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The Bridge: Kaiju Amalgam Universe Timeline · 4:09am Jul 3rd, 2014

This is a timeline created for the crossover story, ''The Bridge'', to help explain what has been up in the world the kaiju hail from. Because the Toho Godzilla franchise has gone through so many continuities across the three eras (Showa, Heisei, and Millennium), I decided for The Bridge to take place in a set, single canon that incorporates elements from all the timelines involved. I used the Heisei series as a base, and carried on from there with the Millennium film's events, the Showa era's characters, and numerous franchises' mythos. I hope you all enjoy it.

Precambrian to Permian Period - Reports from the Shobijin indicate three entities safeguarded the budding life on Terra. Aspects of Land, Sea, and Sky. As life blossomed, eventually evolving into a myriad of forms ranging from microbes to natural kaiju, a catastrophe struck in the Permian period. This was recorded in the fossil record as 'The Great Dying' and resulted in over 95% of life on the planet extinguishing. The cause and resolution is still unknown, but an outcome was the three Aspects were forced to fuse into a single body to halt it. They reforged the rampant radiation and corruption left by some invasion into a stream of energy fueled by life itself, a current of mana flowing through the planet. This 'mana stream' influenced the evolution of various species.

Late Cretaceous - Two young, planet destroying dragons named King Ghidorah and DesGhidorah arrives on Terra in an asteroid impact and begins feasting on the life force of the local lifeforms, causing the C-T Extinction that kills off a majority of the dinosaurs. Before they can finish off the rest of the planet's life, the planet's mana produces two protectors in the form of a prehistoric Mothra and Battra to fend the dragons off. The battle reawakens the then dormant original guardian, whom promptly put an end to the conflict. King Ghidorah is nearly killed and retreats into space, while DesGhidorah is sealed away in the planet's core. The guardian takes Mothra and Battra, as well as the ensuing incarnations that succeeded them, under its wing.

100,000 years before present - The first civilizations arise. Comprised of multiple sentient species, many are now considered mythical and the origin of man's faerie folk and yokai legends; such as the small Shobijin being the origins of the fairy legends. Using a mix of advanced science and magic, they peacefully reign over large portion of the planet; mostly in now sunken landmasses such as Zealandia. For both amusement and biodiversity, they revive many of the ancient beasts long since extinct to place them on isolated reserves. One revived species, a type of theropod dinosaur related to Ceratosaurus, would later be the ancestor of Godzilla. This is how numerous dinosaur based kaiju eventually came to be despite dinosaurs being absent in the fossil record since the Cretaceous.

77,000 years before present - Terra's original and strongest guardian goes rogue and causes another mass extinction event, nearly eradicating all early humans on the planet before it was stopped and sealed away under an unknown island by the last remaining adult Mothra and Battra, the rest of the flocks dying in the effort. As their last act before crumbling away, the first civilization created a series of guardian monsters through a mix of alchemy, magic, and lost scientific understanding to bolster the world's defenses and protect the future. They sealed their creations away in a deep slumber to be reawakened in 100,000 years to safe-guard, should the great evil release itself from its tomb. Five of their known creations are logged in Japanese, Korean, and Filipino legend under certain aspects of the elements and color; Anguirus (fire) [brown], Gamera (water) [blue], Baragon (earth) [red], Raiga (quintessence) [green]; and Yonggary (metal) [purple]. Others include the forest elemental Varan and an unnamed wind elemental based off a pterosaur created by Amaterasu. The Atlanteans attempted to make a Guardian Beast of their own, but their attempt, the Gyaos flocks, backfired when their creations turned on them due to the process being incomplete and cursing the rapidly multiplying gyaos with an unending hunger that drove them insane.

However, because the creation of these beings caused temporary damage to the world's already weakened life force, the mana stream and the source of all magic, it altered the world's weather patterns and helped exaggerate the coming Ice Ages. This damage to the biosphere and loss of magic to a majority of the world enraged Battra, who wiped the civilizations' remnants off the map. He was only stopped short of killing the last humans and fae on the planet by Mothra intervening and fighting him off. Battra was killed and laid to rest in the northern sea, sure to reincarnate again someday. Gravely wounded from the battle, Mothra traveled to one of the last enchanted lands on Terra. Laying her egg on the later dubbed 'Infant Island', she too died from her wounds. The incident of the rogue guardian and then Battra's rampages are recorded in the fossil record as the Toba Catastrophe. In the centuries that followed, magic became extremely scarce across Terra. Mythic creatures like dragon became normal beasts like crocodiles, with most fae gradually becoming human over time with only a rare few being born across the years to keep the old legends alive.

30,000 BC - 1800 A.D. - Occasionally, surviving Godzillasaurus would wander off from their homeland of Lagos island and, guided by currents, ended up at Odo Island for a brief period of time in the fall. Due to this being hurricane season, many natives only got a fleeting look at the beasts they regarded as dragons or sea gods. The dinosaur would be offered sacrifices of fish or human victims, which the predator would find unpalatable and depart soon after. This created the myth the sea dragon "Gojira" had accepted their sacrifice and left them in peace. The myth carried on well into the modern day, even as the species became rarer and rarer. Occasional sightings of a truly gargantuan, ancient alpha predator who survived the Permian extinction only bolsters the myth.

1030 A.D. - Arising from the depths, a sea dragon-like kaiju, an out of control creation by an extinct race, ravages the Ryukyu kingdom on Okinawa island. To save their people, the royals use a mix of mysticism from left over First Civilization manuscripts and engineering to create a giant shisa named King Caesar. Caesar successfully fends off the dragon before sealing himself away until a day he will be needed again. A manuscript detailing the legend of Caesar implies a human, an unnamed royal guardsmen or soldier; sacrificed his life to put his soul into the giant golem. The name of this guard however is lost to history.

