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Doctor Perseus

I'm just a guy who loves to write.

More Blog Posts461

  • 85 weeks
    Ten Years of Doctor Perseus

    Today marks the tenth anniversary of me creating my account here on FIMFiction. It feels incredibly surreal to type that out. Sometimes it almost feels like yesterday when I was a bright-eyed Brony entering the world of MLP fanfiction for the first time. And sometimes it feels like another lifetime ago.

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  • 101 weeks
    10 Years After My First Fanfic/My Thoughts on Recent MLP & Doctor Who Content

    Hello, everybody! It has certainly been a minute since my last blog post. Like I have said in the past, I am not on here as often as I used to be but I certainly try my best to check on my account whenever I can. In all honesty, I was planning on waiting to write out a blog like this until the tenth anniversary of my FIMFiction account. While I still plan on doing that, I was inspired to write

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  • 190 weeks
    The 10th Anniversary of Friendship is Magic's Premiere

    I know I'm not as active here as I used to be but I felt that I had to at least make a little comment here about Friendship is Magic officially beginning its journey into ten-year status. I can't believe it's been ten years since Friendship is Magic started. Heck, I can't believe it's already been a year since the series ended. Does make me wish that we could have gotten a tenth season in order

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  • 231 weeks
    What Could Have Been: Doctor Whooves Seasons 3&4

    Told ya the wait wouldn't be long. Anyway, here I am to FINALLY close the book on Doctor Whooves once and for all by laying out the rest of what I had planned out for Doctor Whooves. Unlike with Season 2, I'm just going to keep my plans for Seasons 3 and 4 in one blog as I hadn't planned everything out in as much detail as I did the arcs of Season 2. But, still, there is plenty of content to

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  • 232 weeks
    What Could Have Been: Doctor Whooves Season 2, Arc 3

    Yeah...sorry for the long wait on this one. I really have no excuse for taking this long to get around to finally uploading the rest of my plans for what I originally had in store for my Doctor Whooves fanfic series. But I'm here now, for those of you who are still interested in learning about the future I originally had planned for a series I ended well over two years ago. Better being SUPER

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What Could Have Been: Doctor Whooves Season 2, Arc 2 · 9:40pm Jun 29th, 2017

Let’s continue through the plans I had for Season 2 of Doctor Whooves by diving in Arc 2! Arc 2 would have been very episodic in nature. Unlike Arcs 1 and 3, there really is no end goal for the characters. More so just a series of random adventures the Doctor would have with the rest of the Mane 6 and a few other characters. But there is still an overall arc behind the scenes of a few of the episodes, which builds up to this arc’s finale.

S2E11: The Savior of Griffonstone:

This episode would pick up several months after the previous episode (So we’re now officially in 1003). In fact, it would be very close to the one year anniversary of the Doctor’s arrival in Equestria. Ponyville (and Equestria overall) has managed to rebuild itself following the invasion. The Doctor would be alone in the TARDIS when a distress signal would appear on the console. With the others out, he decides to take a quick trip in the TARDIS. Unknown to him, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have snuck on to take another dip in the TARDIS swimming pool. They would reveal themselves upon the TARDIS landing at its destination: Griffonstone. Interested in checking out the distress signal, the Doctor would head out along with the two mares. Though Rainbow Dash would be nervous. As you can guess, this episode would be a reimagining of sorts of The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone as it would involve Gilda’s return. Of course, Rainbow Dash is aware of her future with Gilda (as seen in Triple Rainbow) and knows that they’ll be friends again but things are still rocky when she reunites with the present-day Gilda. In this version of events, the Idol of Boreas was actually created to help seal away a powerful entity. Ever since the idol was lost, the entity has slowly been regaining control by sapping away the joy and good nature out of griffons. The distress signal sent to the TARDIS was actually a subconscious collective cry of all of the goodness left in the Griffon Kingdom crying out for help. The Doctor figures that the TARDIS may have started to take in some Equestrian magic of its own since it got the new console room.

Anyway, the group would set out to find the lost idol and things would play out similarly to how they did in the original episode. The idol would be lost and Gilda would save Rainbow Dash, rekindling their friendship. However, the entity is still growing stronger. The Doctor concludes that maybe a new idol can be created but it has to be created by a griffon. Thanks to her rekindled friendship with Rainbow Dash, Gilda is inspired enough to create a new idol with help from the Doctor, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Once completed, they would rush to the original idol’s altar only to find that some of the griffons have started to become possessed by the entity. The group would make it past the horde of possessed griffons and the new idol would be placed in the altar by Gilda and Rainbow Dash together. It works and the entity is locked away once again. Things begin to improve in Griffonstone already and the griffons begin to become kind and caring once again. Gilda vows to work with her fellow griffons to return the Griffon Kingdom to its former glory and to help establish a new government. She also promises to visit Ponyville every now and then. The Doctor, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie board the TARDIS again and head off. Pinkie asks what the entity was and the Doctor wonders the same thing. Later that night, a hooded figure wearing a silver mask attempts to move the new idol (named the Idol of Griffonstone) and finds that they can’t move it due to it being so much more powerful than the previous idol. The weakened entity appears as a black mist and the hooded figure taunts it about its failure to break into and take over the Equestrian universe. The episode ends with the figure leaving and saying that this world is almost ready to meet its true master.

