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Species X notes · 1:35am Oct 19th, 2023

The detailed Q&A guide to the characteristic and biology of Species X, a newly discovered species of ponies:

Ponydrones Q&A:

Q: Does the latex fluid leak out of the drones’ bodies?
A: Well, yeah, it does leak, but it can be quite viscous when exposed to the outside air, so it normally won't spill. The viscosity can be changed as needed, so it depends on usage.

Q: How much can the drones inflate with their air sacs?
A: Varies by pony drone, but normally until nearly a sausage (hot dog) size. In fact, their air sacs are one of the most elastic parts of their body.

Q: If a drone gets splinters of her bulge, how does a drone deal with it?
A: They might absorb the splinters or eject the splinters, or embrace them as tiny poles to make vibrating their bulges easier.

Q: Does any form of communication even go through their ears? Do the latex rubber go inside right through their ear canals/pipes?
A: Yes, it does go through their ears, and yeah, it does. But somehow they still can hear.

Q: So their brains can’t quite process what they said? Is it because all organic life for each drone is 100% rubber, no fur, no life, and no organs?
A: Yeah. They take some time to process or may misunderstand, for example: It’s like when Rainbow Dash said ‘help yourself’ then Scootaloo pleasured herself.

Q: If they still had their minds 100% stable even as 100% drones and weren’t horny, would they feel miserable?
A: No, they would not. They have already forgotten that they were ponies, and just feel normal as ponydrones.

Q: What about the part where Granny Smith snips off part of Applejack’s mohawk, what was the mohawk made out of?
A: a block of black rubber latex

Q: Is the air sack the only organ they have?
A: No

Q: If they have more organs, what organs do you think they’ll still have in their rubber bodies?
A: Latex producer, pleasure receptors, hive mind connector, uhh… I think they had more but I forgot.

Q: What body parts / organs are latex producers, pleasure receptors and hive mind connectors?
A: The following list explains the body parts the drone represents:
Latex producers? Digestive system + bulge.
Pleasure receptors? Bulge, obviously.
Hive mind connectors? Brain.

Q: Since the fic said that the ponies start to feel high eating those yellow apples, exactly how high have they become? Do latex apples have the same effects as marijuana?
A: Relative to pony, about the same effect as marijuana for some. How high? (Refer to the end of the Coldplay song “Hymn for the Weekend”.)

Q: Do you think the ponydrones can get sexual release (a sudden, forceful release of sexual tension. That means that they’d no longer feel anymore horny.) from rubbing their bulges? If not, why?
A: Yes, but only to a certain extent, relative to the amount of latex they produce. They’d still feel horny, but not as much, i.e., in a controllable state.

Q: How much do you think the bulges pulse/throb for the drones?
A: 60 pulses per second

Q: Does that mean that bulge sends shocks of electricity throughout the drones’ bodies, then having them rub them?
A: Yes

Q: I bet that the electric shocks affect their drone organs. What else do the shocks affect their bodies other than make them horny?
A: They may vibrate slightly suddenly, squirm, itch, produce more latex, etc…

Q: When bulges are kicked the second they’re formed on the ponydrone’s body before they’re minds are drained and before they start to become horny, did those kicks hurt as much?
A: Yes, they do, but it also depends if the bulges are rubber or not, for some ponies grow a bulge made of meat and flesh then it only transforms into rubber whereas some other ponies directly grow a rubber bulge.

Q: When the drones breathe carbon dioxide through their valves, do jets/streams of steam come out? If they do, are those streams visible to the naked eye?
A: The valves just breathes gas fumes. The ponydrones ONLY needs carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide to survive. NO oxygen at all.

Q: About those electric shocks, how much volts do you think the lightning/electricity contain? Is it High Voltage?
A: Not high, about like human neurons synapses, but 3 times higher.

Q: Do ponydrones have genders?
A: No, ponydrones don’t have genders, and both male and female ponies will have the same look and appearance as each other when they have turned into ponydrones.

Q: How far can those bulges stretch when Twilight Sparkle pulled them hard and long?
A: Relative to the size of the original bulge, but the length is about the length of their body (not including their tail).