1630 A.D. - Archive reports gained from the Mysterians indicate Grand King Ghidorah attacked the Xilian Empire in deep space at this time, causing an end to their era of peace and carving a path of destruction all the way to their homeworld for them and their Nebula M allies who tried to help. Eventually Ghidorah is fended off by a new creation of the empire, but the details of which of what exactly happened were censored by the next Controller in line and the "creation" was sealed within an asteroid prison called Gorath. During the attacks and before Ghidorah was fended off however, an Xilian colony and mining vessel fled the planet. Losing communication and thinking themselves possibly the last of their kind, the several thousand on board set out for a new world away from King Ghidorah. They rechristen themselves "The Mysterians".

1954 - The first known modern kaiju, Godzilla, is created from radioactive fallout from the H-Bomb testings mutating a dinosaur that was living near the Bikini Atoll. The monster blames humanity for its painful irradiation and goes on of the offensive. It emerges and first attacks a rural village on Odo Island before swimming towards Japan. It goes on a revenge fueled rampage, leveling Tokyo and killing thousands. American reporter Steven Martin was present during both events on Odo Island and the attack on Tokyo, being one of the sole survivors of seeing Godzilla up close. He confers with the fiancé of his friend Dr. Serizawa, Emiko Yamane, and she reveals Serizawa had accidentally created a super weapon in secret during his medical research using oxygen. Martin begs Emiko to ask Serizawa to use the device on Godzilla, as it might be their only chance to stop the monster and she reluctantly agrees. Doctor Daisuke Serizawa uses his experimental device, the Oxygen-Destroyer, to kill the monster but decides to take his own life in the process to avoid his invention being used as a weapon ever again and so the creature he can tell is a victim of fate won't die alone. Despite desires to reverse engineer the weapon, the attempt seems faulty given Serizawa burned all of his notes.

1957 - Terra gets first contact when the Mysterians find their way to the world. After a botched first contact, the aliens invades an isolated area in northern Japan. Thinking their homeworld destroyed by Ghidorah and having not enough fuel to go anywhere else, they desperately demand a piece of Terra to live on and try to force the humans out of the region. The aliens and their giant robot Moguera battle the Japanese and US military, but are eventually defeated thanks to an earthquake disabling their underground base and crippling Moguera. It helped most of the Mysterians were not military but random civilians and miners, Moguera even originally being just a mining machine they added a few weapons too out of desperation. The remaining aliens surrender and integrate into society after much time and debate. Eventually much of their technology is reverse engineered and causes an invention boom, giving rise to the eventual maser tanks and Super X hovercraft series. To manage the Mysterians and be on the look out as well as development of new weapons, Crisis Control Intelligence or C.C.I. is formed.

1970s - With time, many of the Mysterians naturalize to Terran nations and completely integrate into society. Some even intermarry with humans, producing hybrid offspring with various traits exceeding both parents. Along with common traits such as slowed aging past 25 and immunity from many diseases, two distinct groups are found. Some such as Ozaki Shinichi have greatly enhanced reflexes and physical prowess. Another hybrid type develop psychic abilities such as telekinesis and telepathy, as is the case with Miki Saegusa.

1983 - A second, more powerful Godzilla arises in the Alaskan seas after being irradiated by a nuclear submarine crash, but goes unnoticed by man for years. Sensing a threat nearby, he approaches Attu island in the midst of a hurricane. The kaiju is soon attacked by and fights three unknown entities near the island. While apparently victorious, Godzilla is low on energy and begins moving southward towards Japan's nuclear power plants to recharge.

1984 - The new Godzilla reveals himself and attacks Japan, seeking nuclear power. The government of Japan scrambles to try and respond to the situation by calling upon all surviving resources and eyewitnesses to Godzilla's first attack in 1954, believing the individuals to be one in the same. In the meantime Godzilla heightens Cold War tensions when he attacks a Soviet submarine and the Soviets blame the Americans until Japan reveals the culprit. The American and Soviet governments try to use Godzilla as an excuse to flex their military power and demand to use nuclear weapons, but Japan blocks the usage of nuclear devices on their soil. Relenting but still wishing to help, some of the American government summon any other assets they might be able to field and among them is a surviving eyewitness. Steven Martin is called out of retirement, now an old man haunted by the burning of Tokyo he witnessed 30 years ago. He's flown to Japan and reunites with an aged Emiko, were the two old friends calmly reminisce while quietly hoping they can help avoid history repeating itself. Using Martin's observations and notes from Odo Island, of which the older islanders told tales of how "Gojira" could be attracted by certain wind blowing through rock gullies at high speed to create certain noises, Japanese Professor Hayashida develops a plan to try and lure Godzilla away using high-frequency noises.

Having access to plasma weaponry and an advance assault plane called the Super X, reverse engineered from the Mysterian technology, the military manages to briefly knock the weakened monster out. However the chaos of the event nearly causes World War 3 when an illegal Soviet nuclear missile satellite accidentally fires at the creature. The USA manages to shoot the missile down, but the fallout is absorbed by Godzilla. He revives and is supercharged, destroying the Super X and much of Tokyo. Lacking options and the Super X being destroyed, the Japanese government instead uses Hayashida's new sound device to Godzilla into a trap where he is sealed inside a volcano. Many psychic hybrid children however, begin to have nightmares that Godzilla will return within a few years. Due to the attack, the UN forms G-Force as a kaiju response unit should Godzilla or another monster emerge. They work with C.C.I. but it is begrudgingly at best as C.C.I. becomes more and more corrupt.

1989 - A genetically engineered rose has its cells spliced with Godzilla's, creating a plant-like kaiju called Biollante. Complicating matters is reports by Miki that the rose contained the spirit of a deceased scientist, who is in agony at he situation. At the same time, an explosion at a volcano by a terrorist plot ends with Godzilla being released from the magma. Godzilla seeks out Biollante after sensing a creature like himself, but Biollante goes on the attack to keep him from the humans. Godzilla defeats and seemingly burns Biollante to ashes, but looks on mournfully at the prospect with a lonely expression. After an extended plan is conducted to try and weaken Godzilla with anti-nuclear bacteria, Biollante is revealed to have survived and mutated into a more powerful form, She arrives on scene to hold Godzilla off and let the plan work. Godzilla fights Biollante to a draw and both survive. Biollante turns into spores and settles in the atmosphere as Godzilla retreats to the ocean.

