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GATE, Mente Materia characters, and upcoming plans for Mente Materia · 1:02am Jul 10th, 2015

Last things first! It's less than a month until Bronycon! Woo! I'm planning on wrapping up my current Mente Materia story arc during the convention, or hopefully before it! My next chapter is about 75% done and I'm hoping to have it published by Monday! After that, only two more chapters (one and a half, really) before this chapter arc is finished. Then I'll get to announce something exciting!

On to other things!

As some of you might be aware, the new season for anime started up over the past week! It's always fun to discover new shows when they just come out, and with a few notable exceptions, I go out of my way to avoid hunting on the internet for these shows. I just fire up Crunchyroll or Funimation and see if anything looks interesting. Last Friday, I did just that, and I discovered a real gem.


As some of you may be aware, I kinda have a -thing- for crossovers, and the anime titled GATE calls to that preference in me. The premise starts out rather simply: A magical portal to another world opens that links our world to a fantasy world, much like another recent anime called Outbreak Company. Unlike Outbreak Company, first contact with the travellers from the other side of the gate is not peaceful. Demihumans pour through the gate to murder the civilians in the city, and behind them come human legions (Roman styled, which is something I don't see very often!) and dragon riders to assist in taking the city. It's a massacre as the monsters and soldiers behind them attack the civilian population. It isn't long, however, before the JSDF is scrambled. Attack helicopters, APCs and hundreds of soldiers launch a counter attack and massacre the otherworldly invaders.

Much like the crossover fanfiction Finishing the Fight, which puts the Master Chief and a few other Halo characters in the Forgotten Realms setting (I was initially skeptical but it turned out great so far!), there is an obvious clash of cultures between the modern Japanese and the Empire on the other side of the gate, not to mention the technology difference between the two sides. I'll admit to reading a bit ahead in the manga (the anime has only 1 episode out so far), so I know of one example that really highlights this.

After an earthquake strikes the capital of the Empire for the first time, the JSDF's envoy (along with a handful of guards) are drafted by the Empire's envoy to try and explain what just happened. The hope of both envoys is that if they can introduce thimselves as a calm and collected people in the face of such mayhem and provide reassurance to the Emperor, then they're one step closer to peace and prosperity. They were making good progress on that good impression, when the crown prince storms into the chamber. He's dragging a half-dozen female slaves behind him, and all show signs of violence and neglect. The crown prince yells that they need to flee because Noriko says that more earthquakes will follow the first.

Who's Noriko? She's a civilian that the Empire grabbed and enslaved shortly before their botched invasion of Earth.

This sparks off a conflict that results in over half of the crown prince's guards being gunned down or bayonetted, and the crown prince is nearly beaten to death by one of the JSDF soldiers. The JSDF envoy gives the Emperor the diplomatic equivalent of 'GO F--- YOURSELF' before storming out with the rescued Noriko under his care. Less than 24 hours later, an airstrike was authorized that leveled the Senate building in the heart of the capital.

The Emperor, and the Empire's envoy are stunned. "Why," they asked, "would they throw out all our progress towards peace for a single slave?"

That's one thing I love about a good crossover: the clash of values and culture as much as any clash of arms.

-------(END GATE SPOILERS!)-------

Anywho, why the long-winded digression about something that is non-pony related? After reading the manga, I've really come to like the art style and character designs. Two of the characters in particular matched my mental image for two of my Mente Materia characters almost perfectly.

This is 2nd LT Yanagida from Gate, and despite this picture, he's actually a pretty good guy. He's also a shoe-in for Vide in my mind's eye. The glasses, the slick hair, and that look he has in that portrait. He's not above doing cruel things to get what's necessary to complete his mission.

This is Sugawara, the envoy employed by the JSDF to negotiate peace with the Empire. He's also a near perfect match for Matt Harris in my mind. No-nonsense most of the time, with laser-like focus on his objectives. Plus, as the most recent volume shows us, he can facepalm like a champ!

I know that some folks had shared their own personal mental images of the characters I portrayed. One person had brought up similarities between Matt Harris and Matt Horner (from SC2), while another shared that their mental image of Bradford was reminiscent of Hackett from Mass Effect.

I'll admit, I'm curious, who do you think of when reading about my characters? I want to know!