Q: During the part where the bulge got snapped back and the ponydrone released a “Mmmmppphhhh!” Does that mean that it hurt at first?
A: No, just high.

Q: Oh, you mean getting even higher, like they're still on drugs every time their bulges get pulled and snapped back?
A: Yes, that’s it.

Q: Are 100% of their bodies complete rubber? Do they even have bones/skeletons anymore?
A: They are like Baymax from Big Hero 6. With carbon fiber skeleton, etc.

Q: How can the ponydrones still see if they have no pupils behind those visors when you look at them?
A: They still have retinas, so?

Q: I know this was never implied, but what if they would’ve still had fur inside the latex skin?
A: They don’t have fur, their fur has either dropped off, or fused into their skin as rubber. Their skin is essentially smooth latex (Except for the bottom of their hooves of course, which are now ridge-soled black boots). They’re tails are also blocks of black latex.

Q: Imagine if they still try to use the restroom as drones, despite not being able to eat or anything. Like their rubber flanks won’t let them go number two. How would that even feel for the drones?
A: Nothing, they do not need the restroom, and they have no urge to go at all. Though they would regularly need to excrete latex from their bodies or valves, they do that anywhere they want.

Q: When the drones vomit, are there any sounds of gagging/vomiting they make? If not, what sound is there?
A: Yes, a bit, but it sounds more like squeaking. Imagine pressing a rubber ducky, or Wheezy’s sound from Toy Story 2. That’s approximately the sound you’d hear.

Q: If the ponydrones can breathe through those valves, what would be inside the three holes of the valves?
A: Nothing. Even though their muzzles are sealed, there is still a cavity, a hole inside of their mouths, that connects to their air sacs. Their throats will become rubber inside and out.

Q: How much does the bulge swell? Does the bulge grow a little big?
A: Yes, it does.

Q: Where exactly do the eggs go after they eject from the bulges before they flow to the oral cavity?
A: This is not true, this is just a theory by Muffins. No eggs, because they are only asexual.

Q: How big can that bulge swell up to when the drones rub/grind it?
A: It’s periodic, but the maximum is two times its size

Q: What do you think is the bulge’s usual size in lbs or any units of measurement?
A: Relative to ponydrone. Lbs is not a unit of size. Usual diameter of the bulge is the size of one valve opening.

Q: Well then, what is the usual diameter size of a valve on the cheek?
A: Refer to the cover image.

Q: How exactly do I measure the diameter of a valve with the cover image? The image shows only half the valve.
A: If that’s half, then multiply it by two.

Q: What do you think is the radius (half) distance of the valve on the image?
A: ⅛ of the size of the ponies’ head

Q: Do you think the ponydrones feel anything with the amount of air filling up inside their rubber bodies?
A: Yes, actually. They’ll feel a bit light headed, possibly, and a bit more tense.

Q: Can bulges really be cut up, like meat/bread?
A: Uhh yeah? But they’ll regrow, unfortunately. And when you cut, yellow juices flow out non-stop until the bulge is fully recovered.

Q: What do you think is the texture of a piece of the bulge being chopped off?
A: Outside is like the chopped off mohawk of Applejack, but thinner and more elastic, flexible. Inside is the same but coated with goop, and some possibly carbon or metal parts.

Q: What does the drones’ hivemind tell them?
A: Some rules that they have to follow to gain satisfaction and happiness. Those rules include how to act with themselves, how to act with a pony and how to act with another ponydrone. With a pony, they have a responsibility to spread their ponydrone beliefs to the pony. With a ponydrone, they can work together to find another pony to do the thing as aforementioned, or can pleasure themselves. As a basic guideline, they need to pleasure themselves regularly so as to show their loyalty towards the hivemind, and to achieve satisfaction and pleasure.

Q: How do those rules get to the drones’ bodies in general?
A: Those rules are from the hive mind connectors. Refer to questions about electric shocks for how they are sent to their organs.

Q: Do they have any biology of their insides other than the brain, air sacs, digestive system, etc?
A: I think so, but I wouldn’t know.

Q: You did say that the fur would either be fused with the latex or dropped during dronification. What do you mean by the fur dropping?
A: Refer to animals shedding fur.