S2E12: A Cold Day in Tartarus:

This episode would start with Fluttershy and Discord having tea. Discord has done a good job adjusting to his new role as a “good guy” since his return. Fluttershy notices that Discord is sad every now and then and she questions him about it. Discord notes that he sometimes he thinks about his old days as a “goody-two-shoes Draconequus” and of his late wife Lily. Fluttershy, wanting to help Discord feel better, comes up with an idea. Later, Fluttershy approaches the Doctor and asks him if he can take Discord back in time to see Lily one last time. The Doctor, much like many of the other characters, doesn’t entirely trust Discord but accepts Fluttershy’s request. Jenny volunteers to come along as some backup just in case Discord decides to go rogue. So the Doctor, Fluttershy, Discord, and Jenny head off to the past. However, something goes wrong and the TARDIS ends up landing several decades earlier than intended. Upon exiting the TARDIS, they find themselves in the middle of a warzone. Monsters of various sizes are wreaking havoc and ponies are running everywhere. In the middle of the battlefield, they see none other than past Discord fighting off the monsters. Present Discord remembers this day and orders everyone back into the TARDIS. However, suddenly, the ground opens up and the TARDIS falls into the earth. Discord knows where it has fallen and leads the others through the battlefield. As they escape the battlefield, none other than Tirek appears and engages in battle with past Discord.

The group makes their way to an old opening by a nearby mountain. As they enter, Discord explains that the TARDIS has fallen into Tartarus. They’ve arrived on the day when the creatures imprisoned in Tartarus were freed thanks to Lord Tirek defeating the guards. The rest of the episode would involve the Doctor, Fluttershy, Discord, and Jenny battling their way through the horrors of Tartarus in order to find the TARDIS while past Discord fights Tirek on the surface. Along the way, present Discord would actually find a puppy who has survived the depths of Tartarus and transform it into Cerberus. Past Discord defeats Tirek, the Doctor and the others find the TARDIS, and past Discord finds Cerberus (who instantly follows his orders due to future Discord creating him) and places him as the new guard. The Doctor would then take the TARDIS a few decades into the future and arrive a little bit away from the Castle of Equestria. Discord would head over to the castle and run into Lily. Lily would obviously notice something different about Discord but the two would share a loving moment nonetheless. Discord kisses Lily, tells her how much he loves her, and then says his final goodbye. He then teleports away. Just a few seconds later, Lily hears a strange sound emanating from the courtyard (thus placing this scene right before the Doctor, Twilight, and Matilda’s arrival back in Before the Chaos). The Doctor, Fluttershy, Discord, and Jenny return to present day with Discord never feeling better. The Doctor wonders what happened with the TARDIS and Jenny guesses that they needed to be there for Discord to create Cerberus. But the Doctor has his doubts. The episode ends with Fluttershy and Discord sitting down for tea by a memorial Discord has created in honor of Lily.

S2E13: Outbreak in the Lunar Republic:

This episode would start at Sweet Apple Acres with the Doctor arriving with the TARDIS to pick up Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The Doctor has agreed to take the CMC on one trip in the TARDIS, but on the condition that they must have a chaperone with them. Obviously, Applejack has volunteered. The TARDIS takes them to the Moon in the far future. In this future, the Moon has been colonized by ponies, changelings, griffons, and dragons with the pony part of the Moon being referred to as the Lunar Republic. There they meet Queen Luna and learn that a mysterious illness has been sweeping through the colony. Over the course of the episode, the Doctor and Applejack end up separated from the CMC and the sick ponies start to act possessed and rabid. Eventually, it would be revealed that the remnants of Nightmare Moon’s magic (which has laid dormant on the Moon for thousands of years) has now started to affect the ponies. The Doctor, Applejack, and Luna are eventually able to stop the spread of the infection while the CMC accidentally stumble across a cure for it. Once everypony is back together, Luna would be able to use the cure to heal the ponies and destroy Nightmare Moon’s remnants for good. However, unknown to everypony else, a little piece of it survives but is found and caught by the Madame. The Doctor, Applejack, and the CMC return to the present and the episode ends with Rarity arriving and scolding the Doctor for not inviting her.

S2E14: Hat Trick:

This episode would start at Golden Oak Library with the Doctor working in the TARDIS. He is joined by Twilight and Rarity, the latter of whom is still cross with him for leaving him out of the trip with Applejack and the CMC. The Doctor decides to make up for it on the spot. He sets the TARDIS to random and sends it off. The TARDIS takes the trio to Vanhoover a few decades into the future. Rarity takes a gander at some of the future designs while the Doctor begins to talk to Twilight about some dimensional issues he’s been noticing. While at a café, they’re suddenly greeted by a hooded pony. The pony leads them away from the crowded area and reveals themselves to be an older Trixie. Trixie invites the Doctor, Twilight, and Rarity to her home and they accept. Trixie now lives in a large mansion on the outskirts of Vanhoover. When they arrive at Trixie’s house they meet Trixie’s wife, who is none other than Oswin, as well as a tenant they have living upstairs: a strange earth pony named Jefferson. Trixie is now a famous author known for her chronicling of the Doctor’s adventures. Trixie makes sure not to spill any information about any of their futures. Though she does accidentally hint that the Doctor may have regenerated by this time. Throughout the visit, the Doctor notices something strange going on upstairs. Then, suddenly, a loud boom emanates from upstairs and Jefferson runs downstairs.

