• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2015
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Perfectly Insane

I've been writing for, like, 8 years, and I still don't know what I'm doing. https://ko-fi.com/perfectlyinsane

More Blog Posts27

  • 5 weeks
    ADSC fan chapters :D

    Yahallo! So, recently I deleted my side stories for adsc. Not because I wanted to stop them, but actually because I didn't write as many side stories as I thought I would and couldn't justify having one. Instead, I've decided to open up the fic for fan made side stories! What this means is that fans can submit chapters that will be marked as side stories, and they can be pretty much anything!

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  • 16 weeks
    dedicated illustrator.

    Hello! So, for my main fic, I have a few goals for it in mind, that being to have a reading of it, to reach 1m words, and to have 1k upvotes. All of which I am fairly confident I can reach at some point if I keep writing the way I am. I also currently have three dedicated prereaders/editors who have done invaluable help and work in making the fic what it is. One of the last things I'd like for

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  • 17 weeks

    Hello! I wanted to say that I got more than enough to pay my tuition and be able to feed myself, and I've thanked each and every individual I could whos been generous enough to provide. Once again, thank all of you for getting me through these hard times. I'll actually afford to graduate now. It means so much to me. :)

    4 comments · 112 views
  • 42 weeks
    ADSC art archive.

    Yahallo! This blog will serve the purpose of archiving every piece of art I have/get for my main fic, whether fanart or paid for. Some will be spoilers, others are just cute. As art tends to be.

    Piece one: The current cover art, done by the lovely Zettai

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  • 69 weeks
    300 updoots! :D

    Hello! Main fic just hit 300 upvotes, which makes me really happy considering it only has 16 downvotes along with making it my second most upvoted fic. It'll take roughly another hundred to become my most upvoted, but even so that's still much more than I expected it'd ever get. In celebration, I threw some shekels at someone to illustrate one of my favorite scenes (so far).

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My Writing Process. · 6:39am Jul 28th, 2020

So, after getting two stories featured at once, a goal I thought I would never achieve, I thought that I should describe a bit on how my writing process works. As a writer, I am incredibly inconsistent, and I have tried to fix this multiple times, nothing works. I've tried setting deadlines, and that only causes me to rush things out and cause a significant drop in quality. I've tried focusing on one story at a time, and while that works for a long time, I've realized that I need to take a break from a story every now and again, which is partly why I have so many stories that never get finished.

A lot of my stories are passion projects, a story where I get the idea to write it from a TV show I'm watching, a fanfic I read, or just a random spurt of inspiration and a whim. Now, I never write a story if I don't at least have a rough idea of what I want to do with it, that doesn't mean I will finish it. My most recent story, The Equestrian Reaper, for example, was a story I wrote after reading Seeing The Pattern, and I did not expect that to be as well liked as it ended up being. While I will likely upload a few more chapters for it, I highly doubt it will be finished. My story Frenefits is in the same category.

The reason for this is quite simple. I have a main series of fanfiction which is my Men And Monsters series. I am extremely passionate about it for a variety of reasons, and I wish it got more attention. It start's off at poor quality of writing, but improves drastically as it goes and eventually is at the same level of quality as some of my recent stories, so I don't think the writing is the problem. I'm sure it's simply the premise that people don't like, and that isn't something I can blame. While it is going to be a long one and it will be a while before it ends, I am determined to see it through. But I've learned if I focus on it too long, I'm basically forcing myself to write it, which is bad. When this happens, I take a short break from it and start writing something else. Either adding chapters to stories I haven't updated in a while, making sequels to one shots, or straight up starting new stories.

I want to apologize for this, I have started many fanfictions people like that I know I won't finish. It is simply how I am as a writer. I don't write for fame, I really don't. I write because I love creating things and I love seeing people enjoy the things I created, and want to improve as a writer. Hopefully by the time Men And Monsters is finished, it'll become at least a story series I can be proud of. When it is finished, I intend to go back and finish the stories I want to, and cancel the ones I either don't want to, or don't think they will end well.

For those of you that have been reading my Men and Monsters series since the beginning and still are, I thank you and hope you will stay with me until the end. For those that have read a few of my other series, while there isn't a single story I've written that I didn't like to write, none am I as passionate about as my main one. I intend to continue improving as a writer until I can consistently create things people enjoy to read, that has been and will likely always be my goal.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you remain patient with me and my inconsistency as a writer.

Comments ( 1 )


You and I seem very, very similar!

I too start multiple stories to keep myself from burning out. I am currently writing three stories at the moment. It's the perfect balance between having enough variety to keep myself from burning out, and to be able to manage it all.

I havent looked at your main series yet. Though, i'll definitely have to soon, and i'll definitely leave some reviews for you.

I get that it can get bothersome, that something you worked hard on and your passionate about isnt getting the recognition it should. But, think of it this way.

Somebody out there is really passionate about those stories. So, whether or not 100 people like it, theres atleast one person that is eagerly waiting for the next story or chapter. Without your creativity, that person might just be another bored soul on this website.

I would say that if you are having trouble finishing stories, ask for idea's from other writers. Possibly make a small group of people that are able to help the writing process for the stories your unable to focus on completely. You then take those idea's and write them out. Obviously, crediting the person.

Its quite complicated. But, i'd say its worth it.

Nothing bothers a reader more than an unfinished story. They're willing to wait a long time if they're passionate enough, but eventually they'll become angry! But, the few chapters ive read of some of your stories are amazing, so whether or not it becomes finished, they'll be happy to have gotten what they have.

It's quite funny. I discoveted your Frenefits story to be intriguing when it got on the featured page. I never imagine that you'd follow me. It's kind of exciting!

Yell for my name if you need anything. An editor, a review, or a second opinion on something. I'm always here to help anyone who wants it.

As always,

Praise the Sun! It is the one light that will never dim.

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