• Member Since 1st Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2022


Your average 18 year-old underachiever. Likes music, video games, and books. Total nerd.

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  • TThe Broken Bond
    While searching for his dearest friend in the Lost Woods, a cry for help draws Link through a portal into a strange new world. As a new threat shows its head in Equestria, Link gets wrapped up in the crossfire. Little does he know just who he faces.
    Norkix · 4.8k words  ·  26  4 · 1.1k views

In Case the Short Bio Didn't Cut It...

Hey there, I'm Norkix! I'm a musician, casual writer, and avid gamer. I'm a huge Zelda nerd and a Final Fantasy buff. Other game series I like include Kingdom Hearts and Metroid. I main Toon Link and Zelda in Super Smash Bros. 4, and I play Shulk and Cloud on the side.

I'm certainly not the best when it comes to writing, but I do enjoy it as a hobby and work hard on whatever I post. I write mainly from the first person perspective as a result of influences like DJ Machale (Pendragon series) and Kkat (of Fallout: Equestria fame). I'm not afraid to throw around swear words in my work. In addition, I have a nasty habit of procrastination, so don't get scared if I don't update for a while. I'm probably just being a dumb and playing too many video games or something. Feel free to shoot me a message if the absence goes on for a ridiculous amount of time.

Here's a link to my fanfiction.net page, where you'll find a number of Zelda stories. I particularly hope you'll check out Majora's Revenge, my first story and the closest to my heart. It's far from perfect, but it built up a decent following and allowed me to become the writer I am today. Zelda is my main fandom and the series has a special place in my heart, Majora's Mask and A Link Between Worlds in particular.

In terms of music, my favorite genres are progressive rock and alternative metal. My top three favorite artists in order are Stemage, Chevelle, and Tool. I enjoy these artists because I find everything from their style to their instrumentation to the topics of their lyrics creative and 20% cooler than anything I hear on the radio these days. I'll probably make a Recommended Listening panel or something later.

Quotes: Wisdom and Nonsense to Apply to Your Life

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. - The littany against fear; Frank Herbert's Dune.

"Now, who wants to see their soul's desire?/Way down we're born to realize/One sobering thought was forced upon/We shall know... We'll know." - Chevelle, "Leto's Headache"

"Man who gets hit by front of car is tired. Man who gets hit by back of car is exhausted!"

"A Freudian slip, named after famous psycho-analyst Sigmund Freud, is when one is speaking and accidentally inserts a word on one's subconscious mind and replaces it with another penis." - The Urban Dictionary.

"We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people, all through our lives. And that’s okay." - The Eleventh Doctor, Doctor Who.

"May we be able to look back on our lives when we're old and say, "Meh, good enough, I guess." - Angus McPhee, Questionable Content Strip #1734.

"In RPGs as it is in love, it's all about Damage over Time." - Norkix, 2014 (this is actually really depressing now that I think about it)

"It's hard to tell what ASAP means with todays sequence breaks" - Cosmo, #zelda IRC

Comments ( 7 )
  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7

1843908 Of course! I'd want you to hear it before it even went up public on YouTube. And, uh... *hugs* I need friends too. :twilightsmile:


You know as well as I do that Project Horizons will never end ...

I was actually going to contact you in a couple of months when I got a more adequate microphone, but would you mind if I eventually started an audiobook of Rising Dawn?

Wow. I would be honored! Please stay in contact with me ... I need friends I want to be the first to listen to one of your readings!

The story is on the verge of finishing its first volume, but as I've unpublished most of the Chapters thus far for editing, we've only got 3 Chapters out. Once I finish revising everything, I'm sure you'll have tons of content to narrate :pinkiesmile:

1843776 Thanks for the welcome! I've been lurking for weeks so I figured the hell with it, I'll just make an account already!

Well, with Project Horizons ending soon, I started looking for another FO:E fic to read and Rising Dawn caught my eye. I made an account mainly to keep up with it from here on (although ideas for a Zelda crossover are going through my head right now), along with a couple of other stories I've been reading. I was actually going to contact you in a couple of months when I got a more adequate microphone, but would you mind if I eventually started an audiobook of Rising Dawn? Being the only FO:E fic I've seen so far with a male lead, I figure I might be able to do it justice.

Hi, welcome to Fimfiction! And thanks for the follow! :scootangel:

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