Upon exiting the front door, they find themselves entering the kitchen. After passing through more doors that lead where they shouldn’t, the Doctor concludes that Trixie’s home has turned into a tesseract and is slowly folding in on itself through space and time (this is inspired by an episode from Strange Days at Blake Holsey High). The rest of the episode would involve the characters trying to figure out how to reverse the effects of the tesseract. It would also be revealed that Jefferson was experimenting with some strange magic upstairs. Twilight is confused by this due to him being an earth pony. Oswin, the Doctor, and Rarity all disappear over the course of the night. Twilight, Trixie, and Jefferson eventually make it back to Jefferson’s room and Twilight is able to use her magic to reverse the tesseract effects just before the house closes in on them. The source of the strange magic is revealed to be a hat. Before Twilight and Trixie can find out more about Jefferson, Jefferson uses his hat to open a mysterious portal and dives in. The Doctor, Rarity, and Oswin also return unscathed. In the morning, the Doctor, Twilight, and Rarity bid farewell to Trixie and Oswin. Trixie, however, warns the Doctor about dark days to come for him. The Doctor, Twilight, and Rarity return to the present and the episode ends with Jefferson greeting Matilda and Missy at a café in Manehattan, telling them that they’ll never guess who he just bumped into.

S2E15&16: The Fields of Ash & Let’s Kill Fluttershy:

This 2-parter would start at Golden Oak Library. Twilight is out so the Doctor and Spike have the place to themselves. They are joined by Derpy and Fluttershy. Just then, the Doctor receives an alarm from the TARDIS. He heads inside and plans to head off. He reveals to Derpy, Spike, and Fluttershy that Discord Whooves’s invasion and rift generator still continue to affect their universe throughout space and time. And he has set the TARDIS to warn him whenever there’s an epicenter of rift activity. He heads out, seals the gap, and returns home. It’s usually a simple process. Derpy, Spike, and Fluttershy volunteer to come along and the Doctor agrees since it should be a quick trip. They arrive on the planet of Ash in the far future. The entire planet is desolate and looks like something out of America’s Dust Bowl. There are some ponies, griffons, changelings, and other creatures around in small villages but there is no happiness to be found. While searching for the rift epicenter, the group stumbles across one town that seems slightly happier than the rest. The sheriff of the town, a dragon, talks about how their new mayor has given them hope with the arrival of their lord and savior upon them.

The group splits up to explore the town. Each pair taking a communicator. Derpy and Spike find nothing but keep seeing a strange human woman appearing around the town. The Doctor and Fluttershy head to the library and learn that the planet used to be lush and fertile and was a dumping ground for criminals from various planets. After many wars among the criminals and their descendants, the planet has been left barren. The Doctor and Fluttershy eventually manage to find rift epicenter but also find out that the town’s new mayor is none other than Thalia. She became mayor in order to gain access to the rift epicenter, which she plans to use to recharge her (really Matilda’s) vortex manipulator (which she mentions was broken after a previous/future encounter with the Doctor and Twilight). The Doctor tries to find out what type of “lord and savior” is coming through the rifts and Thalia says that she hopes it’s something that manages to kill him. The rifts open and a demonic entity comes through. Thalia is blown away before she can fix her vortex manipulator. The Fields of Ash ends with the demonic entity possessing Fluttershy and Derpy and Spike being cornered by the strange woman, who is revealed to be Alice Liddell from American McGee’s Alice.

Let’s Kill Fluttershy would pick up where the last episode left off with the rifts closing and Fluttershy now possessed. The entity is too strong and the Doctor is forced to retreat. Thalia makes her escape as well. Meanwhile, Derpy and Spike are relieved that Alice doesn’t want to hurt them but just wants to understand where she is. The Doctor meets up with them and tells them what has happened. They need to separate the entity from Fluttershy. The Doctor fears that, with a host, the entity could escape through the rifts to any number of universes. Untold horrors could happen and Fluttershy would be lost forever. Thalia, meanwhile, takes the opportunity to hurt the Doctor more and turns the town people against the possessed Fluttershy by saying she’s the Devil. The gullible and desperate townsfolk believe her cries and engage in battle with the possessed Fluttershy. The possessed Fluttershy is able to manage against the attackers and kills them one-by-one. Alice surmises that it might be best to kill Fluttershy in order to destroy the entity, but the Doctor, Derpy, and Spike are completely against this.

