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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

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ObabScribbler's MLP audiobook channel is in danger of deletion: please help her wake up YouTube · 12:28am Apr 12th, 2023

I'm just going to quote all of it.

On 6th April I received a false copyright strike for four of my videos. I followed YouTube's instructions and filed a counter-claim to reinstate monetisation on my channel and get those videos back. YouTube forwarded my counter-claim to the false claimant and, as a result, that person got hold of my IRL personal information. It turns out that person may well be an old stalker of mine. I don't want to say who I think it is because the evidence is circumstantial and I'm not the kind of person who makes accusations I cannot back-up with solid proof. But, regardless of that, the claimant was malicious and YouTube basically doxxed me to them. That claimant is now using my personal information to pretend to be me and launch more false copyright strikes against other channels. YouTube is holding me responsible for their actions, since it's my IRL name and info they're using, and is now threatening to delete my channel for 'abuse of the copyright system' even though it is NOT ME DOING IT. I have spoken to Google Support three times. Each time only bots respond, not real people. I've tried calling Head Office of Google Ireland (the branch of YouTube that deals with UK channels like mine). I've contacted the YouTube Copyright Office via email. And I've @ ed TeamYouTube on Twitter. Every single time I am either ignored or talk to bots that give me pre-programmed responses on how to counter-claim a strike on my channel and then close the conversation, even though that's NOT what's happening to me. And all the while, my channel termination gets closer if I cannot sort this out in time.

So how can you help? Well, YouTube tends to listen best when there is a big, loud stink made about a problem by a lot of people. It's harder to ignore a crowd of voices than it is to ignore the voice of just one creator. If you have Twitter, please @ TeamYouTube to get them to address the problem. If you prefer email, please send one to copyright@youtube.com saying you're concerned about what's happening to me and asking them to look into it, since no-one is responding to me anymore. Basically, get in touch with YouTube however you can, inform them of your concern about what's happening and ask them to fix it. Maybe if we work together and make enough noise, we can save my channel. It's not fair that I've followed all the rules and am still being punished for the actions of someone else stealing my identity.

TL;DR Version:
1. Nasty person submitted false copyright claim against YouTube creator they don't like (me).
2. I had to submit my IRL info for the counter-claim, which YouTube sent to Nasty Person.
3. Nasty Person now using my info to submit false copyright claims against other channels.
4. YouTube threatening to delete my channel for Nasty Person filing too many false claims.
5. I've been given the run around trying to talk to a real person at YouTube and now need your help.

In the meantime, if you like any particular video on my channel, I'd advise you to save yourself a copy, since I cannot guarantee it will still be there by the end of the week if my channel gets terminated from this. Archive what you like and, if you can, please help me to keep it online.

Thank you for your time and be lovely to each other. I still believe in the inherent goodness of most people, no matter what this identity thief is doing to try to shake that belief.

That's it. That's the rallying cry.

If you're able to contact YouTube via her suggested methods and help to raise enough of a fuss to possibly get a human involved, please do so. (Politely.) And feel free to signal boost this. Scribbler's been a foundation stone for the fandom, and... this is when she needs our help.

For those who aren't familiar with her readings, you can find her channel here -- for now. (Her FIMFic page is here.) If you're capable of saving YouTube videos, then... you may want to grab your favorites, while there's still time. Or even grab everything, if you have the capacity. You'll find a few of my stories among her readings, but... the key is to save whatever can be saved. Any and all. Just in case.

ETA: And if you're logged in to YouTube, give her video a Like/upvote. It helps get the algorithm's attention. For the same reason, this is a really good time for new arrivals to subscribe to her channel.

Please help. She's given us so much. This is the time to pay it back.

Report Estee · 1,637 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

Thank you for informing. I'll do what I can.
Edit: just sent my email. I really hope someone does come through and help her out. 🙏

I saw that. I've sent YT a tweet already, but this isn't the first time they've stepped on their cranks with a customer...

...really makes me think that 'Dead Internet Theory' might have some weight after all...

YouTube is the WORST with copyright issues. I could go on an expletive filled rant for hours about how atrocious the system is and how many thousands of people it has screwed over indefinitely.

Seriously, it'll be ten years this December of personally being on YouTube, and it has not gotten any freakin better in that time whatsoever.

Best of luck, and I'm gonna spread the word like hell about this.

Scribbler should make sure she has all her videos saved as files on her own computer (and a few other places), and then, if YT takes them down, she can repost them at a later date and maybe another site.

I sent an email to Youtube. Wish me luck! :twilightblush:

Has she considered switching her vids to being private only? And it sounds like said stalker is working from inside google itself if they were able to get a hold of such sensitive information such as her account information so she should also file an ethics complaint to Google HR. She hasn’t been the only account that’s been struck by these bastards on false copywrite charges.

Learned In Texas
(a strange & violent place)

Judge Roy Bean was The Law West of the Pecos. When asked why he often sentenced horse & cattle thieves more harshly than murderers he replied "Because I've never met a horse that needed stealing.".

Sadly, all too many people today seem to indicate that he didn't get them all.


'Dead Internet Theory,' vs. 'Dead Customer Service Theory?'

Author Interviewer

fuck's sake Youtube

it's things like this that make me wonder if YouTube has ANY actual humans running it AT ALL. :pinkiesick:

I just saw her video on YouTube and came straight here to boost the message (after I sent a message to YouTube). I boosted this along as well. I hope Scribbler knows how much she is appreciated by our community and that this identity thief is dealt with swiftly.

I'm scraping everything in 360p as of current.
My email got an automated response so that probably went into the void, so nothing from me.

360p will take around 70GB of disk space, so best quality will likely be much larger
If someone else wishes to scrape the entire youtube channel:
youtube-dl -f best -ciw --download-archive 'archive_ObabScribbler.txt' --write-description -v https://www.youtube.com/@ScribblerProductions101

I recommend using the yt-dlp fork if you do to get around ratelimits
Technical details: is that 360p (-f 18) contains 96kbps which is the highest audio quality on youtube. However in recent times youtube sometimes offers slightly higher bitrate audio with opus but it's inconsistent and may not always exist, so I'm storing as much as I can consistently. The "best" argument will let youtube-dl decide what to stitch together instead, so a larger frame and sometimes slightly better audio. I don't know if I have enough space for best quality so I'm doing a smaller run which will download faster as well.
For those wondering the bitrates of aac(mm4a) vs opus don't necessarily matter too much at this size but opus is technically better at the size but leans towards human speech optimizations. Though it should have a higher band in general and should be mostly better at 96kbs or higher.

This is the Tweet to blow up if anyone wants to help get YouTube's actual humans attention there.


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