1991 - Visitors from the future arrive and claim that in their timeline, Godzilla returned in 1991 and destroyed Japan. Using their time machine, several people travel back to the Pacific War era and see the dinosaur that will one day become the 1980's monster. Wrongly thinking the 1984 and 1954 beasts were one and the same, they move the dinosaur to the Bering Sea to avoid it being hit by the H-Bomb in a bid to keep the events of 1954 and thirty years later from happening. Their theory however turns out to be wrong and history can't be changed, incidentally putting the dinosaur in the future path of the submarine crash that created him in the first place. This reveals to the world that the Godzilla that appeared in the 1980s was the second of its kind, the son of the 1950s individual.

The future travelers however reveal their story was false, and that they only attempted to remove Godzilla from the equation because one confesses "One day he'll be your greatest defense". Thinking they had indeed erased Godzilla from history due to him vanishing from undersea radar, the future travelers go about their plan to cripple Japan and unleash their monster upon it. The beast is a three headed, golden dragon based off a creature logged in their history as 'King Ghidorah'. Godzilla reveals himself to be unharmed, able to camouflage from trackers, and fights the monster. He is victorious, but assumes humanity had turned the beast upon him and goes on a rampage across Japan. This is halted by the artificial Ghidorah being rebuilt in the future and sent back in time as a cyborg, Mecha-Ghidorah. In the battle Godzilla is carried far out to sea and goes into a coma, but Mecha-Ghidorah is damaged beyond repair

1992 - A meteor impact reawakens both Godzilla and two ancient guardian creatures. The guardian of the Biosphere, Battra with his fairy priestess Belvera; and the Guardian of Mortals, Mothra with her twin priestesses Moll and Lora. At the same time, a dark presence possesses Godzilla and drives him into attacking the pair in a blood lust despite having no quarrel with them. Initially the two guardians themselves are rivals, with Battra and Godzilla going after both each other and Mothra, as the latter tried to keep the humans out of harms way. In the end though, Mothra and Battra set aside their differences to drive Godzilla away, with Belvera joining her sisters in an enchantment song to empower their guardians. It is successful, but Battra is killed in the effort. Mothra preforms a sealing magic on Godzilla to free him of his possession and the dinosaur permanently leaves her alone, not having any personal grudge against the guardian. Belvera assumes the plan was done to get rid of Godzilla and purposefully kill Battra, leaving and swearing revenge. Mothra leaves Terra for space for a time to stop an oncoming asteroid from impacting the planet in the near future

Deep in space, Godzilla‘s cells (having been stuck on Mothra‘s claws from the fight) drift into a microscopic black hole. They fuse with a crystalline being and become a creature first called SpaceGodzilla, later dubbed Xenilla. Knowing of his origin, Xenilla begins flying towards Terra for unknown reasons.

1993- The UN uses salvaged parts of Mecha-Ghidorah to have C.C.I make a Anti-Kaiju machine called Mechagodzilla with G-Force to pilot it. At the same time, a large egg is found alongside a mutant Pteranodon dubbed Radon. The egg is taken to a research institute in Kyoto where it hatches into a baby of the same species as Godzilla.

The man-sized youngster is soon found to be incredibly gentle, playful, and placid. The critter quickly befriending the local psychic children and sees his biologist caretaker, Azusa Gojo, as his mother. Azusa herself grows very attached to the youngster, having been the first thing the baby saw upon hatching, but is stressed due to constantly having to ward off research endeavors by her less scrupulous colleagues who want to exploit the dinosaur. This plays on her mind even more with worry the baby would be exploited as it begins to become clear it's sapient. However it's discovered that his species has a homing ability that allows others of his kind to find each other over long distance. The older Godzilla uses this ability to home in on the institute with the intent of taking the baby with him, while at the same time Radon is trying to do the same thing.

However, both are attacked by Mechagodzilla, who's pilots are trying to defend the city the baby was housed in. Radon sacrifices itself to power up Godzilla, who destroys the machine. Knowing why Godzilla arrived and aware she couldn't protect the infant dinosaur much longer, Azusa exchanges a tearful goodbye with the baby before urging Miki to tell Godzilla to leave and take the infant with him. Miki does so and Godzilla actually seems to understand and the baby joins his new adoptive father. The two dinosaurs swim out to see and leave the city damaged, but intact. Afterwards the baby is officially renamed 'Godzilla Junior' and the adult 'Godzilla Senior'.

1994 - Godzilla Senior and now a 30 meter tall toddler aged Junior are found living on an isolated, radioactive isle named Birth Island. While Senior is still hostile towards humans, his temper had mellowed due to his adoptive son being so kind to them. Xenilla arrives on the landmass and imprisons Junior in a crystal barrier, not harming the being he sees as his little brother, but working to goad Godzilla Senior into fighting him. Miki reveals the Shobijin told her Xenilla specifically came to Terra to kill Godzilla, but doesn't care about what gets in his way. Xenilla sets up a crystal fortress in a nearby city, driving the humans out. However before he can prepare for Senior's arrival, G-Force sends in their first homegrown mecha. Built and upgraded from the remains of Mechagodzilla and based off the Mysterian's machine, M.O.G.U.E.R.A manages to prove to be a formidable foe for the space monster. After the mecha stalls Xenilla for several hours, Godzilla Senior catches up and the two forces team up to defeat Xenilla. In the battle however, M.O.G.U.E.R.A. suffers tremendous damage after gravely wounding Xenilla, effectively put out of commission for years. Before he can be killed however, Xenilla retreats back into space under the cover of a massive explosion. Thought dead, he then spends several years on the far side of the moon to heal.

G-Force Commander Aso grants C.C.I. more and more freedom for research, seeing the surge of monsters as a threat to humanity's dominion of Terra. Unknown to any, especially kept secret given Biollante and Xenilla were both spawned by Godzilla cells; C.C.I acquires G-cells of its own and begins large scale testing at their Tokyo headquarters with no oversight by the UN or G-Force.