Over the course of the episode, the Doctor and the others must deal with the possessed Fluttershy, Thalia, the fearful townsfolk, and the idea of actually having to kill Fluttershy if the rifts allow the entity to escape. Eventually, Alice decides to sacrifice herself by allowing the entity to possess her so that she can be killed instead of Fluttershy. The Doctor is against anybody dying but Alice believes she deserves it. The Doctor, Derpy, and Spike try to find another way but Alice goes through with her plan. She tempts the entity with her own dark nature. The plan works and the entity leaves Fluttershy and possessed Alice. However, Alice’s broken mind proves to be too much for the entity to handle and it ends up being torn apart by her own tormented psyche. Fluttershy is alright but is clearly traumatized by her possession. The Doctor, Derpy, and Spike comfort her. Thalia attempts to take this moment to kill the Doctor while he’s distracted but Alice stops her. The rifts open again at the right time and both Thalia and Alice fall through. The Doctor seals the rifts and rebuilds a broken spaceship for the townsfolk. The townsfolk decide to abandon Ash and find a new home somewhere else. The Doctor, Derpy, Spike, and Fluttershy return to the TARDIS and then to Ponyville. The Doctor notes that he’s been dealing with a lot of evil entities lately. A few days later, Derpy comes to visit the Doctor and expresses concern for Fluttershy, who has not come out of her house since returning to Ponyville. The Doctor visits Fluttershy and sees how much pain she’s in. She talks about the horrors she saw while possessed and that she doesn’t think she can ever feel happy again. The Doctor then erases Fluttershy’s memories of the trip to Ash. Fluttershy returns to her normal self and they go to meet Derpy, Spike, and the rest of the Mane 6 for dinner. The Doctor secretly makes Derpy and Spike promise to never tell Fluttershy about what happened to her as he doesn’t think he could heal her mind a second time if she remembered. Derpy and Spike promise to keep what happened a secret. Meanwhile, six months later in the far future, Alice walks through an alien market. She sits down in a pub and is approached by Missy. The two talk for a while and the episode ends with Missy telling Alice to come with her.

S2E17: How We Met Your Mother:

This episode would begin at the Ponyville Schoolhouse. Apple Bloom has grown tired of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. After a rough day, she heads back home only to be surprised by Babs Seed, who is visiting for the weekend. Apple Bloom is happy to spend the weekend with Babs and decides to start things off by introducing her to the Doctor. On the way to Golden Oak Library, Apple Bloom and Babs are spotted by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and the duo decide to follow the cousins in order to get back at Babs. Upon arriving at the library, Apple Bloom leads Babs into the TARDIS. The Doctor is nowhere to be seen. While Babs admires the inside of the TARDIS and Apple Bloom calls out to the Doctor, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sneak in. The Doctor then appears, having been busy inside the TARDIS library, and greets Apple Bloom. While the Doctor and Babs are introduced to each other, Diamond Tiara accidentally messes with the TARDIS’s controls. The TARDIS then takes off. The Doctor, Apple Bloom, and Babs noticed Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. As soon as the TARDIS stops, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon run out of the TARDIS. The Doctor tries to stop them but they make it out. The TARDIS has landed in Canterlot a few years in the past. The Doctor sets out to find Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and tells Apple Bloom and Babs to wait in the TARDIS. However, the cousins exit the TARDIS anyway after the Doctor leaves.

While running around the city, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon come to a stop at a café. There, Diamond Tiara is shocked to see her mother in the café. Now, I want to say here that this definitely goes against canon. But this is my timeline so I’ll do what I want. Anyway, Diamond Tiara’s mother died a few months after she was born. Her mother’s name is Royally Rich here. Diamond Tiara realizes that they’ve gone back in time and that this is the day her mother died, as she remembered her dad talking about her mother dying while on a trip to Canterlot. Diamond Tiara approaches her mother but doesn’t know what to say. Royally Rich buys Diamond Tiara a cookie and then leaves. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon then follow after her. Eventually, the Doctor finds Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and sees them following Royally Rich. From different angles, the Doctor, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon spy on Royally Rich as she enters an alley. In the alley, Royally Rich meets with a changeling. The changeling gives Royally Rich a vial of poison and tells her if she wants her daughter back then she’ll poison Princess Celestia that night at the gala. Royally Rich agrees and leaves with the vial. The Doctor meets up with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara tells the Doctor about Royally Rich being her late mother. She also mentions that her dad never mentioned her being kidnapped. The Doctor is interested but gets Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon back to the TARDIS, but he is frustrated even more when he sees that Apple Bloom and Babs are gone. The Doctor tries to get Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon into the TARDIS but they slip past him and run off. Diamond Tiara is determined to help her mother. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom and Babs are by the castle when they notice a pair of changelings change into two waiter ponies. A box they’re carrying starts to emanate a crying sound and they hurry off. Apple Bloom and Babs follow.