Report Arad · 1,419 views · Story: Mente Materia · #Gate #Mente Materia #Conventions
Comments ( 30 )

Edits: Fixed my spoiler blocks for the GATE section.

Honestly, I never read or watch anime or manga. It just never caught my eye. But this looks fascinating, I think I might just try it out...

Matt's approach, I tend to think of Garrus from Mass effect in a way. He has his war face, and he has his downtime face. They are two distinct, but equal parts of the whole. Or perhaps Iron Bull from Da:I. He's very much down to earth, honest, and practical.

Our resident jokester, nothing strikes me in tandem, not really. Maybe Varric from Da:2 or Da:I. He tends to be a kind of humorous fellow, and sorta snarky too, always toeing the line.

Bradford, I can see why you say hackket.

Vahlen, I can see the pre-friended Mordin Solus to the post friended one, as the story goes on. The cold analytical mind, to the warmer moments that happen with a little digging.

As for the resident engineering chief, I cant think of any good game or animation grandfather styles outside Iroh, who was more a retired soldier than chen was.

Mente Materia story arc wrapping up.

Oh, Snap, Crackle and Pop! We're getting close to something big. Is it the end of the story or just a really big reveal? Are we about to see Solaria's return in all her monstrous glory? Combat Ethereals assaulting Canterlot? Damn it, Monday needs to hurry up and get here (never thought I'd say that).

As for the new anime season, I can't say I'm all that excited. Maybe it's because most of the big selling points of mainstream anime (hyper-moe girls and overwhelming fanservice) don't appeal to me. So much of it feels designed by committees to achieve the highest viewer approval possible with very little creative soul behind it. Thank God for studios like Shaft and Trigger that not only dare to be different, but know how to create something that can engage audiences on more than one intellectual level.

Still, Gate sounds interesting enough to give a look. That is, assuming my backlog of other series and ongoing Long War campaign doesn't side-track me.

As for the original characters of Mente Materia, I have a few images and voices I keep coming back to while reading.

For Lana, I imagine her sounding like the #1 American female voice pack in XCOM. She's played by Kimberly Brooks, who also voiced Ashley Williams throughout the Mass Effect series. She has a unique tomboyish sound to her voice. Some find it annoying, but I think it fits with the tough but comedic roles she tends to play.

For Matt, I imagine him with the military standard haircut and XCOM's #3 American male voice pack. I don't know what V.A. that is, but it's the no-nonsense attitude in his voice that reflects Matt's professional soldier demeanor.

For Vide, though, I've got a very clear picture. Think Luke Valentine from Hellsing Ultimate with shorter hair.


Just look at this smug face. It's just begging to be bashed in with an elerium-laced crowbar. And, given what happened to him during his battle with Alucard... well, let's just say I hope Vide shares Mr. Valentine's fate.

Lana reminds me of Rena from 'When They Cry' who can be adorable kind hearted funny and terribly understated intelligence, but once she loses it the cards are down and the game ends.
Its a loose resemblance but i can kinda see it.

Chen reminds me of Cid form Final Fantasy 6 a Scientist for the Empire , who *censored* ______ ______ __________ ___________ _ _____ _____ , sad really. He was a kind caring man a intelligent man and made things he though ultimately evil or corrupted, he hated it but did what he at the time thought was for the best of humanity, which seems to match Chen's personality pretty well.

these two are just reminding me vaguely of these characters they jsut seem ot have a rather matching personality.

Time to respond!


I understand completely, it is a bit of an acquired taste for me. Not for everyone!


Considering I really like Garrus as a character, I like this comparison! Though there's one thing that separates them. For almost every exposure we've had for Garrus, he's been subordinate to Shepard. Also, given the nature of Spectre assignments, he was a lot less formal than Matt is. Though, now that I think about it, ME1 Garrus might be a good comparison. Gave up their first careers due to politicking, and excelled in what they did afterward.

As for Lana (I'm assuming you mean Lana), I don't think there's an analog that really qualifies. Do you know anyone who can string together about ten puns on the same subject for the sake of black humor? :P

Regarding the canon characters, I suppose my own views a a little skewed since I just think of their ingame depictions, and I ask "why are they like this?" Everything else grew from there.


