Silver Spoon 691 members · 489 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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Sound of heavy rainfall.

SLOW FADE IN to exterior night-time shot overlooking Ponyville, with the Ponyville clock tower very near in the foreground.

Powerful flash of lightning accompanied by thunder reveals the silhouette of two things: a filly standing on the roof of the clock tower, and an oversized spoon, at least four times her body length, floating impossibly next to her.


Mysterious orchestral music.

CUT to interior shot of Snips and Snails ransacking a store, sweeping bottles off shelves into waiting saddlebags.

CUT to interior shot of Ponyville Spa, zooming in on a tearful, terrified-looking Aloe.

CUT to exterior shot of several baton-wielding police ponies leaping into action from a carriage.


Music stops.

DIAMOND TIARA (voiceover): So, what, you're a superhero, now?

CUT to front shot of Silver Spoon sitting inside a milkshake parlor. She isn't wearing her usual glasses or necklace, and her mane is untied and loose. A large chocolate milkshake in a tall crystal glass is on the table in front of her.

SILVER SPOON: It's kind of a long story.

Sudden burst into faster, more exciting orchestral music.

CUT to long, exterior panning shot of Silver Spoon in controlled flight through the sky over Ponyville on an oversized spoon. As well as lacking her glasses and mane braid, she's also wearing a white bodysuit to which braces of kitchen spoons are attached.

SILVER SPOON (voiceover): I am the Silver Spooner. Hero of Ponyville.

FADE to interior shot of Silver Spoon in same costume in the Ponyville Spa. She whirls gracefully in mid-air and flings a kitchen spoon toward the camera.

SILVER SPOON (voiceover): I fight for truth, justice, and the Equestrian way.

CUT to a shot of an dishevelled, irate-looked Diamond Tiara.

DIAMOND TIARA: You threw spoons at me!

FADE to interior wide shot of Ponyville School classroom, with several fillies and colts at their desks. Silver Spoon is near the front, looking wistful and paying no attention. Behind her, Sweetie Belle is looking at her with deep suspicion.

SILVER SPOON (voiceover): No pony knows. No pony can ever know.

FADE to exterior shot overlooking Ponyville, dissolving from daytime to night-time.

SILVER SPOON (voiceover): My goal: to purge the city of crime.

Music becomes faster-paced. A montage of several rapid CUTS begins:

Brief slow-motion interior shot of a horrified Snips dropping several looted bottles of shampoo.

Front exterior shot of costumed Silver Spoon hopping fearlessly onto her flying spoon from the clock tower roof, while rain is pouring down around her.

Music begins to swell ominously toward a crescendo.

Interior shot of Carousel Boutique bedroom, lit only by dim moonlight. Rarity is pelting a variety of large gemstones at an unseen intruder.

RARITY: Get out of my home, you fashion monstrosity!

Exterior shot of Diamond Tiara and costumed Silver Spoon rolling through the dirt on a Ponyville street, fighting each other.

DIAMOND TIARA (voiceover): 'The Silver Spooner'? Are you kidding me? Does your mom know that you steal all her spoons and go out dressed like a total freak?

Low angle underwater shot from inside a cauldron. Silver Spoon's face is visible through the water's surface, screaming in anguish.

SILVER SPOON: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Side-on exterior night-time tracking shot of costumed Silver Spoon flying through clouds.

SILVER SPOON'S MOM (voiceover): If you lose any more spoons, I'm taking it out of your allowance.

Music reaches a crescendo and stops.

CUT to front close-up on Silver Spoon's face, looking defiant.

SILVER SPOON: If that's the price of justice... it's worth every bit.

Inception-style noise.

The Silver Spooner was conceived by Bootsy Slickmane and further developed by Mattricole and Samey90.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor


With a special appearance by Captain Equestria, halfway through the end credits.

4160525 CUT to bonus scene of Diamond Tiara over the camera as she raises a hoof to bring down into the camera.

Suddenly starts to bring hoof down hard.


Coming to Magiplex Theaters Near You. April, 1007.

Get Spooned.


Seriously though, wow. I'd pitch in to help pay for such an incredible animated trailer like that. Bravo Hawthorn. That was simply incredible. You even took a quote out of one of my biggest comments on that story which by itself just expresses exactly how I felt about it. Great job.

4160525 [Insert The Spoony Experiment intro song here]

Holy balls, that was awesome!

Group Admin


Coming to Magiplex Theaters Near You. April, 1007.
Get Spooned.


Group Admin


Seriously though, wow. I'd pitch in to help pay for such an incredible animated trailer like that.

Aw, thanks. ^.^ I adore trailers, as you can probably tell. The drama! The intensity! The bwaaaaaaaaaaaahs!

Group Admin

4161057 - Thanks! Looking forward to more from the Spoonerverse, if there is any!

Although please don't make "holy balls!" one of Silver Spooner's catchphrases. ^^

Group Admin

4160644 - although I've seen a bit of Noah Antwiler in other TGWTG shows, I don't think I've ever watched The Spoony Experiment :)

4160525 I want to animate this so badly, but I cannot, for the idea is not mine.

awesome idea, by the way, is it being produced?


Although please don't make "holy balls!" one of Silver Spooner's catchphrases. ^^

Nah, that'd be more like, "Spoon me sideways, that was awesome!"

Group Admin

4161327 - The Silver Spooner is a story series, currently up to two stories. There are no plans for an animation.

OMG, this made me laugh. xD

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