• Member Since 26th May, 2020
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2020

Dabria Alicornae

"The Sun offers burning light, while the Moon offers gentle rays. The Sun offers lies, while the Moon offers truth. The Sun ignores the needy, but the Moon raises thee up." Dabria Alicornae

More Blog Posts4

  • 210 weeks
    Some Stuff I Need to Say

    I unpublished my "The Dark Side of the Moon" because I found an editor (Whisper Quill) and I want the entire story edited, not just the upcoming ones.

    Also, The Sound of Loneliness said my latest chapter was a raw script, so I gotta fix that. I feel honoured that the author I look up to is reading my stories :D. No offense to other authors...

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    6 comments · 173 views
  • 210 weeks
    Compiling the chapters

    Well, I noticed that my chapters are really short and as the title says, I am compiling it.

    0 comments · 132 views
  • 210 weeks
    Read "Imperial Affairs"!

    Yes, the author allows readers to promote the story.


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    1 comments · 155 views
  • 210 weeks
    If anyone reads my fanfics...

    If anyone reads my fanfics I just wanted to tell you that I don't have a consistent schedule. I have Wattpad stories that are more well known and I will probably be spending more time time there. Sooo, yep. I will try my best to balance my stories out and thanks for bothering to read my works!

    - Dabria Alicornae

    0 comments · 165 views

Some Stuff I Need to Say · 9:25am Jun 2nd, 2020

I unpublished my "The Dark Side of the Moon" because I found an editor (Whisper Quill) and I want the entire story edited, not just the upcoming ones.

Also, The Sound of Loneliness said my latest chapter was a raw script, so I gotta fix that. I feel honoured that the author I look up to is reading my stories :D. No offense to other authors...

Then I have fanfics on Wattpad to work on too. (though they are "go-with-my-gut" stuff) And for my readers from Wattpad that used the link from my post to here thanks for reading my FimFiction.

And school is starting soon so I won't be able to post as much. Which is why I'm cramming up my schedule to be able to write as many chapters as possible.

Comments ( 6 )

It's not just the chapter, it's your entire work that is script. You see, a story is not just "This happens, this person says that." This is what a script is. Essentially, is was your written "schematic" for your future story, it is not a wholesome work. It is a necessary part of the writing process, but it is merely the start.

Sadly, explaining what would the end result be in plain language is next to impossible. Because a language of words is a very limited thing, it is good for explaining things that you can touch and see, but not so much for more ephemeral matters. You can try and describe "Yellow" if you want to experience what I mean.
And yet this is exactly the kind of thing that we do here. We describe very ethereal and intangible concepts. Each and every story is a very elaborate and... non-direct way of describing a concept. Art is a language that allows you not only to say what you mean, but to demonstrate it. If your story is about love, you can make your reader to feel what love means, even if in a form of a distant echo. If your story is about sorrow, you can make your reader grieve. If your story is about joy and happiness, you can make it so your readers will feel just that when reading you.
Achieving this requires not only considerable skill in writing itself but also wast experience of life to draw from. You need to know what you are writing about.

I understand that all of this might not put very clear what is it you need to do, but I fear no one can spell it for you. Art is a thing of your very being, no one but you can know what your art should look like. This is something you have to deduce on your own by carefully considering what and, more importantly, why you are doing.

Since you are so found of my own work, perhaps it would prove beneficial to dissect it.
First, I need to tell you a bit about myself, because each and every work of art describes its author more than anything else. I come from a very... unhinged part of the world. Being born in a country of third world means to be born into struggle, starvation, war and crime always were present in my life in one way or another. As a bonus, I was born into a family of a war veteran and a very hard one at that. From my very first conscious second, I knew that my life is not going to be easy in any way and my father made very sure I knew exactly how this life is going to feel. I learned what pain is at a very early age.
As years went by I found myself increasingly more isolated from my peers, nobody wanted to associate with a kid that only knew how to take care of themselves and didn't care about anyone else. I never had any friends, apart from necessary alliances against other kids, but that gave me a lot of time to watch other people and find out what makes them tick, I've been doing it for 16 years of my life up to this point.
As I became older, I also found an increasing interest in political and military ways. My hunter-killer mentality made it only natural. I never wanted to ruler over anything, or to order people around, my interest was purely pragmatically. You see, politics and war are two things that everyone takes part in, there is no way of escaping them. If someone's official says something inappropriate, then their entire nation bears responsibility for that, regardless of whether they voted for the said person or not. War is even more so, because wars are not natural disasters or some punishment that a god sent to us. War only means that someone was irresponsible, usually a whole nation or even more than just one. I lived to witness this theory to be correct with my very own eyes when war began in my very own country.

