• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2014
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A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.

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  • 88 weeks
    Droppin' By

    Hello, I was in the neighborhood and had just realized that my last blog post was a bit of a downer, given that it was around the time of my Grandma's passing and funeral. I think I oughta leave you folks with something a bit more upbeat or at least something neutral.

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  • 115 weeks

    Thanks to those who gave condolences on my last blog post.

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    Who Wants to See Babies?

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  • 127 weeks
    And Now, A Newsletter

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Birthday Bios: Kazam Rune · 6:17pm Feb 2nd, 2016

"They told me not to steal my brother's meme, but I didn't listen!"

Party Favor: "... ... ... ... ..."
"...you didn't even do it right!" :ajbemused:

Joking aside, we're covering this nutcase today. Being the villain of one of the most fun arcs to write in Brotherly Bonding Time, his ranging from his subtle, snarky creepiness to over-the-top psychotic was just one of the reasons why I enjoyed writing the Las Pegasus arc.

Now, onward to his history!

Kazam Rune was born in Canterlot to talented unicorns Quasar Rune and Merry Maykin. Being the firstborn, he inherited the "Rune" name that had been passed down for generations, leading back to Silver Rune, and to Silver's father, Wayer Rune. Based on his magic spurts as a baby--which consisted of setting things on fire, flying around the house, and bringing his toys to life--Quasar and Merry knew that their son was destined to be a powerful mage.

He was a toddler legendary for his tantrums. He was a fussy kid that always demanded attention, and if he didn't get what he wanted, he would use his magic to destroy them all (aka throw a lot of things at somepony until they got hurt). Of course, his parents had to keep their early-blooming son in check, and as much as they hated it, they had to put a magic inhibitor on his horn so his tantrums were harmless (though they were unfortunately still loud). Neighbors referred to him as the "Kazzie Monster" because of his tantrums.

He had calmed down once he had hit four, though he came up with other ways to try to get attention. Unfortunately, he found out that he had to share the attention of his parents once he discovered what his mother's ever-growing roundness meant. What followed was the birth of his sister, Silk Shimmer.

At first, he tried to scheme ways of getting rid of his sister, which involved either trying to mail her to Vanhoover, trying to make Princess Celestia adopt her, or trying to turn her into an animal, even though he didn't know the spell yet. His plans were foiled every time, whether by his parents coming in at the right moment or his sister having a magic spurt (he still has scars from some of those spurts). And thus, he had to learn to deal with the baby.

He found a few times where he enjoyed he had a sister, such as when she had taken some cotton candy (though their parents didn't like that), and when he took to practicing his telekinesis by making her fly. Not to mention she was the best thing to hug whenever he was having a bad day, and her coos were like music to his ears. With her being very easygoing in the first few years of her life, Kazam soon enough found himself not minding having a sister.

Still, he would have preferred her being his only sibling, and thus he wasn't happy when his mother announced she was pregnant. At seven, he handled the news better than last time, but he still didn't see the need for another sibling. It would throw off the balance of genders, bring yet another magical tantrum storm that came with magically-gifted unicorn foals, and it'd steal attention away from him and Silk Shimmer. He didn't quite understand why Silk was excited to have a little sister. He was expecting the baby to be a colt, just for the universe to spite her.

Well, he was right. The big day arrived, and he soon found himself holding baby Party Favor. He had considered throwing him out the window to restore balance to the family, but considering how much he got in trouble for his antics with Silk Shimmer, he thought it wasn't the best idea. So, he braced himself for the inevitable tantrums that would come, only for it to be discovered that not only was Party Favor an easygoing baby, but he never had a magic spurt.

Though he found Party Favor an annoying and oversensitive little twerp, he learned to deal with it. Seeing as Kazam was more into haunted houses and monster stories, while Party Favor was more into bright and cheerful birthday parties and making art, they never had much of a bond to begin with. Notably, whenever they went to a Magic Expo in Las Pegasus, Kazam would be eager to see and learn more, while Party Favor was utterly bored.

By the time he was eight, Kazam had already been levitating his father with his magic, and Quasar had him applied to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, which he was quickly accepted into. Taking pride in his abilities, Kazam sought to learn all he could on magic and magic theory, so that he could be on the path of being one of the greatest unicorn mages of all time. He often daydreamed of reaching Star Swirl levels of greatness, and practiced magic with his circle of friends.

As a teenager, his curiosity was piqued when he found a book on dark magic. An alarmed Quasar Rune quickly hid the book, and then gathered him and his siblings together, opting to warn them about the dangers of dark magic. The story of Wayer Rune and his descent into madness due to use of forbidden dark magic techniques such as fusion, mind control, and blood brewing (using a pony as a mixing bowl of other spells to create a spell out of their blood) to create the werewolf was told, and Silk Shimmer and Party Favor were understandably frightened. Kazam, however, was even more curious.

Thinking that he wouldn't be the greatest mage ever without a ton of spells at his arsenal, he rummaged around the house to find the book, and discreetly read from it in order to broaden his horizons. At times, he brought the book to school in order to show his friends, who had mixed reactions to the kinds of spells that were within the book.

