• Member Since 9th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 5th, 2016


About Me

I am not much of a story teller but I do enjoy reading books and what others like to write. I am 26 and yeah I know it seems a bit old for someone like me to like MLP but I have my reasons for liking the show. My favorite is Pinkie and I love Fluttershy. I blame my oldest child for liking this show. She is 5 now and we get her a lot of MLP stuff that I would even want for myself as well lol.

But feel free to message me. I enjoy talking and meeting new people. I am on a few other sites, not like this one but your welcome to ask about that since I don't want to state them just because. Oh yeah, Also I am going to school so that takes up some of my time as well as my two kids. So I do have a busy life going here =)

I am not sure on what more I would put here cause yeah but thanks for stopping by. =)

Comments ( 5 )
  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5

Glad you enjoyed MFC:V, and welcome to the site!!

Np =). I enjoyed reading it

Thankies for der fav its mucho appreciated.:pinkiehappy:

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