1995 - Mass nuclear fallout from their uranium rich island exploding further mutates both of it's inhabitants. Senior enters a crazed, supercharged, nuclear meltdown stage and Junior is rapidly aged to his teenage years. This is a problem, as Senior's body can't contain his greatly increasing energy, and will soon destroy itself; possibly take the entire world with him in a massive explosion. At the same time, Professor Kensaki Ijuin invents a new substance called "Micro-Oxygen" but it is feared by some he might have accidentally rediscovered Dr. Serizawa's Oxygen Destroyer. This proves prophetic in the worst way possible when a life form mutated from the Oxygen-Destroyer is further enhanced when it absorbed the Micro-Oxygen.

Becoming a monster dubbed Destroyah, the microbes combine into a single entity who lashes out at everything around her. Junior senses trouble and is informed of the situation by some psychics. Wanting to protect the humans, he rushes in and attacks the growing Destroyah.

Though he's badly wounded, the teenager stalls the monster long enough for the evacuation to succeed and actually wins the fight; blasting the adolescent Destroyah into a power plant. Godzilla Senior arrives, knowing he's dying and intending to spend his last few hours with his son, but Destroyah emerges from the plant in her final form. Junior is seemingly killed by her and an enraged but dying Senior viciously mauls Destroyah. Destroyah barely survives the fight in the form of a single, dormant microbial form.

Senior's body breaks down because of the meltdown and he perishes. While the explosion is contained with military intervention, the radiation spreads out and surely seems to be about to envelop the planet. In a stroke of fate or luck however, the radiation from his father's death however is absorbed by Junior's body. Junior revives, further aging and powering up into a fully grown young adult, the new Godzilla. Having gone through a change that caused immense stress on his body, Junior goes into a deep rest at the bottom of the ocean to recover.

1996 - Mothra successfully averted the asteroid and returns to earth, laying her egg on the mystically hidden, Infant Island. Battra's priestess, the fairy Balvera, returns after wandering the earth without purpose. Wanting to end it and get revenge on what she saw as betrayal, she breaks an ancient seal exposed by human development and the ancient dragon, DesGhidorah, is reawakened. Mothra and her newly hatched larvae, Lea, try to fight the monster, but the daughter is nearly killed and Mothra is mortally wounded. Carrying her baby out to sea to save it, Mothra gives her and the late Battra's energy to the little one and urges her to return to the island, before dying of her wounds. The young Mothra Lea cocoons herself on Infant island to draw in more power from the mythic land, emerging as an incredibly powerful adult. She battles, defeats, and halts the threat of the death dragon.

1997- Mothra Lea fights a sea monster named Dagahra as the long lost Mu island chain emerges from the sea. After getting a power up from the mana charged island, including a high speed aquatic transformation, she's able to seemingly kill him, but Dagahra managed to escape before sealing himself away. The underwater battle however reawakened Godzilla Junior, and the monster prince is all grown up.

1998 - A creature at first mistaken for Godzilla and later dubbed 'Zilla' attacks New York City before it's brought down by jets. It's single surviving egg hatches into a friendlier, but much stronger offspring, Zilla junior, whom befriends humanity after being raised under their watch. He along with the H.E.A.T. team have numerous adventures around the world battling everything from Mutations to a dormant alien ship.

Back in Asia, the demonic dragon from old, the true Grand King Ghidorah returns and begins to cause mass devastation to feed off of the death and fear. In a maniacal streak, he creates a dome of dark energy and teleports thousands of children into it to feed off their life force. Mothra Lea and Godzilla Junior both rise up to confront the threat and after bumping into each other with a short scuffle, correctly sensing that Ghidorah is their common enemy. The two fight him together, successfully driving him away after a grueling battle; saving the children at the cost of Mothra absorbing a massive amount of mana into her to wound Ghidorah. The Guardian Moth is harmed in the blowback. Mothra returns to Infant Island to heal as Godzilla chooses the largest of the Mu islands, Solgell, as his new home with the agreement he'd keep an eye on the world as Lea tended to herself and the mana stream.

1999 - Godzilla Junior pursues a reawakened UFO belonging to the Millennian race across Japan as the military fires upon him to keep him away after wanting to make first contact with what they thought as a peaceful race. The Millennian UFO back-stabs the humans, unleashing a massive EMP that renders the military powerless; dog-fighting and downing the Super X3. Out of options, Commander Aso receives a call by Azusa Gojo. Godzilla Junior had not stopped chasing the UFO but was having a hard time getting to it as he was unwilling to trample the military blockade surrounding the city. She tells Aso need not trust her word, but he does need to trust her son's. Commander Aso reluctantly tells all units keeping Godzilla out and firing upon him to pull back, saying quote-

"Point him in the right direction and then get the hell out of his way."

It works and Junior ignores G-Force to engage the UFO and its mutated pilot, the alien monster Orga. After a ferocious battle, Godzilla is victorious. However before he can finish Orga off, the monster's main body parts are teleported away by the UFO's remaining escape pod for parts unknown. Humanity is still unsure if Junior is the gentle giant towards them he was in his youth, given his ferocity in battle and the fact he's far exceeded his father in power. Still the acting head of G-Force, Commander Aso, decides that in the reveal of the Millennian, a race not even the Mysterians were aware of, the biggest threat to humanity is no longer Godzilla. He was further shamed upon discovering the G-Cells the UFO accessed to make Orga were being illegally housed in a C.C.I. facility without his notice, meaning the oversight he granted the group caused the catastrophe. He thusly dismantles C.C.I and renames G-Force into the Global Defense Force or GDF and retires after naming Stacker Pentecost his successor.

