eyes, and was wearing silk pants and black shoes.

"Well seemed like I had to let myself in..." He said in a somewhat distorted voice. "Ah Twilight, it has been ages since the last time we met! How have you been my dear?" He asked her.

"I'm sorry have we met?" She looked at him with a glare.

"Haha! No, I was just teasing to see your reaction, but clearly there isn't any. Anyway, where is that boy that contains my pride and joy?" He looked around the room pretending not to see me at first, then he slowly turned his head to me and smiled. "There you are," He disappeared into in an arrange of shadows, and rearranged right in front of me. "So your Samuel, the one that contains my Paleneristicus huh? Well congrats on that kid, my pride and joy doesn't choose just anyone. He only chooses one that contains true evil in his heart, but you don't seem like the kinda guy who has that now do you?" He asked me, looking right into my eyes. I started to tremble. "Well don't worry about that, that little variable can be changed quite easily haha," He laughed right in my face.

"Why is this thing inside me!?"

"What? You don't like your true potential? Eh, I guess I could take it out of you, only if you want it out though,"

"Well clearly I don't want this thing in me!" I was steamed at this guy. He seems intimidating, but he's acting like a fool!

"Fine I'll take it out! If you pass my test,"


"Yes, I will arrange three paths for you, each one leading to the end, but each one has its own dangers. If you can get past one of the paths without any cuts, I'll set it free and this'll all be over. If you get passed one path with more than five cuts, not only will I still release it, but put it inside Twilight! But, if you make it across with more than ten cuts, I'll just awaken it right at that moment. We got a deal?" He extended his arm to me to shake, and I accepted.


"Excellent!" He waved his hands to create three paths, and now we were outside. "OK, here are your choices, to the right is a horde of creatures, each time one of them touches you, that counts as one cut. To the left is a dragon, each time it touches you, it counts as three cuts, but if you get past it, not only will I release the Paleneristicus inside you, but I'll lock myself up in Prison #50 again. In the middle path is a secret. Now choose wisely Samuel. Which way do you choose?"

Author's Note:

I'll leave this choice up to you guys. i already have plans for each decision of the paths. Now the fate of this story rests in your guys decision! Which way does he go? Say it with me my friends! FOR IRK AND THE PONIES!