The Doctor, Apple Bloom, Babs, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Royally Rich all make their way to the gala that night. Apple Bloom and Babs sneak in through the kitchens, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sneak in through the gardens, and the Doctor uses his psychic paper to get in. The Doctor keeps his eye on Royally Rich as she tries to make her way over to Princess Celestia. The Doctor notices Apple Bloom and Babs in the kitchen. Apple Bloom and Babs follow the disguised changelings and, when they leave, open the crying box to find an infant Diamond Tiara. The changelings return and are about to attack them when the Doctor knocks them out with a frying pan. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, meanwhile, make it into the gala just as Royally Rich is about to poison Princess Celestia. Diamond Tiara jumps out of nowhere and cries to her mom to stop. The Doctor causes a distraction by using his sonic screwdriver to cause the chandelier to fall. Everypony flees the gala. The Doctor, Apple Bloom, and Babs make their way out into the gardens with infant Diamond Tiara while Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon run out with Royally Rich. Upon getting a closer look at Diamond Tiara, Royally Rich recognizes her as her daughter. The two groups meet up in the gardens but find themselves cornered by a small group of changelings. Just then, the changelings are attacked by a barrage of water balloons. The Doctor is surprised but then overjoyed when he sees that Opal and Monty were at the gala and have now come to their rescue. The Doctor, Opal, and Monty manage to fight off the changelings. However, during their retreat, one of the changelings fires back. Diamond Tiara is almost hit but Royally Rich steps in and takes the shot. Royally Rich is confused about how the future Diamond Tiara is here but is happy to know that she’ll grow up into a beautiful filly. Diamond Tiara cries as her mother dies in her forelegs. Opal and Monty then send the Doctor and the fillies away and call for help. The next day, the Doctor meets with Opal and Monty at a café with the four fillies. The couple explains that they’ve been tracking changeling movements in Canterlot for some time but were unsure of what was going to happen. Thankfully, they were at the gala that night. They tell them that Filthy Rich, who was on a business trip in Manehattan and completely unaware of his daughter’s kidnapping, is on his way to retrieve his daughter. The Doctor says his goodbyes with Opal and Monty, making sure to hug Opal the longest, and then takes the four fillies back to the present. Back in the present, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon start to act better and get on better terms with Apple Bloom, Babs, and the rest of the CMC. Babs heads back to Manehattan and the episode ends with Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich visiting Royally Rich’s grave.

S2E18: The Good Clone:

This episode would start in 1940 England. A young boy named Eustace Ross who lives on a country estate is sad since his father has left to fight in the war. One night, Eustace notices a bright flash outside and investigates. He finds none other than Rainbow Dash’s clone Renet lying in one of the flower beds. In Equestria, the Doctor receives another rift alter. Although it’s small, he still decides to go check it out. Rainbow Dash, who is at the library at the time, decides to come along since she has nothing better to do. Jenny, who was in the TARDIS, also tags along. The TARDIS lands on the edge of the Ross Estate and Jenny volunteers to head out since she can blend in the easiest in 1940 England. She catches a glimpse of Eustace talking with Renet and reports back to the Doctor. The Doctor has Jenny confront Renet. When Eustace heads back to the house for tea, Renet is confronted by the Doctor, Rainbow Dash, and Jenny. Renet had been living in the woods by the Ross Estate for months and pleads to the Doctor to let her stay as she’s grown to care for Eustace. Rainbow Dash isn’t entirely trusting but Jenny convinces the Doctor to give Renet a chance.

Using the TARDIS, the Doctor, Rainbow Dash, and Jenny check in on Renet every few years. Renet and Eustace’s friendship grows. Eustace’s father returns home when the war ends. Eustace grows up into an intelligent young man and even gets accepted into Oxford. Renet waits at the estate throughout the year for Eustace to return home each summer. After graduating from Oxford, Eustace becomes a writer and spends all of his time at the estate. Renet is there to comfort Eustace when his parents pass away. One day, Eustace meets an American woman named Ashleigh. Eustace and Ashleigh begin dating and Renet grows jealous. The Doctor considers this a test. Eventually, Renet sees how happy Ashleigh makes Eustace and she accepts her presence in his life. One night, Eustace and Ashleigh are ambushed by a small gang but Renet saves them. Ashleigh agrees to keep Eustace’s friend a secret. More years pass and Eustace and Ashleigh get married. They have two children, Nancy and Clark, and Renet becomes their godmother. Eustace becomes an acclaimed author. One year, while Nancy and Clark are in secondary school, Eustace gets into a bad car accident. He nearly dies but pulls through thanks to some help from the Doctor. It soon becomes apparent that Renet ages a lot slower than those around her due to her nature as a magical clone. Decades pass and Eustace becomes a grandfather. Ashleigh passes away but Eustace lives long enough to see himself become a great-grandfather. Renet is with Eustace when he’s on his death bed. She promises Eustace that she’ll watch over his family for as long as she lives. Eustace dies in his best friend’s forelegs. Centuries later, the Ross Estate still stands. The Doctor, Rainbow Dash, and Jenny arrive to find a now finally elderly Renet watching over a little baby: one of Eustace’s descendants who is also named Eustace. She kept her word. The Doctor tells Renet that she proved herself and Rainbow Dash acknowledges her as an awesome pony. Renet then finally passes away. She is buried next to Eustace. The Doctor, Rainbow Dash, and Jenny put flowers on her grave before returning to Ponyville. The episode ends with Renet waking up in a courtyard, reuniting with Eustace, and being welcomed to Heaven by Missy.

S2E19: The Doctor is Out:

As you can see, a lot of these episodes have been pretty heavy. So here’s a fun one! This episode would start with a montage of the Doctor going on various adventures with Twilight, Derpy, Spike, and the rest of the Mane 6. One day, Pinkie Pie approaches the Doctor and tells him to take the day off as he’s either been monitoring the rift aftershocks or going on adventures. She, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy gather up enough money to send the Doctor, Twilight, Derpy, Jenny, and Spike to a nice resort in Manehattan. And they have to leave without the TARDIS. They all agree and head off for the weekend. Not long after they leave, Discord invites the Smooze to Ponyville. As you can guess, things go wrong really fast. The Smooze wreaks havoc throughout Ponyville and Pinkie Pie refuses to let anyone call the Doctor, Twilight, and the others for help. Eventually, they all manage to stop the Smooze and finally get some rest in for themselves. The Doctor and the others return from their relaxing vacation. The episode ends with Pinkie Pie, Discord, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack all loudly refusing an offer from the Doctor for a few trips in the TARDIS.

