• Member Since 14th Dec, 2013
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Punk Rock Prom Queen

Ironic reasons are the best reasons darling.


Punk is now open for Comissions. · 9:03pm Nov 25th, 2020

Greetings fellow tiny horse enthusiasts I have some good news for you all and some bad news for me. The bad news is one of my coworkers tested positive for Covid-19 so my boss has shut down my place of employment for the next two or so weeks to make sure none of the rest of us have it. That means I'll have a lot of free time on my hands to write, but it also means no income meaning I won't have a way to pay my rent next month. So what does that mean for you, my followers? Why commissions

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Taking Things a Step to Far · 10:21pm Aug 27th, 2020

So I've just learned a bit of interesting news. Apparently, the BLM movement has been pulling down statues of General Grant and President Lincoln and is trying to have the Emancipation Proclamation statue in DC removed. Why? I don't get it. I can kind of understand having Confederate Monuments removed (though I don't entirely agree), but why get rid of the statues commemorating the men who fought for the freedom of slaves? Like these men are the reason the Noth won the Civil War and why

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Victory Slurpees · 11:59pm May 12th, 2020

"*SLUUUURRRRPPP* Hey guys what'd I miss?"

The group of shellshocked teenagers tore their gaze from a still-smoldering Sunset Shimmer (thankfully now returned to human form) to stare at the new arrival. Multiple sets of eyes widened in surprise before teary up in joy at seeing that the diminutive Agent was alive and well after all.

Rainbow Dash made several incomprehensible sputtering noises before finally forcing out, "How are you still alive?!! Sunset vaporized you!"

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Explosions · 8:56pm May 12th, 2020

Sunset uncurled from her defensive posture. Despite the impressive amount of firepower, the SMILE Agent had sent her way none of her attacks had connected.

"Ha!" She barked. "You missed."

Tempest merely raised an eyebrow and asked with a grin, "Did I?"

The Demon's eyes widened as she realized every last one of Agent Shadow's spell orbs now surrounded her.

Tempest raised her right hand and snapped her fingers. "Hellzone Grenade!"

"OH FU-"

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In Which Punk Sells Out. · 5:49pm Mar 10th, 2019

Hey everyone if you read my last blog post you know I’m having a bit of car trouble. Given the situation I’ve decided to creat a Kofi account. So if you want to embrace your inner Rarity and help out feel free to click that link above. I’d appreciate it. Obviously you don’t have to it’s really just there as a tip jar for if anyone likes my stuff enouh to float me a couple bucks. Speaking of my work, be on the look out in the following days for

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Well That's Just Great · 3:22pm Mar 10th, 2019

So the Altanator in my car died on my way home from work this morning stranding me on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. The people from the insurance company couldn’t find my location on their map. It took an hour for the tow truck to show up. I fell out of the truck which was a good four foot drop and now my knees and my right arm are killing me. I cant find any replacement altanators for less than three hundred which I cant afford because I’m flat fucking broke and my

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The Future of Suncest and Signal Boosting. · 7:23pm Feb 14th, 2018

Hello everyone and Happy Valentines Day. First and foremost I’d like to thank each and every one of you who have read and added Suncest to your various libraries. I never thought that a simple little exercise in writing comedy would be so successful. For a few days this story was sitting pretty in the number one spot in the featured box. I’d also like to thank all of you who have started following me recently all of you who have stuck with me so far. I still can’t believe I jumped from

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Stop Bacon time. · 5:51pm Feb 2nd, 2018

So some news about the overnight Sensation that is Suncest. If you already read it awesome. Go back and read it again. I just got done doing some heavy edits to it. Not only did I fix the formatting errors that I missed in my first pass, but I also fixed a couple of errors that have been pointed out to me. I’ve also managed to add several hundred more words to flesh out the middle and ending. A few things have also been moved around. So if you enjoyed the original version I think you’ll

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Double the Bacon, Double the Fun. · 6:50pm Feb 1st, 2018

Wow, so I wrote this stupid thing yesterday to try my hand at writing comedy. I honestly did not expect it to be liked so much. It’s littered with mistakes, there’s tons of build up with a very little payoff, and well frankly it’s kinda stupid.

But hey you guys like it and a lot of you are asking for more so guess what? Ask and you shall receive. Suncest is getting a sequel. Expect it next week.


Happy Zombie Jesus Day · 11:48am Apr 5th, 2015

This is The Living Dead Girl saying have a Happy Easter and remember to leave out your colored eggs and chocolate rodents or our lord and savior will eat your brains....

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