• Member Since 7th Aug, 2013
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Meanest little raccoon with the cutest little boots.

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Operation: Crackfic Storm - 2024 - April 1st Annual Writing Event · 6:38pm March 12th

It's March again, and every year, in the leadup to April 1st, I try to organize an effort to get stupid and insane stories on the front page for April Fools Day: Operation: Crackfic-Storm!.

Previously, I put out such gems as The only fanfic that asks the Question! (or, How Twilight Sparkle learned to stop worrying and love to Vomit), You're Welcome, Internet!, An Even Greater Warrior, and began it's prequel, Zoinks!... This year may be a year of followups for me!

This may also be the last year I run this, so be sure to get yours in if you want to get in on it!

Even if you're not that good at writing, you can still bang out a wacky story and submit it! Every story helps! Who knows? This may be the story that gets you into writing! (just remember that if it's your first story, it has to pass moderator approval, which means it needs to be coherent and may take a full day just to post!)

You can find the rules post in the forum of my fan-group! There's no rules for this, other than that the story has to be wacky, needs to be submitted at the very end of the month (for April 1st), and ought to be submitted to the folder. So go ahead and get writing everypony, do me a favor and repost about this, and feel encouraged to go nuts!

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