S2E20: The Shadows of Canterlot:

This episode would start at Carousel Boutique. It’s been a year since the invasion (yeah, a good chunk of time passes during Arc 2) and Rarity is preparing for a fashion show in Canterlot. Pinkie Pie is busy with early holiday sales, Fluttershy is home with a cold, Applejack is busy taking care of the farm, and Rainbow Dash has gone off to the Wonderbolt Academy. So the ones accompanying Rarity are the Doctor, Twilight, Derpy, Spike, Jenny, and Sweetie Belle. The Doctor uses the TARDIS to take everyone to Canterlot. At the fashion show, Rarity shows off her new designs, Twilight talks with Princess Celestia, Derpy and Spike enjoy the buffet, Jenny talks with Princess Luna, and the Doctor sits by himself. Suddenly, the Doctor is approached by Matilda. She looks sad. The Doctor notices that she looks older. She tells the Doctor, “I’m sorry for all that’s about to happen,” before getting up and walking away. At the after party, the Doctor is worried about Matilda’s warning. Suddenly, the lights begin to flicker. The Doctor notices a stallion in the corner of the room get reduced to a skeleton in a second. The Doctor is horrified as he realizes that, somehow, Vashta Nerada have found their way to Equestria. He tells everypony to avoid the shadows and orders every unicorn to illuminate their horn. The lights go out as they do so but everypony, including Twilight and the Princesses, find something fighting against them. The Doctor orders everypony out of the building. The Doctor works with Twilight and the Princesses in order to keep the Vashta Nerada at bay. Things become harder when the Vashta Nerada starts taking over clothes and possessing them to attack. The Doctor is surprised that the Vashta Nerada can do this but figures that it may be due to the universe shift. Eventually, after a series of mishaps and close calls, the Doctor and the Princesses are able to capture all of the Vashta Nerada and Celestia uses sunlight to destroy it. In the aftermath, most of the ponies made it out alright. However, the episode ends with the Doctor and the others realizing that Rarity is missing.

S2E21&22: The Mysterious Mare & The Impossible Child:

This episode would start with Matilda and Missy meeting on a hill overlooking Ponyville. Missy asks if today’s the day and Matilda says that it is. As soon as the sun rises, the TARDIS parks in the library. The Doctor, Twilight, Derpy, Spike, Jenny, and Sweetie Belle exit. They’ve spent the last day searching Canterlot for Rarity. They know she wasn’t eaten by the Vashta Nerada. The Doctor thinks back to Matilda’s warning and wonders if the Vashta Nerada had been planted there as a distraction so Rarity could be taken. They wonder why anyone would want to take Rarity. They send Sweetie Belle home, promising to find Rarity, and go to alert the others to the situation. The Doctor uses the TARDIS to pick Rainbow Dash up from the Wonderbolt Academy. The Doctor, the Mane 6, Derpy, Spike, Jenny, and Discord convene at Sugarcube Corner. After talking for a while, Matilda suddenly appears. The Doctor confronts her about her appearance at the fashion show but she’s completely oblivious. He asks if she knows where Rarity has gone. Matilda nods and says that the Madame has her.

Before the Doctor can ask any more questions, there’s a loud boom from outside. Everypony runs outside and sees that a giant magical forcefield is now surrounding all of Ponyville and its surrounding land. Everypony splits up to examine the extent of the forcefield. The Doctor, Applejack, and Matilda run over to Sweet Apple Acres. Upon arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, they see that a group of hooded figures is also circling Ponyville. The figures obviously vary in species from humans to ponies to dragons to aliens and the like. The Doctor tries to communicate with the hooded figures but none of them respond. However, the Doctor notices that all of the figures are a certain length apart from each other and that there’s one noticeably large gap between two figures. He deduces that one of them is missing. Just then, Apple Bloom is heard screaming from the house and the Doctor, Applejack, and Matilda look back to see a large hooded figure carrying an unconscious Big Mac away while Apple Bloom screams over an injured Granny Smith. The Doctor chases after the figure but the figure manages to pass through the field and teleport away with Big Mac. All of the figures then disappear but the force field remains. While Applejack comforts Apple Bloom and looks over Granny Smith, the Doctor demands answers from Matilda. But Matilda is hesitant to give him any more answers aside from that he needs to go to a place called Devil’s Sprint. A hole in the forcefield suddenly opens up and Matilda says that a friend of hers is keeping it open. Matilda then disappears before the Doctor can get any more answers. Every groups back up at Golden Oak Library. The Doctor, Twilight, Derpy, Spike, Jenny, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Discord then board the TARDIS and head off to Devil’s Sprint while Matilda and Missy watch from the hilltop. Meanwhile, Rarity awakens in a dim room. She notices Big Mac on the other side. Both wonder where they are and why they’re there. A door suddenly opens and the Madame enters. The Madame says they have a lot of work to do and claps her hooves. Rarity and Big Mac instantly lose consciousness. Later, the TARDIS arrives at Devil’s Sprint and everypony exits the TARDIS. They head down an empty hallway but are suddenly greeted by a hooded figure wearing a silver mask. The Doctor demands to know where Rarity and Big Mac are and why they’ve been taken. The figure simply chuckles and claps their hands. The lights begin to flicker as a horde of Weeping Angels appears and surrounds the group. Meanwhile, Rarity awakens to find herself restrained to a hospital bed. She looks up and is shocked to see herself staring down at her. She realizes that the other her is actually her clone, Regina, who was the Madame all along. Regina says that it’s been a quick nine months and she’s excited that it’s finally time. Rarity looks and realizes that she’s pregnant. Regina laughs and tells Rarity to push. The Mysterious Mare ends with Rarity screaming as she goes into labor.

