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Keystone Gray

I am your one-stop-shop for all things merrily melancholy.

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Heaven's Not Enough kinda-sorta sequel is done. · 7:36pm Sep 19th, 2018

It's finally finished. Release schedule is one chapter a day until all ten are out.

[Timberwolves: Guardians of the Everfree]

This is more or less the ideal shard for Apex, but I've taken some liberties and broken away from the FiO universe entirely. This was a conscious decision made to preserve my sanity, as I hit a writer's block with the very first chapter of HNE2 and must have written over 50k+ words in revisions. So I let the story go, as suggested by Cold in Gardez (thank you), and it has been so freeing. I'm glad to be out from under the FiO rules in my writing process.

A few things of note here:

  • Worldbuilding. Lots and lots of worldbuilding. Too much worldbuilding.
  • A constructed language. I can even speak it pretty decently, too.
  • I felt the deer from the IDW comics deserved some love, so I gave them a ton.

Unlike HNE2, I don't regret a second of this project. At every stage, from writing little notes in my memopad at work to sitting in the college quad editing and posting chapters, it's been a moving experience for me. So I'd love it if you checked it out! Thank you to everyone, especially to those of you who have provided your support and advice. Until next time, stay awesome.

Comments ( 2 )

Hey, I just noticed this new story! Guess I have something to read today, and some updates to look forward to!

Glad to see more work from you, KG.


I'm glad you're glad! I haven't been idle in all of this time, thankfully. Between my schooling, studying, and work, I've found juuuust enough time to write. It hasn't been easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.

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