• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2017
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Uz Naimat

Aspiring author and artist from Africa. (Patreon!)

More Blog Posts69

  • 6 weeks
    Behind-the-page: Relapse

    Hiya, lovely peeps!

    Welcome to Behind-the-page, the series where I give you background information on my newest release. On today’s spotlight, we have: Relapse!

    So, first story on the year on the tail end of April. Suppose I’m going to be a little slow on stories this year as compared to last year. But no matter.

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  • 15 weeks
    The Absolute Best of Heartstrings - Shelf 1

    Hiya, lovely peeps!

    I love the written word. I love books and fanficiton and blogs; I just love reading in general. When I first picked up reading in 2016, I expected stories to be just that - stories. There’s a plot, characters do this and that, reach climax and end plot. I didn’t know that ‘themes’ and ‘depth’ and ‘feels’ were ever in those stories.

    I’ve never been glad to more wrong.

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  • 16 weeks
    Uz Naimatʼs Art Gallery - Part III

    Hiya, lovely peeps!

    Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Thrice is a pattern.

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  • 18 weeks
    The Full Year - 2023

    Happy New Year, lovely peeps!

    (A month late, but whatever.)

    Six months ago, I made a blog recapping everything I’ve done for the first half of 2023. And since the new year has come, it’s time for the recap of the latter half of the year.

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  • 25 weeks
    The Best of Random - Shelf 1

    Hiya, lovely peeps!

    About a month ago, I closed my first Slice of Life shelf. Today, I closed Best of Random.

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The Best of Comedy - Shelves 1 and 2 · 7:15am Nov 8th, 2023

Hiya, lovely peeps!

Last year, when I remade my library, I mentioned something. I created a new personal rule - none of my shelves shall go beyond 100 stories. You know, for ease of finding the stories I want to re-read.

Last year, I closed Best of Comedy (1). Last week, I closed Best of Comedy (2).

To celebrate, I’m going to share some of my absolute favorites from each shelf. There’ll be five, arranged alphabetically, from each shelf, and I’ll give you a little review/commentary on why I liked ‘em so much.

The Best of Comedy (1)

Come on, everypony, smile, smile, smile!

EDark Intimations
Twilight's friends can tell she's avoiding something. They don't know just what kind of doom she fears is on the horizon.
FanOfMostEverything · 4.3k words  ·  240  8 · 3.5k views

Not a lot can be said about FoME that hasn’t been said already, but I’ll try. Dark Imitations contains just about everything I love in a comedic EqG fic - snarky Sunset, extra-snarky Dash, excellent chemistry between all the Rainbooms and, of course, Twilight needlessly worrying over things no one else ever worries about.

EHow Celestia And Luna Accidentally Saved Equestria
Whilst on vacation, the Princesses Celestia and Luna stumble across Grogar's secret base. Utter bedlam ensues, along with a healthy slice of ridiculousness. Takes place during the events of 'Between Dark And Dawn'.
deadpansnarker · 2.9k words  ·  181  9 · 4.2k views

There’s just something about this fic that always makes me smile. Maybe it’s the sass all the villains have towards one another, maybe it’s the laid-back and relaxed way the sisters are portrayed here or maybe it’s the chance to see the Sisters kick flank for once. Either way, How Celestia And Luna Accidentally Saved Equestria is definitely worth the read.

EMine is Dorkier than Yours
During Equestria's annual royal summit, newly-met Shining Armor and Pharynx discover they have a fair bit in common, including a passion for homeland security, and an extremely dorky little brother/sister.
NavelColt · 5.9k words  ·  746  14 · 21k views

No premise could be more simple than that - Shining and Pharynx and proceed to roast/praise their younger sibling. Highlights include filly Twilight thinking ladybugs are monsters, little Thorax discovering the power of chalk and writing and both older brothers having way too much at the expense of their siblings.