The Impossible Child starts with the Doctor and the others successfully managing to escape the Weeping Angels thanks to Discord’s magic. The hooded figure has disappeared but Rarity’s screams can be heard echoing through the facility. They make their way through the facility, fighting their way past more hooded figures. Rarity’s screaming stops and they fear the worst. Eventually, they find their way to a large room. A light turns on and they see that half the room is sealed behind a thick glass wall. Discord and Twilight try to destroy the wall but it doesn’t budge. Regina then appears with an infant foal with her. She says they can have Rarity and Big Mac back. A weakened Rarity and a comatose Big Mac fall from the ceiling. As the others take care of them, the Doctor takes a closer look and realizes that the infant with Regina is none other than a newborn Matilda, the daughter of Rarity and Big Mac. Regina explains that, under the instructions of her new master, she has created a child who can become the Doctor’s greatest enemy. She explains that, along with simply getting Rarity and Big Mac together, she also fused the foal with leftover magic from Nightmare Moon, DNA from Discord’s late wife Lily (Regina had gone back in time and taken some DNA from Lily on her last day, keeping a special device crafted for her which allowed her to keep any other time traveling devices away from that moment – which is what led to the TARDIS malfunctioning during A Cold Day in Tartarus), and Time Lord DNA. The Doctor asks why she let the TARDIS infiltrate Devil’s Sprint and Regina says that she just wanted to see the faces of the Doctor and his friends when they lose. The Doctor also wishes to know how she got Time Lord DNA but Regina refuses to answer and laughs as she runs off with the baby.

More hooded figures appear and attack the group. Discord manages to hold them off as the group makes their way back to the TARDIS. The TARDIS then takes off after Regina as she attempts to escape through time with a vortex manipulator. Regina and the TARDIS are suddenly pulled off course and land in the jungles of Elmheim during the events of The Rifts. The Doctor and the others surround Regina. Regina tries to escape but is tackled by Rainbow Dash. Regina loses her grip on the infant Matilda and, just at that time, a dimensional rift opens. Twilight and Discord try to use their magic to save the baby but the rift is too strong. The baby is pulled through. The Doctor screams in fury. Regina kicks Rainbow Dash off her and escapes into the woods, vowing to find the baby and destroy the Doctor. An alarm suddenly rings out from the TARDIS. Something is happening in Ponyville. The Doctor vows to find the child before he and the others head back to Ponyville in the TARDIS. Meanwhile, Regina doesn’t get far into the jungle before she’s confronted by Matilda and Missy. Regina tries to use her vortex manipulator but the dimensional rifts around them are blocking it. Matilda confronts Regina about everything she’s done but finds herself unable to do anything further. Missy steps in and throws acid in Regina’s face. Using an advanced vortex manipulator that is able to pass by the rifts, Missy teleports herself and Matilda away while Regina lies on the ground screaming in agony. Back in Ponyville, the TARDIS passes through the hole in the forcefield just before it closes again. The entire town is shaking. Everyone gets out of the TARDIS just in time for all of Ponyville to suddenly rise into the air. Matilda and Missy continue to watch from the hilltop. Suddenly, the entire town of Ponyville is sucked into a giant portal and disappears. Chaos reigns on Ponyville as everypony holds onto something. Pinkie Pie says that things can’t possibly get any worse right before she, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity start to glow. The Mane 6 start to scream as if they’re on fire. Twilight reaches out to Spike and the Doctor just as she and the rest of the Mane 6 explode into fragments of light and disappear. The Doctor and Spike both cry out for Twilight and Discord cries out for Fluttershy. Derpy faints and Jenny holds onto her. The episode ends as a white light envelopes Ponyville and the Doctor braces himself for the next hardships that await him and his remaining friends.

And that’s the end of Arc 2. Yeah. Ended things on quite a bummer note. Next, we’ll dive into the third and final arc of Season 2 and see how the Doctor would solve this! But, unfortunately, more pain is on the way. Serious pain.

Comments ( 4 )

Well, this is certainly quite an interesting arc. I like how some of the episodes are The Doctor going on adventures with a particular subset of his pony friends. It's almost something MLP would do.

I liked this new interpretation of “The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone”.
I like how “A Cold Day in Tartarus” is connected to your Season 1 episode “Before the Chaos”.

When they arrive at Trixie’s house they meet Trixie’s wife, who is none other than Oswin...

Trixie and Oswin get married! It’s almost like Oswin sort of replaces Starlight Glimmer in Trixie’s life.

Trixie is now a famous author known for her chronicling of the Doctor’s adventures.

So it was Trixie who wrote those books mentioned early in Season 1.