SPOILERS! Everyone dies! Eventually...

Also, I understand completely regarding hyper-moe girls and fanservice. That's actually one of my qualifiers for watching an anime: If there's gratuitous fanservice in the first episode, I spend my time elsewhere. I suppose another (completely different genre) recommendation I could make is Wagnaria! (yes there's the exclamation point in the title), which is like Office Space except in a family restaurant environment. The one episode that I would have expected to HAVE fanservice, didn't. So much love for that show.

As for the characters, some spot on characterizations there, though Vide isn't -quite- that full of himself.

Just FYI you do know that Finishing the Fight the fight has been done for years now right? Over on spacebattles.com. He's just really slow at editing it on Fanfiction.net.
Also have been reading Gate, new chapter just came out the other day.

I was sold the moment you compared it to Finishing the Fight.

https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/aratechs-finishing-the-fight-now-uninterrupted.159198/ for those interested.

3224651 Here you go, and All the party banter interactions. Listen to the varric ones, and he's got wit and snarky picking.

Hehe, I loved the premise of the manga when i first read about it and turned out quite nice. But the manga have political correctness (much less when compared to the original version as it was stated) which gave me some cringe-worthy moments. Overall it's a good story and have a nice plot.

And seeing the first episode of the anime got me hyped. They revised a few things but kept its military x fantasy theme intact (and developed more on it) while cleaning up a few political stuff. Hyped for the next episode.

Well, GATE looks intresting, may be worth to chek out at least, though I might wait a little bit, until a few more episodes are available. I really hate it if I get hooked up, just to be left with a cliffhanger. Yes, I am aware that you do that often in Mente Materia and part of me hates you every time you do it, but not nearly enough to stop reading the story :derpytongue2:

On regards of Characters.
Well, Lana always sort of reminded me of Saber from the Fate franchise (take your pick between this and this picture, both sort of fit in my opinion). Powerfull, determined and even though she cares deeply for others, she is plagued by deep regrets about her past. Only thing Saber lacks is the joking and sarcastic attitude of Lana.
Matt is difficult to pin down, whenever he put's on his armor I just see the Master Chief ... with magic. Somehow like this here
Fujukawa would, in my head, look like Glinda Good Witch from RWBY and I don't have any idea why.
Finally there is Beowulf. I really like him, even though he doesn't get that much screen time. He has this sort of tragic feeling to him. A soldier, who was either broken and simply grasped his last chance of survival, becoming more machine than men or one that sacrificed everything short of his life to be able to defeat those who threaten what he holds dear. For his character and maybe his human face/look I would go for Collossus from the X-men, he is a nice but physically very powerful guy. It's difficult to imagine his looks though, especially since the X-COM MECs already paint a clear image of his suit. Though I imagine the MECs in Mente Materia more advanced, since some of Twilight's technology is involved in their construction, so they would be faster, more nimble, less bulky and a whole lot more power, Gundam Wing easily comes to mind, like this beauty here Yes, four fucking gatlings with six barrels each. "Do you think today is your lucky day alien scum?" Anyway, I would love to read more about him, especially now that the enemy might deploy "toys" :raritywink:

There are a whole lot more characters which I love, most prominent example might be Firecracker, but I can't really imagine other characters that they might look alike. :twilightblush:

Hmm... I don't think I ever pictured your OCs as some other character from somewhere. Your descriptions were always good enough to paint a quite detailed picture. Even though you don't go into their physical appearance much, the little you do describe is enough to create the image when combined with the detailed character traits.
So... original characters with original images for me :)

GATE is nice stuff. Though there are some major triggers in this though if folk are sensitive.
There is some pretty dark stuff in it.

Yeah, almost exactly what I had in mind for Vide-- a non-asian "Japanese Salaryman" sort-of-face.

I had a vague idea of Matt, but nothing really concrete. I think I imagined him with a slightly less tall face at one point, but that's about it.

Lana: raven-haired and ripped EQG Pinkie Pie.

Vic: Spike Spiegel if he was modern US Airforce instead of a Space Cowboy in the future, and the matching changes to attire and hair--- but equally skilled a pilot. Empathize the panic Spike had with the leftovers as Vic's worries about being hunted by aliens, then the Council, then the Equestrians: that once he gets his nerve set he's pretty in control of himself. Plus, Spike's last scene matches up too well with how Vic got caught up in all this:
You're gonna carry that weight.