TNightshift 2: Shift Harder
An exhausted sleepwalking all-powerful Alicorn walks into a restaurant...
Jinxed · 4.9k words  ·  191  4 · 2.3k views

An exhausted sleepwalking all-powerful Alicorn walks into a restaurant... and proceeds to tear it to shreds. Nightshift 2: Shift Harder is told from the viewpoint of an OC, the owner of the aforementioned restaurant. And us, the audience, get to watch Twilight absolutely destroy the place, all with closed eyes, a bobbing head and mightily blazing horns.

ESticking Points
"The stars are GONE!" Twilight declares at an emergency faculty meeting at the School of Friendship. Is an apocalyptic-scale disaster impending... or is this a classic case of Twilighting? Starlight's got a guess...
The Hat Man · 1.2k words  ·  123  2 · 2k views

Twilight’s Twilighting always makes for good comedy, and Sticking Points is no different. One day, out of nowhere, the stars disappear from Twilight’s school, sending the headmare into full-blown panic. This one is told from Starlight’s viewpoint and the humor here comes from her ‘I’m so done with this shit’ attitude. Absolute delight.

The Best of Comedy (2)

Come on, everypony, smile, smile, smile! Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine!

ECold Case
When a special birthday cake goes missing, it's up to Private Eye Pinkie Pie to figure out which of her friends is the culprit!
Bachiavellian · 3.1k words  ·  86  1 · 1.3k views

Cold Case deserves so much more love. It’s a fic where Pinkie is written better than the showriters can write her. Told from her first-pony perspective, the story follows Pinkie Pie as she attempts to solve a crime. (Key word being ‘attempt’.) Featuring Pinkie narrating herself out loud, never referring to anypony by name and accusing literally everypony of the crime.

EThe Castle's What!?
Two things you do not expect to learn during a building inspection: 1) that your castle is alive, and 2) that it has attained sapience.
RB_ · 4k words  ·  571  3 · 4.4k views

Alive. The castle is alive. In all seriousness, the fact that RB_ manages to say so much in so little is a testament to their talent. The Castle’s WHAT?! is short, but snappy. The jokes are in quick succession, with the timeline alternating between past and present, and yet, I was never confused about when each scene was happening. It was fascinating seeing our viewpoint character slowly losing his damn mind as the castle keeps messing with him.

TThe Royal Cult
Some ponies revere the Princesses a little too much.
Banjo64 · 13k words  ·  299  3 · 3.2k views

By far the best comedy I’ve read on this site. Every thing about this is pure gold. Banjo64 supposedly wrote it an as April Fool’s farce, but it’s incredible. The comedy is on point, every single joke lands, the characterization is perfect and while very chapter follows the same basic concept, no chapter feels repetitive. I wrote a long comment here, detailing exactly what I liked about it. But seriously, ya’ll, you need to give this story a chance. It’s absolutely worth it.

ETime Immemorial
Starlight accidentally reveals Twilight's coronation surprise. An alternate ending to "Harvesting Memories".
hawthornbunny · 3.5k words  ·  33  2 · 922 views

Few fics can balance total randomness with an actual plot, but Time Immemorial makes it work. Based on the events of “Harvesting Memories”, it explores a simple what-if scenario of AJ being unable to keep a secret. It then goes completely nuts from there, with AJ knocking Twilight unconscious, Starlight using evil magic and Starlight’s future self paying a visit. Don’t ask; go see for yourself.

TWhy Don't We Just Eat the Unicorns?
In the middle of a famine during Nightmare Moon’s reign, Applejack comes up with a modest proposal.
MagicS · 1.6k words  ·  416  4 · 4.3k views

Her ‘modest proposal’ being cannibalism. This fic is exactly what the title says. In an alternate universe where Nightmare Moon won, Equestria is plunged into famine and Applejack proposes that eating a third of the pony population will solve this problem. Half of this fic is AJ’s letter to the Nightmare, complete with an unhealthy dose of praising the moon, and the other half of the fic is Rarity and Dash chewing AJ out for her stupidity.

And that’s it, friends! ‘Best of Comedy (3)’ is currently open and ready to go. Up next, though, we touch upon the highlights of ‘Best of Slice of Life’! Stay tuned!

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