• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
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Nameless Narrator

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  • 1 week
    Chronological order of the Nameless universe.

    I finally had some time and energy to crawl through the stories to make a vague timeline of the stories. To make it really accurate, I'd have to re-read things, which I obviously don't have the eternity to do, but this is roughly accurate. I think you can guess what the color coding means, but if not, Sherlocking it out can be an unfun activity for the whole family to enjoy during the cold winter

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  • 3 weeks
    What next?

    I don't know if I've mentioned this in a comment or not, but I've finished "They're home." The weekly updates will continue until the end, although I'll be messing around with upload times just to show the story on the "Recently updated" front page to people visiting the site at various times. It should be roughly six more chapters. As for major events and depth of feeling, this one is more about

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  • 4 weeks
    Blow struck to the parasites of the gaming industry - publishers

    In the name of truth and liberty!

    I'm proud of PC gamers showing what gaming really is, not just buying proprietary console software and being happy to get a scrap of a good game once in a while. Despite all the automaton sympathizers and bug lovers defending their corporate daddy, we have finally won a battle in the long and losing war of game quality.

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  • 14 weeks
    Does anyone play Darktide?

    Just curious, does anyone here play Darktide? My group kinda dissolved and it's not as fun when playing solo anymore.

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  • 22 weeks
    What started the drone-centric stories

    Nothing interesting this time, just two pictures that sparked my idea about hive drones in general. We haven't reached the chill Chrysalis stage yet, but who knows how things will be by book 12 or something. Anyway, the cover I made for They're Everywhere is based on pic 2, but no matter how I tried making pixelart with the right kind of feel for books 2 and 3, it kinda sucked so I stuck to

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THEY'RE HO- I mean I'm home! · 2:16pm Nov 14th, 2023

So, after two weeks in the hospital and almost a week of pain before that, I'm finally home. There's only one oozing hole left in my neck (over the normal amount), I'll be taking antibiotics for a while still, but unless everything suddenly explodes I'm back in business.

First, thanks everyone for replying to the previous posts. It might not seem like much, but it was a morale boost when everything was going wrong. Same with stories, engagement means much more than a thumbs-up number. I think I replied to everything but sometimes the hospital schedule threw a wrench into my writing of replies on the goddamn phone. This site works on a mobile device, but it sure as fk isn't optimized for it to any degree.

Second, the full story - aka how a goddamn wisdom tooth nearly killed me. I'll try to be brief, so 100k words or less and, in the spirit of things, drones may be included. I had all my wisdom teeth aka I had Wisdom at 18 with a +4 roll bonus. Unfortunately, one was putting pressure on a tooth next to it so a dentist recommended it to get pulled, and eventually to get rid of all of them. So I had the problematic one removed, no complications during the quick bone cut, easy peasy, no antibiotics or anything afterwards. For three days into the weekend, it wasn't getting better, but everyone at work said it'll be a bitch for about a week, and I read the same stuff on the internet. I couldn't really eat solids much, but I had some fruit and instant nutrition food (think something like Soylent or whatever's popular today) Day 4, Sunday, my left side swelled up, I didn't eat at all pretty much, I just drank, but no matter how much water I drank, I was pissing brown, and you can see the kidney failure coming a mile away. So did I, and I grabbed all painkillers and anti-swelling stuff I could find here and started shoveling it into my mouth along with rubbing my neck and face with gels and creams. Monday night, I started choking because the swelling got into the inside of my mouth, so I immediately made an appointment with my dentist, but there was only one different guy available, but a few hours later I went there. Told him everything, he just gave me a small drainage bandage with antibiotics (I have no clue about any medical terminology in English, so don't expect a House MD episode here), and to come the day after for a change. That it SHOULD get better, By that time I'm running a 38C fever, haven't really eaten in 4 days, and pissing the equivalent of coffee. The next day I go for the drainage change, but my usual dentist is there, and she's kinda a little puzzled that I'm not getting better. At first, she just wanted to send me home with general antibiotics (which wouldn't have worked and the kidney failure would have killed me, as I learned later) but later decided to send me to a nearby general hospital (which might have ended in a similar fashion, or led to more complications at least). Finally, after a consultation with the guy who fucked me up in the first place by ignoring the swelling, they sent me to a specialized hospital with dental care, and by sent I mean "wobble using public transport for an hour to get there". Thankfully, when I got there, while the nurse was a complete idiot thinking I could wait despite the report I got with me, the doctor immediately took me in within 15 minutes, checked me, and in less than an hour I was on the operating table under full anesthesia.

