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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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Make Your Mark - Chapter 6: Roots of All Evill Pt1 (my commentary) · 9:12pm Dec 6th, 2023

Root of all evil? Another Misty episode?

Oh, it's my role model, Opaline. And she made trees use tentacles. I don't understand it, but I approve nonetheless.

"Do not panic. Let's just ignore the problem instead."

All they had to do was put a tennis ball on Opaline's horn. How hard can that be?

Pony racism wins again. Let the dragon hatred commence.

Sunny pulls a whole lantern out of her ass.

"Who else but Opaline would do this?" - Misty?

Blame the crab.

"Show us how the tentacles abused you. Demonstrate every detail."

"For opening a portal you need a key or a lot of magic," says Sunny out of her ass.

"If she was here it means she can come here again." - Great detective work, Zipp.

Hitch has a plan, "Let's protect the evil tree so that it can steal more cutie marks."

"You're all smarter and braver than me," Misty finally contributes something.

Misty continues, "You're all special on the inside, so lift up your tales and let me feel you on the inside."

Izzy saves the day, except, Sunny sabotages her.

Sparky is the one who caused it all. Let's kill Sparky.

Spike has no idea where he's flying to.

It's canon now, being an Alicorn does not make you a Princess; maybe.

"Everypony, to the tentacle tree. Take it for the team!"

They've all been to Opaline's throne room, but they all forgot about the tree, for plot's sake.

Turns out that hanging by the tentacle tree is not safe for work.

"She's not strong enough to break through the protection spell yet," says Misty through her ass.

The blue dragon hates sex dungeons. She's been chained in a dungeon before. I like where this is going.

"Power is magic." Makes sense.

Opaline basically talks to herself since nodragon is listening.

"This is all my fault." Yes, Misty, this is all your fault.

Sunny thinks dragons suck. And she's right, they kind of do.

Misty has PTSD. I wonder what Opaline has been doing to her in the sex dungeon.

Dragons wait to be hypnotized again. I guess they're stupid as well.

Hitch watched enough hentai to know where a tentacle goes.

"Sunny, I can't. I need you to pay attention to me now because I'm an attention whorse and I don't care about Equestria." - Oh, godamit, Misty.

They can all magically sense Hitch, somehow.

"All is yours," says the braindead dragon.

Sunny wants to collect Mane 5's cutie marks, even though they're kind of useless.

Lesson of the day: Tentacles.

Comments ( 2 )

"You're all smarter and braver than me," Misty finally contributes something.

Smart and brave, not smarter or braver. But I guess you chose to ignore that.

5765369 I choose to ignore a great many things.

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