With all of this and also my training in philological and literary sciences, I got to work in delivering my message.
My story is about many things, but chiefly it is about tyranny, something I know from experience. I aimed to build the most perfect tyranny I could imagine - the tyranny that is so subtle that the very people living under it do not even know that they are being oppressed. My Nightmare Moon is not insane, like they portray her in the show. She is cold-blooded, calculating, methodical and patient. She takes time watching both her allies and enemies, she dissects them in her mind as if they were frogs in a biology class. Then, she puts her shackles on them all without them even noticing it and if they do notice, they know that it is already too late to resist. Nightmare Moon is a spider in her web, she built a system designed to grant her perfect control over all her subjects, whether they will it or not.
But, tyrants are also humans, or ponies. Nightmare Moon is a person, she isn't a robot made only to oppress. She has her own goals, she has dreams and hopes, she has fears and she has weaknesses. What Nightmare Moon wants is for the world to acknowledge her greatness, and she gets this. There is no one in existence that would question her right to rule, yet, she quickly discovers that this is not, in fact, what she wants. In fact, she doesn't even care about it in the later chapters.
Bewilderingly for herself, Nightmare Moon suddenly discovers just how much better it is to be loved than feared. Luna, together with others, unknowingly shows her how miserable she is, causing her so much suffering that she would gladly give away what she worked over a thousand years to achieve. It hurts her so much that she falls down to her knees before Celestia, who was in her complete mercy just a second ago, and begs the Sun Princess to show her a way out of the world of pain she suddenly found herself in.

This is what my story is about, everything else is only there for context.

Warning: This might sound rude or mad, but I don't mean it to be

thanks for the advice again!
Hmm.. I'm sorry but I'm taking a stand against your belief that war is not a punishment from a god. Well in my religion war is either punishment or challenge, don't get me wrong, I'm not insulting or saying you did anything bad but...

This so complicated for a 5th grader to explain so I apologize for any misunderstanding or stuff that are poorly explained.

It is because I experienced actual stuff from God, I have seen it with my own eyes. As I said before, I am only Grade 5 and now due to my awful brain I don't know how to explain.

I'm sorry about your past... My brain is traumatized even by just thinking about it but I believe you're a strong person for surviving (mentally and
physically) that for 16 years. I really don't know what else to say..

And why do I write?

I write to get my mind off of life. To escape reality. I write to share what I like. I write to forget my problems and stresses for a moment.

I mean no offense but, trying to write seriously has been, forgive my language, hell. It's only been a day or so but I'm on summer vacation and trying to finish as much chapters as possible so yea. I don't know how to write without a hidden meaning that I didn't purposely put. I don't even know what "flesh out story" means! I tried to find it fun to write seriously but my brain refuses to cooperate. I wanted to write to get rid of stress, not cause more of it.

Right now I am not sure whether to quit writing FimFiction until I better understand on how to write or keep doing it. I mean, I have Wattpad that is more well known and doesn't require this. And people are happy and content with what it is based off on votes and comments. I plan to level up my writing slowly, at my own pace which is one of the advantages of homeschooling my mother says. Before any misunderstandings I mean that nevermind, idk how to ecplain soo..
for example: you're good at English and can finish it fast, so you finish it early but you're bad at History so you use the extra time you earned from English to study it better.

That's what I'm trying to do. In my Wattpad acc after I learn something new I correct my stories. If I continue to try and do my FimFiction I am cramming my school, chores, etc. to get time to reasearch and write, or even just forced wriiting will not end good.

So after my editor points out mistakes etc. from what I have currently written I will take a break.

As I have said in the start, this may have sounded rude but I don't mean to. My dad says it's 1 of my problems that I haven't fixed.

Bye for now!
-Dabria Alicornae

No offence is taken.
First, about this religious thing of yours. I have to be bunt here, I am not the person you want to talk religion with. Whatever god you believe in, has a lot to answer for both to me personally and to everyone else, I know around here. Your god punished me fro being born at the wrong place at a wrong time. I spent 10 years of my life thinking about the matter of religion and I came to a conclusion that is best for everyone: I do not believe in any gods. Whether a god exists or not changes very little either way.

Second, I am only giving you advice on how it should be handled. I understand that you may find my way of doing things hard, I was your age too at one point. But what I was telling you about, is merely the attitude. If you treat the art you are making with proper respect, everything else will come on its own accord, at its own time. You know, I've been studying literature for longer than I've been studying your language. I've been reading since my early childhood and it only came to me what it was all about when I was 20 years old. I was never the kind of kid to simply read for, as you put it 'fun.' To me, books were a source of wisdom that needed to be unlocked. After many years of careful consideration, it would seem that I finally did understand. If you continue on this way, you may do just that as well. Keep practising and never seize dwelling on what you are doing, you'll get there one day. Believe it or not, you already have a large advantage over me. I am not a native English user, this makes so much difference that I need to heavily relly upon Epona's services. Without her, it is admittedly of poor quality.

Comment posted by Dabria Alicornae deleted Jun 4th, 2020

Oh thanks for advice again!

And I said punishment or challenge and now i'll be quiet about religion.

Okie dokie, i'll try what you said.

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