However, that's not where the fuckery ends and recovery begins, as one would expect. I spent 2 nights in the ER, choking worse than ever before whenever I was even slightly leaning backwards, but I couldn't stay on my side due to the tubes in my neck draining the puss from all over. So, two nights of choking while on the second night they gave me a sleeping pill, but you know what that means? You just wake up every minute, still choking, oxygen monitor warning beeping constantly because of no damn air, you cough or swallow, pass out and this repeats over and over and over. But wait! There's MORE FUN! On ER day 2, I was supposed to be sent to normal hospital care, and they needed to clear out the rooms quickly, so the nurse gave me antibiotics at double the drip speed, making me sick to my stomach. Thankfully, having eaten nothing but swallowed phlegm for a while now, it wasn't that bad. After that, FINALLY, one doctor noticed that the choking thing maybe shouldn't be happening and found that my salivary gland got infected after the operation and was causing the choking excretions. They made hole number 6 into me, and finally I could sleep and somewhat recover. Fast forward through boredom to now, and I'm home. That's not really a win for me, but at least I have a computer now.
Oh, and because it was the break of a month, I spent my first day in ER doing worksheets from my phone. Corpo fun never ends.

I caught up on some podcasts, watched a lot of Disenchantment despite my original disappointment with the series (season 1 kinda sucks before the last third, but after that it gets absolutely uber wiiiiiiild). I, unfortunately, wasn't in a head space to make notes for They're Home, so I didn't progress with plotting, but there's still some buffer left for the weekly updates.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my whining and, hopefully, the evil puss face swelling infection (medical term btw) won't come back.
EDIT: Oh, and thanks for offering potential monetary assistance, but I've always said one thing - if anything related to these stories ever gets me money, I'll only use it for cover art and something similar. I've got my own stuff covered.

Report Nameless Narrator · 148 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

wow. that is a lot of negligence that made a lot of things go bad. sure, there's probably something that kind of justifies it, but still...
also, the fuck? you didn't go to the hospital when you initially started pissing brown?

anyways, great to see recovery went alright!

I guess with that many holes you now got to be a honorary drone... ?

Complications can always happen, but screw that first doctor who ignored the swelling AND the fact that your kidney was signalling something is rather wrong, and sent you home with a drainage-bandage (even if it had some antibiotic in it).

And yeah, ERs are soul-crushing, and unfortunatly the doctors and nurses in there are chronically overworked (at least where I live) which leads to things being missed :(

I'm really glad you are home again and are getting better; I wish you a speedy recovery!

Almost no one would have thought that removing your tooth can lead to death. All your dentists almost certainly thought so.

I'm glad you only became part changeling rather than losing you. I would consider you and your stories one of the cornerstones of Fimfiction. Your universe is certainly interesting and lengthy.

One day, the time will come. But for now, I wish you good health!

god dam, talk about negligence on everyone's part, I'm glad you made it.


there's probably something that kind of justifies it, but still...

It was a big combination of fuck-ups and thinking the patient is just overreacting in an admittedly bad situation and 1% rarity of complications.

you didn't go to the hospital when you initially started pissing brown?

It was the weekend, I thought I was just not drinking enough, and I was determined to just take it until Monday when I went to the dentist clinic immediately.

I guess with that many holes you now got to be a honorary drone... ?

Not sure if only neck holes count. I can carry stuff fine, at least.

but screw that first doctor who ignored the swelling

Yeeeah, that's probably the only person I'm really pissed at in this whole thing. Everything else was kinda "yeah, it looks bad but we did something so let's wait a bit for results".

ERs are soul-crushing,

That night of constantly choking, waking up, and passing out was nightmarish.

Almost no one would have thought that removing your tooth can lead to death

Rare infections are a bitch. Or at least the rare scale of a common infection as was my case. I met quite a few people in the hospital who had the same problem, only to a much lesser degree.

you only became part changeling

All hail the big shiny!

I would consider you and your stories one of the cornerstones of Fimfiction

The drafty corner that's always wet for no particular reason.

Your universe is certainly interesting and lengthy.

Lengthy is probably the most accurate word to describe my stuff. "Is the writing gripping, vivid, and does it expand the horizons of your imagination?" "Uhhh... no, but there's a lot of it."

I'm glad you made it

I just couldn't bear the thought of the grim, dark world devoid of my bug words.
I wanna thank Jesus (not the carpenter, but the Mexican plumber), the ghost head of Ferrus Mannus, Private Donut, and Bal'Grang the Soul Eater to help me pull through.

Trend is good, keep it up )

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