Even when they declined trying them, Kazam decided to test some of the spells anyway. After all, he reasoned to himself that he'd be able to perform dark magic without descending into madness. Though instead of starting small, he jumped a few levels in the art of fusion a little too quickly, trying to fuse the cat and one of his mother's doves. He was caught and punished for doing so.

Being at the age where he thinks he knows better than his parents, he continued to pursue the forbidden magic, thirsty for more knowledge and power. His pride swelled greatly, especially after the revelation that Party Favor couldn't use his horn to use magic. He felt responsible for making up for his brother's disability, and had thought to himself that fusing Party Favor with one of the animals around the house would benefit the younger brother. Of course, Party Favor didn't approve of that idea, and often resorted to hiding to avoid turning into a half-cat monster.

He hid the book and his dabbles in dark magic as much as he could from his parents, getting caught with trying the fusion technique a few times (most of the time, it was Party Favor telling on him). In excelling at light magic openly in front of his family, he was at least proud that he managed to be his father's favorite, especially in comparison to his "broken" younger brother. The fact that Party Favor's revealed talent of balloon modeling was rather... lame and that Silk Shimmer, talented as she was, couldn't catch up to him only made his pride swell more. Of course, he was jealous that his younger siblings got more positive attention from their mother, while he kept getting punished by her for picking on them.

When he graduated from school, he decided to start off his magic career by trying out a traveling magician act. Though his parents were confused, they saw no harm in it, unaware that part of his reason he was going was that he'd have chances to practice dark magic on his own without getting caught. When he went out, he rose in popularity very quickly, giving his audience chills and thrills whenever he performed, and even when the acts seemed dangerous, he reassured his audience that "there was absolutely nothing to be afraid of."

His siblings tried to start careers of their own, but Silk Shimmer had some underconfidence and some clumsiness undercutting her performances, while Party Favor was outright mocked and laughed at. Some part of him pitied them, but he was still full of pride, thinking that if Silk Shimmer had studied dark magic like he did and Party Favor's horn worked, they'd all be on the same page. So, he continued the his next few years of success, while still practicing his fusion and mind control magic on the side.

He was asked by his parents to keep an eye out for his brother, who had disappeared, and begrudgingly accepted, thinking that he'd most likely find Party Favor dead somewhere in the wilderness. After all, what use would Party Favor's balloons be in any situation?

When he felt he had mastered his fusion technique on animals and inanimate objects, he decided to try an adult pony for an experiment, and maybe even go as far as blood brewing a new spell with it. Seeing as his ancestor created the werewolf, he figured he might as well try to turn the myth of the vampire into reality. Thinking that creating this new magic would have him ascend into an alicorn like Twilight Sparkle, he went around and scoped for the perfect test subject.

During a gig at the Las Pegasus Magic Expo (set up by Cheese Sandwich that year), his sister came to him, with an earth pony stallion named Tomato Sandwich with her. While a little confused at her request for money to help some other guy on the East Coast start a business, he ultimately agreed to it, on the condition that the two be his assistants for the week. He silently schemed his creation of the vampire throughout the week, though he had to decide which one of the two to use. The uncomfortable thought of the experiment possibly killing his sister made him decide on Tomato.

The experiment went just as planned, with the transformation happening overnight, and the next day had the two and Cheese (who just so happened to be Tomato's brother) coming over to ask him to change the then-vampire Tomato back, thinking it was a mistake. His refusal to do so tipped Cheese off to the transformation not being an accident, and Kazam quickly hypnotized Tomato and Silk Shimmer to dissuade Cheese from stopping him.

He later used the now-feral Tomato in seeing if the curse could be spread, and to his pleasure, it worked. He sicced on army on the city, announcing his great power in his creation and believing he could overthrow the princesses. However, Cheese Sandwich had gathered up a ragtag team (consisting of the broken-out-of-hypnosis Silk and The Great and Powerful Trixie) in order to stop him, and used his musical talent to fight off and then tame the vampires, in a rather insane way that bewildered Kazam. In response, Kazam tried to have Tomato kill Cheese, only for a good punch to the face to snap Tomato out of it.

Trixie and Silk managed to put a magic inhibitor on his horn, and he was arrested. The vampires were all cured by the princesses, and Kazam currently sits in jail, awaiting his trial for the crimes. He ended up as the great shame of the Rune family, with his parents wondering where they went wrong.

A visit from his sister had him learn that Party Favor was alive and well, having become a beloved head of the welcoming committee in a little town, and that, in fact, Party Favor's creativity, architectural and engineering genius with his balloons, and his sweet deposition made him popular with both friends and visitors.

Kazam finds it embarrassing.

Report Sketcha-Holic · 654 views · #birthday bio
Comments ( 2 )

Yowza. Talk about mad geniuses. Some people just shouldn't be entrusted with forehead-mounted reality distortion devices.

At least Kazam got what was coming to him. You know what they say: You can't spell "infamous" without "famous."


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