• Member Since 29th Nov, 2020
  • offline last seen May 30th

Joshua the Dragonslayer

"Love can be a memory that no one can steal but love can also be a pain that no one can heal"


Origins · 3:15am February 17th

Behind every story, there is a writer, and behind every writer, there is a story of their own to be told. Every writer has a story behind picking up the pen, or in this case computer, and starting writing down fictional stories to bring in an audience. I am no different. I too have a story behind why I picked up writing and started writing books and what better way to tell my story of how I became a writer by making a story! The story of my origins of becoming a writer, well... kinda. You see,

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Happy 2024 · 4:44am January 1st

Okay, wow so it's finally that time of year. New Year's Eve. Boy did this year fly past my eyes. I want to wish everyone a safe and happy New Years, may 2024 be a good year for all of us. There's much to be looking forward to in 2024 as I plan on making it my biggest year with tons of chapters and new books to come. I thank everyone who has followed me up to this point of my writing career and I hope you continue to support me as it is greatly appreciated. Again I hope everyone has an amazing

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My Top 5 Favorite and Least Favorite Characters · 5:35am Sep 25th, 2023

Hello everyone, I want to first say that I'm sorry for not posting for a while. I've been busy with school and work so I haven't had the time to post lately. However, I should hopefully be able to have some time sometime this week to post a chapter or two. I don't want to keep you waiting though so I thought why not tell you all about my favorite and least favorite characters in MLP and MLP EG. I want to first say that when I say least favorite I don't mean I hate these characters, I just don't

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I'm Back · 5:39am Jun 15th, 2023

I'm glad to say that now that I've finished editing all of the previous chapters, I can finally start writing more chapters once again. I hope to make chapters that were worth the wait and I thank those who waited! I thank you all for following me and reading my books, it means a lot and I hope that you all continue reading my books. There is much to come and I'm looking forward to the future, so without further ado, I hope you all enjoy the more content that is to come.

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Some Changes · 11:07pm Mar 12th, 2023

Hello everyone, this may come as a surprise to some but I've decided to make some changes. When I first start writing my books I see a vision and take the path the vision takes me. However, sometimes the book I write isn't what I wanted it to be and it doesn't live up to the hype I saw in my vision. So I've decided to go back to my old books and fix them to be how I wanted them to be. Books such as A Dazzling New Life, A Dazzlie In Her Eye, Hidden Love Through The Dusk, and even Dazzling

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Let 2023 Begin! · 8:15am Jan 2nd, 2023

Welcome to 2023, a year where I hope only the best is to come! As mentioned in previous blogs this year is to be a big one, and it's only getting bigger as more news is coming! Stories such as Power Rangers, and Pokémon are coming very soon, but some more book ideas are coming in 2023 as well. So without further ado let me introduce two new books!

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Happy New Years · 7:37am Jan 1st, 2023

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year wherever the heck you live. Get ready people because 2023 is going to be a great year, I can feel it! I love you all so much and hope for next year to be an even better one than this year!


2 Year Anniversary · 7:41am Nov 30th, 2022

It's been two years since I first joined this community, and it's been fantastic. I love writing and will continue writing on this website for as long as possible. I've grown so much as a writer in these past years, I enjoy all the comments and support I receive. I appreciate all of your support by reading, commenting, and even liking my books even though they're not the best. I thank you all for following me and watching my growth, many big projects are coming soon, so things will only get

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Happy Halloween! · 3:08am Nov 1st, 2022

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween, be safe and enjoy the holiday. I also wanted to apologize for the delay in chapters, I've been getting the preparations for the other books however, this weekend I'll be back to posting chapters again. Again I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and I wish you all the best and for you to be safe.

- Joshua The Dragonslayer :)


Top 10 Chapters I've Made · 11:30pm Sep 25th, 2022

Thought I would take a moment to think back to all the chapters I've made so far. There have been a lot of good chapters I've made and a lot of bad chapters I've made. This list will contain the top 10 chapters I've enjoyed writing the most, these chapters I put a lot of effort and love into making them. This list will include chapters from every book so far, one book may have more chapters than another but this is my list. So without wasting another second let's get started.

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