2000 - A tested Black Hole weapon called Dimension Tide is built, but a test fire causes a Dragonfly-like monster called Megaguirus to enter the world through the black hole. She begins to form her hive in a nearby city, nearly destroying as the GDF works to contain her. The Dimension Tide prototype was greatly damaged after failing to hit Megaguirus and deemed irreparable for the next decade. Fortunately, Godzilla Junior comes to humanity's aid and battles Megaguirus, killing her but accidentally not noticing her hidden egg. A new Megaguirus hatches a a long time later, but retreats to parts unknown

Months later an ancient kaiju awakens from his slumber at the ocean bottom. An alpha predator of other radioactive kaiju, it chases "Zilla Junior" and the H.E.A.T. team. Seeking backup, Zilla directs himself to Solgell Island where Godzilla Junior arrives on scene to try and figure out what is going on. Having met prior, Zilla and Junior face the ocean as a titanic beast emerges. It closely resembles a Godzilla, but has darker colored dorsal plates and hailed from the Permian period, meaning it wasn't a dinosaur. Dubbed 'Gojira' (the 'Legendary'), the titan noted its role as a balance to the ecosystems was sorely needed in the modern day but thought to test the two younger kaiju to see if they were up to the task. Godzilla and Zilla managed to fight Gojira off, but the ancient peacefully decided to return to his slumber knowing Terra was in capable hands.

2001- Spirits of those killed by the Japanese in WW2 resurrect and greatly empower the 1954 Godzilla. The monster goes on a vengeful rampage of devastation in Japan. The First Civilization prophecy is put into motion and three ancient monsters are revived one by one to defend the world. The first monster, the earth guardian Baragon, engages the 'GhostGodzilla' at a railway to buy time for fleeing citizens to escape. The smaller kaiju barely escapes with his life, but manages to summon the remaining two, more powerful guardians before going into a coma. The water guardian Gamera engages GhostGodzilla at a bay and the fire guardian, Anguirus, awakens prematurely to help him. The two were barely holding their ground when the modern Godzilla, Junior, senses something is wrong and arrives some time later. Quickly figuring the situation out, he attacks the spectral kaiju and helps tip the scales in the guardian's favor. Individually any of the three would have been killed by the haunted monstrosity, but by fighting together the resurrected abomination is destroyed. Anguirus joins Godzilla on Solgell, while Gamera flies off to an unknown land.

2002 - Several ancient, Bat-like Kaiju, the 'Gyaos' awaken on a remote island. Malfunctioning First Civilization creations, they were meant to function as protectors and devourers of pollution but are driven rabid by an unending hunger due to a faulty design and consume everything in sight, leading them to begin to attack coastal towns. Gamera arrives, killing two of them before fighting the largest and strongest in downtown Osaka. The turtle wins, but more gyaos eggs lay scattered across the world, forcing him to go on a globetrotting crusade to stop the oncoming swarms before they become too large or powerful. Amongst those who hatch is an albino Gyaos who's far stronger and faster than others of her kind, as well as the only one of the flock who's sentient like a normal kaiju. Dubbed 'Hyper Gyaos', she and Gamera would battle several times, but after a duel in late 2006; she kept a low profile.

2004 - Numerous groups had been hard at work trying to reverse engineer the Oxygen Destroyer, despite Professor Ijuin following in Serizawa's footsteps and destroying his notes and going into witness protection. Both the GDF and a terrorist cell made of C.C.I defectors, the Red Bamboo, come close. However on the cusp of managing to remake Micro-Oxygen, history repeats itself. Numerous juvenile Destroyah burst into existence within a Red Bamboo lab, having spread across it in microbial form via the ventilation system. They spread, propagate, and combine into a restored final form. Destroyah lives again and utterly destroyed the island she was revived on. At the same time, the closed off GDF facility trying to do the same thing also comes under attack by a returned Xenilla. How Xenilla knew to attack that specific GDF base is left unknown. It is assumed the process of trying to make Micro-Oxygen somehow either drew the fragment of the original Destroyah in in a bid to restore itself, or the process entirely recreated it with the original joining in after. Either way, all attempts to remake the weapon were abandoned as the Serizawa legacy, Destroyah, roamed the earth again because of it.

One very sobering observation as noticed afterwards though. One month later, Xenilla and Destroyah were seen flying together in the same direction, right next to one another.

2005 - A pterosaur-like kaiju, the last of the First Civilization Guardian Beast creations, arises from its entombment on the same island where Godzilla Junior's egg was found on in 1993. Due to it's close resemblance to the late Radon, it's given the similar name of Rodan. Despite some fears of a brawl ensuing when it arrived on the Mu Islands, the young kaiju quickly befriends and joins Godzilla and Anguirus on the island chain after an initial misunderstanding (misunderstanding being an hour long melee with the group trying to get a hold of the high speed teenager). Because Anguirus and some of his successors awakened early, numerous other kaiju of similar origin begin to spring up from all over the world, such as Yonggary from South Korea, Raiga from the Philippines, Baragon revived from his coma in Russia; and Varan from Australia. Many of the more placid kaiju come to see Godzilla and Mothra as their leaders and corral themselves on the Mu island chain, which comes to be known as 'The Monster Islands'.

2007 - War Day. A conglomerate of alien races, the Vortakk, Xiliens, Millennium, Simians, and Nebulans all attack earth at once, using both their powerful war machines such as their copied MechaGodzilla and their extraterrestrial kaiju such as a captured King Ghidorah, Hedorah, Orga, Gigan, Megalon, and the previously unknown creature called Monster X. Terra's nations rally together and fight the invaders, with variable success. Desperate, the Terran forces launch a massive assault on the alien's central control ship, with all hell breaking loose outside. But the aliens began to gain ground after they released all their monsters upon the invading armies.

The final battle is saved however, when numerous native kaiju come charging into the war zone to attack the invaders. Gamera, Mothra, King Caesar, Godzilla, Anguirus, Rodan, Gomora, Raiga, Gorosaurus, Manda, Yonggary, Baragon, Varan; and numerous other titans all attack the alien forces at once and overwhelm them. The simian's copy Mechagodzilla is destroyed along with a vast majority of the invading fleet, and the remaining alien kaiju are quickly retreating, barely alive, with the fleeing ships. Godzilla leads the similarly harmed terran kaiju back to the Mu islands to recover. The conflict is dubbed 'Final War'.

2010 - A portal to another dimension is opened between Terra and an alien realm, the Anteverse. Alien conquerors on the other side of the portal send numerous, genetically engineered kaiju through the rift to ravage cities as giant attack dogs, with the goal of humanity's extermination so they can scour the planet for resources.