After passing through more doors that lead where they shouldn’t, the Doctor concludes that Trixie’s home has turned into a tesseract and is slowly folding in on itself through space and time (this is inspired by an episode from Strange Days at Blake Holsey High).

I remember Strange Days at Blake Holsey High. I happen to remember that particular episode too.
I know Jefferson is the Mad Hatter from Once Upon A Time. I wonder though. Does the hat make him become a pony in Equestria, or is it something else?

The Doctor and Fluttershy eventually manage to find rift epicenter but also find out that the town’s new mayor is none other than Thalia.

Thalia! So she would have returned in your Season 2.

...and Derpy and Spike being cornered by the strange woman, who is revealed to be Alice Liddell from American McGee’s Alice.

I’ve heard of American McGee’s Alice, but I’ve never played it or anything because I don’t play video games.
“The Fields of Ash” and Let’s Kill Fluttershy” kind of reminds me of the Doctor Who episode “A Town Called Mercy”, except unpleasant.
“The Good Clone” sounds like it would have been an awesome story. It’s like a sort of Whovian spin on My Little Dashie. I could practically feel my heart exploding just reading this summary.
“The Doctor is Out” seems like it would have been the most MLP-like of your Doctor Whooves stories.
Of course you had to bring in the Vashta Nerada because they were so dang creepy!

But Matilda is hesitant to give him any more answers aside from that he needs to go to a place called Devil’s Sprint.

Devil’s Sprint. Like Demons Run! Does the Devil sprint when a good pony goes to war?

They head down an empty hallway but are suddenly greeted by a hooded figure wearing a silver mask…The figure simply chuckles and claps their hands.

This is the same dude from “The Savior of Griffonstone”. They have hands so they’re not a pony.

She realizes that the other her is actually her clone, Regina, who was the Madame all along.

Rarity’s clone Regina is the Madame!

Rarity looks and realizes that she’s pregnant.

How the heck did that happen?!

the Doctor takes a closer look and realizes that the infant with Regina is none other than a newborn Matilda, the daughter of Rarity and Big Mac.

I knew it! I knew Matilda was Rarity’s daughter! I think I recall half-jokingly suggesting Big Mac was the father, but I didn’t actually expect that to be the case.

So basically, "The Mysterious Mare" and "The Impossible Child" are a Doctor Whooves version of "A Good Man Goes to War". My question though is why did whoever came up with this plan decide to conceive a child by Rarity and Big Mac. What makes this pairing so special? And who is this new master of Regina the Rarity clone anyway? Perhaps the third arc will answer these questions.

Though these are mere summaries of what could have been, they remain quite exciting. I actually can't wait to see what's next.

So it was Trixie who wrote those books mentioned early in Season 1.

It was revealed to be Trixie back then during those early episodes. Though I can't fault you for not remembering that detail since it's been about five years since I wrote those episodes.

I know Jefferson is the Mad Hatter from Once Upon A Time. I wonder though. Does the hat make him become a pony in Equestria, or is it something else?

This is supposed to be an alternate Jefferson from the canon one. Things get crazy when you get involved with the multiverse. As it's implied, he has an established relationship with Matilda and Missy. How they got to know each other (as well as how Matilda and Missy became a team of sorts) will be explained in future arcs as well.

“The Good Clone” sounds like it would have been an awesome story. It’s like a sort of Whovian spin on My Little Dashie. I could practically feel my heart exploding just reading this summary.

That's pretty much what I was thinking when I thought up the episode. Doctor Who meets My Little Dashie; with all the feels that come with that.

How the heck did that happen?!

It's probably best not to think too much about how the Madame/Regina went about impregnating Rarity. I've already written one clopfic and I'm not venturing down that dark road ever again.

My question though is why did whoever came up with this plan decide to conceive a child by Rarity and Big Mac. What makes this pairing so special? And who is this new master of Regina the Rarity clone anyway? Perhaps the third arc will answer these questions.

Both questions will be answered during the third arc. Though, just for a quick hint, the reason behind why Rarity and Big Mac were chosen may not be what you might be expecting. But the reason is certainly fitting of the mastermind behind it. Also, in case it wasn't clear, this is pretty much the end of the Madame's story. The Madame we saw during Arc 1 was a future version of her, thus the events of Arc 1 are set after the events of Arc 2 from her perspective. But, don't worry, how Regina became the Madame between the events of the Season 1 finale and Season 2, Arc 2 will be explained.

Though these are mere summaries of what could have been, they remain quite exciting. I actually can't wait to see what's next.

I'm glad that you're enjoying these and I like reading your thoughts about these summaries.

I found your stories years ago on fanfiction.net when I was in middle school. I was huge into Doctor Who (and still am). Recently found them here and re-read them. These were the stories that first got me legitimately interested in the word of fanfiction stories as something other than a passing interest. I wouldn't be involved here in the MLP community if it wasn't for that, so I thank you. Reading trough these blogs on what could have been, I'm impressed with the depth of your ambition, and I appreciate that you didn't leave us in the dark as to this stuff where most writers would've. So again, I thank you.

I'm so happy you enjoyed my stories so much! A part of me still wishes that I had been able to write all of this out but I think I'm happier moving on to focus on my original writings. It definitely took me longer than I should have to finish up these thoughts about my Doctor Whooves plans but I'm glad I was able to explain all of them so people like you could get some closure with this series of mine. :D

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