Q: So you mean the ponies’ fur would fall off/shaved to make room for the rubber?
A: No, not shaved. They fall off naturally. Not make room per se, it's just that their hair follicles are sealed. It’s something like a woman waxing her legs, honestly. The rubber is their skin. There’s not many extra layers. It’s simply just their skin, but perhaps a bit thicker, especially at their hooves.

Q: What about the eyes within those visors? Are those pretty much the only organic part of their bodies that remains?
A: Eyes are not organic either. They just become digital camera image sensors that NEVER closes. Even though the drones can still see, the drones are left UNABLE to move their eyes, and only being able to look around by turning their heads.

Q: What about a step by step process of how their heads became dronified? List to more specific details on what happened to all of their body parts that have become (turned into) during dronification?
A: I don’t want to talk about it, I want to leave this like Cthulhu. In other words, assume nobody knows about ponydrones since nobody ever dissected one. Like, have you imagined what’s inside a unicorn? Try telling me what’s inside a unicorn. I’ll leave it up to your imagination.

Q: So, from what I can gather: Their brains become rubber and send electric shocks down to their bulges. Their lungs become the sacs in their body that inflate them, their digestive system produces latex so it can all spill out, the valves are there to not only breathe, but also vomit latex out, and eyes are basically camera sensors that never snap shut. Is that right?
A: Yeah. They don’t have eyelids anymore.

Q: Before the drones get mindless, does the fact their eyes become camera lenses and they can’t move their eyes even scare the victims?
A: They won’t feel (unless they touch) that it becomes digital camera sensors, but yes, that they can’t move their eyes will be scary.

Q: So when they try to touch or rub their eyes, they’ll just touch glass?
A: Technically a combination of plastic and glass, but yeah.

Q: Technically, what makes the drones rub their bulges nonstop, even after they get sexual release?
A: The rules.

Q: How exactly do the drones walk/trot? I just want to ask because I see that Celestia said that they trot/walk very oddly.
A: Not all drones do that, but because the guards follow some sort of marching, their walking pattern is sort of predictable.

Q: When the ponydrones turns into an inanimate sexdoll, does the bulge still pulse/throb?
A: No.

Q: What does the hole under the tail of a ponydrone/doll represent (what does it do)?
A: It does nothing.

Q: If the hole were to do something, would steam just blow out of it like it’s farting?
A: It does not do anything. Nothing at all. It is to be used. Insert something in it.

Q: If you can look into the mind of the ponydrones with some type of x-ray goggles, what do you think their hiveminds would look like inside their rubber brains?
A: No idea

Q: I know I already asked a question like that, but what does the ponydrone’s insides really look like if you take an x-ray picture of it? You can use the pony anatomy picture on the bottom of this doc for reference. The picture is also on the main story document in the notes/chat section.
A: It kind of looks like a pony but with slightly different bone structure which I will not elaborate on because I have no idea how to.

Q: So, does a drone have any bones at all?
A: No ribcage, no tail bone, no openable jaw, and that’s it.

Q: Does the dock under their tails turn rubber, too?
A: Yes, they do.

Q: How exactly do the ponies go back to normal selves from drone form? What happened to the latex during that?
A: The latex fades away, evaporates.

Q: Will the ponies have any memories of what happened before they became dronified?
A: Yes, but no. They will forget a short duration of memories

Q: How much memory will they forget?
A: Varies, not specific, but maximum 24 hours and minimum 1 hour. Of course, their whole tf is forgotten.

Q: Do ponydrones fly?
A: No.

Q: Even after the ponydrones turned back to their normal pony selves, are their wings really still rubber, even though there’s no rubber on their skin?
A: No.

Q: Will the wings ever be feathery again?
A: Yes

Q: How exactly do the rubber in their insides evaporate and how do they excrete out after they’re cured?
A: By defecating.

Q: I wonder how they felt defecating all that ponydrone rubber from their insides when they were normal again. How exactly did they feel in their emotional feelings when all that rubber came out?
A: they have none, their minds are not yet back completely.

