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-GM, master of... ( Discord | Patreon )

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Future plans, Christmas vacation, money, etc. · 3:56pm Dec 13th, 2019

Christmas vacation has begun, and with it, a large quantity of free time for me to DO stuff. Even though I told myself I would relax, I do have a bunch of projects that need at least some working on. So... guess I'll consider this an update post and general review of what's gonna happen this December, and a review in what's going on.

First, I figure I might as well talk about the aftermath of {S} 130 here. Reception was mixed, but that's not what I'm talking about here. I mean all that money I raised for it. All direct donations were used fully in the making of the video, but all those extra commissions I took, stuff like that? I've still got a lot of excess from that. What am I gonna do with that?

Well, a relatively small amount will be going toward Chapter 157, the ending of SotS. No, it won't be a special effects extravaganza with important plot points. Heck, you could probably end the story on 156, it's just a sort of sweet closure thing. I won't say any more about it.

But that won't be as expensive. So what do I do with the rest? Well... I'm planning on going to Everfree Northwest this August! Emphasis on PLANNING. Nothing is set in stone just yet, in no small part because there's several friends I want to go with and they may or may not be able to come.

Also there's my complete lack of knowledge about conventions in the first place, that could be an obstacle. I might do something stupid and realize 'welp, actually can't go, whoops.' But that doesn't change the fact that I WANT to go and am currently planning around it. If anyone's got any tips, that'd be helpful. I know nothing about how this works.

ANYWAY, other things for December.

I will be writing the last bits of Songs of the Spheres: Journey. The survey is complete and I have accepted... SOME of the answers. This has the most priority out of everything I work on (though I'll be writing an LSB chapter first). A sketchy outline exists in my head of a few plot points. Having learned my lesson from 127, it's likely Journey will release in smaller sections over the course of a week instead of all at once on one day. But that's in march.

Speaking of LSB, Siren Song only has two chapters left and after that I have no more buffer. I've got four/five fics lined up for new chapters, I just gotta WRITE the stupid things.

I'm also working on the Infinity Train role-play-by-post thing, but that's minimal management on my part.

The Eternal Problem will be worked on whenever I have whims or extra time. As it will always be.

Sea of Stars is totally-not-written-by-me and I totally-won't-be-working-on-it-with-intentions-to-get-it-done. Ahem.

I also have a few smaller things. I need to write a script for the Fan Episode Project and I need to finish my submission for BINGO. (There will be Zebras.) This seems like a somewhat large checklist. It is. But hey, that's what checklists are for, right?

I also have intentions to re-arrange my profile page, which I probably will do very soon.

Man, I'm sure relaxing this break, arent I?

-GM, master of porridge.

Comments ( 2 )

A few convention notes:

Budgeting: Remember that you need to account for travel and lodgings in addition to the price of admission, and maybe save something for the vendor hall. Reserve it as much in advance as you can if the only thing stopping you is unforseen disaster; it may not be available at the last minute. And if you're traveling by air, be sure to review the latest TSA madness.

The 6-2-1 Rule: Be sure to get at least six hours of sleep, two meals, and one shower every day of the con. It can be all too easy to have so much fun you forget to maintain the meat body.

Plan Well, but not Perfect: There will be all kinds of panels and workshops at the con. Look at the schedule a day or two in advance to pick out your favorites, but remember that it's not the be-all end-all. Hanging out with friends is a big part of the experience too!

The Frizzle Principle: Take chances! Get messy! Make mistakes! You'll be among friends and the forgiving. (And if you're not sure about something, feel free to ask at some point between now and then.)

Hope to see you there!

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