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Kaiju Profile: Giranbo · 3:52am Nov 1st, 2019

"Dreams are wasted on the young, it's best they be harvested before they spoil with age."

Title: The Halloween Horror
Alias: The Witch, The Child Eater, "That Rotten Old Hag" (Major Akira Yuki)
Species: Extra dimensional Entity, possibly archdemon
Human/Pony Form: Slightly above average for an adult female of a typical human or mare
Kaiju Form: 3-100 meters
Human/Pony: Average weight for and adult woman/mare
Kaiju Form: 59,000 tons
Residence: The Dream Graveyard, an alternate dimension over which she holds dominion. The domain was likely once a part of Zenith or a similar realm.
Faction: None
Morality: Wicked witch is an accurate descriptor for Giranbo. She is a being with no empathy for anything but herself and a sadistic temperament. She views dreams as wasted on the young and thus only suitable for her own consumption, while finding the dreams of adults soured and spoiled by the trials of life. As such, she preys exclusively on young children. While capable of pretending to be a sweet, kindly old woman, it is merely a mask to hide the true monster beneath it in a twisted inversion of what a Halloween or Nightmare Night mask normally represents. She is notably sadistic and takes pleasure in the damage she causes, even as she abducts an entire town's child population to be her feast, and is an unrepentant mass murderer.

While she finds the dreams of adults unappealing, it should be noted they are far from safe from her. Any adult who learns too much of her plans or accidentally ingests her tainted candy and comes to her lair are disposed of, often being forced to watch her consume the dreams of her favored prey before being killed in all manner of sadistic ways. 

Witch Form: Pale, sickly skin or fur, full body black 'classic witch' attire complete with hat. While she wears an old hag's witch mask, the face beneath differs very little implying the mask is merely for blending in. Casts no reflection. Her species often matches those around her. On Terra this would be human. In Equestria, she often takes the form of a unicorn, likely to use her magic without much special notice.

True form: A bizarre orange skinned humanoid creature with a singular blue eye composing most of her head, otherwise lacking a discernible face, a dull purple underbelly and skin covering a large portion of her body. Possesses strange 'antlers' on her bone white head, pointed feet akin to a witch's or jester's boots, and a medium length, pointed tail. While her left hand is human-like in structure, her right hand is replaced with a bladed spike.

Physical Prowess:

- Speed: Giranbo is deceptively fast, capable of outrunning an athletic adult in her disguised form even while carrying her heavy cart. This carries over into her monster form, only scaled up. In short bursts, she can even move fast enough to leave a motion blur.

- Agility: Giranbo is deceptively agile and very capable of out maneuvering opponents. Notably, she's capable of bending over backwards at the knees while standing and returning to her standing position without touching the ground in order to avoid attacks. 

-Durability: Giranbo is more durable than one might think, either from her wiry frame when in her true form or the aged, withered looking visage she typically sports when masquerading as a human or pony. The 1996 incident recorded her human form resisted fully automatic gunfire more than enough to kill a normal human fifteen times over, with minimal damage.

-Endurance: Giranbo is not exceptional in terms of kaiju in regards to stamina, however she does have an exceptionally high pain tolerance. The witch has in the past shrugged off grievous injuries including complete loss of a limb while continuing prolonged combat.


Shapeshifting: Giranbo is capable of changing form at will, often assuming the form of a witch or witch equivalent in the native culture she infiltrates. But this can be used in active combat as well, giving Giranbo the full capabilities of whatever she copies. If she were to emulate the form of a vampire, she would gain the ability of mind controlling glares and sharpened fangs. Changing into another kaiju also grants her duplicate physical abilities, though she may not be able to always match sheer power output of a specialist.

Size Shifting: Giranbo is capable of changing size at will with a maximum height of 100 meters in a manner akin to an Ultra, at which she is in her true form. However while she can grow larger, this doesn’t increase her mass. A 150 meter tall Giranbo would have an identical weight to a 100 meter tall state and actions like growing wings to shape shift would mean sacrificing mass elsewhere.

Teleportation: Giranbo is capable of rapid fire teleportation akin to Gigan or Zetton. This teleportation is magical in nature and seemingly has no limit other than she cannot teleport within solid objects she can’t fit inside, and teleporting while someone is holding onto her moves both of them.

Clones: Giranbo can create multiple clones of herself. While only one is the true Giranbo, these clones are entirely physical and as physically powerful as the true one. However, they will dissipate if struck and thus are mainly used to confuse opponents or dogpile opponents given they do not have her innate durability. The real danger is the fact Giranbo can easily make half a dozen or more replicas, and the copies can themselves self-replicate.

Highly Adept Magic User: Giranbo is hundreds of thousands of years old at a bare minimum and been around on Terra since magic's golden age. As such, she is extremely adept at Terran magic and likely one of Mothra's few rivals in terms of magical skill, though isn't as powerful in terms of sheer magical prowess. Has become skilled in Equestrian magic as well. In her true form, she typically fires her various spells from her singular 'eye'. This also permits her to fly on a broomstick. This magic is often used to capture her prey by putting mind control hexes on candy or other treats and handing them out to the town's children, which she later activates to bring them to her. This magical ability is greatly increased on Equus, where mana in abundant.

