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60 questions about Coal · 7:22am Jan 26th, 2016

This one might be a little more obscure, Coal appears at the end of the Time Keeper of Ponyville but is talked about in earlier chapters. She is Foxy Stripes and Barricade's daughter.

(And I just realized I should have made these kind of clarification texts in the other four blogs :facehoof:)

I'm going to be editing the other four with such texts, I'll also add short descriptions before the questions start.

Anyway on to Coal

Type: Unicorn
Coat: Blackish (Think Tunderlane)
Mane/Tail: Silver Gray
Cutiemark: Gold heart
Magic: Blue

1: What's your OCs favorite color?

Coal likes all kind of colors but green and blue stand out.

2: Where does your OC work?

Coal is still in school, being only a little filly.

3: What's your OCs favorite food?

Hayburgers and hayfries.

4: Does your OC prefer paper or plastic?

She really doesn't care, as long as she gets her allowance.

5: How old is your OC?

At the end of the Time Keeper, she is about 8-9 years old.

6: Does your OC have any supernatural powers?

She does not have any.

7: Is your OC in a relationship?

She is not, mostly due to her age.

8: What are some of your OCs strengths?

Optimistic, compassionate (as she is still a child, she is still developing)

9: What are some of your OCs weaknesses?

Can be a little bit lazy and untidy, naive at times, forgetful

10: What is your OCs favorite outfit?

She loves all kinds of dresses, especially ones meant to copy royal outfits. Mom is not so amused by that, granma spoils her with clothes.

11: What is your OCs spirit animal?

She does not have one, though she would definitely claim frogs.

12: Is your OC sexually active?

Due to her age, thankfully not.

13: What is your OCs earliest memory?

Finding out that despite being a morning person, Uncle Private does not like being woken up at 3 AM by a little filly jumping up and down on his bed with him still in it.

14: Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind?

She does not and even if they existed her mother would probably not allow her to get one until she was much older.

15: What makes your OC angry?

It's difficult to really make Coal angry, but anything that upsets her mom, especially when dad is being a jerk can come really close.

16: When is your OCs favorite time of year?

Winter much like mom, it comes with free building material in form of snow.

17: How long can your OC hold their breath?

She's never tried but she would probably manage few seconds before being distracted by something.

18: What kind of underwear does your OC wear?

Nothing as she is just a pony.

19: Does your OC prefer plaid or polka dots?

She likes the polka dotted bonnet her grandma Mirage gave her once. So polka dots.

20: What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza?

Plain cheese pizza, the cheesier the better.

21: Who is your OCs best friend?

She has several school friends that Author is at the moment too lazy to come up with names for, so for simplicity's sake will name her half sisters Dinky Do and Tootsie Flute.

22: Has your OC ever killed someone?

No, thankfully not.

23: Whats your OCs biggest secret?

She's met her dad in the past more often than her mom actually knows.

24: What does your OC smell like?

She tends to use the same bathing shampoos as her mom so nothing special.

25: What time of year does your OC prefer?


26: Is your OC a human or an animal? (or something else idk)

She is a unicorn filly.

27: What languages does your OC speak?

So far only Equestrian (English)

28: Does your OC like anime?

She doesn't even know what a TV is.

29: Can your OC swim?

No she can't. Mom is not too thrilled allowing her baby near large bodies of water.

30: What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there?

She's far too young to be worrying about something like that, besides, she is a pony.

31: Does your OC believe in fairies?

Yes, yes she does.

32: Did your OC go to college? What did they major in?

Coal is still in elementary school.

33: Are your OCs parents dead?

Mom is very much alive, and much to mom's chagrin so is Dad.

34: Is your OC religious?

Not really.

35: How flexible is your OC?

She is not too out of shape.

36: What turns your OC on?

She is faaaaaaaaaaaaar to young to be having any of that going on.

37: What was your OCs first word?

Mama, (And that's when Foxy started to call herself Mama Foxy)

38: Does your OC have any pets?

No, stupid house has no pet policy, she wants a manticore, why can't she have a manticore?

39: Who is your OCs biggest enemy?

Coal has a similar policy as her mom, not calling anyone her enemies, even if she doesn't like them.

40: What is the craziest thing your OC has done?

Convincing a certain friend of the family to take her back in time for a history assignment for school. To say mom, aunt and uncle were NOT amused is an understatement.

41: What is your OCs motto about life?

She has not really developed one, right now she doesn't think life is all bad though dad could be better.

42: Does your OC drink coffee or tea?

She is more into sodas and juice.

43: Who is your OCs biggest hero?

Mama Foxy and grandma Sky Dive

44: What color eyes does your OC have?

Light blue

45: Does your OC like reading?

She does, though she is rather confused about those stories Aunt Dew hides under her bed.

46: Is your OC loyal?

She has had a conflicting loyal feelings between mom and dad, so at the moment it's sort of maybe depending on the situation.

47: Does your OC tolerate violence?

She is not too fond of it.

48: What social class is your OC from?

Upper middle class, has an upper class grandmother but mom has sort of lowered them a rank.

49: What country was your OC born in?

She was born in Equestria.

50: Does your OC cry easily?

Well she is just a little kid so if things really upset her she may cry.

51: What is your OCs favorite genre of music?

She doesn't really have much taste in music.

52: How does your OC feel about insects?

Chasing and catching them is fun.

53: What is your OCs sexual orientation?

She is too young to have fully come to terms with such things. Right at the moment, she doesn't care.

54: Does your OC smoke?

No, both too young and mom would ground her for life.

55: What gender is your OC?

She is a filly.

56: What kind of clothes does your OC wear?

Usually none but likes to dress up whenever she can in the fancy dresses her grandma gives her.

57: Would you call your OC adventurous?

Her mom jokes sometimes that she should just hand her over to Daring Do already as a sidekick.

58: Is your OC introverted or extroverted?

She is developing towards extroverted.

59: What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC?

A rather happy and carefree filly.

60: Does your OC enjoy nature?

She does very much so.

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