The first attempted attack was by a kaiju named Trespasser, resulted in San Fransisco being ravaged for several hours before fate took another turn. Azusa Gojo, having retired to America was in the city at the time, stayed behind to help the evacuation. When Trespasser noticed a fleeing ambulance, the now retired biologist bravely drew its attention to herself in her car to lead it into chasing her. Something else knew she was there and if it already was protective of the humans, he'd never tolerate his mother being threatened.

Just before Trespasser could crush Azusa after wrecking her car, Godzilla Junior burst out of San Francisco bay and flew into a rage. The berserk kaiju grabbed Trespasser by the neck and dragged it back into the harbor before viciously mauling it. The fight, if it could be called such, ended when the monster king wrenched the alien's jaws open, despite being clawed repeatedly in the face; and firing a nuclear beam down its throat to kill it. The world woke up to news broadcasts the next day, showing Godzilla standing over Trespasser's burned and barely recognizable body; looking down at a middle aged biologist as she stood on the remains of the Golden Gate Bridge. Azusa Gojo still saw the same infant she cared for 17 years earlier, and calmed the kaiju down. Knowing his mother was going to be alright, Godzilla swam back out to sea. The attack was latter referred to as 'K-Day'
"You're grown up so much, little one..."
-Dr. Azusa Gojo

2011 - The invaders' incursions however only grew in time. The key factor in slowing the attacks was due to the Mu islands being close to the portal. The terran Kaiju being highly territorial and knowing a threat when they saw it; frequently attacked the Anteverse creations as soon as they surfaced. The GDF also bolsters its production now that it has a moment to catch its breath. Seeing no end to the giant monsters and getting their hands on more alien technology to reverse engineer from Final Wars, Mecha engineering has a Renaissance. New Mechas such as Kiryu and the Jaegars are built to protect the Pacific rim, along with the rebuilt G-Force Mechagodzilla and M.O.G.U.E.R.A.

2012 - On a stormy day the GDF recorded something on the deep sea cameras bordering the Anteverse portal that they almost considered humorous. Godzilla was swimming through the area and happened to find the portal just as an Anteverse kaiju named Multavore was emerging. Not hesitating for a moment, he fired a fully charge nuclear beam and fried Multavore, killing her instantly. Because of her position of being halfway through the portal, the beam continued to go through her and struck the kaiju production factory behind the portal in the Anteverse, causing a chain reaction that made most of it explode. The portal was not closed, but all Anteverse production as severely slowed down.

Late 2013 - A few dozen kaiju exist across the planet, forming their own factions. For their role in stopping the aliens, the kaiju following Godzilla and Mothra are dubbed 'Terra Defenders'. More malign kaiju come under a loose alliance under Xenilla, dubbed 'Mutations' due to the origin of a majority of their ranks. The alien kaiju are assigned under their own faction. The factions have battled it out for years without a clear victor... until Xenilla launched an invasion on the Mu islands in the dead of night...

Late 2013, later that night - The Bridge was reopened...


Name: Terra Defenders
Leader: Co-lead, Godzilla Jr. and Mothra Lea
-King Caesar
-Zilla jr.
-(numerous other Terran kaiju such as Gorosaurus and Orka are not a part of the faction, but live in the Mu isle and will aid the group)

Name: Mutations
Leader: Xenilla
-Obsidius (placid most of the time)
-Gyaos Horde (sometimes)
-Embirah (at times, typically controlled by the Red Bamboo terrorist cell)

Name: I.S.C. (I.ntersteller S.entient C.onfederation)
* - [comprised of Vortakk, Xilian, Nebulans, Leviathans, Millennium, Simians, and Kilaak]
Leader: Grand King Ghidorah, but only when mind controlled or when he feels like it
-Monster X
-Mechagodzilla (Simian version)

Name: G.D.F. (G.lobal D.efense F.orce)
* - [Evolution of the UN and G-Force, run by Humans, Hybrids, and Mysterians]
Leader: Kiryu
-Mechagodzilla (G-Force)
-Gypsy Danger
-Striker Eureka
-Cherno Alpha
-Crimson Typhoon
-Jet Jaguar
-(Numerous other jaegars allied with group, but mostly owned by maker countries)

Comments ( 131 )

Neat timeline very interesting :twistnerd::yay::pinkiehappy:

Great Timeline

It has pacific rim, nice

I really love the timeline it ties in a lot universes together really well, just bravo

Like the timeline, really helps explain things

Awesome now we get to see how the different series mesh and what's changed. I already guessed it wasn't quite the same as the normal godzilla timeline and it's cool to know what ended up going on in that world. I especially like the new take on Final Wars. Sounds a lot more menacing with three alien races attacking and with a battle between earth's kaiju and alien kaiju instead of Godzilla just slaughtering everything.

Sounds cool! I should soon red "The Bridge"! ^^

Dear Tar

Was Gaira's brother Sanda created as well? And what about Kyriu, to my understanding he flew himself to the bottom of the ocean where he shut himself off. But Idk.

Yours Truly, The Cake Devil.


Sanda (and by proxy the late Frankenstein) does indeed exist, he's just a placid creature and isn't active in any of the kaiju conflicts.

As for Kiryu, note how the current Godzilla in this timeline is a gentle giant towards humans, different from the rampaging behemoth the Kiryu-Saga Godzilla was; and this shakes up the Millennium age timeline quite a bit. Thus, the two never fought and the events of GxMG and Tokyo SOS more or less didn't happen. And because he and Jr never fought, the genetic memory inside of Kiryu never reawakened to cause either its rampage or it going to the bottom of the sea like at the end of Tokyo SOS.

So in a nutshell, Kiryu is still active and in good condition because he and Godzilla never fought

Dear Tarbo.

In regards to Sanda, not to step on any toes or anything but I'd find that hard to believe(In this world of giant monsters turning into ponies).With all due respect, If anything I'd expect Sanda to be fighting in the front lines to put a stop to his carnivorous brother, after all , he did die doing just that. But then again I'm speaking of the original material and in this universe it's possible the two may not even know the other exists (I hate when I answer my own questions).