Dimensional Travel: Giranbo is capable of travelling between the Dream Graveyard and alternate universes such as Terra and Equestria at will. The portal to her domain normally manifests as a pumpkin that rapidly becomes a giant Jack-O-Lantern in preparation for her departure. The mouth of the Jack-O-Lantern becomes the gateway to her realm.

Dream Consumption: Giranbo is capable of devouring the dreams of sapient creatures for substance and power.  She can consume dreams or nightmares, but prefers to start with the former. While preferring children, Giranbo can consume the dreams of adults, she merely finds them unappetizing.

Soul Consumption: Giranbo is capable of consuming the souls of sapient creatures, trapping them inside her body where she may feed off their dreams and nightmares for eternity. Notably, she can do this while her victim is still alive without needing to kill them. The end result of this consumption is the victim being reduced to an empty, emotionless shell with pale white skin and sunken eyes. Giranbo can do this to any victim she’s overpowered, but prefers children as their innocent and primed dreams means they are ‘sweeter’.

Martial Arts Prowess: While nowhere near the level of X, Giranbo is a deceptively good hand to hand combatant. Rather than brawling and mauling her foes, she prefers to fight via rapid strikes, slashes, stabbing with her arm blade, and kicks. Augmenting this, Giranbo has a bladed horn-like structure along her left forearm and a pronounced blade in place of her right hand. 

Weakness: Giranbo's strength and durability are not exceptionally notable among kaiju. While not physically frail and weak, this means she can be easily overpowered by stronger opponents and can't afford to take many hits from them. While having many ways to outmaneuver, beguile, and attack foes, if she is caught or cornered by a foe with a physical advantage, she is in serious trouble. 

Additionally, while she can teleport while grasping comparatively smaller objects; such as children in her mortal sized form and up to small buildings in her kaiju scaled true form, she cannot teleport away if something of roughly equal or greater mass has grabbed onto her. Her teleportation also only works on whole objects, meaning she cannot attempt to use it to grab and port away parts of a foe.

Her ability to consume souls is dependant on her victim being substantially weaker than herself, either naturally or via being badly wounded or weakened by other means. It is also far more difficult to steal the souls of someone who is fully conscious and aware, and thus she prefers to drug and mind control her victims before doing so for easy consumption. As a result, if done in battle it is typically only done as a finishing move on an already severely wounded and weakened enemy.


The origins of Giranbo are largely unknown, but wherever throughout history a holiday similar to Halloween was being held, she was there. Giranbo is believed to be Pre-Toba Era in age, and while appearing as a 'classic witch', it is far more likely the stereotypical image of a witch was in fact inspired by her instead. Tales throughout history speak of a monster who appears in a town and bewitches the children to follow her, never to be seen again. In truth, they are taken to her domain of the Dream Graveyard where she devours their souls to feed on their dreams and nightmares, then callously throws the husk away to wither and die in her graveyard. It is theorized that Giranbo may be fae or demonic in nature by the GDF, but it is just as likely she's something else entirely. Regardless, it is theorized she's directly responsible for thousands if not millions of deaths, most of whom are children.

In 1996, Giranbo appeared in a small town in Japan, where she drew the attention of G-Force due to the magnetic disturbance caused by her travel to this dimension. As she began to target the town's children, she would also capture and murder several G-Force operatives who discovered her. Thankfully, as she gathered her victims, Mothra's twin heralds would arrive on the scene and distract her with their magic long enough for G-Force to arrive and prevent most of the children from entering her lair. Enraged, Giranbo would assume her true form, forcing the fairies to summon Mothra, the same individual who fought Godzilla Senior alongside Battra several years prior and had recently returned to Terra from her space voyage. This was right before she mothered Mothra Lea.

The Guardian Moth who would engage the witch-like creature in battle before G-Force reinforcements would arrive and began laying down support fire on the child-eating monster, giving Mothra enough time to gain the upperhand. However, before Giranbo could be destroyed, she would open fire on the nearby children being evacuated by G-Force with a magical blast, forcing Mothra to disengage to shield them. Giranbo would take advantage of the diversion to retreat to her lair and escape, taking several children and G-Force soldiers who had entered to rescue them with her, never to be seen again.

While Giranbo ceased appearing on Terra, likely to lick her wounds, years later a Jack-O-Lantern appeared outside of Ponyville...

Comments ( 7 )

do we have a new nightmare night special coming?
i think we do~
will it be in any way comparable to last year's?

Oh, are things getting Spoopy?


She's an Ulraman kaiju!

So, she's basically Kaiju!Pennywise?

Comment posted by Julian the Dreamer deleted Nov 4th, 2019

Not surprised, to be honest. The Ultra Series houses hundreds of kaiju, many of them unique.

Ultraman tiga episode 8 Halloween night
Fitting actually for nightmare night

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