Q: How can ponydrones moan or make a sound if they only have mask valves on their cheeks going through their mouth cavity?
A: They have a muzzle. They have rubber vocal cords.

Q: If the ponydrones can still hear and somepony tells them to stop fondling with their bulges, what makes them not stop?
A: The rules.

Q: You did say that drones would still be horny, but in a controllable state and not as much as before. How could they still remain horny? What did the latex being produced have to do with them still being horny? Can you be more specific?
A: They’re still horny because their mind is still horny. The latex produced? A type of substance that is affected by their horniness.

Q: How much time (minutes or seconds) can a ponydrone last without rubbing its bulge?
A: Relative to ponydrone, on average about an hour.

Q: What does the rubber do in order to turn the ponies’ insides/organs into rubber?
A: I don’t know. Just assume that it does something since it’s not important to know anyway.

Q: Does the rubber enter through the behind, up their buttholes under their docks to turn their insides into rubber or something?
A: Sometimes. In the case of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s TFs, it does. When the ponies eat the latex apples or cakes, then no.

Q: How long (minutes or seconds) could a ponydrone rub its bulge?
A: No limit.

Q: What is the limit that they rub their private area before they stop rubbing for at least an hour?
A: The rubbing maximum has no limit (they'll rub nonstop). The minimum is an hour (an hour without rubbing/touching their bulges).

Humandrone Q&A

Q: What are humandrones?
A: There are two types of humandrones, one that is a conversion of ponydrones from the pony version of Equestria, and another that is merely humans in the human version of Equestria getting turned into a humandrone. Sunset Shimmer is an example of the former.

Q: What differences are there between the two types of humandrones?
A: Not really a lot, but humandrones that are the result of ponydrones getting converted have a black spot at their tailbone.

Q: Do humandrones wear clothes?
A: Yes, and no. In the case of Sunset Shimmer, she was converted from a naked ponydrone, so she became a naked humandrone. If a non-naked human is turned into a humandrone, then the clothes worn will still remain (unless something like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s tf occurs). However, humandrones have a high tendency to take off their clothes to become naked, especially due to their enlarged chest.

Q: Do humandrones have genders?
A: No, just like ponydrones, humandrones don’t have genders, and both male and female humans will have the same look and appearance as each other when they have turned into humandrones. This means that both male and female humans grow two big yellow rubber bulges on their chest regardless of their gender when they turn into humandrones. (Yes, yellow rubber breasts.)

Q: If the humandrones’ noses remain and are sealed, does that mean the latex gets right inside their nostrils and blocks them?
A: If human to humandrone then yes, but the latex then fuses with their nose, meaning that their nose is just a block of latex, like their mohawk, but yellow. If ponydrone to humandrone, no sealing, just a new block of latex on top of their nose.

Q: So they’re still nostrils?
A: Nope, they will just look like a full, solid block. No holes within. In fact, you cannot make out that there were once holes there, if you did not know before. They’re like a solid piece of wood, no holes at all. That’s why they have valves instead.

Q: What is the size of their bulges?
A: About the size of their fist.

Story Q&A

Q: Were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s bulges flesh and meat at first when they grew from their private areas?
A: Yes.

Q: Let me get this straight: How did Mr. and Mrs. Cake get dronified in the first place?
A: I don’t know how, but they did sometime after their appearance in Chapter 8. The babies must've vomited latex onto them while they were sleeping or something.

Q: What were Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle’s reaction (thoughts and emotions) when they saw Starlight and Trixie become ponydrones in their cage?
A: A sort of interest in knowing how it works, yet not daring to find out or examine them closely for fear of getting infected.

Q: You did say that baby Pound Cake and Pumpkin Pie had tiny bulges under their diapers. How tiny/small (size) are their bulges if they didn’t have diapers on?
A: Same as when they have diapers on.

Q: Can you be more specific: what is the size of Pound Cake and Pumpkin Pie’s bulges under their diapers?
A: Usual diameter of the bulge is the size of one valve opening.

Report ShopperBrony90 · 273 views · Story: The Drone Epidemic! ·
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When we'll see the Equestria Girls side of Drone Epidemic?

Comment posted by ShopperBrony90 deleted Nov 29th, 2023
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