As for Kyriu, recalling back to Gidzilla v.s MechaGodzilla, I shall take your word on this, I could argue further on the subject, I shall leave it as is, only because you have gained my true and hones favor and admiration over the past few days.

On another note, in reguards to the "Zilla" more specifically Zilla Jr., did he survive in your version of the future war? Although I refuse to take his mother/father seriously, I was slightly found of it's spawn (pluse I did find the over grown lizard to be some form of "cute").

Sincerly Yours, The Cake Devil.

P.S. Please for the love of god let me know if I'm getting bothersome with my poking any prying.


Recall Sanda only came out of hiding when he thought Gaira was being killed. He did go berserk when he found Gaira was eating people, but he and Gaira still haven't met yet in this universe and given Sanda's reclusive nature it's quite possible he's still living in the deep mountains. If anyone in their came under threat he, being the protective and noble soul he is, certainly would intervene with all he could. Now with a good chunk of the Terran Defender's leadership gone, the brown gargantua just might need to step up to the plate.

Oh yes certainly, Zilla jr. is alive and in good health. In the wake of the Dimension Tide incident in the beginning of the story, Gamera was forced to take up Godzilla's place as leader of the group with Zilla jr. as his second-in-command

P.S.: Nah you're good, I love being asked questions

Dear Tarbo.

Ahh thank goodness, as I said before, he may not be everyones favorite Kaiju but I love that little lizard none the less. My hate for Gammera on the other hand stems from the uncertainty of the future Death Battle on Screwattack, in all honesty I have nothing against the rocket propelled reptile.

I'm still waiting for your explanation on the MUTO, when did our Precambrian friend hatch, is it only him, or his his mate still dormant or dead?

Sincerely yours, The Cake Devil.

In this universe, the 1950s, 1970, mid 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s were the major Kaiju hotspots.

What happened in the 1960s ?


The 60s happened, that's what.

2574905 So basically everything was normal, with no kaiju, alien, or anyother supernatural activity.


If you're talking about the flying machine that fused with Mechagodzilla, than I'd presume it be rebuilt in some form or another. I just didn't mention it in the timeline to abbreviate and in the roster because I was only including mechs (similar reason the Super X 1,2, and 3 weren't listed)

Omg you have pretty much combined everything together.


yup, because why not? :rainbowlaugh:

I know this is pretty much impossible but what if they used Senior's bones to make Kiryu, instead of 1954's. I know it probably wouldn't happen but it would be awesome. Also junior and Senior could have a father and son moment.

Why is Gamera on there twice?


Because I wrote this while sleep deprived


2704522 I know your pain, bro. -_-

I spy the new entry~ And the Earth's first 'Mighty Dragon'...Which is held by Godzilla and now Junior

Comment posted by TheLolzKnight deleted Jan 27th, 2015

...... And this has any baring on story how?


Um... well this is a bit rude... 'Super Jaegars'? Iron-Man Syndrome? What are you even talking about?

Comment posted by TheLolzKnight deleted Jan 27th, 2015


iiiiiiiii'm just confused.... I have no idea how you brought Mass Effect into this or what you are on about with this stuff about syndromes based on Tony Stark or amped up Jaegars.

If you are talking about Godzilla taking out many other kaiju, it's less that he's OP (as there are kaiju stronger than him, even if he is incredibly powerful) and more that the various Godzillas were the only active kaiju at the time to fight said threats.

What exactly are you trying to tell me?

Comment posted by TheLolzKnight deleted Jan 27th, 2015

....what just happened? :rainbowhuh:

Did K-Day actually happen in the movies? If so, which one, CAUSE I WANNA SEE THAT BRIDGE SCENE!!


Sadly no, K-day was unique to Pacific Rim which is not in continuity with Godzilla. Since I fused as many kaiju franchises together as possible, the idea of Junior fighting Trespasser was a cool idea.

3008158 .....so there was no teary goodbye on the bridge? "My, how much you've grown...."? If not, then boo you for making me want that scene!:fluttershysad::twilightangry2:


I'm sorrrryy :raritydespair:
Blame Toho for not continuing Junior's story past 1995.
If it remedies it any, I have a plan for a possible flashback showing the scene

I really have to wonder dude…

How would you fit Keizer Ghidorah/Monster X II into your timeline, or story, whichever?

I ask because, under some merits, that bad boy is Godzilla's most powerful and dangerous foe to date, having overpowered Godzilla easily after transforming, and had actually drained most of the Kaiju's legendary power. It was only because of Ozaki charging Godzilla's strength with his own that the tables drastically turned to Godzilla's favor, then, well anyone who watched Godzilla: Final Wars know what happened to that behemoth…

If you didn't come up with one, here's how I would do it;

Monster X, after biding its time and carefully predicting the right moments to do so, stole massive amounts of energy of all kinds and cleverly hid that energy into its stores, saving it to grow into its next stage of evolution. To further increase its power, (that put it on par with Godzilla), it sought the seemingly endless destructive power of King Ghidorah, and stole DNA from Ghidorah, and bonded Ghidorah's DNA with its own, then it left for outer space, to absorb the kinetic energy of a black hole, a supernova, or hypernova (those really exist) to make the bond permanent.

As it absorbed more and more energy, Monster X knew it was time to face Godzilla once more, to activate the mutation, he needed to store enough energy to equal a trigger of a nuclear war head, and absorb just a little of Godzilla's energy. Let's say by some miracle, it worked out perfectly, and Monster X's transformation was quite painful to it, and then it became a more terrifying, bigger, knock off of Ghidorah, and had proven to be more powerful than any other monster, then dubbed itself, 'Keizer Ghidorah', to mock King Ghidorah that it surpassed the gold space dragon, and to try and intimidate Godzilla and his allies as Monster X, kills King Ghidorah and seems to have the strength to overpower Godzilla, multiple times over…

The rest would be up to you…

It is a solid timeline, for a solid story, consider me tipping my hats to you, and yet another person to follow your story…
I expect great things from you in the future, and so far, it doesn't disappoint…


While this is all quite good, I actually do have my own origin for both Monster X and Kaizer Ghidorah, as the latter has made his appearance in chapters 21 and 22. While we haven't seen his grand reveal at full power for two very big reasons that are a plot point, Kaizer at 100% is so bloodthristy and so powerful it's no longer like fighting another kaiju, it be fighting a genuine monster. If you need an idea and I had to put a guesstimate, Kaizer Ghidorah is at least 3x stronger than X in terms of brute force and energy output, and X is roughly equal to Godzilla Junior and Xenilla (who are both stronger than their father) in terms of capability.

