• Member Since 4th Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen May 25th


"Rich parents are your best financial assets." -Sun Tsu, the Art of War.

More Blog Posts10

  • 30 weeks
    An experiment at Nightmare Night.

    give me your opinion of how this story should continue forward.

    weekly(s) release - Keep the current the same. consistency of each chapter release schedule and length over everything else.

    batch release - Release multiple chapters at the same time. Inconsistent and longer updates.

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    12 comments · 377 views
  • 33 weeks
    Review: Night Wing

    Warning: This review is unfinished and will remained as it is.
    I lose my motivation before finishing this review and left it in my private note for months only to decide to published it anyway.

    Spoiler warning: up to chapter Fiery Cycle

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    1 comments · 94 views
  • 39 weeks
    Story Outline of Nightmare Moon in the TARDIS

    I remembered there was something named "the children of Nightmare" mentioned in the time war, and I got an idea for a story about nightmare moon being a survivor of the great time war.

    This is story concept based on that idea.

    The Nightmare was that entity. It ran away from the center of the time war and landed on Equestria.

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    1 comments · 335 views
  • 42 weeks
    Change in the release schedule, and how this story move forward.

    I will be honest with you, most of the chapters you had been reading these past 3 weeks were chapters from my buffer, my backlogs of unreleased chapters that I had written more than a month ago...

    And I haven't been able to write a proper full chapter these past 3 weeks.

    I mean, I did have an idea where I want it to go next, but I didn't know how to implement it properly.

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    2 comments · 242 views
  • 44 weeks
    Story Outline of Nightmare Moon in MCU

    It’s the main plot of Nightmare Moon in Marvel Cinematic Universe ft. The Eminence in Shadow and Yamato

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    3 comments · 232 views

ChatGPT: speculation on AI's impact to the society · 5:25am May 24th, 2023

Blue collar workers were the backbone of the industrial era in the past, but it seems their days are numbered. The rise of automation has swept through factories, leaving human workers in the dust. Take the example of washing machines. These household appliances have become commonplace, replacing the need for manual labor in washing clothes. Gone are the days when we hire workers to scrub and wring out garments by hand. Now, with the push of a button, the machine takes care of it all. This is just one instance where automation has rendered blue collar workers obsolete.

The transition from manual labor to automation in various industries has indeed impacted the role of blue collar workers significantly. Technological advancements have led to the development of machines that can perform tasks more efficiently and cost-effectively than humans. Washing machines, have revolutionized the way we clean our clothes. Similarly, in factories, automation has allowed for faster production rates and increased precision, reducing the need for manual laborers in many assembly line processes. This shift has been driven by the pursuit of efficiency and productivity.

But it doesn't stop at blue collar workers. White collar workers, once thought to be immune to automation, are also feeling the heat. In the pre-computer era, manual calculations were a common occurrence. Human workers spent hours crunching numbers, ensuring accuracy in complex equations. However, with the advent of calculators and advanced computer software, these tasks became a breeze. Now, calculations that would take hours for a person to complete can be done in seconds. The days of manual calculation are long gone, replaced by the efficiency of machines.

The integration of computers and automation in office environments has undeniably transformed the nature of work for white collar employees. Tasks that required repetitive manual effort, such as data entry or schedule management, have been automated to a large extent. Software applications like Google Calendar have made it easier for individuals to manage their schedules, eliminating the need for dedicated personnel to handle these tasks. Furthermore, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have even led to the automation of certain decision-making processes, streamlining operations across various industries.

Human Computer

The rise of AI has taken automation to new heights. It's no longer limited to physical labor or administrative tasks—it has infiltrated creative domains as well. AI algorithms can now compose music, create artwork, and even generate written content. Just imagine, an AI that can convincingly mimic human voices, allowing it to place orders at businesses that don't support order from apps. The unsuspecting shopkeepers can't even tell the difference. Additionally, AI has proven capable of generating innovative movie plots that rival those crafted in Hollywood. It seems that no occupation is safe from the clutches of automation.

The emergence of AI-powered technologies has undoubtedly blurred the lines between human creativity and machine-generated output. From music composition to painting and even writing, AI algorithms have demonstrated an ability to produce works that exhibit impressive qualities. These developments have sparked debates about the future of creativity and the potential implications for various industries. While AI can mimic certain aspects of human expression, the uniqueness and depth of human creativity are still highly valued and cherished.

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At the heart of this automation wave lies capitalism. Companies have a responsibility to their stockholders, and maximizing profits is a key driver. In the long run, employing AI and automation can be significantly cheaper than hiring and maintaining human workers. Machines don't require salaries, healthcare benefits, or time off. Once the initial investment is made, automation can lead to substantial cost savings, contributing to increased profitability. This creates an incentive for companies to embrace automation, further accelerating the displacement of human workers.

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The pursuit of profitability and efficiency has indeed influenced the adoption of automation in various industries. Companies must weigh the costs and benefits of implementing automated systems and technologies. While automation can enhance productivity and reduce expenses, it also raises important questions regarding job displacement and the impact on the workforce. Balancing the benefits of automation with the potential social and economic consequences is a complex challenge that requires careful consideration and planning.

In conclusion, while automation continues to reshape the workforce, the creative arts will always have a place in human society. It is ingrained in our nature to express ourselves through art, music, and literature. While AI algorithms can produce impressive imitations, they lack the depth and genuine human experience that make creative works truly meaningful. However, the future of work remains uncertain. The variables surrounding the balance between automation and human contribution are constantly evolving. As we navigate this new era, it is crucial to find a harmonious coexistence between technology and the human touch. The interplay between automation and human creativity is a topic that raises profound questions about the nature of work and the role of technology in our lives. While automation can streamline certain processes and enhance efficiency, it is essential to recognize and preserve the value of human ingenuity and expression. Finding ways to harness the potential of automation while safeguarding the human element will be crucial in shaping a future where both productivity and the arts can thrive side by side.

This blog post was written by a ChatGPT prompt.

make a opinion piece with style of a blog from mainstream news outlet, present information based on factual evidence yet if the facts is boring, try any ways possible including stirred up emotion from readers. in order to keep up audience's engagement, make it long.

Topic: about automation and human workforce.

started with, blue collar workers were in the past. How blue collar workers being replaced by machine, like washing machine(generate more example), how the factory use automation to reduce amount of human workers.

then talk about the white collar workers, manual laborer in office, about the old days before computer were used, there used to be human doing manual calculation before calculator machine were used, how there were human whose sole job is to manage schedule for other people, now all those jobs are replaced with machine. like google calendar.(generate more example)

then, talk about the rise of ai, how it now able to replace creative works like music, painting and, writing, how google able to make a bot that can order food from busiesses that doesn't support order from app by making the AI impersonate the buyer voice convincing enough that you the shops cannot tell different from actual human. talk about ai generating a plot of movie that is somehow more innovative than hollywood's plot.

then, talk about capitalism, how companies have obligation to stockholders, how they must keep increase profit. the ai in the long run is cheaper than hiring humans.(generate more content)

finally, finished the article by saying that the creative arts will never die because it's human nature to do arts, but the question if it is still variables still remained.

Publishing fanfics on Fimfiction made from ChatGPT or any other language models is a rule violation

Report hmaf43 · 143 views · #ChatGPT #AI #intelligence
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Comment posted by Fest deleted Jul 12th, 2023
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