3224668 3224754

Didn't know about Finishing the Fight being done on SB, I'll have to look into that. And I did read the most recent Gate chapter! The facepalming Sugawara picture was actually taken from that. >_>


Listening to that now...


Watching episode 2 now!


I should probably mention that, yeah. The manga is -very- graphic at times. Whenever Rory Mercury shows up, there's something like a 50% chance of someone getting dismembered by an axe. Plus, when I mentioned the slaves above? It was shown earlier that the crown prince is a rapist, and he forced himself on at least one of them earlier in the story. The manga is extremely NSFW.


I suppose that's a really good way to characterize Vide: An upper-middle management drone with the writ to slash and burn anything he sees, and he likes it.

RE: Pinkie Pie. XD There is a female soldier in Gate that also really struck me as being akin to Lana (short and a hand-to-hand expert), but she's a wee bit too well endowed in certain areas. >_>

And Spike Spiegel comparison? I like that too!

... You're gonna be at Bronycon? Fuck. Yes. You're coming to the Writer's Dinner, then, I assume?


I had heard about it, so barring disaster, I'm planning on going!


Excellent~ We can BS and talk XCOM and Heroes vis a vis pony!

3224993 I really look forward to when Human toybox meets minotaur one. A mythic clash of the ages.

3226833 I hope you have a good chuckle with that, the party banter is just so well written for Dragon Age.

3226833 In fact, there's a SUPER-ecchi anime I saw once, called MØUSE (ooh, a youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6JT6Q5f7Z-pULAKdJPApzI9GFuqDW8fo ) about a super-thief (born to a line of super-thieves) and his super-sexy assistants.
Not exactly a spoiler, but: eventually, the Japanese government gets a little pissed at him, so they send almost EXACTLY Vide: a Salaryman, who, now that I think of it, straight-up has Meld-like strength and reflexes. The only difference I can recall: again, Japanese, and The Salaryman actually takes a day off and casually hangs out with Mouse at a noodle hut for an episode.

Fer example, this scene (even if you can't understand Japanese or the Spanish subtitles, I think it's easy to get the gist: https://youtu.be/NvCgnqb4Y9U?list=PL6JT6Q5f7Z-pULAKdJPApzI9GFuqDW8fo&t=621

To emphasize: you'd buy/download that series for the tits. Then he shows up and SHIT GETS REAL.

3226833 Well Sugawara is dealing with a very very smart girl here. He got pawned if this is a chess game. And checking the new up now.

I don't recall if i actually recommended Finishing the Fight to you or not. I probably did, all things considered, and am glad you also liked it.

Thank you for the Anime Recommendation. It is excessively rare to find Fantasy Tech crossovers.


Fantasy/Tech crossovers are a bit rare, aren't they? The only other one I can think of is Outbreak Company, but that one was extremely hampered by what was brought up earlier: A seemingly formulaic combination of moe/fanservice and a nigh-unbelievable plot excuse.

I always thought of Christopher Meloni when I read Bradford...

3229064 I recommend Dresden Files.
Modern fantasy. While wizards have techbane fields, it is only treated as itself, rather than an excuse to avoid magic and tech interaction. Non-human magic users have no field, and some are known to wield machine guns.
Also, dresden himself carry's a revolver, and works with the police.

The tech vs magic interaction rules are used in several books as a plot point.

Oh, hey, found this:

In fact, I'm sure Finch already has 'thissssss' in his collection:
https://e621.net/post/index/1/viper_%28x-com%29 (warning: not safe for work.... or humanity)

Thank you for pointing out this gem. I've been looking for new anime to watch.

Not really sold on the anime yet, especially when random Gothic Lolita, avatar of a war god(dess)? shows up, who has a literal battle lust. I'll keep an eye on it, but it really feels like JAPAN VERY STRONK to me for now.

As for reading manga, I recommend MangaHere, as one of the features is the Tsukkomi comment system, which can turn even terrible manga / manhwa / manhua into comedies. It's not perfect, as the comments are sometimes placed obtrusively, but the ones who have mastered positioning and the reference game can make it very entertaining.

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