While his, and thus X's, exact origins haven't been shown (but 'Time and Isolation', a blog story does heavily imply some things), as that will be a plot point; both of the two forms were 'born' at the same time approximately 350 years ago near the Xilian homeworld. In essence, the two exist as alternate forms and halves to the same being, like Dr. Jerkyll and Mr. Hyde or lycanthropy. Monster X is the 'base form' with a very clearly defined, 'Noble Demon' personality. Kaizer Ghidorah is a berserk, more powerful but also much more malign form.

I don't want to spoil much, especially to someone who's given me such flattering compliments; but what chapter are you on?

3024427 Ok…Thanks for clearing that up…
As for what chapter…I just started…maybe chapter 2 or 3…

I have seen this story floating around on the Internet, had an interest in it, but never had the motive…

Then, a friend of mind told me to check it out, he said it was really good, and that clenched it for me, my interest has been peeked, and now, I am reading your story.

If it is possible, in one of my stories involving dinosaurs, I practically gave the ancient race of animals something that I don't think had been done before, a mystical side to animals that were the mascots of science. I made dinosaurs have a sort of mystical origin, like how in many fantasies and in some bibles, almost every animal had some sort of tie with magic, what I gave dinosaurs;
the power to kill evil demons from hell, and a strong resistance to magic.
Considering Godzilla and several other kaiju are dinosaurs at one point, don't you think it would be interesting that they would hold some sort of sixth sense and can tell if something was tied with a demon of hell by some sort?

I am a huge fanatic when it comes to dinosaurs, and because of that, I was a fan of Godzilla before I even knew who he was, so I am also a G-Fan, among other things…
It kind of bothered me that dinosaurs seemed to have no place in the realms of magic and other mystical crap. So I gave them something to have roots in magic and fantasy as well, and in my imagining of the multiverse, it was the dinosaurs that were indirectly responcible for the creation of kaiju, that God created the dinosaurs to fight hell's demons, but the devil created the kaiju in response, it worked too well as they became a menace throughout the plains of creation, where both heaven and hell worked together to destroy most of the kaiju.

The most powerful, far too difficult to destroy, were sealed in pocket dimensions that act like prisons, where it was easy to get in, but unbearably difficult to get out. And it was these nameless kaiju that were responcible for the origin and creation of every single kaiju in every single kaiju film ever released. I'd put the Big G as actually one of god's creations, to serve to protect all lifeforms, but…
Because of humans, you know what eventually happened…

That is how I view kaiju, in the grand scheme of things;
Were the response to dinosaurs being created…
Are virtually immune to any and all kinds of magic…
Easy to create, near impossible to destroy…
Can be given an objective when created, and will stick to that one objective…
Weakest can overpower multiple armies, strongest cause genocide on a galactic scale…
To demonize dinosaurs to religious people, some kaiju resemble dinosaurs…
And are strong enough to overpower 'gods' and 'god-like' beings, save a few…

What do you think? I'll catch up to the most recent chapter as soon as I can, and I am loving this story…

Great explanation of the time line keep up the good work!:pinkiehappy:

That was some amazing story :0

I'm kinda curious as to what Biollante has been up to since the fight with Godzilla Sr. Has she ever returned from her spore form? Which side would she choose? I would think that she'd be fairly supportive of humanity, but she might be too antagonistic towards Junior, sins of the father and all that.

Desghidorah? I've never heard of him! And the Godzilla we know is the second one? I thought there was only Godzilla and Godzilla Jr. (the actual junior. Not that abomination 'chibi' thing).

Edit: Read through. Ah...There we three...


He's from the 'Rebirth of Mothra' trilogy, being in the first movie. Since I merged that timeline with the Heisei Godzilla series, he ended up in this world as well.

And yep, there are three 'Godzilla' in this world's history. The 1954 creature (deceased in 1954, then in 2001, revived as Kiryu), the 1984 beast also called 'Senior' (deceased 1995); and the third one who hatched in 1993, also called 'Junior'. The Legendary Pictures' species did exist in the distant past (Permian Era) but isn't related to the other three, only resembling someone like Junior by chance.

3108108 Mmmm...What's the name of the Godzilla movie where 1954 is revived? I recall watching a movie where that Godzilla was mutated by more modern nuclear power than that of the old sub due to time mishaps.


The movie where the 1954 creature was revived was (oh boy..)
"Godzilla - Mothra - King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack"

As for the submarine, that was 1991's "Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah". And the 'modern weapons' part was used to explain why Senior grew from 80 meters to 100 meters tall.

3108229 Good grief. Can the name get any longer? Thanks for spending three hours of your time writing that. I already found a streaming of it. (If I like it after the streaming, I buy it. Otherwise, no).

I also noticed how you implemented the 'God'Zilla (The creator said it deserved the nameing 'god') from the cartoon in his list. I thought I was the only one who knew that cartoon. (I love it, too. I even still have the Gameboy Color game of it).

And one hundred meters? Godzilla is still puny compared to my Hecatonchires-Class Nyum-Bunet. Yes. I looked at all the Godzilla monsters I could because I wanted to make a monster taller than all of them. It even has the strength to boot.:pinkiecrazy: And also yes. I created a class that's above even the titan class.:pinkiehappy:

Have you ever thought of making your own monsters?

3108229 Wait...I just realized something. What about Jet Jaguar? What's his story? I thought he was also in the Godzilla 'verse.

3108398 I know Gamera isn't, yet he is mentioned in this lore. If so, why not include Zonefighter and Ultraman as well?

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