• Member Since 1st Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen May 27th


American (hopefully soon-to-be) FanFic writer. Soon-to-be Sailor

Comments ( 37 )
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I guess now is the point where I said “I told you so.”

And you may disagree with the results of the choice America made and dislike the winner all you want, but at the very least we can both be happy that Drumpf is now on his way out. Yes, I’m aware he’s going to try some half assed law suit and have the Supreme Court help him steal the election, but something tells me that they’re not going to want to touch this one with a 10 ft pole.

Also still haven’t found any legit proof about all the other things you said Biden has said and done, but like I said, you have your opinions and I have mine.

Best of luck.

Ok, fair deal. From different points of view, I can understand why he would seem shifty and unreliable with his beliefs and policies.

But I still stand by my statement that any third party candidate is not going to win. But if that’s what you believe is right and you’re doing it for the right reasons, all I can say is go ahead and vote for them.

In all honesty, I wish we could get a Libertarian elected as President. I wish the country wasn’t enslaved to a “this or that” style of choosing the president. But sadly, this is the system we have to work with until an outlet for major change comes along.

Really, I’m more than a little scared of what will happen if Drumpf gets in for another four years. Things already feel like the apocalypse is upon us, so it’s hard to imagine things getting worse.

And I’m sure none of that is blown out of proportion by right wing extremists or people who automatically believe in the opposite of innocent until proven guilty.

Please, by all means, show me some hard evidence that he’s guilty of any of the things he’s been accused of, and I will gladly concede.

But mark my words, third party candidates aren’t going to win for a long ass time and they’re certainly not winning this election.

Also, you immediately assumed that I was supporting Biden just because I’m opposed to Drumpf. Never good to assume, man.

You’re clearly very easy to offend or make angry because instead of talking me down or just ignoring me, you resort to name calling and acting like the exact kind of douche I imagined you to be. Good that you’re not a Drumpfomorph, but that’s a pretty low bar.

OK, clown, you wanna bring up Cheeto's past? Allow me to bring up Biden's.
On record, he has stated he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle".
On record, he has stated that homosexuals are a security threat.
On record, he has stated that he believes marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman (Clinton and Obama have said the same thing).
On record, he has stated to someone that if they were having trouble deciding between himself and Trump, then they weren't black.
On record, he has talked about children running their hands up and down his "hairy legs".
There are photos and videos of him groping and touching children in highly inappropriate places for everyone around him to see.
And yet, you focus on Trump. That tells me you don't care about racism. You don't care about pedophilia. You don't care about homophobia.
That is why you are a clown. And an awful human being. An awful human being, or an incredibly dense idiot. You're so consumed by hatred for Orange Man that you ignore what Biden has done, and plans on doing. Truly, you must view him as a shining example of a good president.
So, clown, you wanna continue supporting a racist, homophobic pedophile? Go right ahead.
I choose the smarter and moral path.

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