• Member Since 16th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Deus Foalt

Part-time foalcon enthusiast. I also enjoy editing stuff sometimes. I appreciate any support you can give me!

Blog Posts

  • 1 week
    Summer Sin Celebration '24

    For the first time I’m actually participating in this time-honored tradition! The tl;dr version for those unaware is “you write a story for someone and someone writes for you”, secret santa style. Kinda like Jinglemas if you’re familiar, but for clop and in the summer! More deets here for those interested.

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    0 comments · 65 views
  • 19 weeks

    Melodrama aside…FIMFetch seems to be purging all traces of foalcon from its site. Stories from the most prolific writers are nowhere to be seen, me included. I did not okay this. Nobody else I know did either. If you want your favorite filly fiddling stories backed up, now would be a good time to look into doing so yourself. The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if FIMFic and Fetch are collaborating to push a secret rules change disallowing that kind of content…the rational part of me knows

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    20 comments · 720 views
  • 40 weeks
    Discovery and Recovery

    Yep, I’m not dead. I could wax on and on poetically about things as my nature demands, and as would be my right (this is MY blog after all)…but I feel like just getting to the point(s).

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    2 comments · 244 views
  • 53 weeks
    Summer Sin Celebration ‘23

    For the first time I’m participating in this time-honored tradition! The tl;dr version for those unaware is “you write a story for someone and someone writes for you”, secret santa style. Kinda like Jinglemas if you’re familiar, but for clop and in the summer! More deets here for those interested.


    Signup deadline is end of June, so be there or be square!

    2 comments · 106 views
  • 57 weeks
    Future of the Foalt

    Greetings, everyone. I wish I came to you with better news. I’ll get the worst out of the way:

    I’m either disabling comments/ratings on all future stories, and/or moving to AO3.

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    7 comments · 408 views

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It's a bit messy, but it's my home. Scroll down for more content, or don't! The world's your oyster. :D

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Comments ( 22 )
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About the Junior Academy

. She'd definitely have to bring this up to Soarin at some point...hell, maybe he could rail one of them for her. She figured it'd be extra hot to watch a filly or colt try and take his substantial extra length and girth compared to Rumble's. But that would have to wait for later. Right now, all that mattered was the pair 69ing in front of her.

Can't say I read anything like it
Sounds like a sequel idea... 😊

Zippi looks like she's just been isekai'd from Stephen Universe, an Zew looks like she just got out the cum bath

I love your current avatar.

Do you take reqests

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Misc. Stuff

Or, "why I don't respond to everything/why I do this weird thing/random other facts".

Why I don't thank people for the fave/bookshelf/etc:
I only have so much time in the day, and I'm aware that it just takes a click to do any of this. That's not to say I don't appreciate those who take the time to make this click; I do, very much so! It's just that if I responded to every favorite or similar, I'd be running all over thanking what is a pedestrian action to some. Favorites mean different things to different people; some have thousands, some have maybe five. Just know that I do appreciate your interaction with my story, even if I don't outright say so.

How long have you been writing?
Roughly 10 years. I first came into the fandom in 2011 under a different name which I will never reveal for obvious reasons. All hobbyist, no formal training. I'm rough around the edges but raring to go.

Why are you called Deus Foalt?
I'll bring this up directly. My name is a pun on the phrase "Deus Vult", meaning "God wills it"; historically used in the crusade era as a rallying chant. I thought "hey, Vult kinda sounds Foal if you stretch it a bit". I was also big into Dark Souls videos at the time, and some meme videos used it as well, so I thought the phrase was innocent. Thus, my name. I solidified it around 2018, as you'll see from my joining date on here.

Turns out some white supremacist assholes took it and warped it to be their rallying cry as recently as 2017 being the furthest back I can pick that up. Let me be clear: FUCK those people. I am not dogwhistling to them, I was completely unaware of their presence of doing this when I made the name. Anyone who believes in race superiority, eugenics, or any of that stuff can kindly keep the fuck away from me at all times, and should they never wish to change those views, may they be given the punch to the face that they deserve one day. I prefer to stay politics-free on this site, as I use pony fiction to help others (and me) escape the world we live in for a time, but I can't be clear enough how disgusted I am by what the phrase came to be. My use of the base wording is a reclamation, NOT an endorsement. Please kindly unfollow me if this somehow disappoints you. To put it in even clearer terms: Nazi punks fuck off.

This will be updated as I do more, think of more stuff to add, and/or get some frequently-asked questions I need to answer and have convenient to copy/paste the answers to.

But until then, welcome to my little worlds! I hope you enjoy both the lewding and cuting (...that's even less of a verb that lewding, isn't it) of fillies and/or colts that I provide!